Whisk'er Away: Cruising with Alphas (Meet Your Alpha Book 4)

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Whisk'er Away: Cruising with Alphas (Meet Your Alpha Book 4) Page 8

by Gwen Knight

  Why not have a little fun? Shake things up a little. Give the surrounding passengers a show?

  Kendra squealed her excitement and pranced backward, giving me some distance. I took a deep breath, dug deep, and unleashed the loudest roar I could muster. A few of the passengers cringed in fear, but most cheered and clapped. Kendra’s jaw dropped as the magnificent sound shook the deck, but then the most astonishing thing happened. She threw back her own head and howled. It was such a majestic sound, one that warmed my heart. The two sounds were entirely different from one another, but somehow, she managed to blend our two voices.

  I bit off the roar at the sound of approaching footsteps. Seemed Meet Your Alpha hadn’t enjoyed the show as much as the others. Kendra whirled around, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she searched for the security team. At the sight of them rounding the corner, Kendra spun back to me, then jerked her head toward the far exit.

  With a playful growl, I bounded forward, my stride easily doubling hers as we bolted toward the exit. My roar had awakened the security team, and I was definitely in the mood to give them a good run for their money.



  I wandered the promenade, taking in all the sights and sounds. Though Halloween wasn’t for another week, the staff had already taken the time to decorate, and the décor was astounding. Pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns lined the walkways while giant skeletons and ghosts hung from the twinkling ceiling. I’d heard some people talk about the upcoming festivities with excitement in their voices. Not only was Meet Your Alpha planning a festival and dance on Halloween, but up until then, there would scavenger hunts, trick or treating, and a parade to ring in the day. Halloween had always been my favorite, and I felt a little of that old spark ignite as I stared up at the ghoulish faces hanging above me.

  “There you are.”

  I glanced over to find Brittany jogging toward me, a perplexed frown marring her face.

  “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Where the hell have you been?”

  A hint of a smile graced my face. “It’s a ship, Britt. It isn’t like I’ve been missing.”

  “Really? Because I haven’t seen you in like two days. You took off after the first dinner, and that was it. I haven’t heard from you since. You aren’t there when I fall asleep, and you’re gone when I wake up.”

  Amused by her antics, I simply shrugged. It wasn’t like I’d been avoiding her, but rather…preoccupied with a certain lion shifter. I preferred his company over my nosy sister’s. There was something freeing about being with Leo. After yesterday’s adventures, we’d been careful to avoid the security team. I could still remember their faces as they’d chased us all over the decks. Eventually, Leo had admitted defeat and submitted to a thorough tongue lashing. Afterward, with a gruff warning from the alpha of the security team, he’d found me in the greenroom. He’d burst out laughing the second he spotted me, but we’d spent the rest of the night poolside enjoying a few cocktails while taking in all the splendor. So far, nighttime was my favorite. The ship grew so quiet you could hear the water lapping against the side of the boat, and without any residual light from the city, we could see every star in the sky. It was like a scene right out of a romance novel, complete with naughty thoughts about the man I was with.

  Being with Leo was confusing. Relaxing. Exciting. And more confusing. My wolf wanted to pounce on him, convinced he’d make our every dream come true. But the rational side of me was more cautious. At the very least, I could admit to myself that I was scared. Petrified, in fact. Falling for someone meant losing yourself. And pain when you subsequently lost the one you fell for. Which was inevitable. We shifters were long lived but we weren’t immortal, and Leo was an alpha. I had to keep reminding myself of that, because my wolf sure as hell didn’t care. She was attracted to the power he exuded. Much like last time.

  Did I mention this was all very confusing?

  “Hello?” Brittany clicked her fingers in front of my face. “Earth to Kendra. You with me here?”

  I blinked and focused on my sister’s annoyed visage. It wasn’t a look she often wore. “What?”

  “I asked where you’ve been. You haven’t been checking any of your messages.”

  “Oh…” I fished my phone out of my pocket and sure enough, I had a bunch of missed Facebook messages from her, and two from Leo. A smile played across my lips, and I opened his first, reading over his invitation to have dinner with him. He wanted to try one of the Italian restaurants in an hour and wanted to know if I would join him. I typed back a quick yes, my heart doing somersaults when I saw that the message was instantly read. Then I scrolled through my sister’s messages, quickly dismissing them afterward.

  I slipped my phone back into my pocket. “Well, you clearly found me.”

  “Look, if you’re mad at me about that dinner, I am truly sorry. I shouldn’t have told Leo about Daniel. I didn’t mean to upset you. But that doesn’t mean you can avoid me.”

  “I haven’t been avoiding you,” I grumbled. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Busy.” She lifted a brow. “Doing what?”

  I bit the inside of my cheek. I didn’t want to tell her that I’d been hanging out with Leo. I didn’t want to see that ridiculous smile on her face or raise her hopes only to dash them later when nothing happened. Regardless of my wolf’s feelings for Leo, I had to be the sensible one. Even if that meant limiting us to friends only.

  “Kendra?” Brittany asked. “Busy doing what?”

  “Enjoying the pools, reading some books, eating, shopping, isn’t that what you wanted me to do?”

  Her brows dropped in a deep frown. She studied my face and for a brief moment I felt like she could see right through me. “Well, what else?”

  “Nothing. Look, if you want to hang out, let’s go check out the shops.”

  Her face brightened. “Seriously?”

  “Sure. I’ve been wanting to check out the jewelry store. I keep hearing from different people that they have some great prices.”

  Brittany squealed and looped her arm through mine. “Lead the way, my lady! I feel the need to buy myself a big ol’ diamond.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her infectious enthusiasm. Brittany loved spending money. So much so that the woman didn’t understand the meaning of a savings account. Luckily, she had a job as a civil engineer to cover her wicked expenses.

  She practically pulled me into the jewelry store, her eyes narrowed as she scoped out the prices and sales. Brittany had always been good at bartering, and I knew she’d land herself a good deal. I wasn’t sure I wanted to buy anything, but I did want to look around. The store wasn’t large by any means, not that any of them were, but they had quite the selection packed into their glass displays. Oodles of sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, everything a girl could want and more.

  One of the sapphire rings caught my breath the second I spotted it. Whereas I was accustomed to blue sapphire, the gem in this ring was pink, but definitely still sapphire. I leaned forward for a closer look, my breath fogging the glass. I’d never seen a pink sapphire before. And though I wasn’t a huge fan of pink, I had to admit, it worked for this ring. The gem was surrounded by a dusting of beautiful diamonds, all glimmering in the store lights.

  “Beautiful ring, isn’t it?” a voice asked.

  I glanced up to find one of the sales ladies standing in front of me with a pleasant smile. “It is.”

  “It’s one of our more uncommon pieces. Pink sapphire is gorgeous, but not as popular as blue. There’s something about the deep blues that call to people. Myself, I’ve always found the pink more appealing. More unique.”

  I nearly laughed. A good spiel as far as spiels went. I knew the game here. Pitch the ring, make me want it, then close the deal. “It’s nice, but I’m just here to look around with my sister.” Who apparently already had multiple people helping her out.

  The saleswoman chuckled. “Yes, she wanted to see a bunch of rings right away.”

  I didn’t mention Brittany’s shopping problem—didn’t need to encourage them any. If they knew she was an impulse buyer, they’d up the price. Not that Brittany was doing anything to discourage that.

  “But you…I think you’d do well with this piece. Would you like to try it on?”

  I shook my head and stepped back from the display. Trying it on was one of their tactics. They were hoping I’d fall in love with it and snatch it up. And I would. Which was why I wasn’t going to fall for that. “Thanks, but I’m going to check on my sister.”

  “Of course. Let me know if you change your mind. I’m sure we could work out a good deal for you.”

  I was sure they could. I strolled over to my sister and scoffed under my breath. She had a ring on each finger and held her hand up to the light, marveling at the way the gems sparkled. Without a doubt, I knew she’d buy one.

  “Your sister has good taste,” another salesperson said.

  “I do,” Brittany teased. “Both in jewels and men. But Kendra already knew that.”

  I sighed and shook my head. Couldn’t take her anywhere. After a few moments of watching her crow over the rings, I returned to perusing. They had a beautiful selection, that was for sure, but the stock was all the same as other jewelry stores. The difference here were the prices—or so they claimed. Being that we were out at sea, the gems were discounted. They kept repeating that, as though hoping it would push us into buying.

  Eventually, Brittany settled on an emerald ring that she said complimented her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t mind checking out the other shops,” she said as we left the store, her new ring dazzling on her hand.

  I glanced at the time and grimaced. Fifteen minutes left until I was supposed to meet Leo, and it would take half that time to get there.

  Bracing myself for the worst, I stepped back from Brittany and said, “I can’t. I have dinner plans.”

  Brittany jerked to a stop, then spun toward me, her mouth a perfect o. “You have plans? With who?”

  If I gave her Leo’s name, I knew how she would react. There’d be questions, insinuations, excited squeals, everything I wanted to avoid. The last thing I wanted was for her to think I’d started a new relationship with someone.

  “Well?” she drawled. “Who is this lucky person and why aren’t I invited?”

  Double shit. Considering she knew Leo as well, it was a good question. I couldn’t say it was a date, because it wasn’t. But it wasn’t casual either. I simply didn’t know how to explain it.

  When I didn’t answer, she frowned and stepped toward me. “Who is it, Kendra?”

  “Leo,” I murmured.

  And just like that, her entire face exploded with excitement. Her eyes twinkled brighter than her new ring, and her smile gained wattage. “I knew it!”

  I groaned and closed my eyes.

  “I effing knew it! I knew you liked him! Am I good, or what?”


  “I saw the look on your face. I saw it! You were gobsmacked by him, and he you. I should go into business! Maybe Meet Your Alpha will hire me. ’Cuz I’m the best at matchmaking! First Daniel, and now Leo.”

  I winced. “It’s only dinner. It’s not a date.”

  “Then why can’t I come?” she asked, a knowing grin stretching across her face.

  “It isn’t like that, honestly. I’m…I’m not ready to date.”

  “Girl, you are. That’s why you’re going. You can stand there and tell me anything you want to make you feel better. But we both know the truth. If you weren’t ready, you wouldn’t be going. Oh, my God! He’s the one that put that smile on your face earlier, when you were looking through your phone. You’re smitten, kitten!”

  My defenses slammed into place. “Brittany…”

  The tone of my voice killed her excitement. With a scowl, she reached out and clutched my hands. “I want you to listen to me, Kendra Marie Phillips—” She’d purposely used my maiden name. My legal name, I reminded myself. “—It’s perfectly all right for you to go on a date and enjoy yourself. It’s perfectly all right for you to have feelings for another man. And it’s perfectly all right for you to live. Do you hear me?”

  “I know, but—”

  “No, you don’t know. I want you to listen to every word I’m saying. And I’m not trying to be a bitch or hurt you. Daniel is gone. I know it still hurts to hear that. I suspect it’ll always feel that way. He was your mate. We all understand that. But no one is going to begrudge you the chance to move on with your life. No matter what you tell yourself. This is not you betraying Daniel’s memory. His memory will always live on within you. This is you giving yourself a chance to find happiness. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.”

  Her words packed quite the punch. I tried to extract my hands from hers, but she gripped them tighter and forced me to look her in the eyes. “I want to see you happy again. Maybe Leo is that person for you. Maybe he isn’t. There’s no harm in finding out, is there?”

  I shook my head.

  “Good. That’s a good first step. Don’t think about it as dating, or finding a new mate, or whatever the hell it is your big ol’ brain is trying to tell you. Take it one day at a time. If the cruise ends and you two decide to part ways, there’s nothing wrong with that. Promise me you’ll give yourself and him a chance.”

  When I didn’t say anything, she tugged me closer, then released my hands and cupped my cheeks. “Promise me, Kendra.”

  Though my mouth felt like it was packed with cotton, I mumbled, “I promise.”

  “Good girl. Now, go enjoy your dinner. And I expect to hear every last detail when you come home tonight.”

  Relief rushed through my veins. I knew my sister—knew she could have ended that with a ‘if you come home tonight’ and I wasn’t ready for that.

  “Hey.” She met my gaze and offered a gentle smile. “I love you. The pack loves you. And whatever you decide, we’ll all support you. Now, love and support yourself, and go have a good time. Yes?”

  “Yes,” I croaked.

  “Good girl.”

  Brittany wrenched me in for a hug, then spun me around and set me on my way. What had come off as an innocent dinner invitation now seemed like something so much more.

  But was I ready for that?



  Half an hour before my dinner date with Kendra, my phone beeped, alerting me to an email. Today was day three of the cruise, and I was surprised this was the first email to arrive. I stared at the little envelope icon on my laptop screen and debated ignoring it. The pride knew I was on vacation and that all matters were to be handled by my father. But what if it was an emergency? Something dire? The second-in-command knew not to contact me otherwise.

  So, with a sigh, I clicked the icon and pulled up the email.

  And immediately started growling.

  It wasn’t from my second-in-command, or my father. No, it was from the vampire, Kai. A quick skim of the email had me seeing red. According to Kai, my father had gone against my express wishes and canceled the deal I’d arranged. Reading further, it sounded as though my father had gone so far as to have the vampires who’d recently moved into the condo arrested for trespassing.

  I scrubbed my hands down my face and sighed. I should have known my father would pull some sort of stunt in my absence. The man had been born in the late eighteen-hundreds. To him, vampires would always be the enemy. It didn’t matter that they’d modernized themselves and took extra care to keep from murdering their victims, for a lack of a better word. Nor did it matter that they now followed the exact letter of the law. My father would never forget—or forgive—the past. A time when vampires raped and pillaged without consequence.

  Scowling at the email, I continued reading to find that Kai had graciously decided not to retaliate until I returned home and sorted out this mess. He felt, however, that I should be made aware of my father’s shenanigans, as he put it. Which I appreciated.

/>   I couldn’t believe my father. He’d sat there and promised he wouldn’t cause problems, that he’d let me handle pride affairs from now on. And now I had to figure out some sort of punishment. I had no choice in the matter—he’d forced my hand. I was going to be the alpha, I couldn’t allow anyone to disobey me. A lesson I’d long since learned from my father.

  This was not what I needed right now. I was supposed to be enjoying my vacation and hopefully wooing a very timid wolf. Not worrying about my father and his “shenanigans.”

  After a few choice curse words, I clicked reply and typed out a short and concise email, informing Kai that I would handle this, that the deal was still on the table, and I would sort everything out once home. So long as I could keep the situation from escalating, everything would be all right. But this wouldn’t be the first time my pride had gone toe-to-toe with Kai’s coven. Animosity ran high between the two. I wanted to fix that. My father, on the other hand, didn’t.

  I was about to close down my laptop when another ding notified me of a message. Facebook, this time. Hoping it was Kendra, I immediately navigated over to that tab, only to find my second shock of the evening.

  I stared at the text, convinced I had to be seeing things. But it didn’t matter how many times I blinked or closed Facebook and reopened it—the message remained the same.

  Star: Your mother told me I should reach out to you. She suggested you were interested in a deeper relationship than our current one. I know you’re on vacation right now, but she asked me to message you as soon as possible. I think she’s hoping for a spring wedding.

  How quickly my vision went from red to crimson. My skin burned, my chest ached, and my lion roared his immense displeasure. There was only one shifter that interested me, and it certainly wasn’t a woman named Star who smoked grass with her parents and main fashion accessory was hemp.

  What the hell were my parents thinking? I was used to my mother and her eccentric ways, but my father was more levelheaded than this. And now I felt like they were tag-teaming me. I knew they were impatient for grandkids, but this was ridiculous. I’d expressly stated to my mother that I would never pair up with Star. Why the hell would she tell Star otherwise? What was going on back home? Were my parents losing their minds? Becoming senile?


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