Iron Age Demons

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Iron Age Demons Page 14

by Eden Redd

  “What do you want?” Will asked as his mind already made the connection.

  Onika smiled as she pulled the front of her crimson dress aside to reveal her pink line against violet skin. Wetness gleamed in the torch light as her hairless elfhood showed no shyness. The elf seemed perfectly at ease, exposing herself to the man on his knees.

  Will saw what she wanted, but he hesitated too long. Onika’s other hand snapped onto his head, fingers digging into his hair and drawing him closer. Will’s lips touched her sex and a small gasp filled the air. Will could not deny the intoxicating scent of the elf as his tongue slid out under its own desires and licked. Lips touched her valley and soon his tongue explored sensual folds.

  The mood shifted to a glowing comfort. Onika looked down in delight as Will continued to pleasure her. Tongue probing deeper, she let out a giggle and a hiss, fingers still in his hair, controlling his movements. The weight on his shoulders died and Will found himself able to move. A thought of taking her prisoner and using her to escape dashed across his mind, but it was drowned out by her sultry wetness. It dribbled down his chin as he bent his neck to accommodate her. Mouth clamped down on her valley, he speared his tongue deeper before sliding out and running it along her raised clit. A lustful connection blazed as Will found himself powerless to break away from her dripping nectar.

  Onika shuddered before taking hold of her flimsy dress and pulling it over her head. Fabric fell to the stone floor as hips moved, grinding her clit against Will’s tongue. The player looked up, large breasts bouncing to her movements as dark nipples stood erect. She moaned her delight and Will could not stop the flow of blood to his member.

  The moment ticked on until Onika let out a deep moan. Body shuddering again, she looked down with bright red eyes. Pulling Will’s head away, he looked up with wetness covering his lips, cheeks, and chin. She pulled slightly and soon Will was to his feet. The dark elf pressed her body to his, fingers running along his muscles. Will’s hands wrapped around her, touching the small of her back and keeping the sultry elf to him. A hardness filled the space between sensual dark thighs. Onika closed her legs, running her wet valley entrance against his throbbing member. She cooed and writhed against him like a cat in heat. Will couldn’t think straight as she made animalistic whimpers.

  Onika took hold of his hand, curled her fingers along his and pulled away. The dark elf led the young man to one of the large beds. She crawled in on her hands and knees, prone ass in the air and swaying like an invitation. Will crawled in after her. Hands taking hold of her firm ass, he spread her cheeks. Onika looked over her shoulder with wanting eyes before Will pressed his mouth and tongue to her wet opening. Eyes fluttered as he attacked her clit once again, driving her to the edge. Panting, she snuggled her ass to his face, enjoying the masterful work. The heat grew into a storm. Will savored her taste before his throbbing cock could no longer be denied. Pulling back, Onika lifted her head to look back when something hard pressed against her sensitive flesh. Eyes widened and then closed halfway as thick inches spread her open. A moan fell from parted lips as Will continued his slow invasion. Inner walls spread to his power and when he reached the hilt, the elf’s hips moved of their own accord.

  Sliding along, she pressed her ass to him and pulled away, the tempo increasing. Will took hold of her hips, but she controlled the movement, sliding along his rigid member. Red eyes rolled into her head as Will’s hips thrust with power. The outside world seemed to fall away as Onika arched her back and took Will’s fullness into her.

  The tempo grew to a fevered pitch when the dark elf pulled away. Turning around, she fell onto her back with a come-hither smile. Will couldn’t stop himself as he charged toward her. Arms and thighs open, the elf welcomed him as he fell on her, his member at her valley entrance again. A dark hand reached between them, took hold of his veiny cock and guided him in. Will looked down, his gaze wandering to her full breasts. Lips kissed a pointed nipple as goosebumps rose along her violet skin. Thick heat spread inner walls again, wetness flowing like a river. A small grunt rose up, turning into a moan as Will’s hips forced her thighs open to accommodate him. Bodies entwined, they moved as one, ebbing and flowing with the tides of their lust. Will wanted to escape, but not at this moment, lost to the elf’s desires. If she was a queen, she had no issues with taking what she wanted.

  The primal rhythm continued, the sound of their bodies crying out for release. Onika moaned louder and louder as Will invaded her with seductive power. She surrendered to him as her eyes widened and a gasp left her lips. Internal magical explosions caused her to shudder and shudder again, unable to halt their power. She clung to him, pressing her chest to his mouth. Will’s strong arm cupped her upper body as hips thrust. Bodily scents rose up like a swirling perfume. Onika’s eyes rolled into her head as she was lost to untamed bliss.

  Will couldn’t hold back as his willpower faltered. Cock expanding, he slowed the tempo which only made the dark elf moan loader. Thick inches spread her thin space to the breaking point and fingernails dug into Will’s back. They clung to each other like their worlds would fly apart. When the tempo reached a fevered pitch, Will craned his neck back as his hips thrust to the hilt. A grunt and a groan filled the large chamber as spurts of seed filled the dark elf’s thin valley. Will lost control as he held her down, forcing himself to the hilt again and again while spurts of come painted her soul. Onika gasped for air, lost in a sea of bliss and ecstasy. When the moment ebbed, a confusion took hold of Will.

  Onika’s eyes rolled back into place as she gave him a sultry smile. Hands took hold of shoulders and before Will could understand what was happening, she pushed him sideways and onto his back. Not breaking the connection, she refused to let him go. Hips moved, massaging his half hard cock, breathing new life into it. Squeezing, she smiled as Will's cock hardened once again, filling the empty place in her soul.

  “I’m…not sure you understand…but I need to leave with my friends,” Will said through the throes of bliss.

  “Vala,” the dark elf said as hips moved up and down.

  Will grew silent, not sure what she meant. Clouds of ecstasy drifted along his spirit as he was once again lost to her sultry touch. The entire chamber dripped with passion as she forced herself on him, impaling her body on his mighty spear. It carried on, time losing all meaning. The familiar urge of release sang in Will’s ears. He was ready to let the dam break when Onika’s hands dove under a pillow and one pulled out a long dagger.

  Will saw the hint of metal as it was pulled up and a hand shot out, grabbing her by the wrist.

  “What the fuck!” Will cursed.

  Onika looked down on him with amusement. Wrist bending, she flicked the dagger to her other hand. Will went to grab it when she turned the dagger around and pressed the tip to her chest. Will let go and her hand clamped over the other, holding the pommel and the dagger point between her divine breasts.

  “Vala,” Onika repeated as her hips continued to work.

  “What are you doing? Why would you do this?” Will asked as his member thickened once again.

  Onika looked with a sweet gaze, “Vala.”

  Closing her eyes, she squeezed Will. The young man watched as the tip of the dagger nipped her skin, a drop of blood running down between her cleavage. Another squeeze sent him over the edge, cock swelling and a spurt of come erupting. Onika’s body shuddered and her smile broadened. Taking a deep breath, she held the dagger tightly. Will reached up to stop her but the moment his fingers touched her hands, the dark elf stabbed the dagger deep into her chest. A whimper of pain rose up as Onika looked down with a knowing smile.

  “Vala,” Onika whispered before she fell forward.

  Will held her, eyes wide and not sure what he just witnessed. Body going limp, it melted down into the bed and it was gone, a glowing soul stone on Will’s chest.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” Will said as he sat up and grabbed the soul stone before it fell away.

  Clutching it i
n his hand, his thoughts turned jagged as he wondered what the guards would think if they saw him and not their queen. Mind working, he looked around for an escape and saw nothing but a rocky, cave chamber.

  Bliss fell away as Will leapt from the bed. Looking around, there was nothing he could use to help. Why did she kill herself? Why did she do that when there seemed to be a connection? Will’s mind flashed with solutions until an idea hit him.

  Calling up his inventory, he saw a Crafting Bench. Pulling it from its slot, the bench appeared and he placed it on the floor. Taking stones, he placed them in the appropriate slots. The stones blended together and formed a Soul Casket. Looking at the soul stone in his hand, it was the only card he could play. If she was awakened, maybe they could talk and explain the situation away. Will knew it would take twelve hours for her to awakened and he had to stay in here, ready to defend himself if the guards decide to check in on him.

  Taking the Soul Casket, Will put it on the ground and opened it. Seeing the diamond slot impression on the bottom, he placed Onika’s soul stone in the top slot. Pulling a quartz gem from his inventory, he placed it in the bottom slot. Hope colored his eyes as he closed the lid. A timer appeared in his vision, displaying six hours and the countdown started. Will questioned why it was six hours for the dark elf and twelve for others, but he didn’t have time to come up with an answer.

  Will quickly dressed and moved to his Crafting Bench. Hands worked as he pulled out iron ingredients and shaped them to create a large hammer and sword. Not having any other items to create anything else like an Arcane Table or such, Will moved to the Soul Casket and sat down on it, facing the door.

  The player knew he had to wait six hours. The evening had just started so she would awaken a little past midnight. Will lay his hammer across his thighs as he stared at the iron door, heart beating in his chest and sensual memories from just moments earlier coloring his soul with beautiful chaos.


  Jessica stared with indifferent eyes at the group in the cell. Thorrin, Bridget, Faye, and Renner stayed to themselves. Eyes sliding to her group, Val, Morgan, Sil, and Stella sat against a wall beside them, keeping their gazes on the other group. It had been hours since they took Will. Jessica let her expression show she wasn’t interested in their apparent feud, but her senses were alive, drinking in every aspect of those in the cell with her.

  Training kicked in and she studied each person. Faint knowledge curled along her mind like a pet snake. The green-skinned Bridget was a reanimated corpse, something Jessica remembered, but couldn’t bring up the finer details. There was some period in her past where reanimated corpses had become a problem, but she with many others helped put a stop to it. The tall tanned elf wore a blue monk’s outfit. She was silent, but Jessica could see she was observing just as she was. Thorrin seemed to carry himself like a holy warrior or cleric. It was obvious he had a black and white view of the world and the earlier conversation with Will only seemed to prove it.

  Jessica turned her gaze again to her new companions. The vampire seemed capable, but had some connection with Bridget. The short lizard woman named Sil, seemed like a dutiful soldier. Jessica noticed the pain in her eyes as Will was escorted out and sensed there was something more than just loyalty. Morgan appeared alien, his black eyes holding some pain that could not be cured. The only person who was a complete enigma was the witch. She seemed strong and powerful, but her reluctance to hurt or kill others spoke of honor and a path to some divine understanding. Jessica found it difficult to understand, but strangely, it didn’t disturb her. The people gathered seemed to come from a faint echo of her own experiences and she felt she belonged among this motley crew of weird monsters.

  Jessica’s gaze fell on Renner and she tried to hold back a faint smile. The man looked around like a dog with nothing to do. He bit his nails and spit out a clipping, not a care in the world if someone saw him do it. When he locked eyes with Jessica, he smiled a goofy grin before giving her a head nod.

  The tension was there, filling the cell but Jessica only observed, ready to take advantage of a situation if it presented itself. Patiently waiting, a slithering gloom rose up, touching her senses. Jessica’s eyes widened as the gloom felt familiar, like a faint dream. The woman shifted, muscles tensing. The gloom grew and it caused a small gasp to escape past her lips. The tension grew stronger and she found it difficult to sit.

  Stella looked over and saw Jessica writhing in discomfort, “Are you okay?”

  Jessica shook her head. “No… somethings wrong.”

  Heads in the cell turned to the blonde as she continued to shift on the floor. Stella moved closer, dark eyes filled with concern.

  Jessica’s eyes widened as sinister imaged invaded her thoughts. They clamped down, whispering foul and perverted thoughts. Jessica tried to control it, but the feelings lashed at her, a small giggle falling from her lips. Two pieces of her soul cried out, raising clawed hands and devilish horns.

  “No,” Jessica hissed.

  Stella watched as Jessica could barely control her arms, power vibrating along them like they were possessed.

  “We… we have to get out of here!” Jessica seethed as her eyes grew wider.

  Val, Morgan, and Sil were to their feet, stepping closer while Stella stayed by Jessica’s side.

  The blonde looked to them, her round pupils turning into demonic slits. “They are here! They are here! I can’t stay or they will take me away! We must get out of here!”

  A horn blared from atop the pit. Dark elves looked up, spears at the ready.

  “They are above us?” Stella asked.

  Jessica shook her head, “No, they are below us.”


  Will sat on the edge of the bed, eyes growing heavy. The timer ticked down, an hour remaining. The silence pressed down as he turned his gaze to the iron door. He wanted to be ready and alert, but exhaustion began to sink in. No one came to check on Onika and the calm air weighed heavy on his spirit.

  Will couldn’t fight it anymore, darkness closing down and a gentle whisper along his soul. Muscles relaxed and Will drifted into the unknown, like a small boat without oars, caught in the current. A woman in a dark robe walked along, her pale feet touching a watery surface. Will blinked as he lay on his back. Looking up, the hooded woman looked down on him. A small smile bloomed as inky shadows writhed along the top of face.

  “They… warned me about you,” Will said with no emotion.

  The woman stood until her body turned to white sand, blowing away with a nonexistent breeze. Will stared at nothing until something blinked against his senses. The abyss sank lower as Will rose up, his body floating toward a candle in the distance.

  The player woke up, trying to clear the cobwebs of his mind. Sitting up, he quickly realized he had fallen asleep on the edge of the bed. Fingers clutched at his hammer when the lid to the Soul Casket opened. A hand pushed the lid until it stood straight up. Onika sat up, red eyes searching until they fell on Will’s shocked expression.

  “Thank you, Lord Asher,” Onika said as she lifted a strong leg and curled it over the side.

  Will watched as the dark elf stood up and ran her hands through her hair. Chin up, she seemed to be basking in some new realization before her red gaze fell on Will again, a white smile forming.

  “It was difficult to speak between us, but now that I am awakened, it should be much easier.”

  Will cocked an eyebrow, “You knew I would awaken you from your primitive nature?”

  Onika nodded as she sauntered closer. “Vala had told me as much. When my people described you to me, I knew you were the one to save us.”

  Will shook his head, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Save you from what?”

  Onika sat down beside Will, her voice calm as she spoke, “From us. We had begun our rise to a higher state of being, but it would take generations to achieve it. Vala visited my dreams to say this was not the case. She knew you would come and I readied for it. My people,
would not understand until they too have become awakened.”

  Will listened intently. What she said seemed to connect with the smaller time frame for the Soul Casket to awaken her. The player guessed that the time frame would be the same for all of them if their souls were put in the caskets.

  Onika continued, “My people are called Shadow Elves. We managed to eke out a life here in this pit, but we belong among the dark forests. Now that you are here, we can move on after you acquire Vala’s faith.”

  “Who’s Vala?”

  The shadow elf gave him a warm grin. “Vala is the Goddess of Love and Lust. She is a force that binds souls to many realms.”

  “Love and Lust? Is that why we…” Will let the words hang in the air.

  Onika nodded. “It was to create our first bond. I’m sure there will be more bonding as we grow to know each other.”

  “Are you a Shadow Elf queen?”

  Onika touched Will’s wrist, “I am a high priestess. We live to share Vala’s healing light and love with those who need or want it.”

  “Will your people be upset now that you are different?”

  The shadow elf shook her head. “No, I have already prepared for this night with my people. My priestesses were ordered to prepare our people to leave in the morning to our new home. There is only one final task that must be done before we leave.”

  “What’s that?”

  Onika stood up, “Best to show you.”

  The shadow elf made her way to the door. Hands picked up the bar and placed it to the side. Will watched as she moved to a nearby table with a red dress like she had before. It took a moment to get dressed and she moved to the door and opened it. Will was to his feet when he saw three shadow elf women standing there with their heads bowed.

  Onika said a few things Will didn’t understand. The shadow elves nodded before they turned and walked away. The high priestess sauntered to Will and took his hand. Leading the way, they left the chamber and made their way down the tunnel Will was originally brought through.


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