The Gaia Effect

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The Gaia Effect Page 16

by Claire Buss

  Pete rested, his back against the wall. Just a few moments. Just to catch his breath. He'd surprised everyone. They hadn't stood a chance. And now they were dead. All of them. Yet Pete felt no relief. Instead he felt cold, and alone. A trickle of blood ran over the hand Pete had pressed to his stomach, but he didn't notice. He was thinking about how he'd arrived at this moment. His beautiful Ingrid was dead - their unborn child murdered before it even had a chance. She would have been a wonderful mother.

  Despite his best efforts he had not been able to get around Special Investigations' lock down at Science Division, so Pete didn't even know if it had been a boy or a girl. Better to think of his Ingrid as alive and smiling with her blonde hair hanging round her face and her blue eyes twinkling.

  Tears ran unnoticed down Pete's face. He was losing the feeling in his legs. He felt so tired it made sense to stay here and rest. He'd get up in a minute. He ought to thank Dina. And speak to Jed. But his hand was wet and sticky. A small, alarmed part of his brain was telling him to keep pressure on the wound, so he left his hand there and thought about the morning's events.

  It hadn't taken him long to find Bobby. He'd hacked into the Corporation mainframe using the next gen code Ingrid had shown him, and then he'd been able to pinpoint a five block radius via Bobby's ear comm digits. He'd had to skim the streets a few times, but finally Bobby had come round the corner, whistling to himself. It had been easy for him to stun Bobby and load him into the skimmer. Once Pete had tied Bobby up and applied a certain amount of persuasive pressure, he had been only too happy to talk.

  'I'm a low level guy,' he'd protested. 'I just pass messages.'

  Pete hadn't believed him. So he removed Bobby's left hand. After all why should he have both his hands, when Pete's Ingrid was gone. It had taken a while for the stump to stop bleeding and for Bobby to stop yelling, but once Pete had threatened to chop the other hand off, things had gone better.

  'I wasn't at Corp Tech,' Bobby spluttered. 'I was with some of my girls at the protest.' Pete knew he was lying. A scumbag scrabbling to say anything to save his worthless life. Once Pete had passed electricity through the raw, dripping stump to refocus his prisoner, he'd been forced to administer some revival drugs. All he wanted to know was where to find the ringleaders. Bobby had told him that Victor, leader of Anti-Corp, was meeting the leaders of the 42nd Army, here, in the abandoned Eastern sector of the city. Everyone responsible for Ingrid's death would be in the same place. Pete had made certain of that. One shot through Bobby's head and the smoking laser hole had sent the lowlife away permanently. It had been a kindness in the end and Pete had his information.

  It seemed to be getting darker in the building. Pete blinked and tried to focus. There was a burnt out laser gun next to him, no shots left. He'd have to wait until he felt strong enough to get up. It didn't look like anyone else in the room would be getting up anytime soon. He started to laugh but the blood caught in his throat. He began coughing instead.


  Someone was coming, shouting his name. He tried to reply but couldn't stop coughing up blood.

  Jed ran up the corridor, noting the bodies by the doorway at the end. They'd been shot through the head. Instant death. He paused to look at his scanner. Only one sign of life. Pete's tracker confirmed he was inside. Somewhere. Jed tried to open the door but something was blocking it, he pushed hard until it gave way. Behind the door - another dead body. And there were three more in the room. Pete was propped up against the left wall. He didn't look good. Jed rushed over.

  'Pete – Pete! Can you hear me?'

  Jed ran a quick diagnostic, taking note of the laser shot to the stomach. He applied a vacuum patch and administered pain relief to the side of Pete's neck.

  'I got them,' Pete mumbled. 'Did you see? I got them.'

  'Easy brother,' Jed whispered. 'Easy.'

  Force sirens wailed through the air as back up arrived and a fully armed unit came dashing into the room, followed by a medic. The medic sent a drone to scan the room as he hurried over to Pete's slumped body.

  'Anything administered?'

  'Vacuum seal and pain relief,' Jed answered. 'I just got here.'

  The drone beeped to confirm the rest of the bodies were dead, and the medic motioned Jed to help him get Pete onto the hover gurney. The team leader, from the Force unit that had entered with the medic, came over to Jed.

  'Detective? I'll get the scene bagged and tagged, but we'll need your statement.'

  'I need to go with my partner,' Jed said.

  'Of course. Back at HQ?' The team leader clapped a hand on Jed's shoulder before getting back to his unit.

  The medic was steering the stretcher out the door as Jed hurried to catch up.

  'I'll ride with you.'

  ANON64: Shots fired in abandoned sector East. What happened? Sweep and share!!

  Jed was pacing up and down in the waiting area as the Chief and Agent Deveraux came through.

  'Anything?' the Chief asked.

  'We've only just arrived, Sir.'

  Before Jed could say anything else the door to the emergency examination room opened.

  'The patient has refused treatment,' said the female medic standing in the doorway. 'There's nothing more we can do. If you want to say goodbye, now is the time.'

  The medic gestured towards the open door. Jed looked at it, and did not move. Agent Deveraux made to walk towards the open emergency room, but the Chief held out an arm and stopped him.

  'Chief, with respect, we need to speak to Detective Barnes.'

  'I'll do it,' Jed said. 'He's my partner.'

  Pete's eyes were shut when Jed walked in. The medical staff had cleaned him up, but his breathing was shallow and blood seeped out of the dressing on his torso. Pain flitted across his face, and his hand clutched the sheet beneath him.


  Pete opened his eyes and gradually focused.

  Jed gazed at his dying partner. 'Why did you do it?'

  'I had to,' Pete whispered. 'You understand?' He gripped onto Jed's arm. 'I had nothing left.' Pete let go of Jed's arm, and closed his eyes, his breath rasping in his chest.

  'For Ingrid.'

  Agent Deveraux collared Jed as he left the room.

  'What did he say?'

  'He admitted killing them, if that's what you mean.'

  Deveraux glanced at the Chief, made his excuses and left. The Chief came over to stand by Jed.

  'Did you know Barnes was going to do this?'

  Jed stared at him for a moment before answering. 'No, but you did. You and Deveraux. You were hoping he'd solve your 42nd Army problem for you. Well, he has. And now he's going to die - and for what?'

  'Jenkins, ….'

  Jed turned and started to walk away. Before he'd gone far, he turned and shook his finger towards his boss. 'You shouldn't have let this happen,' he said, walking back and handing in his badge and laser gun.

  The Chief watched Jed disappear round the corner before going to sit with his dying detective.

  MED4AC: Force Detective injured in shoot-out.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Citizen Update: Corporation have been artificially treating the water supply.

  We urge citizens not to panic and to continue using water available while city governance formulate a replacement source.

  This is a city-wide top priority.

  Click through for more details and help desk access.

  MSCHILD: No children and now no water? Are Corporation trying to kill us?

  MADSR: I have been drinking the water. I do not have a secret water supply!!!

  MED4AC: We do not have a separate water supply. Please continue to use your water ration as normal. Click through for more information on signs of dehydration.

  ANON88: This is all part of Corp's plan – we must fight back! Where are 42nd Army?

  Join me and fight back!

  CORP: Extra water ra
tions are available. Your safety is our priority.

  ANON64: Don't drink the water! There must be a secret supply!

  Raid your nearest Corporation outlet and share the sweep!

  MED4AC: Shoot out Detective dies.

  C42N: Leaders of Anti-Corp and the 42nd Army have been killed.

  Force Detective responsible has died.

  ANON27: Mob rules – mob rules – mob rules – mob rules!!

  When Jed walked through the door to the apartment, Kira ran to him in tears, and hugged him tight.

  'Jed,' she sobbed. 'Have you seen the sweeps? It looks like everyone has gone mad. And Pete – is Pete?'

  Jed buried his head into his wife's shoulder, and tried hard not to cry. They stood, holding one another for several minutes before he was able to speak.

  'Pete's gone.'

  Kira's hand flew to her mouth and she stumbled backwards a little.

  'No – oh no, not Pete.' Tears fell down her face. 'What happened?'

  'He went after those responsible for …. for Ingrid.' Jed took a deep breath to steady his voice. 'He was... he was... I found him.'

  'Oh honey.' Kira took her husband in her arms again. 'I am so sorry.'

  Jed took a shower and changed while Kira saw to Grace. Neither spoke for a while as they tried to process what had happened. Eventually they found themselves sat on the couch together.

  'Are you okay?' Kira asked, leaning forward to kiss her husband on the cheek.

  'I honestly don't know.' Jed tried to smile. 'So much has happened in such a short time.' He ran a hand through his hair. 'I quit Force.'

  'You quit!'

  'I had no choice. They knew what Pete was going to do and they did nothing to stop him.'

  Kira looked down at her hands. 'What will we do now?'

  Jed shrugged. Seeing that his wife looked so upset, Jed pulled her in for a hug and began to stroke her hair. 'Everything will be alright – you'll see.' He changed the subject. 'Where are the others?'

  'Martha and Dina went to Science Division, and Ruth went to help out at Academy.'

  'Do they still have their Force escorts?'

  'I think so.'

  'Good – they'll get back safely then.'

  'Jed, I'm scared. Is it safe for them to be out there? The sweeps...'

  'Never mind the sweeps,' Jed interrupted. 'I know who's on escort duty, so I'll call them and get them to bring the girls back, okay?'

  Kira sniffed.

  'It'll be alright sweetheart,' Jed said. 'I love you.'

  'Love you too.'

  MAHA: I am working with other scientists to find a cure for the water supply.


  Martha looked at the Force Operative who was trying to get her attention. 'Yes?'

  'I have orders to bring you back home.'

  'But we only just arrived,' Martha protested.

  'Sorry Ma'am. Science Division is now under Force lock-down. It's not going anywhere.'

  Grumbling to herself, Martha went to find Dina who was in one of the fishbowls.

  'Dina,' Martha called. 'We have to go.'

  'But we just got here!'

  'I know, but our escort detail have orders and they are locking down the facility.'

  Dina grimaced as she left the fishbowl. She hadn't even had time to begin calculations on how long it would take for the water to be clear of contaminants.

  As the two women walked back down the corridor, the way was blocked by several people watching something. They drew closer and saw Dr Basjere, Head of Science Division and Corporation Board Member, being led away in magno-binders.

  'I wouldn't like to be in his shoes right now,' Dina commented.

  Martha watched, her face ashen then reached for her ear comm to call her father.



  'Are you okay?'

  'Why – what's happened?' Mr Hamble answered her gruffly.

  'I just saw Dr Basjere get arrested.....Are you?...Will you?...'

  'Spit it out, girl.'

  There was a pause as Martha worked up the courage to ask a question she already knew the answer to.

  'Are you going to be arrested?'


  Mr Hamble cleared his throat. 'I have volunteered to come in for questioning once my spine has been regrown. The Chief and I have an understanding – of sorts.'

  Martha felt light-headed and leant on the wall for support.

  'Everything will be fine.' Mr Hamble reassured his daughter. 'I've got my man on the case. Are you at home?'

  'I am at Science Division but...'

  Before Martha could finish, her father bellowed down the connection.

  'Get yourself home NOW – it's not safe. I'll talk to you later.' And he terminated the call.


  Martha looked up, still feeling a little dazed.

  'This way Ma'am.'

  Dina linked Martha's arm, and the two of them followed the operative out of Science Division and into a waiting skimmer.

  'You want me to leave now?'

  'Yes Ma'am. This way please, Ma'am.'

  'Alright, alright – there's no need to Ma'am me to death.'

  Ruth had only just arrived at Academy but the campus was largely deserted as students had gone to protest at Corp HQ about the water. There wasn't much she could do anyway so she meekly followed the operative back to the skimmer.

  ANON88: They had to have known – what makes them special? They have to pay!

  C42N: There have been city-wide attacks on Corporation buildings and one residential apartment block believed to be the home of R. Maddocks – the pregnant anomaly.

  FORCE: All violent activity will be penalised harshly. Think for yourself and don't regret your actions.

  'What about Archive?' Kira asked, pacing up and down the bedroom.

  'Archive will be fine love,' Jed said. 'It's probably the most secure building in the entire city.'

  Kira came to sit on the bed beside Jed. 'It's getting aggressive out there. What are we going to do?'

  'I think you should go to Camp Eden.'

  'Mr Hamble's suggestion?'

  'Yes,' said Jed. 'You know Martha got shoved at the protest?' Kira nodded. 'People know who you are and they're angry. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. To any of you.' He gestured at the wall where the news feed display hung. 'You've seen the sweeps. They just looted Ruth's apartment, and she had that brick through the window.' Jed took Kira's hands in his own. 'It's not safe in the city for any of you. I can't protect you Kira, and I can't lose anyone else.'

  Jed's voice began to break as he fought to keep his emotions in check.

  Kira turned and fished a packed bag out from under the bed, and looked a little shamefaced at her husband. He took her hand again, and gave it a squeeze. This was the right thing to do.

  'Martha and Dina will be back soon,' Jed said. 'I've told Ruth's Force escort to bring her here as well. I made some calls when you were changing Grace. There's a private hover on its way over to take you to Camp Eden. You all need to be out of the city for a few days. I'll let you know when it's safe to come back.'

  'What about my parents? Your parents? Our other friends? I feel like I'm running away. I should stay here and help, or something.'

  'You are at a higher risk than anyone else, love. Thanks to the sweeps everyone knows you are friends with two of the mother-to-be anomalies. They know you lost another friend in the terrorist attack. And they know about Pete.'

  Jed had to stop as the words stuck in his throat. Kira leaned in and hugged him.

  'What about you? What are you going to do?'

  'I'll look after what's left of our families.'

  'Are you going to reply to your boss?'

  Jed puffed out his cheeks and fiddled with his wristplant. The Chief had been calling him every hour on the hour. Each call had gone to message.

  'I will, I promise.'

  There was a happy gurgling sound as Grace crawle
d off the side of the bed, only to be caught by the surrounding hover field and gently lifted back up. Both parents turned to look.

  'Ingrid sent it over,' Kira said. 'It was the last thing she did before...' Kira dashed tears away from her eyes, and leant over to scoop up Grace.

  'We're going on a trip Gracie,' she said, and began smooshing her face into Grace and kissing the delighted baby.

  'Kira? Jed?' Martha called out sharply as she entered the apartment.

  'In here,' Kira replied.

  Martha came rushing through the doorway to the bedroom looking pale, her eyes red from crying. Dina trailed behind looking shocked.

  'What happened?' Kira said as she thrust Grace into Jed's arms and came over to Martha. 'Are you okay?'

  Martha clutched at Kira's arms and then, her legs sagging, she pulled them both to the floor and began crying.

  'They found him. They just went in and....' Martha gulped for air. 'Oh Kira. They killed him. They killed my daddy.'

  Martha collapsed into wails of anguish as Kira looked over her head in disbelief at Dina. Jed leaned over and grabbed his ear comm from the side of the bed. Reattaching himself, he dialled through to the Chief.

  'Sir? Detective Jenkins - reporting for duty.'

  There was a long silence.

  'About fragging time Detective, get in here ASAP.'

  Jed dithered about where to put Grace, who was trying to grab his ear comm, when Kira got his attention by waving her hands and pointing to the play cube. Kissing his wife's head and giving Dina a quick hug, Jed left them trying to comfort Martha on the bedroom floor.

  Enough was enough. He was going to make sure there was a peaceful end to this uprising, and he was going to make fragging sure no-one else he loved died.

  MED4AC: Roger Hamble, Marketing Director for Corporation dies from complications.

  ANON88: One down, one arrested, two to go! Don't let them get away with poisoning us!!


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