Satan's Gift

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Satan's Gift Page 11

by Everly Taylor

  “Come on,” Nick said pulling me into the room.

  I looked longingly at the shower, I wanted so badly to go in there and lose myself in them again, to have them pleasure me as I did the same to them. If I did that it was selfish though and I would ruin Christmas for so many. “Guys, we don’t have time for anything else, as much as I fucking regret saying that.”

  “It’s just a shower, Holly. For now,” he promised.

  “Alright, no funny business,” I said, eyeing Luka. He was the Devil after all.

  I stripped off my clothes as Bernard started the shower, steam already rolling through the open doors. Without waiting for them I stepped into the stream of water, letting it run over my hair and slick over my body.

  One by one they entered, and closed the door behind them and I noticed they were already hard, but I hadn’t expected any less. I trusted them to keep their word and keep this to a simple shower so we could continue the deliveries tonight. Even if we were now a bit behind schedule.

  Nick reached up and took a loofah from the wall, spreading fragrant soap across it, lathering it up. I reached for it to wash myself but he shook his head, “No, Holly, let me.”

  He began to run it across my shoulders in small circles working his way down my arms before he moved to my back, surprising me with the tender action. Again, he had me turned on, wishing that he could pin me against the shower wall and finish what he was starting. Nick moved lower, spreading the suds over my ass and with his other hand he caressed the side of my thigh. This was the sweetest torture I had ever endured, and yet I didn’t want it to stop.

  The other two stood nearby, washing themselves, teasingly watching me as they stroked their soap covered dicks. Nick contintined his exploration of my body with the soap, and heat spread through me. The tantalizing feeling of watching them along with Nick touching me turned me on.

  He cleaned the back of my thighs and legs before passing the loofah to Luka. Nick ran his hand over my ass as Luka lathered up the front of my shoulders and worked his way across my chest and down to my breasts. He circled over them and paused over my nipples, making me shudder out a breath.

  He worked his way lower, across my stomach, dipping to my center. “Open your legs Holly,” he ordered softly.

  I held onto his shoulders, “I can do it,” I insisted.

  “Holly,” he repeated, a warning thick in his voice.

  I spread my legs for him and slowly he inched between my thighs, spreading the soap and cleaning me working his way down my thighs. His attention to my center made heat spread through me, made me want to beg for more but I remained quiet, knowing if I asked, they would give in without any qualms.

  Luka finished his journey down my calves and backed me under the spray, his hard dick brushing against my thigh as he and Nick ran their hands over me to help rinse the soap off.

  Bernard stepped up behind me, taking Nick’s place and spread shampoo through my hair, massaging it into my scalp. It sent little tingles through my body as his fingers worked it through the ends, making sure it was clean. He moved me back under the stream of water, letting the hot spray sluice over me as he continued to run his hands through my hair.

  Nick moved out of the shower, having finished washing himself, and laid towels on the bench right outside of the doors. He moved outside of my view, I assumed to get dressed. Once my hair was cleaned, I turned and faced Bernard, “Thank you,” I said, emotion filling my voice. That had been super sexy and really something sensual. I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips making him blush again.

  Luka turned the water off and passed me a towel. “You are way to sexy for your own damned good, you know that?” He said thickly making me chuckle.

  I dried off and wrapped the towel around myself. Damn, it looked like I was about to wear some really used pajamas. Nick walked in the room, already dressed, making me grin from ear to ear. “Do you have a whole closet full of that outfit?” I asked. He was wearing a clean version of exactly the same clothes he had been wearing when I first met him.

  “Pretty much,” he shrugged.

  “Here, I snagged some clothes from one of the elves that are about your size,” he passed me a bundle of clothes.

  My eyes shot up as I looked them over. Green tights with a soft cream sweater, interlaced with gold strings. It might shout Christmas, but from what I had seen on our way in it definitely could have been worse. “Thank you,” I said as I clasped my bra behind me and slipped the shirt over my head, and bent down to pull the leggings on. They fit surprisingly well.

  “Let’s get going, we are already late enough.” It was time to see what this whole Christmas thing was all about. The non-demonic version that is.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  We sped through the town and elves ran out into the street, cheering us on as we left to complete the last leg of the journey. The bells jingled on the reindeer’s harnesses, the very sound of Christmas, making me smile. It brought a thrill to me as I shared the excitement with the reindeer to be in the air once again.

  Next to me sat a large red, velvet sack, now laden again with toys to finish our deliveries. I wasn’t sure exactly how there was enough in there for everyone, but I trusted the guys, and they had assured me that they had it covered.

  We reached the end of the street and the reindeer pushed off the ground, the sleigh bumping against the snow as we took off, soaring into the night sky.

  I recalled briefly how we had entered the North Pole, but had no time to concern myself with it as a large glowing circle appeared in the dark sky. The team headed straight for it and I braced myself as we dashed through, exiting the way we had entered.

  We flew into the night sky, the ocean rocking as it closed below us. We ascended into darkness above, the only light to be seen were the stars dotting the space beyond. Quickly we made our way to the bright purple and green swirling abyss above us, the magic it radiated still being felt as strongly as before.

  I took a deep breath, savoring this feeling. I never wanted to forget this moment as long as I lived.

  Gliding through the night air, cities whizzed below us, a blur of light as we passed them so fast, the glow they tossed off lighting up the night sky and erasing any sign of the stars above us.

  The sleigh slowed as we approached a small town, nerves filled me as I recalled my previous gift giving experiences with Luka. I hoped that this time I could at least be of some help.

  Bernard maneuvered the sleigh lower and we circled around, flying over the quaint little homes before we touched down behind one of them, unable to land on the pitched roof.

  Luka looked up at the roof, the chimney jutting out from the shingles. “There is no way I am going down that thing. Do you realize what those ashes will do to this outfit?” He scoffed, “It’s designer.”

  I let out a laugh, “Your incorrigible.”

  “Holly and I will go in this time,” Nick said, surprising me. “You would probably just catch the place on fire anyway.”

  “Really?” I asked. I was excited at the idea of watching Santa at work, but at the same time kind of nervous that I might wake the family up or some shit.

  “Come on,” Nick insisted, as he grabbed my hand and swung the toy sack over his back. He nodded his head upward and in an instant, we were being sucked through the chimney like a kid would a piece of fucking spaghetti. We landed in the living room, the fireplace widening to allow room for us to exit before shrinking back to size and returning all of the stockings to their original places. I bent over, clenching my stomach as I fought the urge to be sick.

  “Are you fucking kidding me Nick? How do you do that all night long?” I asked my stomach still queasy as I straightened.

  He chuckled, clearly amused at my predicament. “I don’t, I just thought it would be fun to take you down the chimney.”

  “Asshole,” I rolled my eyes at him, making him laugh.

  He smirked at me and walked over to the Chri
stmas tree. It was a cute little one with an angel on top, multi colored ornaments hung from the branches and white lights twinkled, racing around it chasing each other.

  Nick set the bag on the floor and loosened the gold drawstring. He reached in the sack and pulled out a large stuffed bear. It was a dark brown and looked super soft and cuddly. The fur thick, plush glowed under the twinkling lights from the tree and looked charming.

  “Nice choice Nick,” I grinned.

  He shrugged, brushing off my compliment. “Been at it a few years.”

  Nick moved over to the fireplace and as they had done with Luka, the stockings plumped up, filling with treats for the family that lived here.

  I smiled thinking of how happy this was going to make them in the morning. I turned back to look at the bear one last time before we left. Instead of it sitting under the tree, slightly slumped over it was rolling forward on its back haunches. It looked up at me, his eyes now flashing red instead of the black beady eyes that were once there. He rocked the rest of the way up and stood on his back legs, standing tall as a grizzly would.

  He flashed his teeth, sharp and pointy as he let out a loud roar and dropped to all four paws. The bear charged at me, but surprised me as he passed me making his way toward Nick, his red pants attracting the bear to him like a matador.

  At the last minute, Nick spun around and spotted the bear running at him, “What in the name of the North Pole?” He jerked his leg out of the way at the last minute, the bear skidding past him, stopping just short of the fireplace.

  The bear stood, shaking himself as he turned around and headed back in our direction, his mouth wide and readying himself for another attack.

  I winced a little, and dashed forward my hands outstretched to grab the bear to stop him as he posed, his mouth over Nicks leg. I was prepared for him to chomp down and shred his calf to pieces with his razor like teeth. Just as his mouth was about to close, he froze as the other toys had done.

  “Luka has some explaining to do,” Nick said furiously. “This is not funny, what if that bear had tried to attack you instead?” he asked heatedly.

  “Calm down Nick. He didn’t try to hurt me, and you weren’t hurt. You were able to stop the bear in time. Let’s just deliver the toys and have a good night,” I tried to reassure him, but he was beyond angry as he stomped through the house, leaving the bear still frozen in midair.

  “He is going to pay for this,” he scowled.

  “Luka was outside, how could he have done this? And you stopped it, Nick. It wasn’t that big of a deal,” I attempted to grab his wrist but he shook me off.

  “Holly, I didn’t stop that. The bear stopped by himself. I tried, but I wasn’t able to freeze him,” he turned and looked at me. I saw the fear and hurt reflected in his eyes. “I wasn’t able to protect you.”

  I swallowed hard, there was a softer side to the arrogant guy that I had first met and I had never realized it. “Okay, Nick. Let’s go find out what happened.”

  We reached the sleigh and Luka sat back with his feet kicked up on the dashboard, he and Bernard chatting about who knows what. Nick stomped over to him, “Start explaining, you poor excuse for a Devil,” he demanded.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Luka asked as he sat up.

  “Why would you risk Holly like that? I get why you did it before, but making toys come to life now?” He asked harshly, “you put her at risk.” Nick spat out.

  Luka stepped out of the sleigh, standing toe to toe with Nick, “I have been out here the whole time, dickhead,” Luka defended himself. “What are you even fucking talking about?”

  I stepped between the two, pushing against their chests with my hands. “Let’s just handle this rationally, okay? Luka, a stuffed bear came to life inside and attacked Nick. He thinks that you had something to do with it again. Not only that, but he couldn’t freeze things and fix it like he did before. The bear sort of,” I shrugged trying to explain it, “you know, just froze all by itself.”

  Luka furrowed his brow, “What do you mean just froze? Only Nick has the power to control things like that.”

  “I couldn’t in there, I tried and it kept coming at me,” he said frustrated.

  “I swear I didn’t do anything. I was out here with Bernard the whole time. Ask him if you don’t believe me,” Luka swept his arm toward the sleigh, an invitation to do exactly that.

  “He was out here with me the entire time, there’s no way he brought that bear to life,” Bernard pushed his glasses up on his nose, a faraway look on his face. One I had learned meant he was thinking something through before he revealed his thoughts to everyone. “I really only see one explanation for all of this, but it’s almost too fantastic to be believable.”

  “Well are you going to share that thought with the rest of us?” Nick asked sarcastically.

  “Think about it. There’s only one of us that is born of both worlds. Only one that is born of love and sin. She alone would be able to harness both the powers of Hell and the powers of the Pole.”

  All three of them looked at me in unison.

  No fucking way.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  What he was saying made sense but there was no way it could be true. Could it? I looked between the guys, hoping one of them would explain further, but they all stared at me speechless.

  Finally, Bernard spoke up, “the only person that would have the answers we need is Reginald. I suggest we go to speak with him.”

  “We don’t have time for that right now, it’ll put you too far behind schedule Nick,” I insisted.

  “Schedule be damned. You are way too important, Holly,” Luka stated firmly.

  “I won’t take no for an answer. I will not be the reason these children’s dreams are crushed on Christmas morning, or the reason they stop believing in the Christmas spirit. Not when I know all too well what that feels like and how it can change your life. We finish the route, and then go see my Dad. Just in case there is any truth to what Bernard says, I’ll stay in the sleigh. I don’t want to cause any more trouble,” I said determined to get them to agree with me.

  “She’s right, we can’t leave this last leg of our deliveries unfinished. It’s not that large and won’t take long to complete if you help me,” Nick said, resigned.

  “I’m not happy with this,” Luka grumbled, as he climbed in the sleigh.

  “Neither am I, but we have no other choice Luka,” Nick stated.

  “Well you both are going to have to get the fuck over it,” I said, moving to the back seat. Bernard took the reins in his ands as Nick joined me in the back. Immediately Bernard snapped the reins and the reindeer took off into the night sky.

  Quickly I realized that our previous excursion had been mostly for show as we zoomed from house to house. Bernard never landed the sleigh, only hovered in the air between the houses, the reindeer treading air in place as they followed Nick and Luka across the rooftops. They tag teamed, bouncing from roof to roof, using the chimneys and doors for entry points as they delivered the presents and filled stocking, making sure each child woke to a Christmas morning full of joy.

  It surprised me how much of an efficient team they made, considering at times they seemed more like enemies instead of friends. “Only a few more stops, Holly.” Bernard called back to me.

  This trip had gone a lot faster than I expected. I smirked a little, I don’t think Nick had ever completed this trip this fast, but I’m sure they wanted answers almost as badly as I did. There had to be some sort of mistake in what Bernard had suggested. Maybe Nick thought he was trying, but was distracted because that bear had been scary as fuck.

  Hell, I was scared shitless when it came rushing across the room and just wished it would freeze like the other toys had. Oh shit, my eyes grew wide as the thought occurred to me. Maybe there was something to it after all. When the bear had been ready to chomp down on Nicks leg I had done exactly that, I had wished that it would freeze like Nick had
done to the other toys, and then it happened.

  That still didn’t explain how the bear had come to life in the first place though, so perhaps they were still wrong. We really needed to get to my dad’s house and get some answers. I forced myself to breathe calmly. Freaking out was not going to help here, and knowing my luck, if I could bring toys to life the whole entire sack of toys would come to life and crawl out to attack us all.

  Nick and Luka leapt off a nearby roof into the sled, making it dip down a bit before they settled in their seats. “That’s the last of them, let’s go find out what the hell is going on,” Luka said from the front of the sleigh.

  “Come on boys,” Bernard shouted to the team of reindeer as he snapped the reigns encouraging them to lift us higher and pick up speed. We raced through the sky, turning sharply as he redirected us back toward my dad’s house. Before I knew it, we began our descent, the familiar buildings of my town beginning to appear below us.

  He skirted around the edge of town, everything growing dark again as we made it into the countryside. Ahead of us lights appeared and I knew it was my Dads house glowing ahead. There was no denying the mini Christmas village as we slowed.

  Bernard landed the sleigh next to the small gingerbread replica that was the guesthouse, settling the reindeer before we all went inside.

  “Dad!” I called out as we passed through the kitchen. I knew he wasn’t asleep, he had never slept on Christmas Eve, even when I was little. “Where are you?”

  “In here!” He called out; his voice muffled from his office.

  We walked over to his office and he was bent over in a closet, pulling out boxes and tossing random items over his shoulder. “What the hell are you doing Dad?” I asked going over to him, pulling boxes back so he could stand.

  “Ah, yes. There you are!” He exclaimed standing from the closet, his gray hair stuck to his face with sweat. It looked like he had been at this for quite a while. He beamed at me, clenching a yellowed parchment in his hand, “So how did your deliveries go tonight?”


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