The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET

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The Omega's Surprise Baby BOX SET Page 27

by Bonnar King

  “You’re bringing me to dinner with Mr. Wong?”

  The awareness was still there, but he stubbornly refused to acknowledge it. Fine. I’d play him game for now.

  “Yes. You’re a familiar face. I want to see how he handles that.”

  A quiver came to Tony’s lips, and I almost groaned at how much I wanted to crash my mouth against his.

  “It’s risky,” Tony said.

  In response, I smiled. “What’s life without a little risk?”

  Tony looked like he was about to argue, but he must have seen on my face that I wasn’t backing down. In fact, I was ready for the challenge of it, and would have used it as an opportunity to touch him right then and there in the office.

  “But how will I get ready in time and get a suit that fits this small frame and big ass of mine?” Tony asked, puzzled.

  “Don’t worry about that. When the tailor gets here, he will adjusted to your measurements and have it ready within an hour or two. He works fast and has his own equipment with him.”

  Tony stepped back. “Fine. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “I’ll pick you—”

  “I’ll see you tonight,” Tony said, flashing me a smile. It stunned me enough to freeze, and by the time I was ready for a response, he was back in his corner and too busy on the phone for me to interrupt.

  The little witch. He had me wrapped around his little finger!

  I shook my head. Then I decided to postpone the seduction for now.

  I had bigger fish to fry.

  I arrived in the restaurant ten minutes before the designated time, asking for the best table. I was already known there, so the host immediately took me to the table in the corner, where we had privacy from all the other diners.

  Five minutes later, footsteps sounded close to me. I looked up.

  And I felt all the blood rushing out of my system and into my cock.

  The suit Tony was wearing was dark maroon, tasteful and just tight enough in all the right places. Tony looked like a prince out of a Disney movie.

  Tony was a vision, indeed. And all I wanted was to pounce him.

  The tailor had done an amazing job of showing all the lovely assets Tony had, and I appreciated that. He’d definitely be receiving a hefty bonus for his efforts.

  Without even knowing what I was doing, I instinctively got up to my feet and pulled a chair out for Tony. I couldn’t help getting a good look of his tight ass as he bent forward to sit on the chair. Thoughts of bending him over the table and taking him right there and then crossed my mind. I felt like I was on a date to the hottest fucking omega ever.

  I had to snap myself out of this dreamy haze, because this client was important. I needed to be in best form, and so did Tony.

  “Mr. Wong?” he asked.

  “He’ll be here soon.”

  Silence reigned. My hands itched.

  Seeing Tony looking this ravishing while I had to be professional was going to be sweet torture.



  I felt like a million bucks in my new suit. I had never had a suit tailored to fit me in my entire life. I always thought that was for special occasions like a wedding or for the rich and famous. I still reeled over how much it cost when I paid for it as per Caden’s instructions, then realized that it probably cost him nothing but chump change in his eyes. After all, he was a billionaire!

  I had been sitting beside Caden for a good ten minutes now in the fancy restaurant that he’d chosen for the investor meet up. There was a good few inches of distance between us, something I deliberately placed because I didn’t want him or anyone else getting the wrong idea. I couldn’t deny that I was nervous, but I did my best to act as calm as possible, knowing how important this investor was.

  To ease my nerves, I needed to talk—and so I talked, ignoring the fact that the alpha beside me was the one I’d kissed just a week ago. And how good it felt.

  And how it made my body react so intensely.

  “So, do you bring all your omega conquests here?” I blurted out. I inwardly groaned at what came out of my mouth, but there was no taking it back.

  A smile played on Caden’s lips. “Are you jealous?”

  My eyes shot up to meet his, and I saw them twinkling. He had the ease of someone out on a date, and it made me frown. “I was just asking, Mr. Shaw. That doesn’t make me jealous.”

  “Defensive as hell is what you are, then,” Caden said in amusement.

  I sighed. “Mr. Shaw—”

  “Caden,” he interrupted easily.

  “Caden,” I ground out. “Unfortunately for you and your sordid thoughts, not everyone’s worlds resolve around you. We all have our own lives.”

  “And there goes the defensive explanation,” Caden said back.

  I shot him another look, and paused when I saw the smile attempting to break out of his mouth. He was deliberately being cheeky. I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re not a shy personal assistant, are you?”

  “Did you want me to be?” I asked.

  Normally I never talked back to higher ups, including teachers and bosses, but something in Caden just forced my inner sarcasm to come out. If he disliked me speaking my mind, then I had no choice but to follow the boss.

  “Hell, no,” Caden finally replied. “I like it. You challenge me and bring the best out of me. The competitive side.”

  There was something in his tone that didn’t speak of work alone. I was about to contradict the way my body reacted with words when Caden suddenly straightened. In a few seconds, the investor was there and there was no time for small talk as they both shook hands, right before Caden re-introduced me to Mr. Wong. The Caden who’d been teasing me earlier was gone, replaced by an alpha who was polished, smooth and professional.

  Mr. Wong was as serious as ever, but I could detect an openness that wasn’t there before when we met up with him in the hotel. It was small, but it was worth the observation.

  We ordered food. Then the two alphas got down to business right away, talking about what the investment could do to the company and what it could bring Mr. Wong in return. I looked up Mr. Wong and his company after the first time we met and discovered that he had a lot of properties in the city and abroad but had wanted to delve into technology rather than only owning property and land. But it was no news that he was also looking at options other than the technology field.

  I kept quiet as I ate and listened to them, wondering what I was doing here. Caden already explained why he brought me to the hotel with him, but I wasn’t a newbie anymore this time. There must be good reason, because he’d introduced me as his personal assistant and nothing else. Plus, I knew this meeting was a big deal to Caden as he wanted to expand his company to China—and with that, he needed a partner like Mr. Wong.

  They were just discussing the pros and cons of this investment, and I couldn’t help but be in awe with Caden. He was so different from the tease and the flirt outside of work. He was like this in meetings, but it was different when he was with investors—it was like there was a dominant side to him, making him intimidating. Almost untouchable. A true alpha side.

  Suddenly Caden turned to me.

  “What do you think, Tony?”

  I was so surprised at being asked that it took me a while to think. I glanced at Mr. Wong, who was eyeing me curiously. Nerves shot inside me, but I reminded myself of the ideas I had in my head as I followed their trail of conversation.

  Slowly, I spoke them out. I sounded hesitant at first, but because there was no interruption, I let all my ideas flow out, explaining to Mr. Wong that this kind of investment was going to be great for him because Mr. Wong couldn’t deny that we were the market leaders in the software and technology industry, so it would be in his best interest to get onboard now rather than miss the train when we do inevitably make our way to the Chinese market. I explained how he would be helping that industry grow and would have a say at what point it needed to be regulated in China. He would als
o have a growing family in Shaw Enterprises, who took care of its employees like no other.

  The way Mr. Wong was listening to me intently gave me confidence. When I was done, the nerves came back, but I did my best to look him in the eye with confidence.

  Finally, he nodded, albeit looking surprised.

  “Thank you for your feedback, Mr. Arthur,” he said politely. I nodded back. He turned to Caden. “You have a great assistant here, Caden. Are you sure he’s not your next Chief of Operations?”

  A hot flush was creeping down my neck at the compliment, but I managed a smile. When I turned to look at Caden, my smile disappeared. He had that look in his eye again that told me he was looking right through me, and it made me lose my breath just a little bit.

  Mr. Wong warmed up to me considerably, shaking my hand with a small smile before he finally left. I stood up and said goodbye to Caden, but he caught my arm gently.

  “Let me take you home,” he said.

  In that car? Where we kissed and made out and I almost gave in to my most basic urges?

  I knew an outright refusal would not work with this stubborn alpha. I changed the topic.

  “Was that why you asked me to come here tonight? So I could give my opinion?”

  Caden considered me with a look. Then he nodded his head. “I tend to be pushy and too dominant when it comes to negotiations. I had a feeling Mr. Wong needed something else. A softer approach, so I thought you might help bring that to the table. I was right.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that I am a pushover and a softy?”

  “No. You’re insightful, intelligent, and most importantly, you’re emphatic. Tony?”


  “Yes. And I’m so glad I hired you.”

  There was sincerity in his words, and I appreciated that. We stood just outside the restaurant, where Caden’s chauffer picked us up in the Rolls-Royce.

  “Let me take you home,” Caden repeated, more softly this time. More like a request rather than a demand. There was no insistence in his tone, letting me know that the decision was mine to make.

  But there was an urgency there that made me afraid of facing it.

  I didn’t look him in the eye when I responded. “Don’t worry about it. I can take an Uber home. See you tomorrow, Caden.”


  “Goodnight, Tony,” he finally said, with defeat in his eyes.

  I couldn’t deny him or myself of the attraction we felt any more.

  I got into the car with him.

  Hands touched me—warm, firm hands running all over my body like silk touching my skin.

  Except silk couldn’t make me burn like this.

  They undressed me slowly, caressed me until pleasure spread all over my body and throbbed like an incessant beat inside. I moaned out as his mouth met mine, hard and persuasive and seducing me to give myself up to him—all of myself to him.

  “Tony,” he murmured, before his mouth was trailing down, and my hands were tangling in his hair. But before he disappeared, I saw his eyes. They were blue.

  They were Caden’s.

  And then his hands were there—stroking my cock until the pleasure broke and consumed me whole—

  My eyes snapped open. I shot out of bed and gasped, frantically looking at my surroundings. I was in my room. Caden wasn’t here.

  It was a dream.

  I waited for my heartbeat to steady, cursing myself as tingles shot up all over my body and in between my legs. I bit my lip and tried to get my wits about me.

  It was a dream.

  A damn dream.



  “Caden? I’ve got Gary on line two.”

  “Thanks, Tony. Put him through.”

  Five minutes later, another call came in.

  “Caden, Oscar’s on line three.”

  “Put him through voicemail.”


  “Field all my other calls now.”

  He did so without question. We worked in tandem to take care of all office matters and reports, back in our smooth rhythm. My previous personal assistant asked questions without really thinking, never doing much without instructions. Tony was past that, doing above and beyond and making work life generally easier and more organized for me.

  Ten minutes later, we were in for the surprise of our lives when our next meeting with the board members proved that one of the company’s developers had gone above and beyond his assignment, too. Once the meeting was done, I ordered Tony to bring his notes and accompany me to the basement.

  “The work area?” he asked, a hint of excitement in his tone.

  I shot him a look. I knew he’d been raring to go there for a while now, but I hadn’t exactly given him the opportunity. Now he scrambled after me as I pressed the elevator to the basement, where only a handful knew the access code.

  I brooded. Developers had a tendency to get too excited in a project and ignore protocol, but I was used to that. Still, it was going to end in a long argument again.

  I felt tugging on my elbow and glanced at Tony with a frown.

  “Hold up.”


  He frowned back. “You look like you’re about to kill someone. Don’t.”

  I smiled faintly. “You’re that concerned for me?”

  He frowned further. “I just want to keep my job and not have you end up in jail,” Tony said.

  I shook my head, stifling a chuckle. Then I winked. “Watch me.”

  The elevator dinged open, and whatever Tony was about to say next died in his throat as I saw him take in the sight. I couldn’t exactly blame him. The place was state-of-the-art.

  I strode over to where the developer area was, looking for my head developer. Unfortunately, Martin wasn’t in, having called in due to some emergency. The other developers gathered around as I asked them about the progress of their work, and they began giving me updates. When I asked why they were delving away from the initial plan, most of them were respectful in their responses.

  Not all of them were.

  One of the newbies, a fresh college graduate named Mark, told me in a confident tone that the developers knew exactly what they were doing and should be given the wheel, because the boss’s job was to just see the final results. I could feel Tony tense beside me, but I ignored him and focused my gaze on the young alpha.

  “Mark Johnson, right?”


  I nodded. Then I took over the main computer where they usually ran tests and built prototypes, reading the codes. The computer screen projected on to a big screen in front, and I let that run as I started typing.

  No one disturbed me, and I got lost and comfortable in my zone as I delved in and made some changes to the program. Time flew, and when I was done, it was late afternoon.

  Mark was looking at the program on the screen, which I placed side by side with the previous one. Then I began to discuss how the small change could make a big difference, and their delving away would only make the overall application slower. Mark’s prideful look changed to one of shock, and I knew he hadn’t expected the CEO to know so much about coding, as it was known in the industry that founders usually were out of practice once they’d ‘made it’.

  “Hey, don’t look so beat up about it. You’re a lot smarter than I was at your age. I can see what you were trying to do, and it was pretty good. Remember nobody has a perfect read-to-ship product on their first attempt,” I said.

  Mark’s concerned frown turned into a beaming smile.

  “Thanks boss. That means a lot coming from you,” Mark said.

  We discussed some more. Sometime in between, I noted that we were already doing overtime, though none of the developers were ready to leave yet as they kept revising the code, making it more efficient. I knew I still needed to talk to Martin.

  In the meantime, Tony was past his work hour.

  “You can go home, Tony. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

  To my sur
prise, Tony shook his head. “I’m staying until you’re all done.”

  Tony’s expression said there was no arguing with him, so I didn’t bother. Instead, I dedicated another hour to the changes until night fell and it was really time to go.

  “We’ll finish this tomorrow,” I said to the developers. “I’ll discuss this with Martin.”

  Everyone left. I told Tony that I was going to take him home whether he liked it or not. He shot me a suspicious look.

  “No funny business,” I added.

  Reluctantly, Tony nodded.

  By the time we stopped by the front of his apartment building, Tony was yawning. He had tired eyes. He looked vulnerable, and for some reason it didn’t sit well with me.

  Tony turned to give me a smile.

  “What’s the smile for?” I asked.

  “I got to witness a genius at work,” Tony murmured.

  I chuckled. “Glad to be of service.”

  “Don’t let it get to your head,” Tony warned.

  I smirked. Tony shook his head and got out of the car, and I didn’t make a move to pull him back. He was tired, and I’d be an asshole to take advantage.

  But wasn’t I an asshole, anyway?

  Christ. This was getting more complicated.

  Realization hit me like a shit ton of bricks: that I liked Tony now as my personal assistant and my constant companion.

  Things were going so well ever since Tony started working here, and I really didn’t want to mess this up. I needed to distance myself before I was in too deep.



  Today was my third time accompanying Caden to the computer lab—and, just as the first and second time, I couldn’t help but get excited at the prospect of going down there again. Caden noticed this excitement right away, shooting me a look as we rode the elevator down to the basement.

  “Are you that excited to be with me, Tony?”

  I rolled my eyes. This made me realize that I’d gotten comfortable enough with him to do so, and that maybe it was inappropriate. But he didn’t seem to mind.


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