“Ah, gotcha. There, look, isn’t she a cracker?”
The newborn baby looks like a newborn baby, but I make the right noises.
“And here’s one of the proud mum.”
Sandra’s face is illuminated with joy. She looks fantastic.
“I’m thrilled for her.”
“Are you sure?” asks Mac.
“Yes. It’s brilliant for her, because that’s what she wanted, and that’s what she deserves.”
It’s such a relief for me to be talking this way about Sandra and to know, for once, that it isn’t bullshit. Mac is nodding in admiration.
“You should get shot more often. It’s improved you no end. Have you worked out what you’re going to do?”
“Nope. Something new, I hope. Some sort of adventure.”
We take another couple of spins around everything that is wrong with this world and then Mac gets up to leave. As he opens the door he turns and salutes.
“Keep up the good work. We like this new Kevin…he reminds us of someone.”
I’m lucky to have Mac, amidst all the flux he’s been a constant; chaotic, erratic, but constant.
There is not much left to tell. We are virtually up to date now.
The wound took a couple of months to heal properly, but once I felt my old self again I began to throw myself into new projects. I hired a tutor and started to learn Chinese. I got my camera out from the back of a drawer and started photographing the birds in the garden. I even tried to write poetry. I’m still trying. I’ll probably never show it to anybody.
One final postscript. A few mornings ago, I am sitting in the garden doing some translation exercises when Jade’s voice comes on the radio. She is plugging a play about the Suffragettes that she is appearing in at the Young Vic. She sounds at ease, self-confident. It feels strange hearing her voice after everything that has happened. It was stupid of me to be so cruel with her that night in the restaurant.
As she talks about how excited she is to be working in live theatre, I find myself replaying our fateful argument in my mind. She was so upset and the scuffle we had is still a bit of a blur, but maybe, on reflection, I gave her a bit more of a shove than I was prepared to admit to myself at the time.
Still, she sounds fine now. And so am I. I drank the puffin blood and I got rescued. A robin lands on the lawn and gives me a jaunty look. I know this bird well now, he is quite bold, so I go inside to fetch my camera. As I enter the kitchen, the doorbell rings. I answer the door straight away – I no longer look out the window to check who it is – and standing on the doorstep is an eager-looking man in his late twenties.
“Hi, Kevin,” he says. “Sorry to ambush you like this.”
He thrusts out a hand towards me, which I shake hesitantly.
“It’s Brett.”
I know I know him, but I can’t put the face into a context. “We worked together on the show.”
Brett? Oh of course, yes, Brett, the runner – the annoyingly pushy runner.
“Can I come in?” he asks, as he comes in.
I make tea and we go through to the garden. Brett informs me that he is now a producer on the show and that he is envisaging lots of changes.
“We’ve been stagnating,” he says. “You can’t afford to stagnate in this new environment. The audiences are too nomadic.”
Then he shows me some colour-coded audience research on his laptop. Apparently it charts a slow but steady decline in the figures since Lenny was written out.
“The show lost its heartbeat once Lenny was gone. These numbers speak to that.”
What? ‘Speak to’? I hate that.
“The core audience love Lenny, so let’s give them Lenny back, give them what they want.”
It takes a few moments for me to realise what he is proposing.
“But Lenny’s dead,” I point out.
Brett waves his hand around dismissively.
“He can have faked his own death. The writers are already working on it.”
He starts to enthuse about possible plotlines, but there is so much meaningless gush that I soon start to tune him out.
“Isn’t it a problem…that I’ve been convicted of perjury?” I ask.
“You’re making a new start – just like Lenny. That will chime with the audience.”
Now he is talking about resonance and meta-narrative and even post-modernism. I pour the tea and steady my thoughts. Then he starts talking money. Big money. He is offering me my old life back, all that fakery and vanity and bogus prestige. He is offering a return to the days when I never had to pay for anything and any restaurant could find a table for me at a moment’s notice. He wants me to reset the clock, turn it back a couple of years, he wants me to regard everything that has happened to me as no more than a sidestep.
“Well,” he concludes, his eyes bright with expectation. “What do you say?”
I finish pouring the tea and then I tell him that I’ll think about it.
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The Star Witness Page 29