Lord Montagu's Page: An Historical Romance

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Lord Montagu's Page: An Historical Romance Page 40

by G. P. R. James


  We left Edward Langdale at nightfall, and, by the reader's good leave,may as well take him up again about the same hour, but with an intervalof some ten days. The interval measured upon the earth's surface must beequally great. When we last saw him he was entering a little town onthe frontiers of Burgundy, just after the cool sunset of a chilly springday. He was now riding out of the fine old town of Niort after a warmday's journey; for even under the genial sky of France ten days willmake a great difference, and bring the warm breath of the South toexpand the flowers, though winter even there will sometimes linger inthe lap of spring.

  "Well, sir," said Jacques Beaupre, who was a good deal tired with alonger day's ride than usual, "everybody says you will find the townfull of soldiers; and we all know where fighting men are there is noroom for civil men."

  "We will find room, Jacques," replied Edward, in a light, confidenttone; "and, as to civility, if we don't show ourselves too militant, thefighting-men will be civil enough, depend on it. But, my good friend, Imust, if possible, see the cardinal to-morrow. They tell me that anassault upon Rochelle will be made shortly; and, if I could but get intothe town for a few hours----"

  Jacques Beaupre shook his head, saying, "Ah, sir, it is all in vain. Iwill go as far to help poor old Clement Tournon as any man; but the goodsyndic is most likely dead of starvation by this time; and, if he isnot, you might as well try to persuade a cat to let a mouse get out ofher jaws as attempt to persuade his Eminence to let one single soul, oldor young, get out of Rochelle."

  "I will try, at all events," answered Edward. "He who makes no effortnever succeeds. He who makes an effort may fail, but he may succeed. Theman who helped me at my utmost need shall never say that I did not tryto help him when he was in a harder scrape. Ride on, ride on: we havestill three leagues to go."

  The twilight grew fainter as they went, and it was quite dark when theyemerged from the little wood which lies about a quarter of a league fromthe small old town of Fontenay, then universally called Rohan Rohan. Itis now a mere insignificant burgh; but in those times and in the timebefore it was a small city of some importance,--if not for its commerce,at least for its capabilities for defence. It had even ventured a shorttime before to set at defiance the arms of France, and had made anobstinate resistance, but, having fallen at length, had sufferedseverely from the captors.

  It was night, as I have said, when Edward and his two companions firstcame within sight; and very little of the place would have been visiblehad not a large body of men, which formed the rear-guard of the royalarmy, been marched out some days before and encamped a mile beyond thetown. Every one who has seen a camp must have remarked how much morelight finds its way to the sky from amongst the tents in the early partof the night than arises from amongst the houses of a city, though,perhaps, much more populous; and now the blaze from watch-fires andlamps and torches threw out the dark masses of the town of Rohan Rohan,with its fine old castle, in strong relief.

  It is rarely that the rear of an army is guarded with as much care asits van. Few captains are as careful as Earl Percy. But in this casenegligence was more excusable; for no one in all the camp ever dreamedof such a thing as an attack in the rear. Moreover, to say the truth,that rear-guard in advance of Rohan Rohan was composed of a somewhatdisorderly set, gentlemen and soldiers alike, not one of whom wishedparticularly to see the fall of Rochelle.

  To explain the cause of this indifference would take up too much time;but the words of Bassompierre revealed the fact when he said, "You willsee we shall be fools enough to take Rochelle."

  However that might be, Edward and his companions had passed the centreof the town before they saw a single soldier. It was badly lighted, itis true; but the cause of their not seeing any was that there were noneto be seen. The young gentleman looked for guard, or picquet, or patrol,in vain, till he arrived within a hundred yards of the end of the streetwhich leads up from Pont de Cosse to the castle. There, however, he waschallenged for the first time,--one of a group of musketeers who weredrinking at the door of a house starting up and demanding the password.

  Edward, unable to give it, requested to see the man's officer, and wasled unceremoniously into the house, where he found an old gray-headedgentleman seated reading, with his steel cap upon the table. To him theyoung gentleman's errand was soon explained, and his safe-conductexhibited.

  "I cannot let you pass, young gentleman, without further orders," saidthe old man; "but if you will wait here for an hour I will send on yourname and the description of your pass to our commander. He will soon letus hear from him. I am rather curiously situated myself, and thereforemust be careful."

  "I must wait the leisure of the king's officers," answered Edward, in acivil tone. "But, in the mean while, perhaps my two men, who arewithout, can get some forage for the horses and some food forthemselves. I have not seen an inn open in the whole place."

  "I suppose not," said the old officer, dryly. "But some of my peoplewill easily find for yours what they want. Pray, be seated and wait tillmy return."

  He was not gone more than five minutes; and then about an hour passed inbroken and desultory conversation between him and his visitor, whom hetreated with every sort of distinction,--for by this time Edward wasonce more equipped in the garments of a gentleman of the court, whichwere none the less gentlemanly for being plain and sober. Some of theold man's questions and observations seemed to his young companionsomewhat strange: he asked if Edward had met any parties of armed men onthe road, how long he had travelled, which way he had come, and remarkedthat this siege was a weary business, but that the cardinal wasdetermined to carry Rochelle whatever it might cost.

  Edward replied as shortly as politeness permitted, and only put a fewquestions in return. Amongst them, however, he inquired who was theofficer commanding the troops in front, and heard, with sensations notaltogether pleasant, that his name was Monsieur de Lude, into whosehands he had fallen once before.

  At the end of an hour he was relieved, however; for a soldier, enteringthe room with every appearance of haste, gave a letter into the handsof the old officer, who opened and read it with a good deal ofmerriment.

  "Monsieur de Lude writes thus," he said: "'Present my compliments toMonsieur de Langdale and inform him that I cannot let him pass the poststill I have the cardinal's permission, which I have no doubt will begiven as soon as he hears his name.' Shall I read the rest?" asked theold officer.

  Edward nodded, and he went on thus:--"'I got into a devil of a scrapelast summer about him and a girl he had with him. Who the mischief he isI don't know; but, by what the cardinal said when I saw him, I think hemust be his Eminence's pet cat turned into a cavalier. On your life, beas civil to him as possible; give him the best rooms in the castle, andfeed and drink him well, till I can come over myself,--which will be assoon as I hear from the cardinal to-morrow. I am half afraid to stophim. But what can I do? The orders are strict not to let any one passthe posts, because'----The rest," continued the old man, abruptly,"refers to matters of no consequence. You will find the rooms of thecastle very comfortable, for they were inhabited by the Duc de Rohan buta few weeks before we sat down before the place, and some of the oldservants have been suffered to remain till the king's pleasure is known.Heaven grant there be no ghosts there to disturb you!--though there aresome strange tales, as in regard to every old country-house."

  "I am not afraid of any thing unsubstantial," answered Edward. "Do youknow what has become of the Duc de Rohan?"

  "No,--not rightly," replied the old officer, with some slighthesitation. "They did say he was threatening the right flank of the armywith a body of horse; but he must have found out by this time it was ofno use. Men must submit to circumstances, sir. But let us go. I willhave the honor of escorting you. We shall find your servants somewhereabout." And, calling aloud for torches, he led the way out of the lowhouse where he had taken up his quarters, and gave some orders to themen about the door.

  Before the
torches were lighted and Edward Langdale and his companion,with two men before them, had proceeded a hundred yards up the hill,Jacques Beaupre and Pierrot had joined them, leading the horses. Insooth, the party proceeded exceedingly slowly; and it took a fullquarter of an hour to reach the gates of the chateau. All watch and wardwas gone; and at the inner door of the lodging-part of the buildingappeared a tremulous old man with a candle in his hand. The old officercalled him "Matthew," as if they had been long acquainted, and orderedhim briefly to pay every attention to the guest and give him the bestchambers in the house.

  "Those are the duchess's apartments," said the old majordomo. "We willhave a fire lighted in a moment, gentlemen; but I fear me there is notmuch in the house to eat. However, I will tell old Henri Borgne, who wascook here before Maitre Grondin's father came, to get something readywith all speed."

  "No, no," said the old officer: "this gentleman is not fond ofantediluvian sauces. I will make shift to send him up a roast chickenand a pottage. We are not particularly well off for provisions downbelow; but I can find something, and I think, Matthew, you can find thewine."

  "Hush, hush, sir," said the old man, in a low voice: "if your soldiersdid but hear."

  "I will break the first man's neck that climbs the hill," replied theofficer.

  "I want nothing," said Edward. "We supped at Cosse, and my men havetaken care of themselves below, depend upon it. Where is the duchessnow, Monsieur Matthew? and who has she got with her?"

  "Oh, she is in Venice still," replied the old man; "and there are MadameSt. Aignan, and Mademoiselle de Mirepoix, and three or four maids, andthe serving-men. Do you know her, sir? She's a fine lady, and mightygay."

  "I have not the honor," said Edward. "But now, my good man, let the firebe lighted: I shall go to bed soon, for I have ridden long and hard. Itrust," he continued, addressing the old officer, "that Monsieur de Ludewill communicate my coming to his Eminence as soon as possible; for itis very necessary that I should see him without delay."

  "Be you sure he will do that," replied the other. "De Lude is not a manto burn his fingers twice with the same chestnut."

  He then took his leave. The old servant with the candle marshalled theway ceremoniously to a very splendid suite of apartments which hadescaped, I know not how, from the rude hands of the soldiers when thetown was taken. Pierrot and Jacques Beaupre disposed of themselves,doubtless very comfortably; and Edward sat down to meditate. The readerneed not ask what was the subject of his thoughts, if he remembers thatthose were the halls and dwelling-place of the ancestors of Lucette.

  "Was it a dream?" he asked himself. Hardly nine months before, had hepassed with her not many miles from that very spot? had they wanderedalone together for weeks without restraint? had they borne suffering,anxiety, danger in dear companionship which made even danger sweet? hadthey been married, parted, met again, and again parted?

  There are times when a sensation of the unreality of all things uponthis earth comes over us,--when memory seems but a dream, our past actsa vision, our hopes, our fears, our enjoyments, but the fancies of thefleeting hour.

  For an instant it was so with Edward Langdale as he sat and gazed intothe flickering and phantasm-begetting fire. But when he turned his eyesaround upon those old walls, whose scrolls and sconces and fantasticornaments all spoke of the past,--all told that he was in the dwellingof the Rohan Rohans,--the strange, shadowy doubts vanished: he felt thatthere was something real in the world,--something more real than meretangible objects; that, if all else died or passed away like a show, therealities of heart and mind must remain forever,--that esteem,affection, love, truth, honesty and honor, genius and wisdom, can neverperish.

  How long he sat he knew not; but his meditations were interrupted by theold servant bringing in fresh wood, with a man from the town below,bearing a tray of provisions.

  The former he was glad to have, for the night had grown chilly; but thelatter he sent away to Pierrot and Beaupre, bidding them eat and then goto rest, as he wanted nothing more. The old man, after reverent offersof service, put some fresh candles in the sconces and left him, assuringhim that he should have had candlesticks,--fine silver flambeaux,--butthat they had been taken away.

  Edward, left alone, began to pace up and down the room. He looked at thebed, which seemed comfortable enough, and thought of lying down; but hehad no inclination to sleep. The chamber was a square room in an angleof the tower, one side looking to the south and the other to the east.The windows were without blinds or shutters. Edward advanced to one onthe southern side, from which there was a view over a considerable partof the camp. The glow which had risen in that direction some hoursbefore had considerably diminished: the watch-fires were dying out; thetorches no longer moved about from place to place. He lifted his eyes tothe sky, studded with stars, and saw a planet with a pure mild lightmoving upward untwinkling amongst the more steadfast watchers of thenight.

  "Can there be any truth," he thought, "in those tales of theastrologers? Can the fate of many men, of many nations, depend upon thecourse of such a pale, silent orb as that?" And, turning to the tableagain, he sat down and let his thoughts run on in the new course theyhad assumed. Every thing grew more and more silent around. The villageclock struck. He did not count its sounds, but he felt it must be nearmidnight.

  Who can tell what it is which, when alone and in silence, at that stillspectral hour, seems to chill the warm blood of the heart, and fills thebrain with ideas vague, and awful, and sublime,--with fancies gloomy, ifnot fearful?

  Edward sat thoughtfully for nearly half an hour longer. The fire hadfallen low, and he rose and threw some more wood upon it; but it wouldnot burn. He then rose and went to the other window, which lookedeastward. The moon was just rising, and he could see over a wide extentof country, with the wood which he had passed on his way to Fontenay onthe left of the picture, then half a mile or so of open sandy ground,then another wood to the right, and farther still, on the same side,but more distant, the spires and towers of some other little town. Therewas the haziness of moonlight over the whole scene; but the moon, thoughshe was strong enough to cast long shadows from every elevated object,so flooded the whole scene with light that the more distant featureswere not distinct.

  Suddenly Edward raised his hand half open to his brow, and gazed fromunderneath. He saw something that surprised him. A dark figure issuedfrom the wood; more followed; line after line of black, soldier-likephantoms swept over the sandy ground from the one wood toward the other,disappearing as they entered. But still more followed, horse and foot.They seemed to be a moving host; but there was something so quiet andgliding in their motions that Edward could hardly believe they weresubstantial. He opened the window quietly and listened. There was nonoise; there was no beat of drum, or sound of fife, or clang of arms, ortramp of marching men. Yet still the line went on, troop after troop andsquadron after squadron, in the same silent, stealthy way; and where hestood he could discern no shadows cast by the moon from the passingmultitude.

  At length he thought that fatigue must have affected his mind or bodystrangely; and, retiring from the window, he closed it, and lay down tosleep without undressing.

  His eyes closed heavily in a few minutes; but, ere an hour was over, hestarted up and gazed around him, wondering where he was. Then, asremembrance came back, he approached the window again and gazed out. Themoon was higher in the heaven, and shining with great splendor; but thephantom host had disappeared, and nothing was to be seen but the mistylandscape and the shadows of the trees.


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