Home > Other > Taming Wes: BOOK THREE|BILLINGSLEY SERIES > Page 19

by Ellen, Melissa

  “Ha-ha. Real cute, Doc.” He gently pinched my side before moving in, his lips hovering near mine. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes,” I breathed, lifting to my toes to seal the deal.

  * * *

  Two months later…

  “Doc?” The sound of his voice alone lit me up inside, causing my thighs to clench together.

  “In here,” I hollered from my bathroom. I checked my appearance one more time, fluffing my hair before stepping out into the hallway.

  Wes halted, his eyes doing an intense inspection of my small frame, which was barely covered by a thin, white tank and panties.

  “How was your day, slick?” I reached above my head, planting my hand on the wall as I leaned into it, causing the tank to lift slightly and reveal a sliver of my stomach.

  “Shit. But I have a feeling it’s about to get a whole lot better.”

  I crooked a finger, imploring him forward.

  He grinned, yanking the dirty cap he always wore for work from his head, and tossing it across the room. Reaching behind him, pulling his shirt from his body, he discarded it in the same hurried fashion as his hat. My body continued to heat up as I watched him prowl toward me.

  “You got something in mind, brown eyes?”

  “Besides wild, unadulterated sex?” I half-shrugged, keeping my voice nonchalant. “Not really.”

  His eyes lit with boyish mischief. “If I knew being in a relationship could be this much fun, I would’ve done it years ago.”

  “I make it fun.”

  He gripped the hem of my tank, pulling it up and over my head, exposing my bare chest. “That you do, Doc.” He smiled down at my boobs, taking one in his large, calloused hand, and squeezing.

  I clasped my fingers at the back of his neck, arching into him as his mouth wrapped around my nipple. His other hand dipped into my panties, finding me ready for him. I was always ready for him. In hindsight, I think I’d always been waiting for him to come along and set me free of my own self-doubt. Unlike Noah, Wes lifted me up instead of holding me down.

  His kiss was full of color, his fingers full of magic as he stripped me and paved his way down to my center with his lips. My back pressed against the wall, my nails scraped into the paint as I struggled to ground myself. I was seconds away from flying toward ecstasy when his mouth was gone, forcing a whimper from my lips.

  “Not yet, babe.” Wes stood from his knees, toeing off his boots and dropping his jeans. “I wanna feel you around me when you come.”

  “Hurry,” I demanded, glad we no longer bothered with condoms. I didn’t think I had the patience now for him to roll one on.

  Within seconds, he was inside me, my legs twisted around his lean waist in a vise grip. He kissed along my skin as he took me against the wall, the delicious burn of his five o’clock shadow coloring it pink. The air around us filled with the harmony of our moans and grunts and the smell of unfiltered sex.

  “Fuck, Doc,” he growled with another thrust. “I love you,” he rasped into my neck.

  I bit down on my lip before pulling his mouth to mine. Taking what was mine. It wasn’t the first time he’d told me those three words. He made sure to say them every day, multiple times a day. But every time I heard them, my heart swelled a little more.

  With a final thrust he tipped us both over the edge, filling me up inside. I flung my head back against the wall with a thud as I focused on my breathing. He held me close, the thin sheen of sweat coating our bodies causing me to slip a little. I laughed as he heaved me upward again, refusing to let go.

  “You can put me down now.”

  “I’m not ready. I like being inside you.”

  I wiggled in his arms with a laugh. “I need to pee.”

  He kissed my lips, then slowly pulled out, setting me back down on my feet.

  I slumped against the wall, still trying to recover. He reached for his jeans, tugging them on one leg at a time, then picked up my shirt to hand it to me. As I reached for it, his eyes went wide.

  “What?” I asked, the look of panic on his face scaring me.

  “Don’t. Move.” He dropped my shirt, blindly searching for his boot with his eyes pinned on the wall.


  “The scorpion. It’s by your head.”

  “Ha-ha. Real funny, slick. I’m not falling for that again.” I put my hands on my hips.

  “I’m serious, babe. Stay still.” He lifted his boot up, rearing it backward.

  My heartrate picked up when I realized he wasn’t cracking a smile, or even a wink.


  He ignored me, his eyes focused just over my head and to the left a little.

  When his boot suddenly flew toward me, I screamed, folding into a ball and covering my face. It all happened so fast—my scream, the loud smack on the wall, and the yell and groan from Wes as he crumpled forward from the contact of my knee to his crotch.

  He fell into a heap on the floor, holding himself as he moaned. I dropped to my knees, feeling terrible.

  “Damn, Doc.” He pushed out a painful breath. “If you keep kneeing me in the balls, we may have zero chance of ever having kids.”

  My face blanked with his words, the remorse I was feeling suddenly overpowered by shock. “What did you just say?”

  He rolled to his back, staring at the ceiling with a few louder breaths as I gently straddled his hips.

  “You want to have kids with me?”

  “If I didn’t feel the way I do about you all the time, I’d think you sitting on me naked right now, asking me this, was a trap.”

  “Wes.” I swatted at his chest.

  Chuckling, he snatched my wrist, pulling me against him, giving me a tender kiss. “Yeah, babe. I want kids with you. I want it all: the kids, the dog, the house. I want every day for the rest of my life to be spent with you.”

  He rolled us on the floor, so his body blanketed mine. Brushing the stray hairs from my face, he kissed each of my cheeks and then my lips. Pulling back slightly, he peered down at me.

  “This isn’t exactly how I planned it. But if I always stuck to my plan, I wouldn’t be here with you now. I love you, Devin. So damn much. But I don’t want to go around town calling you my girlfriend anymore… I want to call you my wife.”

  My cheeks puffed with the breath I was holding as I felt the tears build in my eyes.

  “What do you say, Doc? Will you marry me?”

  I nodded my head, happy tears starting to spill over and stream down my face.

  “I need to hear you say it, babe. These tears are confusing me.” He swiped a few away with the pad of his thumb.

  “Yes,” I choked out, taking a deep breath, still nodding like a bobblehead. “Yes. A million times, yes.”



  Six months later…

  “Not having cold feet, are you?”

  I lifted from where I’d been leaning against the old barn waiting for the wedding to start. I watched as Jenna strolled toward me in her bridesmaid gown. I’d always think she was beautiful, but in my eyes, she’d never hold a candle to Devin. Not that I’d ever say that out loud. I was doing my best to keep my dumbass comments to myself these days. “Nope.”

  No chance in hell would I be running from this wedding. At least, not without the woman I loved running along beside me. I’d snuck out here to let go of the past and thank God for giving me Devin.

  She took the flask from my hand, the one I hadn’t bothered to take a single sip from. “Good. Because I’d kick your ass if you broke my cousin’s heart.”

  “You ain’t gotta worry about that, Cricket. I know I’m lucky she chose to stick it out with me.”

  She gave me a fond smile before taking a small swig. She handed it back and I twisted the cap on, slipping it back into my jacket. “She’s lucky, too, you know. It’s time you realize that. Devin wouldn’t stick it out if you weren’t the best man for her.”

  As good as it felt to hear her say that, I stil
l wasn’t sure she was right. But I’d spend every day trying to prove her right. Trying to prove to Devin I was the man she deserved. I’d give her anything she ever wanted, starting with this wedding. It’d been her idea to keep it small and on our family farm. She didn’t want a big fuss. Simple, laid back was how she’d described her dream wedding. The only thing she was adamant on was a magnolia bouquet.

  “I don’t want to just be the best man, Cricket.” I puffed out my chest, straightening my lapels. “I want to be the man.”

  She chuckled, looping her arm through mine. “Come on, big guy. It’s time for you to become the man, then.”

  * * *

  Fumbling with the keycard, I pressed my wife to the door of our hotel suite with my hips as I kissed down her throat.

  My wife.

  Damn. I never thought that’d feel so good to say.

  Reaching behind her back, she snatched the card from me, slipping it into the slot, twisting the knob open with ease, and all without looking. We stumbled into the room, never breaking contact.

  “We’re gonna talk someday about how you’re so good at that,” I mouthed into her throat before sucking hard on it. I planned to mark every inch of her, making sure every man she crossed paths with knew she was off the market.

  “I have skills, baby. Ones you don’t even know about.”

  I backed her to the bed, ready to take her fast and hard. We’d do slow and sweet later, because there was no way either of us had patience for that right now.

  Proving my point, she spun us, putting me between her and the bed.

  Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the fact that we were finally husband and wife. But I’d never seen this woman so dominant and needy. It was sexy as hell.

  I stared down at her beautiful brown eyes as she slowly lowered to her knees in her wedding gown in front of me. The tip of her tongue darted out, licking those hot, pouty lips as she stared up at me under thick lashes. In that moment, I was certain of one thing: she drove me wild and my love for her would never be tamed.

  “Drop your pants, slick. I’m about to rock your fucking world.”

  Ho-ly. Shit.


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  Learn more about Melissa Ellen by visiting her website and subscribing for monthly updates in her newsletter!



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  I’d like to start by thanking all my readers! Thank you for spending your precious spare time picking up and reading my books. Thank you for your kind words.

  Out of all the books I’ve written thus far, this one had to be the one I was most nervous about. Many of you fell in love with Wes over the last few books, so I didn’t want to disappoint any of you. I truly hope you all enjoyed it and loved Wes and Devin as much as I did. This story was for all of you!

  Thank you to all my lady friends over the years who helped inspire some scenes with our girls’ night shenanigans. Christy, Kirstie, and Zima, that one fateful night was filled with so many laughs and good memories.

  Samantha and Christy, you two are the bomb. You help make these books into greatness. Writing can be lonely, but having you two by my side, reading, and giving feedback as I go makes it so much more fun.

  Thank you, Taryn. Girl, you are a blessing and I love, love working with you. I love all your little side comments in the manuscript as you read and edit. It really makes my day and you teach me something new in every book. Thanks for being there to polish my words and make them shine.

  A special thanks to all the bloggers that have supported me. Especially, those who’ve been with me from the start—Mary, Katyln, Shelli, Teri, Jennifer, Lindsey and so many more I know I’m forgetting (sorry). You ladies are always the first to jump on my newest releases and spread the word. I can’t thank you enough for your support. Also, thank you to my ARC team members. There are too many of you to list, but I want you to know I appreciate all that you do!

  Last but never least, thank you to my family and friends. I love you more than you will ever know or I’ll ever be able to show.




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