Desolate Hearts

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Desolate Hearts Page 31

by Robin Roughley


  Lasser was standing at the cottage door when he saw the flash of blue light streaming out through the trees. Beth and Kath were sat at the kitchen table, their faces torn with horror as they whispered back and forth, the dog sat between them, head tilted as if trying to eavesdrop on the muted conversation.

  'I don't even know your name?' Kath asked, looking up at him.

  Lasser turned to face them, his shoulders still slumped. 'Lasser,' he said as the sound of a siren split the air.

  Beth rose from her chair and walked towards him, when she was three feet away she stopped. 'If you hadn't turned up he would have killed me.'

  Lasser made no effort to reply.

  'Before you arrived, he'd told me what he was going to do to the both of us and…'

  'Why did he target the Deans?' Lasser interrupted.

  'Davy thought we were having an affair, I tried to tell him it wasn't true, but he wouldn't listen,' she paused and swallowed, 'he said he'd killed Carmen.'

  'She's alive, at least she was the last time I heard.'

  Beth raised her gaze to look at Lasser. 'He said he'd killed the others.'

  'Did he say why?'

  Beth shook her head before averting her eyes.

  The sound of the siren steadily grew closer, Lasser fumbled the cigarettes from his pocket and stepped outside before lighting up.

  When he saw the headlights stop behind the pool car, he blew the smoke out on a trembling sigh.

  He felt Kath move to his side and glanced at her, seeing the distress on her face.

  'You OK?' he asked.

  'I can't believe any of this, I mean, why would Davy do such a thing?'

  Lasser lifted his shoulders in a tired shrug. 'I have no idea, but perhaps your sister might have some answers to all this.'


  Lasser strode away towards the headlights that glared through the falling snow, the mixture of blue and white giving the whole area a feeling of alienation.

  Taking another deep drag on the cigarette, he flicked it away into the snow as Sally Wright and Shaun Rourke appeared in the headlights beam.

  'You, OK, boss?' Sally asked.

  Lasser wiped the snow from his hair and nodded. 'Ashley Dean is in the van at the back of the house.'

  'Is he OK?' Sally asked.

  Lasser shook his head. 'Rowntree blew his head off and…'

  'So, where's Rowntree now?' she asked nervously, her eyes flicking around the immediate blue-washed area.

  'Don't worry, Sal, he's just about as dead as you can get,' he paused, 'is Shannon en route?'

  Sally glanced at Shaun, a frown on her face as Lasser waited for her to reply.

  'Er, yeah, sir, we put the call in and he should be here soon,' she replied.

  'What about Bannister?'

  The two of them looked at one another again and Lasser felt something stir inside, a twinge of dread.

  'What's happened?' he asked, his voice suddenly brittle.

  'The last we heard, DCI Bannister and Spenner were being taken to hospital,' Rourke said in a quiet voice.


  'All we know is that a call was put in from the Trencherfield Mill. When the paramedics arrived, they found Spenner unconscious, he's been badly beaten. DCI Bannister must have been able to talk because one of the paramedics rang the station just as we were setting off to come here.'

  'What about Odette?' Lasser asked as the feeling of dread threatened to swamp him.

  'No idea,' Sally said. 'Apparently, there were only the two of them at the apartment.'

  'Have you left your keys in the car?' he asked.

  'Yes, boss, we…'

  'Right, stay here and sort this mess,' he demanded.

  The two of them watched as Lasser ran towards the car, seconds later, they heard the sound of the engine screaming as he reversed along the lane, the lights diminishing.

  'Christ, I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him when he's in that kind of mood,' Rourke mumbled.

  All Sally could do was nod in agreement, they turned and walked towards the house, smoke drifting up from the chimney, Christmas tree lights flickering red then blue at the windows.


  'Lasser are you OK?'

  He could hear the tension in Jackie's voice as he fought with the wheel, the car slipping and sliding along Feather Lane, his face tight with fear.

  'You've heard about Bannister and Spenner?' he asked.

  'Suzanne rang me about half an hour ago, she said she'd been trying to contact you but the signal was down, they're on their way to the hospital.'

  'Any news on Odette?' he asked.


  Lasser sighed as he explained why Bannister had gone over to the mill, by the time he'd finished, the anger inside was close to boiling over.

  'My God, I had no idea, as soon as Suzanne got the news she left with Kelly and Belle and…'

  'I'm on my way to the hospital but this fucking weather isn't helping.'

  'Is there anything I can do to help?' she asked.

  'Not that I can think of, but as soon as I know anything I'll ring you.'

  'OK, look, I'd better let you go in case anyone tries to get in touch with you.'



  'I love you.'

  'I love you too, but take it easy out there, OK?'

  'I will,' he replied before tapping at the screen with his thumb, ending the call.

  Gripping the wheel in one hand, he sparked up a cigarette, his mind completely clogged with fear and uncertainty.

  He thought of Rowntree back at the cottage, skewered on the rusting spikes, his wife and sister-in-law numb with shock and horror, Ashley Dean in the back of the van, his brains sliding down the wooden bulkhead.

  Forcing the images from his mind, he thought about what Rourke had said, Bannister had been conscious when the paramedics arrived at the apartment, and that had to be a good thing. But what about Spenner, what about Odette?

  Thankfully, the snow began to lessen and at last he reached the town centre, the ploughs had been out followed by the gritters and he got his foot down.

  He tried to remember the last time he had actually seen Odette but his brain felt stymied, clogged with images of what could be happening. He felt the fear roaring through his head as he tried to picture her, yet it felt as if she had been erased from his mind. Jaw clenched, he tried to concentrate on her image and just as it was starting to form, Lanark's face crashed in to take her place and Lasser slammed his hand on the wheel with bone-shaking force. As soon as he had discovered that Lanark had told lies about Plymouth, he should have gone straight to Odette's apartment and confronted the man.

  'Fucking bastard!' he roared as the car powered forwards.

  The traffic lights flicked to red, but he ignored the warning, hurtling across the junction and under the bridge.

  Snippets of memory came back to him as the car barrelled through the town centre, past the railway station on the right, before turning onto Library Street.

  Odette on the phone telling him that she was still feeling rough and all she wanted to do was rest. Lasser had raised his suspicions to Bannister about Odette not even asking about the ongoing case. Despite the niggling doubt, Lasser had left well alone and now Odette was missing.

  At the bottom of Library Street, he turned left, snatching at the gears before turning right.

  When he saw the Audi parked at the side of the road, the hazards on, he pulled out to pass it and then did a double-take as he saw Suzanne, Kelly and Belle running along the frozen pavement.

  Hitting the brakes, the car slewed left before coming to a halt and he jumped out as they ran towards him.

  'The car broke down,' Suzanne gasped, her face flushed with fear and anxiety.

  'Get in,' Lasser ordered as he leapt back behind the wheel.

  Three doors opened and then clunked shut as Lasser set off again. 'Everyone OK?' he asked, glancing in the interior
mirror to see Kelly and Belle sitting close together, their faces pale with shock.

  'Carole Henson rang to say that Alan and John Spenner had been attacked but she knew no more than that,' Suzanne answered as she held onto the seat belt without clicking it into place.

  Lasser sped along the road, the anger straining to slip the leash.

  'Do you have any idea what he was doing at Odette's apartment?' she asked in a voice fraught with tension.

  As he drove, Lasser explained about Spenner falling off the radar and Bannister heading over there to find out what was going on. By the time he had finished he was pulling onto the hospital car park. There were a few vehicles parked up, some covered with snow as if they hadn't been moved in days, others had a light dusting on the roofs and windscreens. A solitary ambulance was parked under the Perspex shelter at the entrance to the hospital. Parking up, Lasser was the last out of the car as Kelly and Belle ran through the snow towards the double doors, Suzanne following closely behind.

  Lasser stopped for a few seconds, peering up at the night sky, the stars shining in the black void.

  Saying a silent prayer, he gave chase.


  Lasser was looking through the window of the small private room, Tess sat by the side of the bed, Spenner's battered face resting on the pillow, his hand heavily bandaged, tubes and drips going under more bandages.

  He could feel the rage seething inside, the muscles in his jaw locked tight.

  When he heard the double doors open, he turned to find Shannon walking towards him along the beige-coloured corridor.

  Lasser gave a sharp nod of his head before turning back to look into the room.

  Shannon came to a halt by his shoulder and followed Lasser's gaze, sighing heavily.

  'I've just spoken to the doc in charge and Spenner's going to be OK, but it's going to take some time before he's up and running,' Shannon explained.

  'How long will he be unconscious for?'

  'Well, put it this way, he isn't going to be awake to eat his Christmas dinner, but considering what they serve here that could be a blessing not a curse.'

  Lasser glanced at the doctor, his eyes narrowed, and Shannon shrugged.

  'Force of habit, Lasser, you know that.'

  Lasser managed a weary smile. 'What about Bannister?'

  'That guy has a thick skull, he's had stitches and a brain scan, and everything looks OK. They were going to keep him in for twenty-four hours because he lost consciousness, but he started shouting and swearing and, in the end, they agreed to let him go, but he's going to have to rest at home for a few days just to be on the safe side.

  Lasser felt the fear take hold as he thought about the team in ruins and Odette gone.

  The need to be doing something positive ate away at him, yet he knew it was hopeless.

  Shannon clapped a hand onto his shoulder as they both looked at Spenner and Tess, she had hold of Spenner's good hand in hers, tears wet on her cheeks.

  'The last time he was in hospital he had no one at his bedside when he came round,' Lasser said.

  'Well, it looks as if this time that won't be a problem.'

  Lasser found himself nodding. When Spenner did open his eyes, Lasser knew he would be overjoyed to find Tess by his side, he'd found someone to love at last and that would go a long way to getting him back on his feet.

  'Any news on Odette?' the doc asked hesitantly.

  Lasser swallowed the sense of frustration and dread. 'Nothing. I spoke to Carole Henson earlier, and all we ever really knew about the guy was that he lived up in the Lakes, but even that could all have been bullshit.'

  Shannon could feel the waves of emotion coming from Lasser and he patted his shoulder in understanding.

  'Look, I'm no detective, but if this Lanark character took her with him when he vanished then surely that means he wants to keep her alive.'

  'Yeah, but for how long and why did he target her in the first place?'

  'Like I said, I'm no detective,' Shannon replied sadly.

  'You want to get a brew?' Lasser asked.

  The doctor thought for a moment before answering. 'The hospital café's shut and the drinks machines are disgusting.'


  'But I do have a bottle of rum in my desk drawer if you fancy a nip?'

  Seconds later, they were heading along the corridor, their shoes squeaking on the tiled floor.


  Bannister sat in the conservatory, the wound had been stitched and he now sported a bald patch on the back of his head, his feet were propped up on the coffee table, his eyes fixed on the snow-covered garden.

  When he heard footsteps behind him he tried to turn his head and then winced at the pain. Belle came into view and he smiled up at her.

  'Afternoon,' he said.

  'Merry Christmas,' she replied, dipping her head and kissing his cheek.

  'Merry Christmas, Belle,' he parroted as she sat down by his side.

  'How are you feeling?'

  'Not too bad,' he said as his gaze returned to the garden.

  'Shouldn't you be in bed?' she questioned.

  'I woke up and the house sounded too quiet, so I came down to see where everyone had vanished to.'

  'Kelly's in the shower, Suzanne and Jackie have gone out and…'

  'Gone out?'

  Belle nodded before sliding her sleek black hair behind her left ear. 'I saw a couple of uniformed officers pull up earlier in front of the house, one of them was driving the Range Rover. Suzanne was at the front and then shortly after she left with Jackie, but I don't know where they were going.'

  'But everywhere is shut, it's Christmas Day.'

  Belle shrugged her narrow shoulders.

  'What about Lasser?' he asked.

  'He was here up until about an hour ago, Jackie said he'd gone to the station.'

  Bannister sighed heavily, his head starting to bang.

  'Do you know what's happened to Odette?' she asked in a tentative voice.

  Bannister looked at her and shook his head. 'No, Belle, I don't,' he replied, the admission making his heart ache with defeat.

  'God, I hope she's all right.'

  When the solitary tear slid from her eye, Bannister reached out and took hold of her hand. 'Don't worry, we'll find her.'

  Even as he spoke the words, he felt the dread close ever tighter around his beating heart.


  Lasser sat rigid, his large hands clamped on the arms of the chair.

  Carole behind her desk, looking stressed with weariness.

  'I've contacted the Cumbrian force, they have the make and model of Spenner's car and…'

  'But we don't even know they've headed north,' Lasser interrupted.

  'I realise that, I've tried to cover all the bases, Sergeant, and we will find her.'

  Lasser glanced out of the window at the snow-covered fields. 'I should have done more, I knew Lanark was a liar and never followed it up.'

  'Last night you stopped a maniac. A man who had killed four times, you…'

  'That's another thing, if I'd had my wits about me then I could have saved Ashley Dean.'

  Carole looked at him, his face carved with anguish. 'Listen to me, Lasser, you saved Carmen Dean, if you hadn't acted when you did then she would have died in that car. You saved Beth Rowntree and her sister, and you saved unknown victims because Rowntree would not have stopped his killing spree.'

  Lasser tried to see the sense in what she was saying, but all he could picture were his failings, ending with Odette being spirited away.

  'So, Rowntree did all this just because he thought his wife was having an affair?' he asked.

  Carole hid a yawn behind her raised hand and nodded. 'I spoke to the wife earlier and she did admit her husband had been acting a little strange lately, but now she puts it down to him thinking she was seeing Ashley Dean.'

  'And was she?'

  'Not according to her.'

  'Well, even if she was, there's no on
e left alive to say otherwise.'

  Carole sighed. 'It's still no excuse for her husband to start killing innocent people.'

  'I know, but there has to be more to it than that. I mean, when I was talking to the sister she had nothing but good things to say about Rowntree,' Lasser replied.

  'Well, I've insisted that the autopsy is done today, so you never know, that might offer some clues about why Rowntree went on his killing spree.'

  Lasser sighed, suddenly feeling worn out with it all, his mind crammed with images of Odette, each one escalating the fear in his soul.

  Carole checked her watch. 'Right, I know it hardly seems appropriate, but it is Christmas Day and you are rostered off till the New Year.'

  'Hang on, I can't just sit at home and…'

  'You'll have to, I know you want to jump in the car and head north, but we need to know more, we need definite leads to follow.'

  'And what if we don't get them?' Lasser asked, his hands closing ever tighter on the arms of the chair.

  Carole leaned forwards slightly. 'We'll get them,' she said, her tired eyes suddenly firing to life with determination.

  All Lasser could do was nod in agreement, though the beast inside continued to rattle the bars of its cage, eager to be let off the leash, keen to sink its teeth in.


  Bannister sat on the patio, the heater by his side blasting out warm currents of air, most of it vanishing through the hole in the canvas roof above.

  Suzanne tapped him on the shoulder before holding out the small glass with a tiny amount of brandy in the bottom.

  'I know you shouldn't really drink, but you need something to keep you warm while you're out here.'

  Taking the glass, he gripped it in his hand but didn't take a drink. 'I was talking to Lasser before and he said that Shannon thinks Spenner will be OK.'

  Sitting down by his side, she shivered before pulling the mohair cardigan tight around her against the cold. 'Thank God for that.'

  'That lad's been through enough and now this.'


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