Calmer Cruises

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  Calmer Cruises

  A.R. Winters


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  6. Rock

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  Sneak Peak: Innocent in Las Vegas

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Calmer Cruises

  Copyright 2021 by A. R. Winters

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

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  Chapter One

  It was just past ten in the morning, but the port of New Orleans was already hot, humid, and bustling with a few thousand people who would be joining us on the Swan of the Seas.

  I never got tired of seeing the passengers’ faces light up as they got their first good look at the big cruise liner in all her glory.

  “Looks like we’ve got a fun bunch this time.” I couldn’t help but smile as I nodded toward the little groups of yogis that were gathering around the dock.

  My friend Sam and our co-worker Cece both followed my gaze. Cece quirked a brow. “These are the yogis?”

  “They look different than I’d imagined.” Sam cocked her head to the side. “Is it just me? I guess I haven’t really met too many yogis, now that I’m thinking about it.”

  I knew what she meant because I’d been thinking the same thing. There had been a yoga studio one town over from where Sam and I’d grown up in Nebraska, but I don’t think it had been too popular. I’d been expecting a lot of tie-dye and unkempt facial hair, but these people were in a whole other league. Judging from their sleek bodies and designer workout gear, they took their yoga seriously.

  Which was great. More power to them. Maybe they’d be able to teach us all some relaxation tips while they were on board with us.

  “I heard some of the guests are paying thousands of dollars just to take a few classes with these gurus.” I shrugged. “I don’t know how hard these classes are, but I think we might be in the wrong line of work, ladies.”

  “No kidding.” Cece nodded. “I hope we get to sit in on some of the sessions. That sounds like it might be fun.”

  “I might have to watch from the sidelines.” Sam grinned. “I think I’d break my neck trying to do some of those yoga poses.” Her eyes narrowed in grumpy scowl. “Looks like some people are already getting a little practice in.”

  A moment later, I saw who she was referring to. It was Shaun, the pool boy who’d had a crush on Sam. He’d always seemed a little too good to be true—a little too sappy, a little too affectionate.

  Now, he seemed to be sharing those affections with Tasmin, the aerobics instructor.

  On the dock.

  In front of everyone.

  Cece crinkled her nose. “Those aerobics classes are certainly paying off. That was a pretty impressive back bend.”

  I could hear Tasmin’s high-pitched squeal from where we stood as Shaun dipped her back for one more kiss. It was an impressive dip, but it was too much. Just like everything else Shaun did.

  Sam didn’t look nearly as impressed as Cece had been. In fact, she looked like she was getting ready to yell something across the dock. And knowing Sam for as long as I had, I knew better than to let that something come out of her mouth.

  I moved to block Sam’s line of sight and quickly tried to change the subject. “Maybe you can ask Brad if he’s free for any of the classes. That would probably be fun, don’t you think?”

  She quirked one brow at me. I could tell she knew exactly what I was doing, but I also knew my suggestion was too good for her to pass up.

  “Maybe you and Ethan can join us. We’ll make it a double date.”

  I couldn’t tell if she was joking or if it was a serious offer, but I had to laugh at the thought of my no-nonsense boyfriend hanging out with us in a yoga class.

  No… I couldn’t even begin to picture it. Not to mention that, as the ship’s first officer and head of security, he was almost always on duty. I wasn’t about to suggest that we spend some of our rare time together exercising.

  “I’ll have to get back to you on that one,” I said, still doing my best to picture Ethan in spandex. Nope. Still not happening. “I should get some pictures while everyone is standing around. These will make some pre-trip candid shots.”

  As the social media manager for the Swan of the Seas, it was my job to make every minute of the cruise look fun and exciting and glamorous. And since there just happened to be some exciting, glamorous yogis a stone’s throw away, it would have been a missed opportunity not to capture the moment.

  “Have fun with that.” Cece grimaced. “I need to set out the champagne in the VIP suites and then make sure everything is good down in the sick bay.” She heaved an overly-dramatic sigh and then tossed us a wink. “Housekeeping is a tough job, but someone has to do it.”

  Sam and I shook our heads and waved goodbye to our younger friend. We all knew there weren’t any housekeeping duties in the sick bay, but I couldn’t blame Cece for trying to get a few extra minutes with her boyfriend, Doctor Ryan, the ship’s doctor. It seemed funny to me that she was still a little bit allergic to calling what they had a relationship, though.

  “Puppy love,” Sam grinned. “I bet you’d have been like that with Ethan if you’d met him when you were twenty.”

  “Then I’ll consider myself lucky that we met when I was closer to thirty.”

  “Oh, come on.” She laughed as she nudged my arm. “You don’t miss the drama and insecurities that go along with dating at that age?”

  Now it was my turn to laugh. “Not even a little.” I held up my camera and nodded toward the yogis. “Come on, let’s get some pics. Unless you have some super important customer liaison duties to take care of.”

  “Are you kidding?” She was already walking toward them. “Meeting these yogis is probably the most interesting thing I’ll do all day. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  We caught the attention of the yogis almost immediately as we approached them. A tall, serious-looking man turned and looked us up and down with so much suspicion that I stopped and nearly took a step back.

  “Hi, there…” I smiled and gave a little wave, hoping to cover the awkwardness I was feeling. “I’m Adrienne, the social media manager for your cruise.” I held up my camera. “I was hoping I could just grab a couple of quick photos, if you don’t mind?”

  The man smiled at the sight of my camera, and the small group of people around him seemed to relax a little. “Of course, of course.” He stepped forward and shook my hand. “You may call me Guru Shakti. And I assume that means you’ll be posting these pictures to the ship’s social media accounts?” Before I could even answer, he snapped his fingers. “Someone give me a bottle of
our Roar Power water now.”

  Within seconds, he was holding a bottle of water with Roar Power emblazoned in large letters from top to bottom. He lifted the bottle until it was next to his smiling face. “Take as many photos as you’d like. And feel free to tag me in all of your posts.”

  I could only blink and nod at the blatant ploy for a little free publicity. I had to humor him, though. It was my job, after all. Not only that, but I recognized his name from our VIP guest list. Keeping our VIP guests happy made my boss happy. And when Kelly, our cruise director, was happy, my life was easier all the way around.

  I’d only had a chance to take a couple of pictures when Sam tapped me on the shoulder and leaned in to whisper, “Looks like we have some company here.”

  She cut her eyes to the right, and I followed her gaze to see another group of yogis watching me intently. The moment I made eye contact, a nervous-looking man lit up and rushed over to me.

  “Hi, hello there.” He nodded, almost bird-like, as he quickly shook my hand. “My name is Tomek and we—my boss, Petal, I mean—would also like a few photos, if you don’t mind.”

  “Petal?” I blinked as he took my arm and led me over to a heavyset woman in a flowing kaftan. She looked slightly annoyed but gave us a wide, sweet smile as we got closer.

  “Yes, Petal,” Tomek whispered. “Just Petal. Like a flower. No last name.”

  “Got it.” I nodded as Tomek left my side and moved to take up a position a step behind his boss. “And I’d love to get a few photos if you’re ready.”

  “Tomek, be a dear and fan me a little.” Petal gave the order without looking in the man’s direction. “I think it would look nice if my hair was blowing a little. Give it a little movement.”

  He dutifully produced a small fan and stood to the side so I could get a clear shot. I had to admit, I was more than a little surprised at how media savvy these yogis were. They really knew their stuff.

  I was just happy they were all so eager to have their photos taken. More content for the ship’s social media accounts was always a good thing.

  “Don’t look now,” Sam murmured as I snapped the first few photos. “But Kelly and the captain are walking this way.”

  “Perfect timing,” I smiled, wrapping up the impromptu photo shoot before turning to see my boss and the ship’s captain making their rounds.

  “I see you’ve met our esteemed instructors,” Kelly said, waving in turn at Petal and Shakti. “We’re so lucky to have them both aboard. I think the synergy between the two groups will be wonderful.”

  “They seem lovely.” I nodded. “We’ll have tons of pictures to post later.”

  “Good, good,” the captain nodded his approval. “You ladies are doing wonderful work, as always. And with this particular group of guests on board, I think we’re going to have a nice, peaceful cruise.”

  I could only smile. A peaceful, serene cruise?

  That would be a first.

  Chapter Two

  “Addy, over here.” Cece waved from a table in the corner of the International Buffet. Sam and Brad had already joined her, and the three of them motioned me over to the empty seat they’d saved. “You’re going to love the food tonight. They even have chicken.”

  I inspected her plate as I took my seat. The food really did look and smell delicious. “I thought it was supposed to be a vegan buffet.” I frowned then started to stand up again. “I should let Kelly know. Have you heard anyone complaining yet?”

  “It is vegan!” Sam lifted her fork with a piece of chicken so I could see. “Vegan chicken! Isn’t that great? I never would have known the difference if Cece hadn’t told me.”

  I pulled out my camera and took a few quick photos. “I’m impressed,” I admitted. “I honestly wasn’t sure how filling a vegan buffet would be, but this looks amazing.”

  “Tastes amazing, too,” Cece chimed in. “You should go get a plate. There are so many options up there. This isn’t even half of it.”

  The unmistakable squeal and crackle of a microphone cut through the air before I could say or do anything else, making everyone at the table wince and look around.

  It didn’t take long to spot the culprit—Tomek was standing behind a podium, tapping on the mic. “Is this thing on? Can you all hear me? Testing, testing…”

  Petal walked up next to him and hip-bumped him out of the way. “I think that’s good, Tomek, thank you.” She turned to face the rest of the group. “And thank you all for joining us here on this beautiful ship. I hope you’re all enjoying your meals but remember, veganism is more than just a few healthy choices at mealtime. It’s a lifestyle commitment that ties in perfectly with our Slow Flow and Breathe Light yoga classes.”

  She paused and looked around the room. It was difficult to tell from where we were sitting, but she seemed to be paying close attention to Shakti’s table as she spoke. The same couldn’t be said for him, though. He’d barely even looked up from his plate since she’d taken over the microphone.

  As Petal continued to wax poetic about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle coupled with her brand of Breathe Light Yoga classes, I turned to Sam and whispered, “Do you think Petal and Shakti are friends?”

  Cece leaned in on my other side. “Who?”

  I’d forgotten that Cece hadn’t been around yesterday for the dueling photo shoots.

  “The two main yogis.” I nodded toward Petal. “She’s in charge of one group, and the guy across the room over there,” I nodded toward Shakti, “is in charge of the others.”

  Sam quirked an eyebrow. “They sure don’t seem to be besties, if that’s what you mean. Did you see the way she looked at him just now?”

  “I did. And it was… not friendly.”

  As if to further prove the point, Shakti stood up from his table when Petal finished speaking and walked over to take her place, still with hardly any acknowledgment that she was even there.

  Once on stage, he smiled at the audience serenely and said, “While we’re all considering what’s best for our busy lives and what kind of example we want to set for our loved ones and the people around us, I’d ask you to take into consideration that Roar Power yoga has been around longer than any of its imitators and is an award-winning method that guarantees results.”

  My eyebrows shot up as I looked over at Petal. Half the heads in the room seemed to have the same idea, turning to catch her reaction to Shakti’s thinly veiled insults.

  She turned away from the podium, but not before I’d caught a glimpse of the unfiltered anger that was clouding her features. Even without fully seeing her expression, it was easy to tell her mood from her body language and from Tomek’s reaction.

  Petal might have just been talking about the benefits of breathing lightly and going with the flow or whatever, but there was no denying that she was stomping mad. And even though I felt a little pang of sympathy for Tomek, I was glad it wasn’t my job to calm her down.

  Cece craned her neck to look around the room with wide eyes. “It’s easy to see whose side the rest of the crowd is on. Look.”

  She was right. As Shakti went on about the wonderful benefits of Roar Power Yoga, the faces of Petal’s supporters reflected her mood while the tables near Shakti’s group were full of people who were looking perfectly happy, maybe even a little smug. It was certainly a dynamic I hadn’t expected from a bunch of seemingly peaceful yogis, but then they had surprised me at every turn so far.

  Sam smirked. “Whose idea was it to get these groups together and have them confined to the same ship in the middle of the ocean for days on end?”

  I’d been trying my best to keep a smile on my face through all the tension, but Sam’s question made me wince. “That would be our boss. Kelly thought the different groups would have good synergy or something like that.”

  “I don’t think synergy works as well if the groups hate each other,” Cece deadpanned.

  The rest of us laughed, but it was a little too close to the truth for comfort.
/>   “We’re still going to sit in on the classes like you said, right?” Brad took Sam’s hand. “I was really looking forward to spending some quality time doing yoga together.”

  “Of course we are,” Sam scooted a little closer to him and looked exactly like that heart-eyed emoji as she smiled up at him. “I wouldn’t miss it. Doing those classes with you is going to be the high point of my week.”

  I looked away so I didn’t get caught making a face. Not that I didn’t think the two lovebirds were cute, but come on… I’d known Sam for a long time, and I’d never heard her talk about looking forward to exercising like that. I could just picture the two of them giggling like teenagers and getting all lovey-dovey during Shakti’s super intense, rah-rah roaring yoga.

  Somehow, I couldn’t really imagine that going over too well.

  “You two are adorable,” Cece sighed from across the table. “You even make yoga sound fun.”

  “I think it will be fun.” Brad nodded, completely serious even as he draped an arm across Sam’s shoulders. Public displays of affection among staff were strictly prohibited on board the ship, but neither Brad nor Sam seemed to mind at the moment. “What could be better than getting fit and feeling good with the person you most enjoy spending time with? Sounds like my idea of paradise.”

  Sam and Cece let out identical happy sounds while I sighed.

  “You don’t think so, Addy?” Cece gave me a curious look.

  “I’ll keep my dates with Ethan at the pizzeria, thanks.” I shrugged. “To each their own, though. I’m not judging.”


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