Alex: Beauty and The Greek (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 5)

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Alex: Beauty and The Greek (BWWM) (The Wallflower's Series Book 5) Page 6

by T. C. Clark

  When she told him about her remote clients, he packed his stuff up and headed for the door. Before he opened it he turned to her. She backed up as she saw the banked lust in his eyes. She hadn’t seen it earlier, but it was there.

  “I don’t want you to think that I’m just trying to be a good friend. I am not a friend. We are more than that,” he said kissing her lightly on the lips.

  “Alex,” she warned, but he took her mouth again this time with a deep kiss that left her wanting more.

  “I know this isn’t a great time. But I want to make it clear I want more of you. What happens between us doesn’t have anything to do with me helping you. I would do that anyway, but I’m not going into the friend zone. So if you don’t want me, you’re going to have to make me believe it.” He turned to leave. “Lock the door when I leave and reset your alarm. I will see you in the morning.”

  After he left she locked the door and ran to the window to watch him. Sure enough, he walked over to the condo right in front of hers. How did he get the Adams to agree with that? They were an elderly couple who’d owned that place for years. Agatha opened the door and greeted him with a hug, and they both waved her way. With a sigh Tara waved back.

  Absently, her hand went to her lips. She hadn’t imagined that night. She’d thought her mind had exaggerated the passion that existed between them. But it was there; she couldn’t deny it. She was surprised that he knew it, too.

  He still didn’t understand the extent to which Josh would go to keep her isolated. She’d warned him but he didn’t seem to care. She wondered how long he’d stay around. She wouldn’t depend on him, she knew better than that. The only person a woman could depend on was herself. He’d be gone soon enough.


  Love is hard...

  A Few Weeks Later…

  She feels safe now, I gave her that. My silence has made it easier for her to live. But the time for waiting is up. She is mine and mine alone. Do they think I will just walk away from what belongs to me? He is one of my challengers. I’ll take him first. My angel needs me. She craves what only I can give her. She will wait no longer for my hand. It’s time for me to collect…

  Alex was still here. Not only that, he’d turned her life upside down. He’d had bullet proof glass installed on all of her windows. He’d added more security around the perimeter of the house. He had appointed himself as her protector and he meant it.

  His PI Ben was good, she had to admit. Somehow he’d found one of the places Josh was using as a hideout. The FBI was there along with the Chicago PD. They believed Ben’s investigation was causing Josh to veer from his plan and that meant he might start making mistakes.

  As for Alex himself, he was starting to grow on her. Hell, who was she kidding? She wanted him like a grown ass woman wants a sexy ass man. But other than some steamy kisses, nothing had happened so far. They’d spent their days getting to know each other and working on their own projects. She knew now he was the kind of man who always showed up.

  Tonight they were eating dinner together, which she had reluctantly cooked. She had never been good in the kitchen, but she’d wanted to say thank you to him. So she’d made one of her sister’s famous casseroles. It was perfect except for the fact that she’d neglected to season it well and she was pretty sure the carrots were under cooked. Yet he was eating it like it was the best thing in the world.

  “Do you like it?” she asked hesitantly. Unlike him she’d given up half way through her plate.

  “No, not at all,” he said honestly, earning a laugh from her. She’d gotten used to his frank nature. He didn’t like lying so he didn’t do it.

  “Then why are you still eating it?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “Because I like you and I appreciate that you tried. But we should probably leave the cooking up to me. You’re a good cleaner, though,” he said taking a long sip of his wine.

  “I am really good at that. Some people say that I excel at it,” she said dryly.

  “And those people would be right,” he said, putting his glass down. “I have to go to New York for the weekend to check on a client and I want you to go with me.”

  “How long?” she asked. She ignored the heavy beating of heart at the news of his leaving. He wasn’t hers. She needed to remember that.

  “Just a couple of days. I have security for the trip and we will be staying at my brother’s place and Nikos has already revamped the building with bulletproof windows and a panic room.”

  “Oh, does he have a stalker too?” she joked, wondering what made his brother go so far with the security.

  “No, he has a small family and he has been overprotective his whole life. I think you would like Ada and Dabria,” he said referring to his new sisters.

  Tara remembered them from the fight so she agreed. They were kind to her even though they didn’t know what was going on between her and Alex.

  She was supposed to say no, she knew that she’d taken enough of his time. But she couldn’t. Every day she liked Alex more. His dry wit, his hard work, and his arrogant attitude all made for a compelling combination.

  “Okay, when do we leave?” she asked, ignoring the warning bells going off in her mind. She was starting to depend on him. She even missed him when he was gone during the day. But she couldn’t stop herself. She had a bad feeling that for the first time in her life she was falling in love.

  * * *

  “You’re going to New York?” Dan asked. He’d come by around lunch time to escort Tara to her weekly office to meet up with Nisha. She always appreciated Dan’s help but she never knew what to say to him. She’d known he would hate the idea of her going anywhere without the police.

  “Yes, I’ve been locked up in that house for too long. I’m ready to go out, even if it’s only for a couple of days.”

  “Tara, it isn’t safe for you to go out right now,” Dan said, stopping at the clinic door. He took his place giving a nod to the security guard Tara had hired to watch the office.

  “I’ll be right back, just give me a moment?” Tara said ignoring his frown

  When she walked into her office she felt true joy. It still felt surreal every time she entered it. She’d built this business with her hard work and determination. She was lucky Nisha was looking for a change when she called. She’d helped her out before by filling in.

  Nisha worked for a large practice across town and was looking to join a smaller place where she could implement more of her personal techniques in therapy.They’d set up the second office in the clinic for her remote therapy sessions for the patients who only wanted to see her. So far, the practice had continued to thrive. She had posted one guard here for Nisha and her patients’ protection.

  “Hey, how have you been?” Nisha asked, hugging her close. Her blonde and brown dreads were styled in a tight up-do bun and she wore a figure hugging blue dress. Tara smiled; she loved Nisha’s style. They were both psychiatrist who also thought therapy was necessary and that not every patient needed medication to fix them. Their views on medicine had definitely brought them closer.

  “I’ve actually been good. I wanted to stop by and let you know I’m heading out of town for this weekend.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Nisha asked with a frown. She walked over to her desk and pulled out a file from the drawer and handed it to her.

  “I have to, Nisha I’m going to go crazy if I stay in that house any longer. I’ll be careful. I have a security team going with me and I won’t be there alone,” she admitted, flipping through the file. Nisha always compiled a detailed description of every therapy session. She went quiet as Tara read through each report and made some additional comments. When she was done she gave her back the folder and grabbed a large stack of mail.

  “Are you going with that sexy guy who answered your phone?” Nisha asked, batting her eyelashes at her.

  “How can you possibly know he’s sexy? You’ve never met him.” Tara laughed as she looke
d through the mail.

  “Girl, I know sexy when I hear it. So are you?” she asked again.

  “Yeah, he is going with me and don’t ask any questions. I’m not sure what any of this means just yet.”

  “Have you told Bella what’s going on yet?” Nisha asked, following her to the door. Dan stood at the there. He winked at Nisha, who in turn blew him a kiss.

  “Not yet but I will soon. I can’t go on like this forever. Right now she thinks I’m taking some me time and she is giving me some space. It helps that she’s busy planning that expensive wedding,” Tara said as they made their way to his black SUV.

  “Well, whatever you do, don’t forget that psycho is still out there. Watch your back and call me if you need anything!”

  “I promise I will. Thank you for all your help, Nisha. I really appreciate this,” Tara said and she meant it. Without her help, she wouldn’t know what to do with her practice. When she got back she was going to talk to her about becoming a partner.

  “Girl, don’t worry about it. I can use the money and I love working here. It’s amazing what you can do when a supervisor is not micromanaging you,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “Now that’s the truth!” Tara yelled back.

  When they started driving, Dan told her again he thought the trip was a bad idea.

  “I hear what you’re saying but I don’t care, Dan. I’ve done everything the police have said to do and nothing has changed. I can’t keep this up forever. Please try to understand I don’t want to fight with you about this. When I get back there are going to be some changes. I’m not going to keep staying in my house indefinitely.”

  “Tara, I just don’t want to see something happen to you. Don’t let his silence make you forget he’s still out there. I think that PI your boyfriend hired has really got him spooked.” He maneuvered through the streets easily, constantly checking the mirror to see if anyone was following them.

  “I appreciate all of your help. I really do, but it’s time for me to figure some stuff out for myself. And stop worrying about me and ask Nisha out,” she commanded as they pulled up to her house.

  She almost smiled when she saw the dark red blush that stained his cheeks. He was a handsome man with a good heart. She knew he would be a good match for her friend. She hadn’t missed those looks that passed between them.

  “Nisha wouldn’t be interested in me,” he said, pulling out his phone.

  “I think you underestimate your charm. You are good looking, kind, and responsible. Trust me you’re exactly what she needs,” she said. As one of the security guards Alex hired walked up to open her door, she smiled at him and turned back to Dan. “Don’t worry about me. I promise you, I will be fine.”

  She waved him off and walked back inside. She took a deep breath and ran upstairs to pack. She felt giddy with anticipation at being alone with Alex for a few days. This trip was much needed and she would enjoy every minute of it.

  Alex looked across the seat at the beautiful woman asleep on the couch. Tara had run around the private company plane like a happy child. He’d never been so proud of it before. He’d built his company from scratch and although it had repaid him with more money than he could imagine, he’d never taken the time to enjoy the luxury around him. He’d traveled like this for years now, so he forgot to enjoy it.

  When they’d finally taken off she’d promptly passed out after enjoying her favorite meal from an exotic Thai restaurant. He’d picked up their food on the way to the airport, earning himself a kiss on the cheek.

  He watched her closely. It had been hard to keep his hands to himself. Every day he spent with her made him want her more. She was funny, sassy, and set in her ways. A welcome change to the usual women he seduced.

  She’d removed her shoes and tucked them under her. The way she was sleeping gave him just a glimpse of her sexy curves. Alex looked away as his body started to react.

  He wanted her now. He’d done his best to wait and give her time to catch up to what he was feeling, but her time was running out. This trip was going to be a turning point for them.

  * * *

  They arrived in New York late. The company car was sitting on the tarmac when they opened the door. It took a while for them to get downtown because of the congested traffic.

  The skyscrapers lit up the sky and created a magical feel around them. Alex smiled as Tara moved closer to him, as they got deeper into the city. They arrived at Nikos’ building and were escorted to the top floor. The glass elevator they traveled up in had its own chandelier.

  When they got to the front door they met with a new security team. Alex gave them detailed instructions about how to move about the building and then used his palm print to unlock the door.

  “Exactly what does your brother do?” Tara asked as she looked around the luxurious penthouse.

  “He owns a shipping company. I take it you like it?” he said, opening up the fridge to pull out a pot of chicken soup that he’d special ordered. He turned on the stove and pulled out a ladle. It was one of his favorite dishes from this place. They’d already filled the fridge for them prior to their arrival.

  “I really do,” she said huskily. Her eyes were locked on his lips. Just when he thought she’d do something about the desire he saw lurking in her eyes, she turned away.

  He took one step forward and then stopped. He needed her to come to him. There could be no confusion about what was going on. He took a deep breath and resigned himself to a night with a cold shower and his hand again.

  “Why don’t you up and settle in? There are three bedrooms. Take whichever you like,” he said forcing himself to stay at the stove. She’d been through a lot so he was trying to take it slow. But it was getting harder by the day.

  The rest of the night went on exactly how he thought it would. They had dinner, cleaned up, did some work, and went to bed. The one thing he could find comfort in was all the looks she kept sneaking his way.

  In the morning he went to visit his aggravated client, while she stayed behind to work through some of her notes. While he was out he made plans for dinner. He was having a premier restaurant deliver a four-course meal that he would set up himself. He wasn’t sure she would feel comfortable leaving the penthouse yet and he didn’t want to push her.

  When he got there he was surprised to smell a delicious aroma in the air. He walked into the kitchen and nearly dropped the stack of papers he was holding. Tara was at the stove cooking. She looked back at him with an embarrassed expression. She was closely following a YouTube video. She paused it to yell at him.

  “Get out of here Alex! What the hell are you doing here anyway? You are supposed to be at work,” she exclaimed as a pot started to boil over.

  “I got done early and decided to surprise you.”

  “Well, get out of here. If you want something edible you have to stop distracting me. Come back in thirty minutes.” She turned back to the video and restarted it.

  She had a little sauce on her cheek and her clothes were wrinkled from the steam and she’d never looked sexier. Unable to stop himself he walked over to her and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  “Thank you, Tara.”

  “You’re welcome. Now get out of here.”

  In exactly twenty-nine minutes he returned. He’d used that time to cancel the fancy dinner and change into some casual clothes. He smiled when he saw how much effort she’d taken. She watched him anxiously as he took a bite. He knew she was worried because she was twisting her fingers.

  “It’s delicious, Tara,” he said honestly. Whatever video she’d watched had taught her well. She smiled brightly and then started in on her own plate. When they were done, they cleaned up together and settled on the couch.

  He put on a Marvel movie and they sat together like old lovers. He could feel her thinking and he waited. He knew the exact moment she decided to go in for it because her breath changed.

  Her hand that had been clenched on her lap moved to his thigh and then
she moved to straddle him. This time she took his mouth. She gave him everything he craved, devouring him like she was the siren from his dreams.

  Her hands moved over his body lightly. Her touch excited him more than anything else. It took him a moment to gain control of the kiss. One hand cupped her head while the other pulled at her silk shirt.

  She had the softest skin. He would tell her that later. He couldn’t talk now. He was so hard it hurt. He’d been like that since they reconnected, and tonight he would give his body what it needed. She moaned when his rough hands began to massage her breasts.

  He cursed. He wouldn’t last a second inside of her tight sheath. But he would spend the night making it up to her. He would take her again and again until she understood the seriousness of what was happening between them.

  Alex was caught between tasting her wetness or plunging into it when both of their phones started to ring. They ignored them, so caught up in each other that nothing else mattered. He gritted his teeth as her mouth found his neck and sucked hard. The minx was giving him a hickey.

  Just as he decided to return the favor, there was a pounding on the door. The sound was loud in the room, and Tara reared back as if she’d been slapped.

  She looked at the door and then back at the phone with fear in her eyes. He understood the look; she’d been there when he told security they were not supposed to be disturbed. Tara reached for her phone as he opened the door.

  It took him a moment to understand what the man was saying. But when he got it, Alex nodded and turned back to Tara, who was now crying softly on the couch. The police were calling to tell them that Josh had struck again. They’d found Dan’s body in his garage hanging from a post with a message carved into his chest. The message was one of the reasons they’d decided to contact them. It read:


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