The Bassi Group

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The Bassi Group Page 10

by Jeff Ping

  Chapter 10

  More War

  Then disaster struck. An accident on the Sparks work site killed three and injured nineteen. The Carson City building plans were mysteriously pulled and place under additional scrutiny. Mike toured the accident site and even to his untrained eye he could see shoring timbers had been sawed through. It wasn’t an accident.

  Mike placed a phone call to Reese Thompson. Reese and eight of his men arrived in Reno three days later. Reese placed two men to watch over Lilly and a couple of men shadowed Mike for his safety. Mike called Kurt and made arrangements for Lilly to come to Las Vegas and stay with Kurt’s family. If war was coming, he didn’t want her to get caught up in it as a way to strike at him. Lilly was confused and concerned. She didn’t understand why she had to leave.

  “I don’t understand why I have to leave? What about my job and my apartment? I’ve got to give notice at work and to my landlord. I’ve got to make arrangements for packing and storing or moving my things. Mike, I have family here. I can’t just disappear.” she said.

  “Don’t worry about your job. I’ll take care of that for you. Your apartment rent will be paid every month and I’ll have your apartment cleaned weekly. And you will have your weekly wages. You’ll be staying with my friend’s family. You’ll have a car and driver. So, you should have plenty of money, but just ask Kurt if you need anything. Just think of it as a paid vacation. I will have a job offer typed up for you and send you to Las Vegas for management training as a condition for the job. That should answer any questions your family might have. You can call them anytime you want as long as you maintain the training schedule. I won’t be able to get down there to see you. I’m going to have my hands full for a while. But if you need to talk to me about anything call this number and leave me a message I will return your call as soon as I can.” Mike told her.

  It took Reese’s people three weeks to identify the source of the difficulties. A Family named Rice that operated in the Reno/Tahoe area since the late 50’s was concerned about the competition from the Bassi Group. They had arranged for the accident and had put pressure on their contacts with the county planners to hold up our building plans and permits. Mike placed a call to Vinny and informed him of the Rice family interference.

  Later that same afternoon Mike received a call from Lucien. “I’ve been checking on the Rice family in Reno. They have some strong local connections and can probably hold your progress up indefinitely. I think your best plan of action is to come here and see Tony. Tony can design a strategy that will solve your problems.” said Lucien.

  “OK, I’ll be in San Francisco tomorrow and I’ll go see Tony then I’ll stop by your office to see you and Vincenzo.” Mike told Lucien. Mike also knew that Tony would just pass on Lucien’s plan of action but he was needed as a buffer between Lucien and the action.

  That evening Lilly and Mike went to dinner and then to the airport. At dinner Lilly was still very concerned about just up and leaving. But he told her that some men might try to hurt him and wouldn’t hesitate hurting or threatening her to get to him.

  “Why would men be trying to hurt you?” Lilly ask.

  “It’s just a business deal. I told you that I worked for a large business syndicate looking into my company opening a casino right? My companies name is Mason Entertainment International. I am actually the President for that business. We are currently under construction on one casino, and we are awaiting approval of our building plans for the second. In my position as President, it’s important that I be involved in all negotiations, so I have to be here to represent the company.

  Ten or fifteen years ago the mobs owned many of the casinos. Most of those casinos and their operators are currently being investigated. You know how ruthless some of those people are. They can't retaliate against the authorities that are attacking and breaking them up. But as they see their powers erode and see my power growing they might feel the need to lash out against me. Well, right now I’m having some negotiation problems. I don’t think you would be in any real danger but I must make sure.” Mike told her.

  An hour after Lilly’s plane took off Mike boarded a plane to SFO. The next morning Mike walked up to the bar in Tony’s place and Tony shook his hand and said, “How you been kid? I heard you had some problems in Los Angeles with old Carlo Milo. He used to be the "Big Boss" he was major league. And then ya had problems with Ari Mona in Vegas. Ari wasn't ever major league, but he was always a mean SOB. Now you think you're ready for Mario Rice in Reno? Let me tell ya kid old Mario is absolutely major league. Once you start with him you will be at war… I think your only way out is to take a page from old Carlo’s book and go old school on their ass. You will have to break the back of the Rice family, wipe them all out. Arrange to kill Mario Rice. To prevent retaliation you will also need to take out his two captains and Richard his son-in-law the same day. If you can execute all the hits fast enough, then they can’t retaliate. But, you have to cut off all of the hydras heads at once.” He slid a manila fold over to Mike.

  “Mario has plenty of political connections but most are the result of blackmail not bribes. Mario’s power comes from fear not loyalty. Once Mario is out of the picture his local connections should be severed and we can apply pressure from here to smooth things over. It’s not like in the days of the Mafia power houses. Mario no longer has strong ties or support from New York or Chicago. The only war you might invoke will be localized to the Rice organization. But let me tell you that will be bad enough.”

  Mike drove straight from Tony’s to Lucien’s office building. He took the elevator up to the twenty-first floor and exited the elevator. Walking down the hallway he spotted Vinny just leaving an office.

  “Vinny!” he called.

  Vinny turned and said, “Hey Mikey, it’s good to see you. How’s that little cutie, young Lilly Young right?”

  Yeah Lilly, I sent her to Vegas to stay with Kurt. He’ll take care of her, plus Reese already has bodyguards watching over Kurt’s family already.”

  “Well??? Do you have a strategy of action to continue the expansion plan?” ask Vinny.

  “Yes, come on, I’m on my way to tell Lucien right now.” Mike said.

  Vinny walked up to Lucien’s door, knocked once and ushered Mike inside. Lucien stood up behind his desk and walked around and draped an arm over Mike’s shoulder. “Michael, no new problems I hope.”

  “No sir, I just got back from Tony’s with the outline of a plan. When I return to Reno I will flesh out the plans details. I hope to have this problem resolved in a week or two at the most.” Mike said.

  “I’m well aware of the plan of action. I hope there is sufficient information included in your dossier.” Lucien said as he nodded toward the large envelope Mike was carrying.

  “I’m sure there will be. There normally is.” said Mike with a smile.

  “What’s this I hear from Vinny about a young woman in your life? Are you finally thinking about a family? You know there’s nothing more important than family Michael. I truly regret that my wife and I never had any children. But thankfully I have Vincenzo. He’s as close as possible without having sired him my self. And course there’s you, whom I feel great affection for as well. But if you decide this is the one, then I want to be at your wedding. In fact I will even pay for it if you decide to have your wedding here in San Francisco.”

  Mike, stammered, “I’m not sure if this girl is the one or not, but if she is then I’ll be proud to have you there as family. But she is a local girl and has family in the area, so I’m not sure she would be willing to come to San Francisco.” Mike told Lucien.

  “Not even for a ceremony officiated by the Bishop and a reception at the Fairmont?” ask Lucien smiling.

  “If marriage becomes an actuality I will extend her your offer. Well, I’ve got to get back home and see if I can overcome my planning commission and union problems.” Mike said and stood up.

  “I’m sure that once Tony’s plan is
executed the other problems will clear themselves up.” said Lucien.

  Lucien arose from his chair and taking Mikes hand said, “I have the greatest faith in your abilities and thoroughness.”

  That evening when Mike landed in Reno, as he walked he took note of two men shadowing but trying not to look directly at him. Mike assumed his quick trip would not be noticed. He now regretted not having Reese and some men meet him. Mike stopped at the first restroom he passed. He walked into the restroom area but opened the maintenance closet and stepped into it and extracted his knife from his pocket. Seconds later he heard footsteps and heard two men talking, “Where the hell did he go? You’re sure you watched him turn in here?”

  “Yeah, he came in; but where did he go?” said a second voice.

  Mike heard the men stop outside his hiding place. He threw himself to his left then felt a burning in his side when six bullets ripped through the door. He saw the door knob start to turn. As the door was jerked open, Mike kicked out and drove the door into the face of one of the men. He slashed at the face of the man who hadn’t been hit by the door. He quickly turned and kneeling made two quick stabs into the chest of the man who had been knocked down by the door. By now, the man who had his face gashed had gathered himself and was raising his gun. Mike grabbed the wrist that was holding the gun and stabbed him three times in the chest. Mike pulled both men into the closet slashed their throats. He then walked over to the sink and cleaned his hands and the knife of blood. Mike raised his shirt and saw that the burning sensation in his side was a grazing wound and hadn’t gone into his abdomen. He pulled a handful of paper towels and pressed them to the wound and straightened his clothes. Then he returned to the maintenance door, he used his handkerchief to wipe any prints off the door knob as he returned to the hallway.

  Mike went into the lounge and slid a fifty to the bartender “Have a clean towel and a phone I can use?”

  “Yes sir, right at the end of the bar.” said the bartender. Then he walked over to a stack of towels, picked one up, and tossed it to Mike. Mike winced as he reached to catch it. He pressed the towel to his still bleeding wound and called Reese’s office. “Two guys just tried to kill me at the airport. I’ve got a slight wound but I’m OK. Get the hotel doctor over to your office and send some men over here I’m at the bar in the lounge.” said Mike.

  “Give me ten minutes.” said Reese.

  Mike motioned the bartender over and said, “Get me some company to sit here with me for ten to twenty minutes. There’s a C note for each of you in it.”

  “Yes sir. Are you OK?” the bartender asks glancing at the blood on Mike's shirt. The bartender turned and motioned to a young lady as she passed him he whispered something to her.

  She strolled over to where Mike sat at the end of the bar. Placing her hands on the back of the chair next to Mike she said, “Hello handsome, I’m Darla. Want some company?”

  “Yes, please be seated, I need someone to talk to while I wait for friends.”

  Mike said standing until she was seated.

  “Will they want company too?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so, just me for ten or fifteen minutes.”

  Reese and two of his men walked up in less then 10 minutes. Mike reached over and taking Darla’s hand slipped her a hundred dollar bill.

  “Come back anytime you want sweetie.” Darla said.

  Mike smiled and walked to the bar and slid the bartender two bills for the check. The bartender looked at the money; two hundred dollar bills. “Thank you sir, come back anytime.”

  Mike paused and handed him a business card. “If you ever want a job tending bar in a casino give me a call.”

  One of Reese’s men had a car waiting when Mike and Reese walked outside. When they arrived at Reese’s office Mike and Reese went inside. The doctor checked Mike’s side and confirmed that it was only a flesh wound and a few splinters from the door. He sterilized it, extracted several slivers of wood and applied a bandage.

  He told Mike that he might have a cracked rib and it would be sore for a few weeks but to come by his office every couple of days and get it checked and re-bandaged. The doctor wrapped Mike’s abdomen and said that’s all he could do for now. Mike thanked the doctor and told one of the men to drive the doctor back to the casino.

  Mike sat down and poured the contents of the envelope that he had received from Tony out onto the desk. Within two hours Mike and Reese had a detailed plan. Reese said he would send three men to each of the captains and dispose of them as they traveled to work the next morning. I will also send men tonight to locate Mario Rice and his son-in-law Richard.

  The following day Reese had located both men. Richard the son-in-law was killed as he sat down for breakfast. Mario was killed on the way into his office when his car crashed after his driver was shot. When Reese’s men stopped at the wreckage Mario was already dead but his throat was still cut as way of a statement from Mike. Mario Rice and all of his key people died within a two hour period.

  Because of the tight reigns Mario had held on his empire, it fell apart within days without him.

  Mike had his people continue killing members of the Rice organization. Shortly after Mario’s funeral a lawyer from the Mason Entertainment International approached Mario Rice’s daughter and offered 75 million for the family’s casinos in Reno and Tahoe. The lawyer told her that if she accepted the price she could retire in safety. He assured her that the Mason Entertainment International had the power to guarantee the safety of her and her children. He told her that the Mason Entertainment International would demand an end to the war. Never knowing it was a settlement, not an offer to mediate she accepted the offer.

  After a short closure for remodeling and re-staffing the Reno casino was reopened as the Adranus Hotel and Casino. The existing Tahoe casino was slated for demolition and a new casino was started. The new Casino would have a luxury apartment above the penthouse accessible only by private elevator.

  As though it was all a misunderstanding the building plans for the Carson City casino were approved and construction was again under way. After a thorough inspection of the Sparks building site and construction plans it was determined that the accident was caused by a collapse of the soil due to instability of a strata deep underground under the newly poured foundation walls. Mason Entertainment International and all officers and employees were cleared of any fault.

  With both sites back on schedule, all work was resumed. Lilly returned from Las Vegas and Mike met her at the airport. Lilly said, “That was the loneliest six weeks of my life.”

  Mike told her that he was sorry and he knew she missed her family.

  “No, silly it was you that I missed.” she said.

  Mike didn’t know what to say except that he had missed her too. Lilly jumped up and threw her arms around Mikes neck pulling him down she gave him a long kiss. Mike gave a slight gasp of pain but never stopped smiling as he looked into Lilly’s face. But despite his tying to hide it, Lilly noticed and asked, “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you Mike?”

  “No...No, I cracked a rib a couple weeks ago. It’s almost healed.” At that moment Mike knew just how much he had missed her and that he never wanted to feel that loss again.

  Lilly was thrilled to accept the job as the head of the Waite staff for the Adranus when Kurt offered the job to her. Lilly was able to hire several waiters, waitresses, and servers she knew from the casinos where she had been employed.

  Kurt also arrived to oversee the kitchen staff and hire chefs for the restaurants. The Adranus opened six months after the deal was approved by the gaming commission. All of the new construction casino plans were revised to accommodate rooftop apartments even if they weren’t needed. Currently, they were furnished and kept ready for occupation at all times. The existing casinos were not adapted to allow for apartments because it would have taken the highest priced rooms.

  The Adranus was profitable its first month after reopening under Mike and
Kurt's management. The Palaci Sparks opened one year later followed shortly by Palaci Carson City. Both the Palaci Reno and the Palaci Tahoe were completed and opened a year after that.

  Kurt and his family relocated to the Lake Tahoe area. Reese Thompson accepted the job to replace Kurt as manager of operations in the Las Vegas territory. Reese was curious about his replacement as security chief.

  “I don’t know I have exhausted my resources. I guess I’ll have to see who Tony or the old man can recommend.”

  “I’ve got an old friend from my days in Vietnam his name is Jerry Walker. He was a Green Beret that was discharged from the service because of a severe leg wound he received in Cambodia in 1975. He’s out of the service now and could use a good job. Oh yeah, he’s certified as a pilot fixed wing and chopper so he could get from here to L.A. or Las Vegas in under two hours instead of seven or eight hours driving or even three or four flying commercial.” Reese said.

  “OK, arrange an interview with him with my office. If I like what I see I will put him in charge of the security for you in Vegas. I want you to prepare him and vet him for the job of chief of security for a Nevada operations.” Mike told him.

  Mike was quickly approaching his thirties and starting to believe Lucien to be correct about his wanting a family. Three months after Lilly returned from Las Vegas Mike asked her to marry him and she accepted.

  To say that Lilly and her mother were happy to accept Lucien’s offer to be married in San Francisco is an understatement. They were thrilled, and they were speechless when Lucien called to tell them the Bishop would be performing the service. They were crestfallen when a week before the wedding Lucien called to say the Bishop was unavailable. Then he told them he had arraigned for a replacement. Lucien told them the Archbishop of San Francisco would be performing the service, they went totally nuts.

  The Archbishop did officiate and the reception was held at the Fairmont Hotel. All of the arrangements were made by Lucien’s wife and his sister, Vincenzo’s mother. Lilly and her mother had been involved with the wedding planning, Lucien's wife and his sister had made all of the actual arrangements in San Francisco. Although Lilly and her mom worked with the Bassi women, Mikes only input was invitations for his Mom whom he hadn’t seen in over ten years and eight other guests (more of Mike’s relatives) for the guest list.

  Mike hadn't seen his mother since he had left home headed for Vietnam. Mike's relationship with his mom had always been good, but his stepfather, Leo, had been physically abusive toward Mike.

  Mike's mom had told him to just stay away from Leo and that he should consider getting his own place to live. Mike had felt that she had chosen Leo over him so he had not made any attempts to communicate with them. Mike did finally call her to inform her of his wedding and ask if she would like to attend. She told him that Leo had died two years prior from cancer. Mike's only question had been to ask if his disease had been painful.

  "Yes, the poor man had experienced constant pain the last year of his life." she told him.

  Good, thought Mike. He would have enjoyed taking Leo's life with his own hands but knowing he was in pain his last year alive pleased Mike. But because she had loved Leo Mike never expressed those thoughts to his mom.

  Lilly and Mike spent a month in Fuji on their honeymoon. When they returned to Reno, Lucien called and setup a meeting with Mike.

  Two days later Mike met Lucien and Vinny at the Reno Airport. Lucien and Vinny spent the night in the two bedroom presidential suit of the Adranus Casino.

  At breakfast Lucien was positively beaming, “Michael this place is amazing. Could you look into the possibility of adding an apartment on the roof? I believe board meetings and business negotiations could benefit greatly from this environment.” suggested Lucien.

  “Let me remind you this is not the most impressive of the casinos. This is the only Casino without an apartment on the roof. In fact, I had made arrangements to add apartments to all of the newly constructed Casinos. Your Apartment is located on the Palaci Tahoe. ” Mike said seeing Lucien’s demeanor visibly lighten.

  “Well lets get started, if it gets even better then I must see it all.” said Lucien.

  The Palaci Sparks, the Palaci Carson City were equally impressive but the crown jewel; The Palaci Tahoe took Lucien’s breath away. The scenic lake views and the beautiful vista of the surrounding mountains left Lucien speechless.

  “My wife will love this place!” Lucien finally said.

  “I must make arrangements for her to come here for our anniversary. In fact this wouldn’t be a bad place to retire, but Maria would never leave San Francisco.”

  Mike laughed.


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