Iron Age Demons

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Iron Age Demons Page 6

by Eden Redd

  Sil spoke first, “My dreams were all I had as I lay in the casket, my body fusing with new power.”

  “It was strange,” Nova added. “It was like my body grew more powerful. I slept the whole time.”

  “How do you both feel now?”

  Sil looked ahead as she spoke, “I feel stronger. My instincts tell me I have three abilities, but I only used one of them during the fight.”

  Nova hopped, “I feel I have three abilities too! I think we used the same one with the hydra. I feel like I can do more.”

  “I’m sure with time, we will discover them together. I’m just glad we are together again.”

  Sil and Nova nodded as they continued to walk.

  The castle loomed before the group as they approached. Milly stood on the steps; eyes wide as she looked past the group to Will. With a loving cry, she ran down the steps, through the approaching crowd and flung her arms around Will’s neck. The player held her close as her shoulders shuddered and she fought back tears.

  “I’m okay,” Will said with a loving edge.

  “It was hard…knowing you were fighting such a monster,” Milly said with a sad edge.

  “Hopefully we won’t have to fight a monster like that for a while,” Will said as he tried to comfort her.

  Milly pulled away, using her arm to wipe away small tears. “Yes, I hope we don’t have to.”

  The Panu walked back up the stairs, “I have assigned everyone a room for the night.”

  Will smiled. “I thought the same thing. We will need to have a few more rooms prepared for the kobolds.”

  Milly nodded without looking back, “I will make the arrangements.”

  The group entered Castle Thorn, Will looking to Milly with concern. It didn’t take long before the group splintered, the kobolds following Milly and the rest taking the stairwells to the royal quarters.

  Entering the royal quarters, Will walked until he was besides Stella. The witch angel turned and looked to him, giving him a wink. Val stretched her arms before breaking away and stepping into her room. Morgan did the same with a small wave. Sil and Nova stepped to their individual rooms.

  Will and Stella stopped in front of her room, the player turning his attention to her.

  “Thank you,” Will said sheepishly.

  The witch smiled. “You don’t have to say it if you don’t mean it.”

  Will looked her in the eyes, face a blank mask. “I do mean it. It’s…been hard since we came back from acquiring the Draygon Idol. Trust is a big thing with me and…” Will trailed off.

  Stella nodded again. “I know it may not seem like it, but I do have your best interests at heart. It’s the reason I’m still here instead of a lovely graveyard in the middle of nowhere. I don’t want you and the people you have taken under your wing to suffer needlessly.”

  The witch bent slightly at the hips, leaning forward to give Will an eyeful of her cleavage.

  “Besides, the more you deny me, the hotter it gets. If this keeps up, I may have to stay on my knees until you’re ready to trust me again,” Stella said with a breathy whisper.

  Will raised an eyebrow as heat climbed up his neck. The switch was turned on and Will found it difficult to think. Mentally, he berated himself for allowing her a chance to turn on her sultry charm but his body responded in a natural way he could not deny. The full-figured witch tried to wrap him around her little finger but he tried to stay firm.

  “Trust is earned,” Will said absentmindedly.

  Stella gave a wicked smirk. “You haven’t put me to work yet. I’m eager to earn my keep and a way into your good graces.”

  Will wasn’t sure if it was the heat of battle or the witch’s lewd charms but he instantly imagined how she could earn her place back into his circle of trust.

  Stella’s expression shifted to a kind smile. “Goodnight Lord Asher. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Will watched as the witch turned, sauntered into her room and closed the door without looking back. The air around the player was growing hotter by the moment. Turning away from the witch’s door, he quickly walked to his bedchamber at the end of the corridor, stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

  Back to the door, he let out an annoyed sigh. “Why does she do that?” the player asked no one.

  Heat returning back to normal, Will moved to the edge of his bed and began to undress. Thoughts swirled to the battle and how it could have been worse if Sil and Nova hadn't arrived. Their new powers and abilities would be a great asset to growing the kingdom.

  Clothes and weapons piled on the floor. Will sat down on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees as he stared off at nothing.

  “What am I doing?” the player said out loud.

  The reality of his digital life was cresting over his mind, ready to come crashing down and sweep him away. In the beginning, all he thought of was survival. Now, he had a small tribe he was desperately trying to keep together. Thoughts churned about Idols and power, but clearly that all had to take a backseat to what was needed at the moment, a safe home not only for him, but for those he cared about. The hydra could have caused greater damage and maybe taken a few more lives. It haunted his thoughts, knowing he could die and come back, but no one else in his tribe could. Death was permanent for all but him, and it lashed at his needs to help and protect.

  Lanterns glowed as an ocean breeze drifted in from the open balcony. Tired muscles throbbed and ached. Drowsiness took hold as eyelids slowly blinked open and close.

  “Make Thorn Spire safe…and then we can search for the Idols,” Will whispered to himself.

  Turning his body, he fell back into bed, nude and not bothering to cover himself. The gentle breeze from the balcony caressed frayed nerves. Eyelids heavy, he began to slide into peaceful sleep when the bedchamber door opened.

  Fighting through the sleepy haze, Will lifted his head just enough to see Milly come in and close the door behind her. Deep shadows covered her face as she walked in slowly. Hands rose up and she opened her robe, revealing her nude body underneath. Will let his head fall back onto the pillow. A moment later, Milly’s stood by the edge of the bed, shrugging her robe off and looking down at Will.

  “We…can just sleep,” Will said with a tired edge.

  Milly’s gaze slid along Will’s strong and fit body. She remained silent as she slipped into bed. Will turned his head slightly, looking at her as her gaze drank in his nude form. The breeze caused goosebumps to rise and Milly slid in closer, touching her body to Will’s.

  “Everyone has a room and should be fine for the night,” Milly spoke, her voice sounding distant.

  Will gave a slight head nod.

  Milly’s hand touched Will’s chest and slid along smooth skin, “I was so worried.”

  Heat returned as Milly’s body warmed his. The air took on a sultry edge and Will couldn’t deny its power. Staring at the beautiful horned woman, he could feel her desire as she ran her hand along his body. When her hand brushed the length of his manhood, it stirred from her touch.

  Milly looked into Will’s eyes, a connection blazing bright. “I know you only want to protect us. I can’t speak for everyone, but I appreciate it from the deepest part of my heart. Seeing you rush into battle, makes me happy and afraid at the same time.”

  Will watched as Milly lifted her upper body up, her large, firm breasts hovering inches away from his face and pert nipples erect from growing desire.

  “I want you,” Milly said with a sweet smile.

  Will curled his arm under her side and pulled her closer. The heat of their bodies blazed like a fever. Pink touched Milly’s cheeks before her fingers curled along Will’s thickening shaft. With gentle strokes, she breathed divine life into his manhood.

  The tension grew in gentle waves. Holding Milly close, his lips closed on a nipple and his tongue licked at the tip. Milly trembled as she stroked him, the player’s spear thick and throbbing to her touch. The play between them grew with firm t
ouches and wet suckling. When Will pulled back, he kissed her inviting breasts, ending each one with a gentle lick of her creamy skin. The mood glowed as Will basked in it. He couldn’t deny the attraction, but he felt it for many around him. Jova had no rules or laws when it came to how to live. The freedom was overwhelming and he couldn’t fight off the notion that he could be with Milly and anyone else he desired. But this moment spoke on a deeper level. He could create a society any way he wanted and the thought tantalized him. They would not judge him and it caused an inner fire to glow brighter.

  “My love…” Milly whispered as her entire body grew hotter with each gentle kiss.

  Bodies spoke as Milly could not help herself. A leg curled over Will’s legs and she ground her womanhood against his leg. The maddening urges pushed at the fabric of her soul as desire caused wetness to spill. Stroking a little faster, Milly sighed in delight at Will’s veiny member in her hand, her body crying out to mount to him.

  Will kept her close, licking and kissing alabaster skin. She could barely fight off her own desires and Will found it harder to handle his. Wetness touching his leg as he enjoyed that she could not stop grinding against him. Moans filled the small space between them before whimpers followed. Bodies undulating, Milly tried to stay quiet, but her voice betrayed her.

  “I need you. I need you so much,” Milly whimpered as her body betrayed her.

  Will gave Milly a small smile, “I need you too.”

  The words barely registered before Milly forced herself on top of her lord. Pinning his member down, she slid along the shaft, wetness spilling. Heated gasps rose up as her clit rubbed against his thick shaft. Will watched with hands on her shapely hips as Milly became possessed. There was no declaration or a single word spoken as she lifted her hips up and took hold of his throbbing manhood. Pressing the tip to her wanting womanhood, wetness coated it before the Panu let gravity take hold. The horned woman gasped as her valley parted, slowly sliding down, inch after inch. Will held her by the hips, his own hips thrusting gently upwards. When they met in the middle, moans rose up.

  Milly closed her eyes, lost to blinding sensations. Hips moving of their own accord and a rhythm fell into place. Will watched with loving eyes as Milly bounced on him, heavy breasts rising and falling. Whimpers fell from parted lips as her eyes squeezed shut. The sound of bodies sang on like a private symphony. Will’s member parted inner walls and she squeezed him, not wanting to let go.

  Milly fell forward, mashing her body to Will’s. Lips touched as the Panu’s hips worked with hungry desire. Will held her close, tongue touching and licking like horny beasts in the middle of the night. The outside world seemed to dim as Milly begged for more, her whimpers goading him on.

  “Fill me with your seed,” Milly said in a harsh whisper before biting Will’s lip.

  The player held on, keeping his control. Milly on the other hand let out loud whimpers before her pale skin turned pink. The moment was sudden, a dam breaking and the world washing away. Heat flared as Milly fought through the maddening bliss to keep hammering her hips down on Will’s hard cock.

  Will watched with half closed eyes as Milly let out a small cry, an orgasm blasting her nerves. The moment ebbed before another flash of heat exploded. The tempo reached a fevered pace, Milly never wanting the connection between severed. Will grunted as he felt himself drawing closer.

  Milly looked down with a heated gaze. It had become almost demonic as she slid down his thick member and a third orgasm turned her pink skin nearly red. The lust in her gaze sent Will over the edge. Cock thickening, he could not deny himself any more.

  Spurts of his seed filled her tight space. Will groaned as Milly moaned. The Panu rode her lord, squeezing and milking him, being rewarded with another spurt, followed by another. Bodies rode the blissful wave as Will held Milly’s hips, holding her down and his cock pushing out one last thick spurt.

  Milly slowed as she looked down. Will couldn’t fight the exhaustion any longer. Eyes growing heavy, his grip on her weakened. The Panu gave him a warm smile as she continued to ride his half hard member. Will wanted to say some loving words, but dreams whispered deep in his mind. A moment later, he was fast asleep.

  Milly lay on Will, hips still moving and not breaking the connection. “Sleep well my love,” she whispered.


  Darkness swirled across the dreamscape. Will floated on a watery surface, his gaze on the churning vortex above him. Ghostly faces appeared along the nearly black clouds, moaning and screaming before melting into the vortex. Lightning flashed and the player could not deny the eerie beauty.

  A chill seeped into his body as he floated along. He wanted to move, but his body didn’t respond. Instead of panicking, he simply drifted, knowing full well that this was a dream. At peace, he didn’t blink as he was caught in a gentle current, the massive vortex calling to him like a home he had long forgotten.

  Two shadows emerged, walking along the watery surface. Will’s gaze slid down to see Draygon and Yir step closer. Draygon had an impish smirk while Yir’s snake-like head merely tilted forward, slitted eyes on Will and mane along his neck bristling.

  Will tried to move and found that he had control of his body once again. Sitting up, he coiled his arms around his legs and held them, a dim smile on his lips and gaze focused on the two gods.

  “I take it this isn't a social visit,” Will said with a simple grin.

  Draygon nodded. “You’re going soft.”

  “We require followers,” Yir said in a deep, dark voice.

  Will rocked a little as he eyed the two gods. “Everything takes time. Also, what’s the rush?”

  Draygon’s large brow formed a sharp point, “The light is not so relaxed. While you’re fighting hydras and making love, the light is conspiring to take what you have won. Your tiny kingdom stands on a knife’s edge and we have invested our dark power in you.”

  Will slowly stood up and eyed the two gods. “So, you came here to tell me to hurry up? Seems a little over the top for a pair of gods.”

  Draygon and Yir bowed their heads and closed their eyes.

  “We didn’t come here to simply speak to you. We came to bring a lesson, and a gift,” the two gods said in unison.

  Will raised an eyebrow as the water along his feet began to bubble. Looking down, he saw that the entire area was vibrating and pulsing like a living thing. The two gods were unaffected, but Will found it difficult to stand. Water foamed as the vortex above spiraled.

  “I…” Will managed before watery explosions surrounded him.

  Green and black tentacles burst from the water, snaking into the air, a foul fish stench blanketing the area. Will lifted his hands, ready to fight when the tentacles shuddered. Like living whips, they lashed at his body, coiling and tightening around limbs. Will grunted and struggled as he was slowly lifted into the air. Pain bloomed as he cried out. Draygon and Yir kept their heads bowed as several more tentacles rose up and coiled around Will.

  The player was suspended in the air, tentacles tight and pulling at him, ready to tear him to pieces. Will screamed and a tentacle wrapped around his head, his teeth biting on rotten flesh. The stench was overpowering and the taste of the fleshy tentacle in his mouth felt like poison, slowly dripping down his throat.

  “Those who worship me shall know the hunt. They will be an extension of you in the forests, jungles, and mountains,” Yir said in a dark voice.

  “Those who worship me shall know the arcane. They will wield magic and use its great power in your name,” Draygon whispered.

  A lone tentacle rose up from the water, slowly reaching eye level with Will. The player stared helplessly as a hook protruded from the tip. Eyes wild, he looked around to see a dozen eyes of various shapes and colors blink open just below the watery surface.

  “Worship me, and you shall wield chaos and death,” a voice spoke that caused Will’s soul to tremble from its awesome power.

  Eyes as wide as saucers, Will watched as t
he tentacle reared back. Fear boiled into rage as he struggled against the monstrous tentacles. A muffled shout filled his throat before the tentacle shot forward, driving the hook into his forehead. The pain was instant as it turned into a sickening crunching sound, driving deeper into his mind. Eyes rolling back into his head, Will was blinded as information crawled along his entire body. Madness gripped him and he gave a muffled laugh.

  “The Void calls,” Yir and Draygon said with a melodic tone.

  The Void calls.

  The simple thought brought along tendrils of power as his soul basked in a dark light.

  Eyes open, Will looked to Milly’s peaceful face. She lay on her side, chest gently rising and falling with each breath. Creamy skin glowed as light filled the bedchamber. Will stared as the dream fell away like a dying leaf from a branch. The sounds of birds glided in from the open balcony.

  Will slipped from the bed and stood up. Walking through the chamber, he made his way to the balcony. Hands on the stony edge, he looked down at his tiny kingdom. He drank in the small damaged village, the shrines on the east and west side and a thick forest beyond, stretching out farther than the eye could see.

  Will stared down for a long while, the sun warming his hands and arms. Another pair of arms circled his bare waist and a horned head leaned against his back. Will let go of stony balcony edge and touched the hands around his waist, warmth filling his spirit.

  “What do you see?” Milly asked with a gentle sigh.

  Will was silent for a long moment before lips parted. “I see the future.”

  “What does it look like?”

  Will’s eyes took on a dark edge as he squeezed Milly’s hand. “Cities as far as the eye can see. An empire where we all live in peace.”

  “It sounds beautiful,” the panu said with a dreamy edge.

  “It will be,” Will smiled as a dark fire burned in his heart.


  Time flowed like a river, Will caught in the current. The player watched as the world around him changed. Memories danced as he remembered walking down from the front gate of Castle Thorn, the kobolds, panu, Sil, Nova, Stella, and Morgan stepping behind him as they began their plans for the future. Groups broke away to their assigned duties, each knowing what they had to do.


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