SILAS (Camp Mountain Man #2): a BBW, mountain man instalove short romance

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SILAS (Camp Mountain Man #2): a BBW, mountain man instalove short romance Page 3

by Kate Tilney

  “God, it’s catching. You and Noah are a couple of saps.”

  He won’t get any argument from me on that. Sure enough, in just a few short days, Violet has wrapped me around her perfect fingers. And she’s wrapped herself around my heart. While I’d truly believed I didn’t need anyone, that I was good on my own, I’ve never been happier to be wrong.

  Though we haven’t broached the subject yet, I’m hoping I might be able to persuade Violet to extend her trip another week. That should give me enough time to make her see that she belongs here with me. Or that I belong with her. I don’t particularly want to move to Seattle, but there’s plenty of great outdoors around Seattle. I should be able to find something to do.

  Some of my good mood disappears when I see that Kevin is in today’s excursion group. That guy is bad news. I still haven’t forgiven him for putting Violet’s life in danger. It’s even worse that he spent the next few days pining after her. Though he seems to have gotten the hint that the lady is spoken for now.

  And if he gives any hint that he hasn’t set his sights elsewhere, I’d be more than glad to make him.

  Pulling my pack on over my shoulder, I lead the group toward the trail. By unspoken agreement, Ezra falls to the back of the line. After working together so many years, we don’t have to hatch out a plan for each excursion. We just know.

  We’re a couple of hours into our hike when we pause for a break. The guys reach into their bags for bottles of water and pouches of jerky. I’m just pulling out my canteen when I look up and see Kevin and a couple of his buddies near a rock formation. I follow the direction of their attention and see what has them captivated. It’s an eagle. He’s a beauty. Part of me wishes Violet was here to see it. Once she’s fully recovered from her fall, I’ll take her on a private excursion.

  I grin thinking about what a private excursion with Violet might look like.

  I’m momentarily distracted by the thought, I don’t notice that Kevin has started scaling the rock formation. He seems oblivious to the fact that the rocks are giving way around him as dust flies by.

  “Son of . . .” I cut off the oath and run forward to grab him by the back of his shirt. I push him out of the way. I’m about to give him a piece of my mind when I hear the rumble. I look up just in time to see a boulder fall loose.

  And then I don’t see anything.


  Pain radiates through every inch of my body. Moaning, I blink open my eyes and stare in confusion.

  “What the hell?” Then Violet’s beautiful face appears above me, her purple eyes wet with unshed tears. “Hey babe? When did you grow a second head?”

  She chuckles even as she gently cups my cheeks. “Thank God. How do you feel?”

  “Like a pile of rocks fell on top of me.”

  “That’s fair. It took Ezra and the guys ten minutes to dig you out from the pile.”

  My eyes narrow as it all comes back to me. Kevin being stupid. Me pushing him away. The boulder. “Did anyone else get hurt?”

  She shakes her head. “Noah says it doesn’t look like you broke any bones, but Hank is flying in the doctor to check you out. They should be back tomorrow.”

  I start to protest, but Violet just shakes that beautiful head of hers again. “I won’t have any complaints from you.” She lets out a breath that’s almost a whimper. “And, darn it, you are going to feel better in no time. I won’t have you taking any risks. Do you understand me?”

  “I understand you.” Then, I raise my arms and bring her to my chest, groaning a little at a sharp pain.

  Violet loves me. There’s not doubt of it after seeing the relief on her face, the fear in her eyes. While I hate that I’ve scared her, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad to see that she loves me.

  Because I’m head over heels for her. It’s good we’re both on the same page.

  Chapter Six


  Leaving Silas curled up on a comfy chair in his office to sleep off a pain pill, I go off to find Jules. No surprise, the doctor practically forced Silas to take the dang pill before she left. Doc made me swear I’d keep an eye on the patient and make sure he doesn’t try to get back on his feet too soon.

  It’s probably the hardest assignment I’ve ever received. And I once had to get up in front of my fourth grade class to recite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence from memory. And there wasn’t a Schoolhouse Rock song for that one!

  Still, while I may have to endure a bunch of whining and wheedling—and while I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled on Silas—I agreed without hesitation. Silas saved my life just a few days ago and played my nurse. It’s the least I can do for him.

  Not to mention I’m ridiculously crazy about the guy. He has me thinking about and hoping for a future I never imagined.

  I find Jules in an office on the other side of the lodge. Noah is sharing his space with her while they build a cabin on the property. She showed me the architectural rendering, and it includes plenty of space for her to set up shop as she launches her company. Which is what I’d like to talk to her about.

  I knock on the door, and she glances up with a smile.

  “Come on in!” She motions me forward. “I’m dying to show you my latest designs.”

  “I’d love to see them.”

  Taking an empty seat across from her, I pick up the notebook she’s slid across. Drawn on a sketch of a woman with plenty of curves, this particular outfit is lined with faux fur around the neck and wrists.

  “Is this for your winter gear line?”

  She nods. “When I met with the investors and manufacturers, they said we should be able to get this one out on the market by fall.” She gives a heavy sigh. “Of course, that’s going to be tough to do. I have to finish the sketches, make the samples, test them out. Then there’s building the website and social media. Ad placements. And so on.”

  “It’s a lot for one person to do.” I clear my throat. “Which is what I wanted to talk to you about. It seems like you might be in the market for someone with marketing skills.”

  Her eyebrow goes up. “You’re not saying what I think you’re saying.”

  “I know it’s probably not in your budget. But I have some savings. I don’t need a big salary to begin with. You could pay on scale. Or—”

  Before I can finish with my not-so-polished pitch, Jules has rounded the desk and thrown her arms around me.

  She’s nearly squeezed the breath out of me when she pulls back. “Are you sure? You know that’s part of why I wanted you to come here.”

  “That and your whole Camp Mountain Man scheme.” I roll my eyes, even though she’s proven both of those ideas are good ones. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been excited about my work. I really think we could do some good together.”

  “We could build an empire together.” Jules gives me one more squeeze then leans back to sit on the edge of the desk. “Your interest also wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain strapping, brooding, hunk of a man.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Mmmmaaaaayyyybbeeeee.”

  She claps her hands together. “I knew it. I just knew you and Silas would be perfect for each other. I swear, he’s a new man now that you’re here.”

  “It’s all happening so fast.” My heart flutters in a mix of nerves and excitement. “A week ago, I would have said—heck, I did say—you’d be crazy to get me thinking about living here full time and jumping headfirst into a relationship, but . . .”

  “There’s just something about these mountain men.” Jules sighs and stares off dreamily. “Don’t I know it. And don’t think that just because we’re building an empire I’ve given up on making my plans to match all of these men up with the right woman.”

  “Good luck with that.” Letting out my breath, I thrust out a hand to Jules. “So, do we have a deal?”

  “We’ll iron out the specifics later, but hell yes!” She clasps her hand with mine. “Now go tell that mountain man of yours the good news.”

  I’m brimming with anticipation, and my face hurts from smiling, as I reach Silas’s office. Like I just told Jules, I know this is all happening fast. Still, there’s no denying the connection we have. Neither of us was looking for someone. But here we are. Maybe it’s time we both give love another chance.

  Because that’s what this is: love. I’m just sure of it. Plus, I’m ready to prove to Silas that unlike the women in his past, I won’t bail on him. And I know he’d never . . .

  I pause at the doorway to his office. My heart stops as I watch a gorgeous, dark-haired woman throw herself at Silas.

  “I missed you so much,” she says. “When I heard what happened, I had to come see you. I love you.”

  His arms lift to wrap around her. “I love you, too. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Flashbacks of walking in on my cheating exes flood my brain. I can’t believe it’s happening again. Pain shoots through me, and I step backward, until I nearly bump into the staircase.

  I was wrong. Nothing has changed. I don’t belong here. And I certainly can’t trust myself to give my heart to another man.

  Chapter Seven


  Wincing, I pull back to get a good look at my sister, Bea. There was a time when I loved nothing more than pulling her hair. She usually deserved it. Especially after the time she blamed me for breaking the living room window when she threw a baseball through it. We scraped and scrabbled our way through childhood. Each of us made it our mission to drive the other insane.

  And there’s just about no one in this world I’m happier to see.

  I shake my head. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “When Ezra called to say you’d been hurt, I jumped the first plane to Anchorage.” She pulls her lips into a tight smile. “How are you doing?”

  “I’ve been worse.”

  “Typical macho man response.” She rolls her eyes. “Trust you to play this whole thing off like it’s nothing.”

  “I’m really fine.”

  Her eyes narrow. “You know, I almost believe you. Despite the fact that you’re tucked here in a comfy chair like a proper invalid, you look good. Happy.”

  Trust her to see right through me.

  “I am happy.” I clear my throat. “I’m in love.”

  Bea spouts and sputters the basic who, what, when, where, how questions. I can’t help but chuckle, even though it makes my ribs hurt like a son of a bitch.

  “Her name is Violet. She’s Jules’s best friend.” I lift a shoulder. “And she’s fucking amazing.”

  “Who would have thought you’d find your soulmate here in the middle of nowhere? I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Though, there’s a glint in her eye that has my guard up.

  I shake a finger at her. “No third degree. No twenty questions. You will not scare her off.”

  Bea only answers by laughing. She opens her mouth, probably to begin another inquisition, when there’s a clatter down the stairs. I’m just pushing myself up from the chair when Jules appears at the door to my office, chest rising up and down.

  Her eyes dart between Bea and me, and she collapses against the door frame.

  “Oh thank God. It’s just Bea.” She presses a hand to her chest. “I told Violet there was no way you were two-timing her. That there had to be a good explanation.”

  My brows knit together. “Wait, what happened with Violet?”

  “She came down here a few minutes ago. She was going to tell you she was quitting her job so she could move up here to work with me and be with you. But,”—she points at Bea—“she saw the two of you hugging and heard you say something about loving and missing each other.”

  Panic slices through my heart. “Where is she?”


  Bea’s eyes go wide. “Why didn’t she ask what was going on? Isn’t leaving a bit of a knee-jerk reaction?”

  “If you knew what she’d been through.” I shake my head as I reach for my crutches. “You’d understand why she’d choose flight over fight.”

  Waving off Bea and Jules, I hobble my way up the stairs. I have to stop to rest more times than I care to admit, pushing past the pain shooting through my leg and ribs. By the time I reach the door to Violet’s room, beads of perspiration cover my brow. Leaning against the wall, I pound on her door.

  “Violet. We need to talk.”

  “No! You of all people should understand.”

  I shake my head, though I can’t help but grin at my sassy girl. “That woman you saw. She’s my sister.”

  There’s silence, but a few seconds later the door flies open. One look at Violet’s tear-streaked face grips at my heart, making it ache.

  “Your sister?”

  I nod. “The guys called Bea after the accident. She flew up from Chicago to make sure I was okay.”

  Relief washes over Violet’s face and she wipes away at the tears. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

  Then, she’s in my arms, her head carefully resting on my chest.

  “Honey, you’ve been burned before. Badly.”

  “But you’ve never given me any reason not to trust you.”

  “True. But we’re both still healing.” In more ways than one. “Not only have we both taken nasty falls in the past week, but we’ve both had our hearts ripped apart by people we loved. Your heart is still a little tender.”

  “I’ll never doubt you again,” she promises.

  “I’ll never give you a reason to.” I press a kiss to the top of her messy, blonde head. “I love you more than anything in the world. And I plan to spend the rest of my days making you feel safe and happy.”

  She pulls back to glance up at me. “You love me?”

  I nod.

  “I love you, too.” Then a grin spreads across her face, and my heart is filled to bursting with joy.

  As our lips meet, I am more convinced than ever that I’ve found my match. Bea was right. Who would’ve guessed I’d find the other part of my heart in the middle of nowhere? I’ll be grateful I did until I draw my last breath.



  Three years later

  I have to read the email for a third time before the full meaning hits me. “Oh my God!”

  Across the room, Silas gives me a look of warning, and I cover my mouth. Oops. Dropping my hands again, I mouth a “sorry.”

  He winks but goes back to rocking our son. Though Jasper is still a couple months shy of his second birthday, his terrible twos are already here in full swing. After spending most of the afternoon protesting a nap, he finally cried himself out about twenty minutes ago.

  Though Silas had been a little nervous about fatherhood, he’s taken to it like a natural. In fact, out of the two of us, he’s the more patient parent. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel lucky to have him as a partner. His ability to sooth the tender feelings of a toddler is only one of a thousand reasons.

  Reason number two: He built the rocking chair himself. As in he chopped down one of the trees behind our cabin, prepped the wood, and carved a freaking rocking chair. It’s more beautiful than anything you’d find in a store.

  Reason three: On the morning of our wedding, he picked me a bouquet of flowers from the meadow where we took our first walk together. Bea put some of them in my hair. And I’ve never felt more beautiful as when I stood next to him, vowing to love, honor, and protect each other all the days of our lives.

  Reason four: He’s been my biggest cheerleader the past few years while Jules and I launched her plus size athletic wear company. That has meant being an equal part caregiver to our son. Not to mention, he’s great at giving my wine glass a healthy pour at night while I vent about my worries and concerns.

  Reason five: Well, I can’t think about this reason without blushing. Let’s just say I’ll never get enough of my sexy mountain man in—or out of—the bedroom.

  I could go on and on.

  Arching his neck, Silas ch
ecks to make sure that Jasper is in fact sleeping. Satisfied we’re good for at least an hour, he leaves briefly and returns empty handed.

  “What’s the good news?” he asks.

  “How do you know it’s good news?” He arches an eyebrow, and a giggle bubbles out of me. “Okay, you’re right. It’s great news. I just got the latest sales figures.”


  “Jules and I are projected to finish the quarter as the number one women’s outdoor company.”

  Silas’s face lights up a second before he wraps me into his arms. “Babe, I’m so proud of you.”

  “We couldn’t have done it without you and Noah.”

  “We’re in this together.” He presses his lips to my forehead. “That said, all the credit goes to you and Jules. We’ll have to celebrate.”

  I pull back to look up at him. “I can think of a good way to celebrate.”

  His mouth lowers toward mine. “Just show me the way.”


  Thanks for reading SILAS: Camp Mountain Man #2. If you love mountain men and the curvy city slickers who fall for them check out HANK: Camp Mountain Man #3.

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  XOXO, Kate

  Also by Kate Tilney

  Extra Long Weekend

  BROCK: Kings of the Mountain #1

  FLINT: Kings of the Mountain #2

  RHETT: Kings of the Mountain #3

  MAX: Kings of the Mountain #4

  ZEKE: Kings of the Mountain #5

  Fall Before You Leap

  SARAH: Ridiculously Royal #1

  ALEX: Ridiculously Royal #2

  JAMES: Ridiculously Royal #3

  HENRY: Ridiculously Royal #4


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