The Bad Boy

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The Bad Boy Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  "Hayes is not my real name; I don't have a real name. I didn't want my mother's name and I certainly didn't want to keep their name, so I took Hayes because it was the first name that came to me. It was the name of one of my old social workers." Cameron knew he had to tell him the incident, it was ridiculous and overblown but it ended his world as he knew it.

  "I had a best friend once; his name was Michael Shannon. We met in middle school and I thought he was someone I could trust and I always thought he had my back. Michael was bisexual and had dated both guys and girls through high school. His family was not aware of his orientation so when they caught him with a guy he blamed it all on me." Cameron gave a grim chuckle at the absurdity of it.

  “He told them that I was gay and that I was trying to turn him gay. He managed to turn their entire focus to me and painted me as some sort of degenerate gay villain. My adoptive parents were notified and they demanded to know if it was true. I asked them which part, that I’m gay or that I’m trying to turn Michael gay? They didn’t appreciate my sarcasm and things just went completely to hell after that. I found myself back in the care of the State of Utah within twenty-four hours with only the clothes on my back.” Cameron finished and took a deep breath.

  Bryn reached up and brushed a tear from Cameron’s cheek. “I knew most of that already, Kyle, my cousin, is a beast with the computer and he can pull out things that most can’t find. The court was in your favor Cameron as were many of the social workers involved. No one blamed you and the reason for the break down in the adoption was not stated. The Judge kept it out of the record.” Bryn pulled his mate closer and thanked him for telling him about his past.

  “This doesn’t change anything for me, Cameron. If you can accept me, a biker with a questionable reputation then I can certainly overlook your poor choice in adoptive parents.” Cameron laughed and the mood was lightened.

  "You are something else, Bryn Keith." Cameron wrapped his arms around the big man and hugged him tightly.


  They played around in the shower and Bryn taught Cameron new positions and new delights as he also washed him clean. His hands were skilled at pulling every ounce of excited pleasure from Cameron. So many new experiences were making Cameron’s head spin but it was all good. Bryn told him that he too had a secret that needed to be disclosed and that they would discuss it once he returned with lunch.

  He left him with orders to rest, so he put on the sweatpants and t-shirt Bryn had given him and crawled back into bed. He completely forgot about his schedule and the fact that Dr. Malport had expected him at noon.

  Bryn pulled together a quick lunch from the kitchen but was stopped by Calum before he had a chance to rush back upstairs to his mate. He sat the tray on the island and gave Calum his attention.

  “You claimed him, Bryn?” He asked with his arms crossed over his chest. It was a stance that made Bryn unsure of what the right answer would be.

  “Yes, I didn’t plan on it but circumstances were such that my dragon and I took the opportunity. I know I should have talked to him first, but I just had to have him. I had to know he was mine.” Bryn waited for his brother’s comment.

  "Good work brother. Cameron needs you and the sooner the bond was established, the better for you both. You did well; I'm very proud of you." Calum took him in a brief but forceful hug and then stepped back. "Introduce him to your dragon and get him on board."

  “Thanks, Calum.” Bryn nodded and couldn’t suppress the big cheesy smile on his face. “He’s so . . . .” Bryn fell off and Calum finished for him.


  “Yes, perfect, absolutely perfect and he is all mine.”

  Cameron called in to tell Dr. Malport that he'd had an accident and he would see him tomorrow. He was feeling just about back to himself which was a surprise. The bruises were already fading and the cuts on his face were nearly healed. He didn't tell Dr. Malport about Bryn; it wasn't something he wanted to discuss with someone who was just a boss and acquaintance. He did tell him he was staying with a friend and would see him tomorrow.

  When he closed his phone, Bryn came into the room carrying a tray with an assortment of items. The sandwiches looked good, and so did the fruit. Bryn was not a cook obviously but considering his other skills Cameron would let him slide when it came to kitchen duty. They sat and ate and then Bryn scooted up onto the bed beside Cameron and took his hand.

  The fear that flashed through Cameron was nearly crippling. He was certain that Bryn was going to give him the brush off. He was going to tell him it was nice but it was time to move on. His heart stopped as he waited for Bryn’s first words.

  “There’s something very important that you need to know, but you can’t share the information with anyone. This involves my entire clan and our Circle back home.” Bryn was wearing only his jeans and he looked delicious and lustful thoughts began to push out the scared thoughts in Cameron’s head.

  Bryn was knocked over by the sudden scent of arousal that filled the room. His mate liked the way he looked and Bryn was so flattered that he almost forgot what he was doing. Bryn was ready to lay out his mate for another round but he had things to tell him first, important things.

  "Okay before I get sidetracked by your beautiful body, we need to talk." He noticed Cameron straighten and give him his full attention; he also felt the arousal fade and disappointment began to take its place. Bryn rushed ahead in hopes of putting his mind at ease. Bryn wanted his mate more than he wanted his next breath and it was important to him that Cameron knows that.

  "I'm different, Cameron and not just in a handsome bad boy biker sort of way. I and my clan, the men you met last night, are more than what meets the eyes." Damn this was so fucking hard. He let his eyes flash and saw the surprise on Cameron's face. He then let his dragon shift slightly and graze the edges of his appearance. Cameron pulled back and the surprise deepened to mild shock.

  “What is this Bryn?” His voice sounded brittle and Bryn didn’t like it.

  "It's me; it's who I am and more." Bryn moved to kneel next to Cameron who was still seated on the bed but had his back to the headboard now.

  “What are you?” This time it was a stifled whisper. Bryn weighed his options and decided against shifting. He would use his words and push the truth and honesty of his words to his mate through their bond.

  “I’m a shifter, do you know of shifters?”

  "No, no." He said and shook his head. "This is real; this isn't a joke?"

  "Not a joke and it is nothing you need to fear. You are my mate, Cameron." Bryn was becoming desperate.

  Bryn let his dragon flash briefly across his face. Cameron stiffened his back against the headboard in response but did not speak. Bryn could feel his confusion but continued to push through their growing bond that he was safe and there was nothing to be afraid of.

  He wasn’t trying to run so that was a plus but his face said he wasn’t completely okay.

  “I’m a shifter, Cameron. We’ve existed for as long as humans have existed. I’m not a danger to you.” Bryn continued to push that Cameron was safe with him and he began to feel Cameron relax but only slightly. He took a deep breath and spoke.

  “How is this possible? How is it that no one knows? What are you?” The last question came out with a shadow of judgment and it caused Bryn to pull back.

  "I'm not a monster, Cameron." Before he could say more, there came a loud banging on his door. "Come in." He barked and Angus stepped into the room. Bryn swung his gaze to Angus with a sharp look of irritation,

  “There’s a man downstairs that who is insisting on seeing your mate. His name is Dr. Malport from the University and he is under the impression that we are holding Cameron hostage.”

  “What the fuck?” Bryn shook his head. Everything was going so well and then suddenly it all starts to crumble. He could feel his mate’s relief when he heard the name and it was like a punch to the gut. Cameron was looking to someone else for protection.
  "Calum would like you both to come downstairs." With that Angus turned and left the room closing the door behind him.

  They followed not long after Angus. Cameron didn’t have a lot to say and Bryn wasn’t sure how to continue forward with his explanation at this juncture. Before they left the room, Bryn touched Cameron’s shoulder and he turned to him. The confusion was still present but the negative emotions were gone.

  "Don't shut me out, Cameron. We belong together, you can feel it as clearly as I can."

  Cameron ducked his head and after a short paused responded. “I need to think, Bryn.”

  Dr. Malport accepted that Cameron was there of his own free will but did not appear to approve. After only a few minutes of hesitation, Cameron asked Dr. Malport to drive him home. Bryn's heart fell at his feet but he did not try to stop him no matter how hard his dragon pushed him.

  He stood on the porch with his brother beside him and watched his mate leave him.

  “I tried to explain to him what I am but it didn’t come out right. He’s confused and probably thinks I’m insane.”

  "He'll be back," Calum assured him. "He's your mate, you've claimed him and you are destined to be together. He'll be back.”

  Bryn went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee and sat at the island. He had to come up with a way to see his mate again. His mind was chaotic after everything that had happened and then having his mate walk away. He couldn’t seem to sort out his thinking and his dragon was no help at all.

  Calum and Forbes joined him after a few minutes.

  “We have news on your mate’s attacker. It wasn’t random.” Calum stated. That captured Bryn’s attention and he thoughts immediately cleared.

  “Who and why?” He asked as his dragon bristled with the need to go to protect its mate.

  "When I went to the restaurant this morning, I checked out the bathroom where your mate was attacked and I scented a wolf," Forbes informed.

  “Why didn’t we smell him last night?”

  “The blood, the panic, it obscured a scent that was already being cloaked. But this morning the other smells were gone and the faint scent of wolf remained.” Forbes finished.

  “The wolf cloaked his scent, not very well, but good enough to go unnoticed in the midst of all the heightened emotions. There was no trace of him anywhere in the building except the bathroom and the back door. It appears he was there to hurt Cameron.” Calum placed his hand on staying him as he attempted to jump to his feet with the intention of racing to his mate’s side.

  "Cameron is safe; I have Ewan watching him. He's never met Ewan, so he will be unaware that he is being guarded. You need to give him some space. If anything happens, Ewan is more than capable of handling it. Let's go to the restaurant and see if we can find anything that will lead us to the wolf."


  Cameron felt awful. He couldn't get the look of hurt and disappointment on Bryn's face out of his mind. Thankfully Dr. Malport didn't ask a lot of questions, just lectured him on the dangers of becoming involved with someone like Bryn Keith. He wasn't listening though because Dr. Malport didn't know Bryn or any of the other men at the Lodge. They weren't a threat to him; he knew that as clearly as he knew his own name. So why did he run away? That was the question he had to figure out.

  After Dr. Malport dropped him at his apartment, Cameron just wanted to go to bed and sleep for a few years. He tossed and turned unable to get Bryn’s sad face out of his thoughts. How a man that dark and fierce could also look so sad was breaking Cameron’s heart.

  Cameron knew how it felt to have people turn their back on you and yet he did it to Bryn. The man had managed to touch a part of him that he’d buried years ago. They only knew each other for a few days but he felt as if he knew Bryn better than he knew anyone in his life right now. Their time together had been short but intense. He should call him and apologize for leaving. He should have given him time to explain himself further.

  For as much as Bryn’s claims seemed unbelievable, he knew in his heart that it was all true. He saw his eyes and he saw his face change, Bryn was more than just a man.

  Cameron threw back the blankets and got up; there was no use trying to rest. As he walked to the small kitchenette not far from his bed, his doorbell rang and whoever it was they were insistent.

  He was not pleased when the person on the other side of the door turned out to be Liz and not Bryn. His heart sank and his irritation rose.

  "What the hell do you want?" He snapped and stood in the doorway refusing her entry.

  “I want to apologize for acting so stupid on Saturday. I was just pissed that you got the guy that I wanted.” He words floored him so much that he blinked several times to clear his vision and make sure it was Liz standing there.

  "I get carried away sometimes and I'm sorry. I'm not interested in that guy; it's just that I have this selfish streak that runs very deep." She gave a weak smile. "I don't have any friends, Cameron and you’re the only person who ever put up with me. Maybe we can have coffee this week sometime and I’ll try to act like a civilized human being for once.” She fell silent and Cameron could sense her genuine remorse.

  “Yes, that would be nice.” Cameron decided to give her another chance.

  “Thank you, Cameron.” She left after they arranged to have coffee on Thursday.

  Cameron closed the door and shook his head. That was not expected. Perhaps he should have called Liz on her shit long ago.

  He was turned to get a bottle of water from his small fridge when his doorbell started again, thinking that it was Liz and that she’d forgotten something he opened the door with a smile only to be greeted by an angry little man with a gun.


  Bryn followed Calum into the bathroom and the scent was still there. The realization of who it was sent a bold of stark panic through him and his dragon began to whine for release.

  “You know this wolf?” Calum questioned.

  “Yes, he’s the man I was with the night I met Cameron.” Bryn winced under the cold judgment that flashed across his brother’s face.

  “He’s a wolf, Bryn and he’s gotten possessive.” Calum’s concern was clear, Cameron was not safe. “We need to get to your mate immediately.” He turned to Forbes and spoke. “Contact Ewan and give him the information and tell him not to let Cameron out of his sight.” They rushed from the building and jumped into Calum’s truck and sped away from the curb.

  “I knew he wanted more but I thought if I ignored him he’d go away. I never thought he would hurt Cameron.” Bryn wanted Calum to understand.

  “I know Bryn.” Calum reached over and patted Bryn’s thigh assuring him that everything will be okay. “We’ll get your mate and bring him back to the lodge. He’s one of us now and we protect our own.” Bryn nodded but still felt like a first-class fool for messing things up so superbly.

  Before they reached Cameron's apartment building, Calum received an urgent call from Forbes. "Ewan said Cameron just left the building with a man that fits the description of the wolf. They're in a yellow compact heading out on Snowy Range Road towards the mountains. He's following but can't interfere until they get out of town, too many witnesses. He said that he has eyes on Cameron and he has not been hurt, yet."

  The ‘yet’ in that statement sent Bryn out of his mind. He was desperately trying to hold it together throughout the conversation but the ‘yet’ was more than he and his dragon were prepared to endure. He started to shift right there downtown Laramie, just a few blocks from the University.

  Calum turned to Bryn and in the most commanding and deadly voice ever, it was his dragon talking, ordered him to stop. Calum was not speaking to Bryn at that moment but rather his dragon. Instantly Bryn managed to pull himself back from the edge of a shift and instead yelled out his anger and frustration. Thoughts of Cameron getting hurt again were too much to bear, so he put his focus on finding his mate and ending the wolf.

  “There he is, up ahead.” Calum drew
Bryn’s attention to Ewan who was on his bike and several blocks ahead of him they saw the yellow compact. Bryn wanted to shift and save his mate, but he knew that was impossible. They had to wait until the wolf left town. The waiting was excruciating.


  Cameron wished he hadn't left the Lodge. If he'd acted like a man instead of a stupid child, he'd be in Bryn's arms right now instead of sitting next to this psycho with a gun. He glanced at the gun in the man's lap and wondered if he had a chance.

  “Don’t even think about it.” The twink spat. I don’t need this gun to kill you. I would snap your neck before you made the first move.

  Cameron did not respond, but the guy seemed a little small to have that kind of strength. Although Cameron was not in the frame of mind to test him. His anxiety was peaking just as a wash of comfort enveloped him. He breathed it in and the tension began to drain away. He felt safe even though he was in this car with a madman.

  “Do you recognize me?” The man barked at him.

  "Yes, you were in the bathroom with Bryn Keith at a party I was at on Friday." Cameron thought maybe it would be wise to get him talking. His newfound confidence and sense of security went far in helping him to think clearly. This man was not going to hurt him; he knew that for a fact. Bryn was speaking to him and telling him he was there and he would save him. Cameron was filled with a sense of peace that allowed him to study the man next to him.

  "He was with me until you showed up. I am so much more than you, but he felt like giving a pity fuck, I guess." He gave Cameron a disparaging side eyed once over. "Now it's time for you to get lost because Bryn belongs to me." The man was yelling now but Cameron managed to keep the calm Bryn was bathing him in. It was freeing to not be in the depths of the emotional pit that this man was yelling from. Cameron was clear-headed and confident.

  The car left the town proper and was taking a road that Cameron was not familiar with. The houses got less and less and then they turned down a dirt road that cut through some trees and up the side of a small hill. It was then that the world exploded and his rescue became real.


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