Explorations- the Lost

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Explorations- the Lost Page 34

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Drop out in the Golan Four System in seventeen minutes,” reported Captain Brunson. “We have contact with Star Command and our priority is to defend Golan Four until some type of peace deal can be worked out with the Confederation.”

  “They don’t want peace,” muttered Admiral Cross. “They want our destruction.”

  “We now have reports coming in from across the Empire,” reported the communications officer. “All government buildings are being destroyed and military and civilian casualties are heavy. For the most part the rural areas are being left alone.”

  Admiral Cross let out a deep sigh. “At least they don’t appear to be trying to exterminate us.”

  “Destroying a thousand worlds would shake the stability of the galaxy,” Aiden replied. “Even the Confederation would hesitate risking that.”

  “I have your father on the comm,” reported the communications officer. “He wishes to speak to you.”

  Aiden nodded and sat down in his command chair activating the communications unit. “Father, it appears the Confederation has launched a full-scale assault against the Empire. What are your orders?”

  “You were right in your warnings, Aiden,” the High King replied in a solemn voice. “I fear I have led the Empire to its ruin. I should have listened to you.”

  Aiden remained silent. There was little he could say.

  “When your fleet gets here you need to buy us some time. We are trying to contact the Confederation to reach some type of acceptable terms of surrender.”

  “What about Operation Exodus?”

  This time it was his father who remained silent for several long moments. “Underway. As soon as the first reports came in of Confederation attacks the plan was implemented.”

  Aiden nodded to himself. Exodus was a last ditch effort to give hope for the future. “We’ll buy you the time you need. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t,” the High King replied. “Good luck Aiden.”


  On board the Druin battleship Expanse, Admiral Kalar nodded in satisfaction at the reports coming in from around the Human Empire. Kalar stood eight feet tall and came from a high gravity world. His form was slightly humanoid but squat with his head sitting directly on top of his torso with a short neck. His arms were massive and could easily snap a Human in two. He was also cold blooded with limited emotions.

  “All Human forces are in retreat,” reported his second in command. “Our soldiers are reporting nearly four hundred of their planets are now under our control.”

  “They are an inferior species,” replied Kalar, his large cold eyes narrowing. “The Humans are barbaric, and we should never have allowed them to expand from their home world. It was an error on our part and we must be careful not to make such a mistake again.”

  “They lack the logic to become civilized,” added the science officer. “It is necessary we take them under our guidance. There are many uses for Humans in the Confederation.”

  “Their High King is still trying to contact us,” reported the communications officer.

  “No doubt seeking surrender terms,” said Kalar. “I will not speak to him until after we have completed the destruction of their warships and finished the conquering of all of their worlds. Then we will speak of surrender terms.”

  Kalar’s second in command turned toward him. “The last of their known warships will be in their home system shortly. There may still be a few we missed but they will not be a threat as they will have no support bases to use for resupply.”

  “Move the fleets into position,” ordered Kalar. “It is time we end this.”


  Aiden felt the flagship drop out of hyperspace near Golan Four. His eyes were instantly drawn to the large viewscreens spread across the front wall of the Command Center. They flickered with static and then cleared. On the center most screen a blue-white planet appeared. This was Golan Four the birthplace of the Human race. The planet had four large oceans and three huge continents. Nearly 62 percent of the planet was covered in water. It was a garden world with a population of three point four billion. For centuries the population on the planet had been carefully controlled to prevent overcrowding. It was also Aiden’s home.

  “How many warships do we have?” Glancing at the tactical display, he could tell there weren’t near as many as he would like.

  “We have the second, sixth, and tenth fleets,” reported Captain Brunson. “There are also a few stragglers from other fleets.”

  “Counting our fleet that gives us three hundred and seventy-four ships,” Admiral Cross informed Aiden. “That’s less than a third of our original fleet strength.”

  “Druin fleets have entered hyperspace,” reported the sensor officer. “Twenty-eight minutes before the first of them arrive.”

  Aiden leaned back in his command chair. He was about to fight a battle he knew he could not win. However, the battle had to be fought in order to get the Druins to listen to his father’s offer to surrender. He wondered how they had allowed events to lead to this. Even in his wildest nightmares, he had never believed the Confederation would attack with such force and ferocity.


  On the planet, Princess Layla was in her quarters pacing back and forth. She knew her brother had arrived with his fleet and would soon be facing impossible odds in battle. She knew it was very likely he would not survive.

  “What will become of us?” asked Krista, who was her cousin. Krista and Layla were very close and often confided in one another. Krista was a few years younger than Layla.

  Layla sat down trying not to fidget. She felt as if the world was tumbling down around her. “I don’t know.” Her voice felt tight in her throat and her heart was pounding. Outside in the corridor she could hear the armored feet of her security detail as they prepared to defend her if the Druins came into the palace.

  Layla had never seen a Druin in person though she knew what they looked like. They were horrid creatures to look upon. She could not imagine what it would be like to see one in person. Looking upward, she wondered what Aiden was thinking and if she would ever see him again.


  All fleets are in formation,” reported Admiral Cross as he stood in front of the large holographic tactical display.

  “Druin ships are dropping out of hyperspace,” reported Captain Brunson.

  Aiden drew in a deep breath. “How many?”

  Captain Brunson turned to face the prince with a grim look on his face. “Over two thousand so far with more still exiting hyperspace.”

  Aiden felt a cold chill spread over him. This was overkill by the Druins. Not only were their ships larger they were also more advanced. “Standby for combat.” Aiden looked at one of the viewscreens showing the planet he was defending. His entire family was on that planet. He knew the odds of him ever seeing any of them again were very small.


  The Human fleet formed up into a globe formation with the Vindicator in the center. Energy screens were up and weapons were ready to fire. Around the planet cargo ships and passenger liners were entering hyperspace to escape the fighting though there was really no place for them to go.


  “Druins are forming up into a large cone formation,” reported Admiral Cross. “They are beginning to advance toward us. Combat range in seven minutes.”

  Aiden stood and walked over to the tactical display examining the red threat icons seeing how heavily outnumbered his fleet was. He clasped his hands behind his back considering his options in the coming battle. “Has there been any response to my father’s requests for communications?”

  “No,” answered the communications officer. “So far the Druins are refusing any contact.”

  “All the orbiting stations including the shipyards are being evacuated,” added Captain Brunson. On the tactical display, numerous small green icons representing shuttles and small ships were visible heading toward the planet.

  Aiden returned to his command chair and
pressed an icon on his control console, which put him in contact with all the ships of the fleet. “This is High Prince Aiden Starguard. In a few minutes we will be engaged against the Druin fleet, which is advancing toward Golan Four. We are trying to buy time for my father to establish contact with the commander of the Druin forces to offer our surrender.” Aiden paused, taking a deep breath. “Most of us will not survive this battle, but we will make sure the Druins and the Confederation long remember this day. It has been an honor to serve as your commanding officer.”

  Looking at the main viewscreen, which was now showing the Druin fleet, Aiden felt his breath catch in his throat. The Druin battleships were nearly twice the size of the Vindicator and very deadly.


  On board the Druin flagship, Admiral Kalar stood with his thick arms folded across his chest. Shortly this threat to the Confederation would be crushed and the Humans would become vassals to the seven major Confederation races. There were thousands of ways the Humans could serve.

  “The Human fleet has formed up into a defensive globe,” reported his second in command. “We should easily be able to destroy it.”

  “Engagement range,” reported the tactical officer in a cold voice.

  Admiral Kalar drew in a deep breath. “Fire, destroy the Humans.” Once the Human fleet was destroyed, he would make his demands of their King. Nothing short of a complete and unconditional surrender would be accepted.


  Aiden felt the Vindicator shake violently from the opening salvos of the battle. On the main viewscreens, several ships in his fleet were blown apart in huge explosions of raw energy. Aiden looked over meaningfully at Admiral Cross. “How long can we survive?” he wanted to buy his father as much time as possible.

  “Not long,” replied Cross as several more Human ships vanished from the tactical display.

  Aiden’s face grew stormy. He had never thought his life would end this way. For several heart-stopping minutes he issued orders as he tried to keep his fleet alive for as long as possible.


  In the Human fleet intense rays of raw energy from the Druin battleships slammed into energy shields in many cases overloading them. The bow section of a cruiser exploded and debris started drifting away from the ship as it lost power and then blew apart. Another Druin energy beam penetrated the weakened shield of a small support ship blowing an energy beam turret to shreds and blasting out a massive hole in the hull. It was the same throughout the fleet as the overwhelming power of the Druin vessels threatened to make this a short and costly battle for the Humans.


  The Vindicator shuddered as two sublight missiles hit her energy shield severely jarring the ship. The screen seemed to flicker and then the flickering vanished as the screen returned to full power.

  Aiden looked quickly around the Command Center to see if everyone was okay. Everyone was still at their consoles issuing orders and keeping the ship functioning.

  “We’re losing ships too rapidly,” reported Admiral Cross with a pained look in his eyes. “We’ve already lost sixty-eight vessels and we’ve only managed to destroy seven Druin ships.”

  “Close the formation,” ordered Aiden. “We must give my father more time to get through to the Druins.”

  Just then the deck heaved under High Prince Starguard and he found herself flying through the air. He crashed to the deck coming up hard against the navigation console. He could hear alarms sounding and people shouting commands.

  “Prince Starguard, are you okay?” asked Captain Brunson, rushing to the fallen prince.

  “Barely,” Aiden answered. Struggling to stand, he stumbled back to his command chair. Looking around, he saw smoke and sparks everywhere. Alarms were screaming from the damage control console as red lights were rapidly blinking on. “What happened?” He knew the Vindicator was heavily damaged.

  “Four energy beams penetrated our energy screen,” reported Admiral Cross, stepping over close to Aiden. The admiral’s left arm hung limply at his side. “Our energy shield is down and we’re streaming atmosphere.”

  “Your arm?” asked Aiden, his eyes widening.

  “Broke,” replied Admiral Cross with a grimace. “I took a pain killer. I’ll be fine.”

  Aiden looked over at Captain Brunson who was speaking with the damage control officer. The captain looked back at Aiden shaking his head.

  Taking a deep breath, Aiden prepared to die with his ship. From the look on the face of Captain Brunson, he knew his ship could not withstand another energy beam or missile strike. He wished he could have seen and spoken to his father and sister one last time.


  On board the Druin flagship, Expanse, Admiral Kalar nodded in satisfaction as the Human fleet was methodically being destroyed.

  “Their flagship has been heavily damaged,” reported the second officer.

  Admiral Kalar paused for a moment as if in thought. “Capture it intact. Its commanding officer might be useful.”

  “What about the rest of its crew?”

  “Exterminate all but the command crew,” ordered Kalar. “Those will be the only ones of value.”


  Over the next few minutes all the Human ships except the flagship were obliterated. Space near the planet was filled with the glowing wreckage of its once proud fleets. When the fighting finally stopped only the flagship survived. It was heavily damaged with most of its weapons destroyed as well as its drive systems. The ship could not escape as Druin shuttles docked to the vessel blasting open the hatches allowing heavily armored Druin soldiers to board.


  Aiden was in his command chair listening to the reports coming in from across the ship of Druin soldiers working their way toward the Command Center.

  “They’re killing everyone,” said Captain Brunson, his face pale as a ghost. “They are sparing no one. Even unarmed crewmembers are dying.”

  Aiden stepped over to the arms locker near the tactical station taking a small energy pistol from it. Most of the command crew was now armed and prepared to make the final sacrifice for the Empire.

  Taking a deep breath, Aiden could hear the sound of energy weapons fire out in the corridor beyond the sealed hatch. Then with a loud roar, the thick hatch was flung off its hinges and several round objects were tossed into the Command Center.

  “Grenades!” yelled Captain Brunson, stepping over and trying to shield the prince with his body.

  The grenades went off and Aiden felt his consciousness fade away. The battle for him was over.

  The Forgotten Empire: Banishment will be out in February of 2020.

  Other Books by Raymond L. Weil

  Available on Amazon

  Moon Wreck (The Slaver Wars Book 1)

  The Slaver Wars: Alien Contact (The Slaver Wars Book 2)

  Moon Wreck: Fleet Academy (The Slaver Wars Book 3)

  The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book 4)

  The Slaver Wars: Retaliation (The Slaver Wars Book 5)

  The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict (The Slaver Wars Book 6)

  The Slaver Wars: Endgame (The Slaver Wars Book 7)

  The Slaver Wars: Books 1-3


  Dragon Dreams: Dragon Wars

  Dragon Dreams: Gilmreth the Awakening

  Dragon Dreams: Snowden the White Dragon

  Dragon Dreams: Firestorm Mountain


  Star One: Tycho City: Survival

  Star One: Neutron Star

  Star One: Dark Star

  Star One


  Galactic Empire Wars: Destruction (Book 1)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Emergence (Book 2)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Rebellion (Book 3)

  Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (Book 4)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Insurrection (Book 5)

  Galactic Empire Wars: Final Conflict (Book 6)

  Galactic Empire Wars: The Beginning (Books 1-3)


  The Lost F
leet: Galactic Search (Book 1)

  The Lost Fleet: Into the Darkness (Book 2)

  The Lost Fleet: Oblivion’s Light (Book 3)

  The Lost Fleet: Genesis (Book 4)

  The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators (Book 5)

  The Lost Fleet (Books 1-5)


  The Star Cross (Book 1)

  The Star Cross: The Dark Invaders (Book 2)

  The Star Cross: Galaxy in Peril (Book 3)

  The Star Cross: The Forever War (Book 4)

  The Star Cross: The Vorn! (Book 5)


  The Originator Wars: Universe in Danger (Book 1)

  The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost (Book 2)

  The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending (Book 3)

  The Originator Wars: Explorations (Book 4)

  The Originator Wars Explorations: The Multiverse (Book 5)

  The Originator Wars Explorations: The Lost (Book 6)


  Earth Fall: Invasion (Book 1)

  Earth Fall: To the Stars (Book 2)

  Earth Fall: Empires at War (Book 3)

  (All dates are tentative)

  The Forgotten Empire: Banishment (Book 1) (February 2020)




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