His Unexpected Twins

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His Unexpected Twins Page 6

by Carrie Nichols

  Jeez, live in your head much? No wonder you don’t have an active dating life.

  “If?” He turned to look at her. “What’s this ‘if’ business? You planning to dedicate yourself to your career?”

  “No. I’d love to get married, but first someone has to ask me, and I’m still not convinced I’ll be able to get pregnant.” She hated to admit it, but that fact alone sometimes held her back. What if she met a nice guy who wanted kids and she wasn’t able to give him that?

  “Because of the cancer?”

  “Because of the treatments but yeah...because of the cancer. The doctors say it’s possible, but possible and probable are two different things.”

  “Then I hope it happens if that’s what you want.”

  “I’ve learned not to dwell on things out of my control.” She shrugged. “Besides, there’s other ways. Since becoming friends with Mary, I’ve given a lot of thought to fostering or at least helping out with their summer camp once they get the cancer survivors part going.”

  “Yeah, that seems like a worthwhile project. Whoever thought that up must be a genius.”

  She laughed. “I thought so, too.”

  Chapter Five

  “Hey, Els, got any plans for tonight?”

  The day after sharing pizza with Liam, Ellie had been on her way out of the hospital after her shift, but turned as Colton caught up to her. He and Mike had brought in a suspected heart attack just as her shift ended. Luckily, her replacement was already on duty for the night and she was able to leave.

  She raised her brow. “Why? Did you lose the X-ray tech’s phone number?”

  “Aw, c’mon, you’re not holding that against me, are you?” He stopped in front of her with a sheepish grin.

  “No, but aren’t you working?” she asked. Colton was a great-looking guy. One most women would be happy to date. But he had one big flaw. He wasn’t Liam.

  “My shift ends in an hour. Maybe we could—”

  He was interrupted by “Bohemian Rhapsody.” For once, she didn’t mind the interruption when she saw her caller was Liam.

  “Sorry.” Ellie pulled the phone from the front pocket of her purse. “Excuse me but I need to get this.”

  She had a pang of guilt but reminded herself that Colton had asked her for another woman’s phone number. “Hey.”

  “Glad I caught you. Have you left the hospital yet?”

  “No. Is there something wrong?”

  “Nothing wrong. I simply hoped to catch you before you got all the way home. My dad and Doris arrived this afternoon and we’re having an impromptu family cookout. Whaddaya say, Ellie, will you come?”

  “But if it’s family...” She was acutely aware of Colton watching her.

  “You’re family. Just say yes. You know you want to.”

  She clutched the phone tighter. Of course she wanted to say yes, but feared she was opening herself to more heartache. She glanced down at her scrubs. They were clean but they were still scrubs. “I’m not dressed for—”

  “Did I mention it’s a cookout?”

  Could she pass up spending time with Liam? “Okay. What can I bring?”

  “Just your cute self.”

  Colton’s radio squawked and he held up his hands as if in surrender. “Gotta run. Catch you later.”

  Ellie waved as the EMT trotted away.

  “Who’s that with you?” Liam asked.


  “The EMT?”

  She nodded, then realized Liam couldn’t see her. “Yeah, they brought in a patient as my shift was ending.”

  “So I’ll see you in a bit?”

  “I’m on my way.”

  * * *

  Liam pocketed his phone and walked across the yard to his sister’s place. He glanced at his watch. How long would it take for Ellie to get here from the hospital? What if Colton distracted her? He stumbled over a small exposed root in Meg’s yard.

  Meg glanced up from putting condiments, utensils and plates on the picnic table. “Is Ellie coming?”

  “Yeah. She was just leaving the hospital.” He shoved his hands in his jeans.

  Inviting Ellie had been Meg’s idea. That’s right. All Meg’s idea. He had this thing with Ellie under control. Although she didn’t say anything, Meg had a smug smile on her face.

  Yeah, the joke was on her because he and Ellie were just hanging out, throwing her off the scent. “Got any cold beer, sis?”

  Meg tilted her head toward the house. “In the refrigerator. Get me one while you’re at it and don’t shake it.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m not twelve.”

  She rolled her eyes right back at him. “No, you just act like it.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Keep it up and you can fetch your own beer.”

  “And you can get in your truck and drive to the store and get your own.” She planted her hands on her hips.

  A screen door banged shut.

  Mac McBride stood on the porch, arms folded over his chest. “Exactly how old are you two?”

  “She started it.”

  “He started it.”

  Doris emerged from the house and stopped beside Mac, who put his arm around her.

  The looks they gave each other seemed to say broken hearts did mend. Liam shook his head at the thought. Avoiding all that pain in the first place sounded like a better course of action.

  His dad’s new wife—he had trouble thinking of Doris as a stepmother—had been a widow who’d lost both her husband and only child to a drunk driver. And yet she’d found happiness again with his dad, and showered Fiona and James with as much grandmotherly love as his own mother would have. For that, and for his sister’s sake, he was glad his dad and Doris had taken another chance. Since Mac’s retirement, they’d purchased a Class A motor home and spent months at a time traveling.

  Doris handed James’s baby monitor to Meg. “He’s sound asleep. Since he had supper he may sleep through the night at this point.”

  “Thanks for helping.” Meg hugged Doris.

  “My pleasure. I need to finish my pasta salad. Want to help?” Doris turned to Mac.

  “I’d love to help.” Mac grinned. Turning to his kids, he scowled. “Can I count on you two to behave?”

  “Tell him that.”

  “Tell her that.”

  Doris slipped her hand in Mac’s. “Let’s get while the getting is good.”

  After they’d gone into their motor home, which they had parked in the side yard, Meg set the baby monitor on the picnic table and sat down on the bench. “Whaddaya think? Don’t come a-knockin’ if this van’s a-rockin’.”

  “Eww.” Liam shuddered. That was one picture he didn’t want in his head.

  “You’re welcome.” Meg gave him a toothy grin. “Hey, I thought you were getting a beer.”

  “I—” He stopped as a Subaru pulled into the long driveway. “Ellie’s here.”

  Instead of going into the house, he swerved and headed toward where Ellie was parking her car. Meg snorted a laugh and Liam slowed his steps. He was greeting a friend, that’s all, like he might greet Nick Morretti, the engineer driver on his shift, or any one of the other guys. And when was the last time you wanted to plant a kiss on Nick?

  He opened Ellie’s car door. “Hey. Glad you could come.”

  “Thanks.” She swung her legs out and stood.

  Reaching down, he took Ellie’s hand as she stepped out. He looked up in time to see Meg’s smirk. Canting his head to one side, he crossed his eyes at her. Meg responded by sticking out her tongue.

  “That your dad’s?” Ellie pointed to the motor home parked off to the side.

  “Yeah, that’s Matilda.”

  “He named it?” She laughed. “I love it.”

  He could listen to that laugh for the rest of hi
s life. He took a step back and cleared his throat. Where did that come from? They were hanging out while he was in Loon Lake. Friends. Period.

  Meg wandered over. “Ellie, glad you could come. My brother was just getting us beers. Would you like one?”

  He winked at Ellie. “Or how about some cheap wine?”

  “Hey.” Meg shook her head. “Have you no manners?”

  Ellie laughed. “It’s okay. It’s an inside joke.”

  Liam frowned. Inside joke. Isn’t that what couples shared?

  Friends could share them, too, he assured himself.

  * * *

  Ellie turned around as tires crunched on the gravel. A county sheriff’s vehicle drove up and parked behind her Subaru. She waved to Riley, who flashed the emergency vehicle lights in response.

  “You didn’t tell me the cops were hot on your tail.” Liam draped an arm over her shoulder as they walked toward the picnic table. “You led them right to us.”

  Ellie grinned. “Hmm...maybe Riley came up with a few more felons for me to date.”

  “Am I ever going to live that down?” Meg groaned and walked past them, heading toward Riley.

  “What have I missed here?” Liam demanded, his gaze bouncing between Ellie and Meg.

  Meg turned back, shaking her head. “It’s nothing. All a misunderstanding.”

  “Just before you showed up at the church luncheon, Meg was trying to fix me up with some guy Riley arrested,” Ellie told him. “She seemed to think he’d make a great date for Mary’s wedding.”

  Liam scowled. “What? Why would—”

  “Like she said, a misunderstanding,” Ellie said, and explained what they were talking about.

  Riley had gotten out of the car and Meg threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  “Guys. Could you save that, please? You have company.” Liam waved his arms as if directing airliners to the gate.

  Ellie shook her head. The man had no clue how fortunate he was to have a family so openly affectionate. Even her aunts, uncles and cousins were more subdued in her parents’ company, perhaps because they remembered how much things had changed during the cancer treatments, especially when her future had been uncertain.

  Riley glanced around. “Where is everyone? I was led to believe we were having a big family get-together.”

  Riley kept his arm around Meg’s waist as they strolled over to stand next to the picnic table. Riley grabbed some chips out of the bag Meg had brought out earlier.

  “James is napping after having a meltdown and your daughter has another—” Meg checked her watch “—five minutes of house arrest.”

  “Uh-oh.” Riley grimaced. “Would I be wrong if I assumed those two things are related?”

  “And now for the Reader’s Digest version.” Meg grabbed the last chip in Riley’s hand. “Fiona yelled at James because he threw her brand-new Barbie into the toilet when she left the lid up. James lost his balance and fell on his butt, but I think the tears were because his beloved big sister was mad at him.”

  Riley winced as he reached into the bag for another handful of chips. “Please tell me he didn’t flush.”

  “Thankfully, no. We sent in G.I. Joe to do a water rescue.” Meg giggled and turned to Liam and Ellie. “See all the fun you guys are missing out on?”

  Liam took a seat on the picnic bench. “I’m sure if Ellie and I were in charge, we’d have it all under control, sis.”

  Meg rolled her eyes. “You are so clueless, brother dear. Right, Ellie?”

  Ellie smiled and nodded. What would it be like to be a permanent member of this affectionate family? She sat on the bench next to Liam. She had to keep reminding herself they were hanging out so Meg wouldn’t continue her matchmaking.

  “Hey, two against one.” Liam gently squeezed Ellie’s shoulder. “Riley, some help here.”

  “Don’t look at me.” Riley held his hands up in surrender and leaned over to kiss Meg again.

  “Jeez, guys, please.” Liam brought his open palm toward his face and turned his head.

  Riley laughed, giving Meg a noisy, smacking kiss. “Where are Mac and Doris?”

  “They’re in the motor home. Preparing the pasta salad.” Meg made air quotes as she said it.

  Liam groaned and buried his head in his hands, his elbows on the picnic table. Riley snorted with laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Ellie asked.

  “Ever since catching his dad doing the morning-after walk of shame, Liam doesn’t like thinking about what his dad and Doris might really be doing.” Riley clapped Liam on his shoulder.

  Liam lifted his head, giving Meg an accusing look. “You told him.”

  “Of course. He’s my husband.” Meg put her arm through Riley’s.

  “Well, no one’s told me.” Ellie tugged on Liam’s arm.

  Liam shot Meg a you’re-so-gonna-pay-for-this look. “It was after I’d moved to my Dorchester place. Meg was still living with Dad and had asked to borrow something. I don’t even remember now what she wanted—that’s probably my attempt to block the whole incident from my memory. Anyway, I stopped by wicked early one morning before my shift to drop it off. I was in the kitchen when Dad was letting himself in the back door wearing the previous day’s clothes and looking way too satisfied for my peace of mind.”

  Liam closed his eyes and shook his head. Ellie laughed, enjoying spending time with the McBrides and being reminded some families laughed and teased and loved openly. Her parents were still subdued, as if joking around and having fun was asking for trouble. They might not have always been as boisterous as some families, but enough that she missed the love and laughter when they disappeared.

  Riley gave his shoulder a push. “Think of it this way, McBride—Mac’s still got it at his age.”

  Liam looked appalled. “Why would I want to think about that?”

  “Face it. We’re gonna be that age someday.” Riley leaned down and kissed Meg’s forehead. “I need to change out of this uniform.”

  “Is Fiona allowed out of jail?” Riley asked on his way into the house.

  “Yes, tell her she can come out but Mangy needs to stay in the house or he’ll be pestering us while we eat.”

  “You left the dog with her?” Riley shook his head. “Not much of a punishment if she got to keep her dog with her.”

  Meg shrugged. “I felt bad about her new doll.”

  “Was it ruined?” Riley frowned.

  “No, but now it’s tainted. Forever destined to be Toilet Barbie.”

  Mac and Doris came out of the motor home and crossed the yard. Doris set a large covered Tupperware container on the picnic table.

  “Ellie, I’m so glad you were able to join us,” Doris said, and gave her a motherly hug.

  Ellie returned the hug. “Thanks for including me.”

  “Of course, dear, why wouldn’t we?”

  Ellie caught Liam’s frown in her peripheral vision. Had including her been Meg’s doing? She needed to be careful, or she would find herself with a one-way ticket to Heartbreak Ridge.

  Chapter Six

  Ellie checked her watch. Liam would be arriving soon to pick her up for Brody and Mary’s wedding. She’d spoken to him several times over the phone in the week since the family cookout, but they’d both been too busy working to get together. At least that was the excuse he’d used, and she’d accepted it.

  A car door slammed and Ellie contorted herself into another unnatural position but still no luck. That damn zipper was unreachable, despite all her valiant efforts. Footsteps on the stairs signaled that Liam was getting closer. No getting around asking for his help. Sighing, she opened the door and stepped onto the landing.

  Liam looked up and paused partway up the stairs, mouth open and feet on different steps. He wore a deep charcoal suit, white shirt and royal blue tie. Sh
e couldn’t decide which was sexier—Liam in a suit and tie or Liam in his red suspenders and turnout pants. How about Liam in nothing at all? a little voice asked, but she quickly pushed that away.

  With all the excess saliva, Ellie had to swallow twice to keep from drooling. “Liam...” Was that breathless croak coming from her?

  “Wow, look at you.” He shook his head and continued up the stairs.

  She’d splurged on a cream-colored dress with a scoop neck, gathered waist and sheer organza overlay from the waist down. The bright blue embroidered flowers on the dress made a bold statement, but the royal blue peep-toe platform high heels screamed sexy.

  He came to a halt in front of her. “Are you sure we need to go to this wedding?”

  “Why do you think I bought this dress and these shoes?”

  “To impress me?” His tone was hopeful.

  You better know it. “Ha! You wish. Come in.”

  “Oh, I wish for a lot of things. Want to hear some of them?” His mouth quirked up on one side.

  “I’d love nothing better, but I don’t want to be late for Mary’s wedding.” She did her best to keep her tone light and teasing as she stepped back inside. “However, I do need a favor from you.”

  Once they were inside her kitchen, she pulled her hair over her shoulder on one side and presented him with her back. “Can you zip this up the rest of the way?”

  He made a noise that sounded like it was part groan, part growl.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Problem?”

  He shook his head and swallowed, his Adam’s apple prominent. “I’m just not used to having wishes granted so quickly.”

  A low, pleasant hum warmed her blood. “Helping me zip up was on your list?”

  He snapped his fingers and made a face. “That’s right. You said ‘up.’ Every time you say ‘up,’ I hear ‘down’ in my head for some reason.”

  “And what is this? Opposite day?” Thinking about his easing her zipper down gave her sharp palpitations.


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