Explorations- the Lost

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Explorations- the Lost Page 18

by Raymond L. Weil

  Stepping inside Jeremy was amazed at the sheer size of the room. It dwarfed the Command Center in the Avenger.

  “Jeremy!” roared a loud voice from the center of the room.

  Turning toward the voice, Jeremy saw Grayseth stand up and rush toward him. Jeremy braced himself knowing what was coming. Grayseth grabbed Jeremy in a bear hug and lifted him off the deck, holding him tightly.

  “I greet you clan brother, it has been a long time.”

  Jeremy could barely breathe as Grayseth set him back down and released him. “I greet you Grayseth. I have long looked forward to this day.”

  Grayseth led Jeremy over to the command station indicating for Jeremy to take the seat next to him. Jeremy did so though the seat had been designed for a Carethian and Jeremy felt quite small sitting in it. “We have much to talk about. I have met Braleseth and Carly; you must be very proud of them.”

  Grayseth nodded. “They do honor to the clan by being part of the Liberator’s crew. You should also be proud of Jason. He has dedicated his life to rescuing you. If not for him and Angela I don’t know if this day would have ever come.”

  “He’s really grown up,” replied Jeremy. In the few hours he had spent with his son, Jeremy had been impressed.

  “Admiral, we’re detecting more Creevak warships.”

  On the large tactical screen a number of red threat icons were appearing.

  “The intense gravity of the two black holes prevents them from entering or leaving hyperspace for a considerable distance,” explained Jeremy as his eyes shifted to the tactical display. “There’s a slot between the two they must travel. It will take them several hours to traverse it to get where your fleet waits.”

  “Power from the Hunter has been hooked up to the station’s power,” reported Hamore. “Everything seems to be working properly.”

  Hearing this Jeremy relaxed. They should now be able to get everyone off the station, including the AIs.


  For the next two hours Grayseth and Jeremy talked and watched the tactical display as more Creevak warships arrived.

  “I can’t believe Race succeeded in activating the hyperspace interdiction field around the Eternals’ home galaxy. That should be a game changer for the war.”

  “It has been,” replied Grayseth. “Commander Zafron and his fleets have been sweeping through Eternal-controlled galaxies facing little resistance.”

  Jeremy was about to ask more questions when alarms began sounding. Looking at the tactical display, he saw the Creevak ships were beginning to move down the slot. “How many?”

  “We’re not certain,” replied Thomal. “There is too much interference from the black holes. At an estimate I believe we’re looking at four hundred battleships and nearly fifteen hundred battlecruisers, maybe more.”

  “That’s not good,” said Grayseth, his eyes widening with concern. “While my dreadnaughts are powerful I don’t believe they can hold out against those odds.”

  Jeremy looked over at Hamore. “Once we’re loaded how long will it take to get the Hunter to the fleet?”

  “A little over two hours,” replied Hamore. “We can travel much faster going out then we did coming in.”

  “How much longer before loading is complete, including the AIs?”

  “A good hour and a half,” replied Rastell. “We’re loading as fast as we can.”

  “Our fleet’s moving,” reported the sensor officer. “They’re navigating farther down what you call the slot.”

  Jeremy looked and sure enough, the Originator fleet was moving slowly down the slot. “They’re going to try to block the Creevak fleet.”

  “They can for a while,” said Grayseth, approving of the tactic taken by his fleet. “But at some point they’re going to be overrun.”

  “Fleet Admiral, Commander Strong is reporting the rest of the Special Five are now on board the Liberator and wants to know if you’re coming as well or staying on board the Hunter.”

  “Your expertise dealing with the Creevak could be useful,” said Grayseth. “It has been a while since we fought a battle together.”

  Jeremy thought about it for a few moments. He would like to be on the Liberator with his family but he would be much more useful on the Hunter in the coming battle. “I’m staying here. Inform them we may have to fight a battle before we can leave the Creevak universe and it’s necessary I stay on board the Hunter until after the battle is over.”

  “Message sent,” replied the communications officer.

  Grayseth looked intently at Jeremy. “So, what can you tell me about the tactics the Creevak use?”

  Jeremy took a deep breath and began explaining to Grayseth and First Officer Rastell what he had learned during the multiple battles he had fought here in the Creevak universe.


  “Everyone’s loaded, including the AIs,” reported First Officer Rastell. “Power has been disconnected.”

  Grayseth leaned back in his command chair. “Have the New Horizon and the Liberator exit the battlestation. As soon as they’re a safe distance away we will do the same.”

  Grayseth watched a viewscreen as several large hatches opened and the Liberator and the exploration dreadnaught came slowly out of the docks and then began moving away from the station.

  “Station power is fluctuating badly,” reported Hamore. “Its shields are going to fail in a few minutes. We need to be away before that happens or we risk being dragged down into the black hole.”

  “Disconnect us, Lexi, and start our ascent away from the black hole. I believe we’ve spent enough time here.”


  The Hunter pulled away from the battlestation edging through the fluctuating energy shield. The station’s power systems had been pushed to the limit and now they were beginning to collapse.

  “Liberator and the New Horizon are taking up positions on our flanks,” reported Rastell.

  On the tactical display, two green icons were paralleling the Hunter’s course. One green icon was quite large and the other much smaller.

  “Are they having any problems dealing with the pull of the black hole?” asked Grayseth.

  “No problems,” reported the communications officer. “Both Commander Strong and Rear Admiral Barnes say they can travel much faster if we want to increase our speed.”

  “That might be wise,” spoke Jeremy, gesturing toward the tactical display. The Creevak fleet and the Originator fleet were nearly within combat range of one another.

  “Lexi, coordinate with the Liberator and the New Horizon and increase our speed accordingly. I don’t want either of those two ships to put any unnecessary stress on their drive systems.”


  Jeremy watched as all three ships gradually increased their speed until the New Horizon indicated they were nearing the safety limits of their drive system. The three ships then backed off slightly and continued to pull out of the grasp of the black hole which wanted to pull them back down and hold them for eternity.

  Looking at a smaller viewscreen focused on the battlestation, Jeremy saw the station’s power fail as it slowly started to fall toward the event horizon of the black hole. Inside the battlestation was the Avenger. Jeremy felt great sadness knowing he would never set foot in his flagship again.

  “The gravity from the black hole will tear the station apart before it reaches the event horizon,” Hamore Donne informed him.

  Jeremy nodded. He had expected that.

  Switching his gaze to the main tactical display, he saw the two fleets were now close enough to be in combat. Sure enough, several red icons representing Creevak ships vanished and then a green one disappeared.

  “How long until we reach the slot?”

  “One hour and twenty minutes,” reported Lexi. “We can go no faster.”

  Jeremy watched the tactical display as two more green icons vanished. “If we leave the Liberator and New Horizon behind, how soon could the Hunter reach the slot on its own?”

  Lexi did so
me quick calculations. “Twenty-three minutes.”

  Jeremy turned toward Grayseth. “I suggest we do that or by the time we reach your fleet it will have been destroyed.”

  Grayseth drew in a deep breath. “Contact the New Horizon and the Liberator and inform them we’re going on ahead to engage the Creevak fleet. The Liberator is to stay with the New Horizon until both ships reach the slot. Lexi, full acceleration. We’re going into battle.”


  The Hunter rapidly pulled away from the other two ships as its powerful gravity drive powered by the ship’s dark matter converters pushed the ship forward. All eyes were glued to the tactical display showing the intense battle taking place in the slot.

  “They’ve spotted us,” reported Thomal. “The fleet is beginning to fall back and the Creevak are pursuing.”

  “They’ve bought us some time,” said Jeremy. “Perhaps enough for us to reach them before they’re wiped out.”

  “How many vessels have been lost?” asked Grayseth, knowing more of his people had made the journey to the Great Hunt.

  “Fourteen ships so far,” replied the sensor officer. “Our ships are staying just out the range of the Creevak weapons while still launching blue energy spheres at them. All they’re hitting are the battlecruisers. The battleships seem to be hanging back.”

  Jeremy nodded. “That’s one of the strategies they’ve developed. They seem willing to sacrifice their battlecruisers as long as they can preserve their battleships for the final battle.”

  Grayseth spent a moment studying the tactical display. “We’ll reach them in time now. Hopefully this juggernaut will make a difference.”

  “Only until the Liberator and the New Horizon have reached the slot,” said Jeremy. “Once they do we all need to leave.”

  “Agreed,” replied Grayseth. It felt good to have Jeremy in the Command Center. It was like old times.


  In the slot, the Creevak fleet was attempting to close the range with the fleeing Originator ships. Unfortunately, they were finding it impossible to do. Behind them they were leaving a string of battlecruisers which were slowly being turned into space dust. Even so they continued to pursue their quarry. At some point, the enemy fleet had to slow down and when it did, the Creevak would use their battleships to destroy it.


  Jeremy watched anxiously as the Hunter neared the slot. Far behind it, the Liberator and the New Horizon were still pulling away from the intense gravity field of the black hole but it would still be well over an hour before they escaped its deadly grasp.

  “We’re in the slot,” reported Lexi.

  “Take us to our fleet,” ordered Grayseth, leaning forward in his command chair. “We will make the Creevak pay for sending so many of our brothers and sisters to the Great Hunt today.”

  “To the hunt,” said Jeremy solemnly.

  “To the hunt,” echoed First Officer Rastell.


  The Hunter accelerated and headed toward the dreadnaughts which were still falling back in front of the advancing Creevak fleet.

  Jeremy looked over at Grayseth. “Don’t forget. We have a lot of people on board including over forty-thousand AIs.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” replied Grayseth. “I think its best we let the dreadnaughts form up around us and we’ll gradually pull back and try to time our return to this location at the same time the New Horizon and the Liberator arrive. As soon as they do we’ll turn, putting some distance between us and the Creevak then transit back to our universe.”

  “Our new shields should protect us from the Creevak,” added Thomal. “Our weapons also far outrange theirs.”

  “Weapons range in twelve minutes,” reported the sensor officer.

  “Communications, contact our dreadnaughts and instruct them to form a globe around the Hunter. It’s time for us to slay some of these Creevak.”


  Jason watched the tactical display as the Hunter moved to rejoin what was left of its fleet. “Are our weapons ready if they’re needed?”

  “They are ready,” replied Braleseth. “Dark matter missiles are loaded in the missile tubes and the blue energy sphere projectors are powered up.”

  “Blue energy sphere projectors,” said Kelsey in surprise. She looked over at Angela. “How did you manage that?”

  Angela grinned. “I can be very persuasive when I need to be. I also had help from a couple members of the council.”

  “How much longer until we reach the slot?” Jason looked over at Clarissa.

  “Twenty-seven minutes at our current speed. We could go faster if you want to leave the New Horizon behind.”

  Jason shook his head. “We’re not a dreadnaught. Our firepower won’t change the outcome of the battle. We’ll stay with the New Horizon and as soon as we reach the slot we’ll transit back to our universe.”

  Kelsey nodded approvingly. Jason was demonstrating he had a good head on his shoulders. Very much like Jeremy did.

  “We’re going home?” sent Clair. “Remember, when we get back you owe me a good kiss.”

  “Clair! I was only joking.”

  “Oh what harm will a little kiss do? After all, we’ve already slept together.”

  “We were just sleeping,” protested Jason. “Nothing happened.”

  Clair was silent for a long moment and then replied. “It could have if you had wanted to.”

  Jason felt shaken. What kind of game was Clair playing?

  “Fleets are about to enter combat range,” reported Ariel who was standing next to Clarissa.

  Jason was glad for the interruption. He focused his attention back on the tactical display to watch the battle.


  Lexi had calculated the speed at which the fleet must withdraw to meet the New Horizon and the Liberator as they entered the slot. Unfortunately, it meant they would be in weapons range of the Creevak the entire time.

  “They will be in weapons range in three minutes,” reported Rastell.

  “Hit them with our blue energy spheres,” ordered Grayseth. “I want all ships to launch as many as possible as quickly as they can. We must turn the front of that Creevak formation into space dust.”

  “Be cautious,” warned Jeremy. “The Creevak may attempt to swarm your fleet formation to make it too dangerous to use the blue energy spheres. It is a tactic they employed against my fleet several times.”

  On the viewscreen, the Creevak ships approached. The crab-like vessels looked fearsome and dangerous.

  “Weapons range,” reported Thomal as he began launching hundreds of blue energy spheres at the approaching Creevak. The dreadnaughts were doing the same.

  In mere moments the entire front of the Creevak formation had been hit and the battlecruisers were rapidly losing power. Already a large number of blue energy spheres had attached themselves to the hulls of the Creevak vessels.

  To finish them off more rapidly hundreds of dark matter missiles slammed into the stricken battlecruisers, destroying the front section of the Creevak fleet. Glowing debris and explosions filled the slot.

  “They’re pushing through,” reported the sensor officer. “The next group of battlecruisers is advancing. Detecting weapons fire.”

  Creevak missiles began to strike the energy shields of the Originator fleet. Red energy beams flicked out searching for a weakness.

  “They’re trying to push into our formation,” warned the sensor officer as several Creevak ships were coming dangerously close to the dreadnaughts.

  “Focus our fire on those battlecruisers,” ordered Grayseth. “We cannot allow them to reach us.” Grayseth leaned forward in his command chair as weapons fire slammed into the forward ships. Almost instantly two of the battlecruisers blew apart in nova-like explosions. Dark matter energy flowed across the energy shields of several others, threatening to bring them down. Blue energy spheres hit the fluctuating energy shields, rapidly draining them of energy. As soon as the shields failed the battlecruiser
s were obliterated by the dark matter energy.

  A sudden unexpected explosion lit up one of the viewscreens. “What was that?” asked Grayseth. It had come from within his fleet.

  “The Iron Claw just blew up,” reported the sensor officer. “Its shield was overloaded by multiple missile strikes.”

  Grayseth felt infuriated. He hated to see more of his clan brothers embark on the Great Hunt. “Continue to pull back. We can’t let those battleships get within range.” Grayseth knew if they did his losses would greatly increase.

  “They’ll rush us toward the end,” predicted Jeremy. “They must have the New Horizon and the Liberator on their sensors by now. If I had to make a guess, the battleships will hang back and they’ll sacrifice their battlecruisers to continue to draw our fire and inflict some damage. Once we reach the New Horizon and the Liberator the Creevak battleships will move in and attack. They’ll try to merge with our formation in order to hold down their losses from the blue energy spheres.”

  Jeremy’s eyes focused on the New Horizon and the Liberator. He was relieved the Liberator had stayed behind with the exploration dreadnaught. He could trust Rear Admiral Barnes would keep his family safe.

  The Hunter shuddered slightly, causing everyone to look over at the damage control console. Everything was still showing in the green.

  “We took a couple of antimatter hits to the outer energy screen,” explained Thomal. “It’s holding at 92 percent.”

  Jeremy looked over at Grayseth. “How many energy screens does the Hunter have?” He had thought it had a triplex energy screen.

  Grayseth grinned showing his incisors. “The Hunter has two fully functional triplex screens. The Creevak won’t be getting through those.”

  On the viewscreen, dozens of Creevak battlecruisers were making a push to reach the Hunter and its protective dreadnaughts. One by one they were quickly obliterated. It was simpler to hit the battlecruisers’ energy screens with a couple of blue energy spheres. Once the screens failed a couple of dark matter missiles finished the battlecruisers off in massive explosions of white light.



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