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Raven Page 12

by BE Kelly

  “Strip,” Texas breathlessly ordered. Remi looked at him like he had lost his mind.

  “Sorry, what?” she asked.

  “I believe he said to strip, Honey,” Jag said.

  “Wait, I thought we’d discuss who’s going to be in charge first,” she asked. Texas pulled her back into his arms and she could tell that he wasn’t going to take any of her shit tonight. He looked mad as hell still and she had a feeling that had everything to do with finding her wrapped up with her ex, on the dance floor.

  “Yeah well, we also agreed to give things a chance to play out between the three of us and you went and let some asshole put his hands on you,” Texas said. His accusations were like a bucket of cold water to her libido.

  “Do you have any idea what that did to us, Remi? Finding you on the dance floor, letting some guy put his hands and fucking lips on your body?” Jag asked.

  “I—I’m sorry,” she stuttered. “I wasn’t thinking.” Remi covered her face with her hands, wanting to hide from them both. God, she was an ass. When she rolled into town and tried to find someone—anyone who would listen to her and Nena, she panicked when they were turned away by everyone she trusted. Everyone sent them packing, telling them that they would need to come up with more than just a vision or a hunch if they were going to be able to file a missing person’s report. Having to call Anali, to tell her that they had failed, nearly broke her heart. Her grandmother reminded her and Nena that Aylen was counting on them as if either of them needed the reminder. Aylen was more than a cousin to her and Nena and they would do just about anything to bring her home safely.

  Facing the fear of failure again made all of Remi’s insecurities come flooding back and all she could think about doing was finding the first willing man and taking her frustrations out on him.

  “Were you going to sleep with him?” Texas asked. She wasn’t sure how to answer his question. Honestly, she didn’t know the answer herself. Remi wanted to believe she’d do the right thing and not just fall into bed with the first willing man she came across, but she couldn’t be sure that was true.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I was scared, but that’s not an excuse. Besides, we’re not exclusive or anything, right?” She knew she was pushing all Tex’s buttons. Remi worried that she had pushed him too far.

  “We’re not exclusive because you won’t give us a fucking chance,” Texas growled. Remi stared him down as he towered over her. Most people would have been intimidated by the two big alphas hovering over them, but she also knew that the guys would never hurt her, no matter how angry they seemed.

  “He’s not wrong, Honey,” Jag agreed.

  “What do you two want from me? I’ve given you everything you’ve asked me for. You demanded that I spend the night between the two of you, to stop you from going off and doing something stupid,” she spat. Jag’s smile was mean and she took a step back from them.

  “You telling us you didn’t want that, Honey?” he asked. His voice sounded like a cross between hurt and pissed and Remi instantly regretted her comment. The hurt in Tex’s eyes had her gut twisting into knots. She owed them both so much more than the pain she was causing them.

  “I did,” she whispered. “I wanted you both,” she admitted. “I still do.”

  “Tell me about your daughter,” Jag insisted. Remi sank down to the bed and didn’t hide the sob that escaped her parted lips. Could she do this? Could she share her biggest regret with Jag? Remi had already shared Aria’s story with Texas but he was just as broken as she was. He had as many regrets as she did. Jag wasn’t like them. He was right—he was different, better almost, but telling him that might hurt him and she had done enough of that tonight.

  “I lost her,” she admitted. “I should have seen that drunk driver, but I was too busy saving everyone else around me. If I just paid attention, I could have saved my little girl.” Remi wiped at the hot tears that spilled down her cheeks. Texas sat on one side of her and Jag on the other. They were always doing that; surrounding her, making her feel safe and even loved, but that was impossible. The three of them had known each other for just a few short months now, but she felt closer to them than she had anyone in a long time.

  “None of that was your fault, Remi,” Tex offered.

  “You won’t change my mind, Texas. I know you are trying to help, but I won’t ever be okay with what happened to Aria.” Jag took Remi’s hand into his own.

  “And now, you feel that way about your cousin?” Jag asked.

  “What?” Remi questioned. “Why would you think that?”

  “Because it’s true, isn’t it? You missed seeing Aylen’s abduction and now I’m betting, you feel like there was more that you could have done.” Jag said.

  “I should have seen Ay being taken instead, I was busy with—” Remi gasped and covered her mouth as if she didn’t want to say the rest of what she was thinking. She seemed to hurt the guys at every turn and now was no exception. “I’m so sorry,” she said.

  “No, I get it, Honey,” Jag said. “You were busy saving my ass and if you would have been paying attention to your visions, this wouldn’t have happened. Does that sound about right?” It did and that made her feel like a complete ass. How could she want to trade one life for another? She wouldn’t. She loved her cousin—Aylen was her blood, her family. But, if Remi was being completely honest, she would tell Jag that she was falling for him and that’s why she felt so guilty. She was falling for them both and that wasn’t a good idea. She was better alone. Life was easier when she was alone. Remi had less to lose that way and she didn’t care if that made her a coward.

  “That’s not exactly right,” Remi whispered. “I’d do that all again,” she admitted.

  “Come again,” Texas said.

  “I’d spend the night with the two of you again, even if that meant that Aylen would be taken. For so long I’ve been scared to chase down what I’ve wanted. The first night I met the both of you, I knew that I was supposed to end up between you. I saw it—you know, I had a vision, but I was a chicken and pushed you away. I let myself believe that I was better off without you both because if I let you into my world, I could lose you and that would kill me.”

  “You don’t let anyone in, do you Baby?” Texas asked.

  “No,” Remi admitted.

  “That must get pretty fucking lonely,” Jag growled. He was right, it did. Remi nodded and Jag pulled her against his body.

  “What’s changed?” Jag asked. “Why are you giving us a chance now?”

  “Because you’re not letting me run and hide. You both followed me half-way across the country and now, you’re here, asking me to give you a chance.” She looked between the two of them and smiled.

  “We want you to give us a chance, Honey,” Texas said. “I think the three of us can work if we try. Do you really want to try, Remi?” he asked.

  She knew the answer to his question before the word even left her lips. “Yes,” she murmured.

  “Thank fuck, Baby,” Jag said. “I’ve been waiting for you to admit that.”

  “You’re not just saying yes to being with us,” Texas warned. “You are saying yes to it all—our dominance and your submission. We want that, Remi. Hell, I need that more than I need air. Can you give that to us?” Remi wanted to tell them yes but giving up her control meant that she’d have to fight her own personal demons daily. How could she do that and come out on the other side, unscathed?

  “I’m afraid,” she admitted. “If I give you my control, what happens to me then? I can’t do this alone. I can’t face my past and walk through to the other side.”

  “You won’t be alone,” Jag promised. “You have both of us, Remi. Whether you know it or not, you’ve had us both for a while now. Let us in,” he begged. “Let us love you.” That was a tall order for her. She had never been in love before, not even with Aria’s father. Could she love them both? Remi looked into Jag’s blue eyes and smiled. She reached back and took Tex’s hand into h
er own and nodded.

  “Alright,” she promised. “I want to do this. I want all of it—both of you, the whole nine yards.” Jag’s smile nearly lit up the room and the heat she felt coming from Tex’s body, as he pressed up against her back, felt like it could set her on fire.

  “Strip,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Slowly,” Jag added. She stood from the bed and faced both of them. They were watching her and that alone made her feel powerful. She liked the way their eyes followed her every movement. It was hot the way they looked at her like she was their next meal. How had she missed seeing their pent up desires every time they looked at her before? Was it always there?

  Jag hissed out his breath when she slowly slid her shirt up over her body, just like he asked. He was enjoying the show and judging from the way his erection was pressing against his jeans, Texas was too.

  “Like this?” she teased. She knew exactly what she was doing and the effect she was having on them. They liked to think they held all the power but she could see from the way they looked at her that wasn’t true. Remi was the one with the power and she wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was a heady rush knowing she could do just about anything she wanted right about now.

  “Yes,” Texas agreed. He reached for her and she took a step back, teasing him. His frustrated groan filled the small hotel room and she giggled.

  “Tease,” Jag said, without any real heat. “Now the jeans,” Jag ordered. Remi smiled up at him and shimmied out of her skin-tight jeans. She stood in front of them in just her panties and lacy bra, not quite sure if she should try to hide or let them take in every inch of her body. Both guys looked her up and down, hunger in their eyes that told her that she was what they wanted. Remi had her doubts but seeing the effect she had on both Texas and Jag made her hot and ready for whatever they wanted to do with her.

  “Um,” she stuttered. “What next?” Jag pulled her against his body, Texas framing her other side.

  “Are you going to trust us and let one of us be in charge, Honey?” Texas asked. That was a good question. How much of her control would she be able to give over to them? She trusted them both and that counted for so much. Her life was unpredictable and she was damaged. Letting them take care of her just felt right.

  “Yes,” she confidently agreed. “But, can you both be in charge?”

  Jag smiled over at Texas and shrugged. “Probably not,” he admitted. “If you haven’t been able to tell by now, Tex and I seem to have a power struggle going on when it comes to you, Baby,” Jag said.

  Remi giggled, “Gee, I haven’t been able to tell,” she teased. She noticed a fit of new jealousy that hummed through the air whenever she was with both guys at once. Tonight, she hadn’t felt that and she worried that asking them both to be in charge of her might tip the scales and send one of them over the edge. The last thing she wanted was to send one or both of them leaving the room, pissed again.

  “I don’t want that to happen tonight,” she admitted.

  “We can try,” Texas offered. “Right, man?” He looked at Jag and smirked.

  “We usually pick an alpha so that there is no confusion or hurt feelings,” Jag said. “But, I’m willing to give it a shot, if you are, man.”

  “So, you’ll both tell me what to do?” Remi asked.

  “If you’d like that, Baby,” Texas offered. Remi slowly nodded and that seemed to be all the consent either one of them needed. Jag practically pulled her up against his body, to kiss his way into her mouth and Remi wrapped her arms around his neck. The three of them were a tangled mess of arms and legs, reminding Remi that she was practically naked between the two of them.

  Texas pulled her panties down her legs, leaving her bare to whatever evil plans he had for her. She had to admit, she’d be on board with every one of them. Tex ran his big thumb over the seam of her ass and gently nudged it into her. Remi gasped and pushed back against him, needing more than just his thumb. She loved anal and the thought of having two men sharing her body, at the same time, completely turned her on.

  “Fuck,” Texas growled. “When you do shit like that, it makes me crazy, Baby.”

  “I need more, please,” she begged.

  “Have you ever tried anal?” Texas whispered into her ear.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  Tex chuckled against her skin and thrust his thumb in deeper. Remi cried out his name. “You want one of us to take your ass and the other to take your sweet pussy?” Texas asked. Remi could barely speak past her consuming need for them to take her in every way that they wanted.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Shit,” Jag said. “Baby be sure. Once we do this, you won’t walk away from us again. This is your last call, Honey. You in or out.”

  “In,” she agreed. “All in.” Remi pushed back against Texas’ big hand and liked the way he hissed out his breath, reminding her that she still had some power in all this. Texas swatted her fleshy cheek with his free hand, causing her to yelp.

  “Stop trying to take control,” Tex warned. He pulled his thumb free and Remi whimpered, causing him to laugh. “Yeah, now you’re getting it, Honey,” he said. Texas grabbed his overnight bag and headed into the bathroom, appearing seconds later with a tube of lube. “Let’s get that hot ass of yours lubed and ready while Jag takes your pussy.” Jag smiled at her and she knew that he was more than ready to follow Texas’ lead. He unhooked her bra and shucked out of his clothes, sinking down onto the bed.

  “Straddle me, Honey. You’re going to ride my cock and give Tex access to that glorious ass of yours,” Jag demanded. She didn’t hesitate, doing exactly as he asked, sinking down onto his erection, inch by delicious inch. He felt so good, she had to still once fully seated on his cock to get back some of her tightly held control. With these two, Remi felt anything but controlled and that scared and thrilled her all at the same time.

  “You feel so fucking good, Baby,” Jag groaned. He pulled her down and kissed her mouth like he wanted to devour her. Jag didn’t let her up for air when Texas started to work his lubed up fingers in and out of her ass, getting her ready. Jag nipped and licked her lips as her breathy little sighs and moans escaped from the pleasure they were both giving her. It was almost too much and at the same time, not enough. Remi needed more.

  “Please, Tex,” she moaned as he worked a second finger into her ass. “I can handle you, please,” she assured. Remi knew that Tex was a big guy, but this wasn’t her first time experiencing anal. She knew how the searing heat led to the most extreme pleasure she had ever had and that’s exactly what she needed right now. Texas pulled his fingers free and ran his shaft down the seam of her ass. Remi couldn’t’ help herself, pushing back against him, as if in invitation.

  “This is going to be hard and fast, Honey,” Texas growled. He nudged the head of his cock into her ass and she ground against Jag, opening herself to both of them. Texas slid the rest of the way into her ass and stilled.

  “Fuck,” Jag swore. “She feels so full with you inside her ass. The sound of their breathing filled the room and when both guys started to move, she couldn’t help the moan that ripped from her chest. Remi let them take over, consuming her and giving her what she needed. It felt like she was floating and she never wanted to come back down. Texas and Jag pumped in and out of her body, finding a rhythm that had her coming, shouting out both of their names. Remi wasn’t sure where they ended and she began and she didn’t give a fuck anymore. They were one and she was theirs, whether they wanted her or not. It wasn’t something she could control anymore—it just happened. She was ready to let her guard down and ready to share her life with someone else. Well, in this case, two someones. God help her, she was falling for them both and the crazy thing was, she wasn’t scared anymore. Remi knew that both guys would be there to catch her and that thought alone sent her heart soaring.

  Texas and Jag found their releases and the three of them fell onto the bed together. Remi was surrounded by sweaty, hot men a
nd that was just fine with her. They wrapped their arms and legs protectively around her body and she snuggled into them both, knowing that she had finally found where she was supposed to be.

  “One thing, Baby,” Jag said around his yawn.

  “Anything,” Remi breathed. She meant it too. She’d do just about anything for the two men who were laying on either side of her.

  “No other men,” Texas said. She was always in awe of the fact that Tex and Jag seemed to be more connected than her and her twin sister.

  “Yep,” Jag agreed. “You are ours now. You belong to me and Texas. No more men—no one else touches what’s ours. Say you’ll be ours, Remi,” Jag ordered. She smiled up at him cupping his face to gently kiss his lips and then repeated the same with Texas.

  “Deal,” she agreed. “I’m yours, Jag. Both of yours.”


  Tex woke to the banging on their hotel room door and he nearly jumped out of his own damn skin. “Open this fucking door,” a man’s voice shouted, pounding on it again for good measure. “I know you’re in there, Nena.”

  “Nena?” Remi questioned, sitting up and wiping the sleep from her hazel eyes. “Who’s looking for Nena?”

  “No clue, Honey,” Jag whispered, pulling on his pants. He shot Texas a concerned look and he had to admit he felt the same way. Why would someone be pounding on their hotel room door, looking for Remi’s twin sister?

  Texas tossed his t-shirt to her. “Put this on, Baby. We’ll find out what’s going on,” he ordered. Remi tugged his shirt over her messy hair and nodded. Jag pulled his gun from his overnight bag and nodded at Tex, seeming to ignore Remi’s gasp.

  “What the hell?” she questioned.

  Jag shrugged and smiled, “I like to be prepared,” he admitted. Texas didn’t have a permit to carry, since he had served time, but knew how to handle himself. He pulled the knife that he carried from his own bag and flanked Jag’s side.

  “Shit,” Remi breathed. “You two brought a fucking weapons arsenal,” she accused. Jag chuckled and pulled the door open, leaving the safety lock in place. Texas liked that they seemed to be on the same page when it came to Remi’s safety.


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