Explorations- the Lost

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Explorations- the Lost Page 20

by Raymond L. Weil

  Clair nodded and yawned. “I feel sleepy.”

  “It’s the medication,” explained the med tech. “She should get some sleep. It’ll help the nanites and the medication we gave her to work better.”

  “Jason, will you stay?”

  Jason nodded. “For a little while and then I need to get back to the Command Center.”

  The others told Clair goodbye and went back out into the main section of the med bay.

  “She’s got it bad,” said Kelsey with a sigh. “I remember looking at Jeremy the same way when we were at the Fleet Academy.”

  “They’re still young,” said Angela. “A lot could change.”

  Katie shook her head. “I don’t think so. Clair’s already staked Jason out as hers and I suspect she’s not going to allow anything or anyone get in her way.”

  Kelsey smiled. “Let’s get back to the Command Center. I’m anxious to get docked to the super battlestation. You have no idea how nice it’s going to be to get a good night’s sleep without worrying about a black hole sucking you in while you sleep.”

  The three left the med bay and headed back to the Command Center.

  Andrea remained with a slight smile touching her face. She hoped Clair and Jason got together. She looked toward the closed door wondering if Jason was holding Clair’s hand. She hoped so. With a sigh, Andrea left to go back to her station.


  Clarissa was standing next to Carly watching as everyone left. For once Clarissa was quite pleased with herself. She had gotten the kids to the Creevak universe and back home. True, Clair had been injured but she would pull through just fine. As soon as they all managed to get back to the hub, their lives could return to being normal once again. She had a strong suspicion the days of the Special Five roaming the universe was over. That would now become the responsibility of their children.


  Several hours later the Liberator entered one of the repair docks on the super battlestation. The New Horizon docked as well while the Hunter came close and used an outside docking port so its passengers could disembark.

  “A lot of ships were lost,” said Jeremy with great sadness in his eyes. “I hope it was worth it.”

  “It was,” declared Grayseth in his loud booming voice. “All of the Carethians on the dreadnaughts were volunteers. They all knew there was a good chance most or even all of them could embark on the Great Hunt on this mission. As it is, the Hunter, twenty-three dreadnaughts and everyone aboard your battlestation are now safely back in our universe. I call that a victory.”

  Jeremy nodded. He still felt guilty about so many of Grayseth’s clan members giving their lives to rescue the people on the battlestation. He was also extremely grateful they had made the attempt and succeeded. It was good to be back in the home universe again.

  “How’s Clair?”

  “Doing better,” replied Jeremy. He had talked to Kelsey just before the Hunter docked. “She’s expected to make a full recovery.”

  “After we get everyone unloaded and accommodations taken care of we need to go to the Command Center and see Rear Admiral Lance. We’ll need to send a report of a successful mission to Fleet Admiral Tolsen and the Originator Council. I believe they will all be extremely pleased all of you are safe.”

  “It’s good to know they made Race the fleet admiral. He’ll do a good job.”


  Later Admiral Grayseth and Fleet Admiral Strong were in the Command Center of the super battlestation talking to Rear Admiral Anastasia Lance.

  “So, you destroyed the four stations the Creevak were using to create the anomaly,” said Lance as she looked thoughtfully at Jeremy. “Will they rebuild them now that you’re gone?”

  “I’m sure of it. They were very determined to destroy us so they could gain access to the two black holes again. Now that we’re gone they’ll start construction of new stations immediately. I also suspect the new ones will be heavily defended.”

  Rear Admiral Lance gazed at the one of the large viewscreens on the front wall of the Command Center. “Then we can expect the Creevak to come through a new anomaly. Will it be in this same system?”

  “I believe so,” replied Jeremy. “You might want to talk to some of our scientists who were with us. They have some theories on that.”

  Lance let out a deep sigh. “So it sounds like our presence in this system is going to be a long term affair.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Unfortunately so. From what our scientists believe the new anomaly could appear anywhere in this system but they need this star to act as an anchor.”

  “How long do we have?”

  “Probably several years. The time difference between our universes will ensure that.”

  Looking at one of the large viewscreens, Jeremy could see a fleet of Galactic Union ships. “I would suggest we speak to the leaders of the Galactic Union and have them take a larger role in defending this system.”

  “That should not be a problem. Do you have any recommendations?”

  “Some. It’s essential we prevent the Creevak from establishing a foothold in our universe. They could potentially be as dangerous as the Eternals or even more so. When I get back to the hub I’ll recommend they send another super battlestation and a few more regular battlestations to beef up our forces in this star system.”

  “Some juggernauts as well,” added Grayseth. “From what I saw in the Creevak universe a juggernaut will be a problem for them to handle. We should have a fleet of ten or twelve assigned to this system at all times.”

  Jeremy nodded his agreement. “That’s a good idea. The juggernauts could respond quickly if the Creevak open up an anomaly in another part of the system away from the battlestations.”

  “We’ll have everyone off the ships and to their accommodations in another couple of hours,” reported Commander Boyles. “So far the unloading is going smoothly.”

  “What about repairing the Liberator?”

  “I already have some engineers looking at the damage. I would never have thought those energy shields could be penetrated. From what I understand it happened right when they were starting their transit.”

  “A fluke,” replied Jeremy, shaking his head. “I’m just glad no one was killed.”

  Rear Admiral Lance nodded. “If the two of you want it, my office is available to make out your report to send to Fleet Admiral Tolsen and the council. I imagine they’re anxious to hear how the rescue went.”

  “We’ll get busy,” replied Jeremy. “We’ll make up a short report highlighting the rescue and then a more detailed one describing what happened while we were trapped in the Creevak universe.”

  “I’m sure it will make for some interesting reading,” replied Lance.

  “I hate paperwork,” grumbled Grayseth.

  Jeremy started laughing. Some things never changed. “It’s all part of command. Let’s go get started so we can join the others.”

  Rear Admiral Lance watched as the two went into her office shutting the door behind them. Looking around the Command Center she saw everyone was smiling. It felt good to have the Special Five back and all of them on board the station.


  Angela was standing in the living room of her former home on the station. She had never expected to come back here again but she was glad she had.

  “So this is where you raised the kids for the first few years after we got stranded,” said Katie, looking around. She noticed a large play set in the backyard.

  “Yes, it was quite an experience. I don’t know what I would have done without Clarissa to help. We had to keep our eyes on them at all times, particular with Jason and Clair.”

  Kelsey sat down on a comfortable sofa. “Speaking of Jason and Clair, what exactly is going on with them?”

  Angela sat down and let out a deep sigh. “Clair’s in love with Jason though I’m not sure Jason feels the same way.” Angela went on to describe Clair sneaking into Jason’s room and spending the night. “Fortunately, Clarissa keeps
an eye on them through their implants so nothing has gone too far.”

  Katie grinned. “Young love. I remember what that was like.”

  “I guess it’s my fault. The kids have been so busy with their training they haven’t had much time to socialize with other young people.”

  “Should we do anything?” asked Kelsey. Angela knew the situation far better than she did and for now Kelsey would have to depend on Angela’s advice.

  “I’m going to have a talk with Clair. She is aware I know about the sleeping incident.”

  “Don’t be too hard on her,” said Katie. “The kids have been under a lot of pressure.”

  “I won’t, but I’m also not ready to become a grandmother yet.”

  Kelsey laughed. “Let’s hope they’re smarter than that.” Kelsey stood up and looked out the large window at the backyard. “Why don’t we have a big barbeque tonight to celebrate all of us being back together?”

  Katie squealed with delight. “I love that idea! I’ll go call the kids and tell them. I think it will be good for all of us to be together in a more relaxed setting.”

  Angela stood up. “I guess I’d better get busy ordering a few things. We’ll have three Carethians here as well and we all know how they eat.”


  Jason was busy on the Liberator along with Mason, Lucas, and Rabale inspecting the hole in the ship. Several engineers from the battlestation were there as well.

  “Three days to repair it properly and check out the rest of the ship,” Adam Burr informed Jason. “You’re lucky the next bulkhead didn’t go or the damage could have been much more severe.”

  “It’s bad enough,” replied Jason, gazing at the jagged burned hole in his ship. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I’ll be here assisting with the repairs,” added Rabale.

  “So will I,” said Mason. “We’ll get it done right.”

  Jason knew they would. “I’m going to go check on Clair. I believe everyone will be staying on board the battlestation for the time being.”


  Clair was sitting up in her bed in the med bay as Carly checked to make sure her injuries were properly healed. “So Jason finally kissed you.”

  Clair grinned. “I think he was feeling sorry for me. He did agree to take me out on a date when we get back to the hub.”

  Carly removed the bandage from Clair’s head wound and saw it was completely healed with no signs of a scar. “Well, that’s progress.”

  “I want details on the kiss,” said Andrea who was sitting by the bed. “Was it a good one?”

  “Yes,” replied Clair, flushing slightly. “I think I took Jason by surprise when I kissed him back.”

  Andrea giggled. “At least you didn’t scare him off.”

  The door opened and Mathew came in. “We’re supposed to all go to our old house in the habitat as soon as we’re finished here. We’re having a cookout to celebrate all of us being back together again.”

  “I’m not feeling that hungry at the moment,” replied Clair.

  “You will be when all the medication wears off,” answered Carly as she finished checking Clair. “You can get dressed now. Everything looks fine.”

  Clair nodded. It would be good to get out of the hospital bed. She had a few things she needed to think about. She also wanted to talk to her mother about Jason.


  Jeremy and Grayseth arrived at Angela’s home as soon as they were finished sending their report. Jeremy expected to have a response the next day. Going into the backyard, they found Kevin cooking with Katie hovering close by.

  “Don’t burn those steaks while you’re watching the hamburgers,” she threatened.

  “I missed that,” said Jeremy.

  Grayseth let out a loud booming laugh. “It is good for all of us to be together again.” Grayseth spotted Braleseth and Carly and headed toward them. He wanted to tell them how proud of them he was.

  “Did you get your reports filed?” asked Kelsey as she came up and gave Jeremy a gentle kiss on the lips.

  Jeremy nodded. “All done though I suspect I’ll get a response back asking for more information.”

  “When will we be returning to the hub?”

  “Some very nice passenger liners are being sent to retrieve all of us. They should be arriving in about a week.”

  Kelsey let out a deep sigh. “I’m so looking forward to getting back home. I just want our lives to be normal for awhile.”

  Jeremy laughed. “Normal? Have you ever known us to live a normal life?”

  “No, but we can try.”

  “I’d better go check on Kevin. It’s dangerous letting him be in charge of the cooking or we will all find ourselves eating hamburgers.”

  Kelsey looked around the large backyard seeing Clair and Jason standing together talking.


  “You don’t have to take me out on a date,” Clair was saying. “Not if you don’t want to. I know you may not feel about me the same as I do about you.”

  Jason reached out and took Clair’s hand gently squeezing it. “I don’t know. The more I’ve thought about it the more I’m looking forward to us actually going out on a date.”

  “Really?” said Clair, her eyes lighting up.

  “Really,” replied Jason. Looking around Jason saw Angela watching them. “Angela sure seems to be keeping an eye on us.”

  Clair released Jason’s hand. “Yes, she knows we slept together.”

  Jason’s eyes widened. “I’m dead!”

  Clair laughed. “No, but we both are probably going to get a good talking to.”


  Angela was watching Clair and Jason, they seemed so happy together. She was still going to talk to them but her concerns were greatly diminished.

  “Watching our kids?” asked Kelsey, coming over to stand near Angela.

  “Were we ever like that?”

  Kelsey grinned. “I think we were worse. I recall you strolling down one of the corridors of the original New Horizon with your boobs hanging out.”

  “That was just for a distraction,” Angela said, defending herself. “And don’t you ever tell the kids I did that. Let’s go inside and get the rest of the food ready.”


  Clarissa and Ariel were standing over to one side observing everyone.

  “So what do we do now?” asked Clarissa.

  “Let’s wait until we get back to the hub and see what everyone’s going to do. One of us needs to stay around the children and the other with the adults.”

  Clarissa nodded. “I agree, both groups tend to get themselves into trouble. It’s up to us to keep them safe.”

  The two continued to watch as everyone sat down to eat and talk about their future. For the two AIs they were very happy everyone was back together again. They could hardly wait to get back to the hub to see what the future held.


  The next day Jeremy and Rear Admiral Barnes were summoned to Rear Admiral Lance’s office.

  “Fleet Admiral Tolsen and the council have a few more questions for you to answer. Tolsen also sent some information on the current state of affairs in Originator space and the Federation. They believe the Eternals are preparing to launch a major attack against some of the Dyson spheres or perhaps the Federation.”

  Jeremy frowned. He had hoped the war with the Eternals was winding down after losing their home galaxy. “We’ll take a look but I doubt if we’ll see anything Race or the council may have missed.”

  “You’re probably right but Race thought some new eyes looking over the information might shed some light on what the Eternals are planning. You can use my office. I have some inspections I need to do.”


  Jeremy and Kathryn spent the next several hours pouring over the reports sent by Race.

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” commented Kathryn, putting a report down which described how the Eternals were refusing to fully engage any Originator fleets. “This goes against eve
rything the Eternals stand for.”

  “I agree and why attack a couple of Dyson spheres or even the Federation? It won’t seriously hamper the war effort, not with all the Humans, Altons, and Carethians currently at the hub.”

  Kathryn leaned back and closed her eyes and then opened them. “What if a Dyson sphere or the Federation isn’t the target?”

  “Race and the other admirals seem pretty certain it is.”

  “But what would it accomplish?” asked Kathryn. “What target would change the war if the Eternals could destroy it?”

  Jeremy’s eyes widened. “The hub!” Jeremy quickly began going through more data and finally looked up at Kathryn. “We screwed up. By analyzing our attacks over the years it’s obvious we must have a secret base somewhere. Also by looking at the timing of the attacks it’s not hard to estimate where that base must be.”

  Kathryn nodded in agreement. “If they can destroy the hub the war effort against the Eternals would come crashing to a halt.”

  “We’d better get a message off to Race. He needs to know the Eternals’ target is the Communications and Transport hub and not a Dyson sphere or the Federation.”

  “Let’s just hope it’s not too late,” replied Kathryn gravely.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Fleet Admiral Race Tolsen had called an emergency meeting of the Originator Council. He also had requested a number of his admirals be present. What he was about to tell the council was going to be shocking and quite worrisome. He was finding it hard to accept himself.

  “By now everyone has heard of the successful rescue of Fleet Admiral Strong and his people from the Creevak universe. Unfortunately, Admiral Grayseth’s fleet suffered heavy losses in two battles while performing the rescue. Fleet Admiral Strong has sent several reports on what happened during their time in the Creevak universe and made some future recommendations of what we should do to contain the Creevak.”

  “We are pleased to hear of Fleet Admiral Strong’s successful rescue,” said Councilor Trallis. “It has been long coming and I’m certain they are all excited to be able to return to their homes here at the hub. We are also interested in hearing his recommendation on how to contain the Creevak. How soon will the admiral and his people be returning?”


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