Atlas's Forbidden Wolf

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by Elle Boon

  Atlas’s Forbidden Wolf

  Mystic Wolves 7

  Elle Boon

  By Elle Boon [email protected]

  © Copyright 2019 Elle Boon

  All cover art and logos © Copyright 2019 by Elle Boon

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by: Tibbs Designs

  Atlas’s Forbidden Wolf

  Mystic Wolves 7

  Copyright © 2019 Elle Boon

  First E-book Publication: 2019

  Cover design by Valerie Tibbs

  Edited by: Tracy Roelle

  All cover art and logo copyright © Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Elle Boon


  With each story I write I seem to find out a little more about myself. With Atlas’s and Joni’s story, I’m learning to embrace all my imperfections, and trust me...there are a lot of them. You see, I don’t like changes, at all. However, some changes you just can’t stop, like your kids growing up and becoming adults. My Goob, my baby boy is graduating high school and is actually going away to university. For me, this is a change I kinda knew would probably happen, but I sort of pretended like it was a long way off, until BAM, it is right here and now. I hope you read this story, and maybe take a look back at all the others and see if you can find all the little bits of me in them, cause yep, they’re in there hidden like little Easter eggs.

  I’d like to dedicate this book to all my friends who think they’re less than. None of us are perfect, but lets face it, if we were, we’d all be a bunch of plastic people nobody would really like (Or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it). I’m in my mid to upper forties, and I’m still learning to love myself. I hope as you follow Joni’s journey to find love and acceptance outside her little bubble, you fall in love with these two different characters as much as I did.

  Love yourself first and foremost, then you’ll find the ability to love others easier.

  Love y’all so hard



  Atlas’s Forbidden Wolf


  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Ravens of War

  Selena’s Men

  Two For Tamara

  Jaklyn’s Saviors

  Kira’s Warriors

  Mystic Wolves

  Accidentally Wolf & His Perfect Wolf (1 Volume)

  Jett’s Wild Wolf

  Bronx’s Wounded Wolf

  A Fey’s Wolf

  Their Wicked Wolf

  Atlas’s Forbidden Wolf



  Berserker’s Rage

  A SmokeJumpers Christmas

  Mind Bender, Coming Soon

  Iron Wolves MC

  Lyric’s Accidental Mate

  Xan’s Feisty Mate

  Kellen’s Tempting Mate

  Slater’s Enchanted Mate

  Dark Lovers

  Bodhi’s Synful Mate

  Turo’s Fated Mate

  Arynn’s Chosen Mate

  Coti’s Unclaimed Mate

  Miami Nights

  Miami Inferno

  Rescuing Miami


  Wild and Dirty

  SEAL Team Phantom Series

  Delta Salvation

  Delta Recon

  Delta Rogue

  Delta Redemption

  Mission Saving Shayna

  Protecting Teagan

  The Dark Legacy Series

  Dark Embrace

  Chapter One

  Joni’s senses were on high alert. She’d bought the little Toyota Celica because it got great gas mileage; it would run forever, and it was the absolute last vehicle anyone would think she’d own. Plus, it was cute and sporty. She considered that a win since not much else had been a winner in her world as of late. The last time she’d seen Sky and Taryn she’d fled like a scared little wolf, but at the time she’d been so excited to feel her wolf come forward, taking over and allowing her a chance to escape before Jett could make her stay. If she’d known it would’ve been the last time she might have ran for days instead of hours. Of course, she had been getting used to her new non-shifting since Keith had totally screwed up her world. At least now that she wasn’t going to have to face anyone from her pack she wouldn’t have to lie or pretend.

  Shoot, she was doing it. She was leaving her latest pack, the Mystic Wolves. Well, it wasn’t like she’d had a lot of packs to call her own, only two, but still...she was going lone wolf. The thought made her stomach flip and her wolf howl. “Shut it, you little bitch,” she muttered and reached under the front fender for the extra key to the car. She’d been planning her escape from the pack for a long time. Although, to be fair, the Mystic Pack wasn’t bad. To be honest, if things had been different, if she’d been different, she might have loved it. However, she wasn’t different. She was the little wolf who allowed Keith to experiment on her after he mentally tortured her. All so that she could help her friend, in silence.

  “There’s no use crying over things we can’t change, so buck up.” The key slid into the driver’s door, unlocking the little sporty vehicle. She settled into the leather seat, exhaling loudly at the cold that met her bare legs. Damn, she probably should’ve thought of different clothes when she’d shifted. Her pity party didn’t call for warm clothes though, she reminded herself. The memory of why she’d been dressed in one of her favorite little dresses made her heart ache. Damn Atlas and his sweet sexy bear self. She’d been so sure he was it for her. Her wolf had even whined and rolled over for him. Oh, she hadn’t allowed him to fuck or make love to her. No, Joni was saving that for her mate. Of course, Taryn and Sky didn’t know that. Or maybe they did. But she’d given him her heart. She’d lost a piece of herself when he walked away.

  “Enough, Joni. Get the hell outta town, girl.” She put her seatbelt on, then twisted the key. The soft purr of the engine reassured her she hadn’t bought a lemon. At least she’d done something right. If only Atlas wasn’t a bear, promised to marry another bear. Stupid bear politics. Just because his family was richer than sin, they expected him to mate some perfect six foot bear bitch and make perfect bear cubs. Goddess, she sounded like a twat, and she was not a twat.

  She’d told him she wished him well, and she almost meant it. Even when regret had shown in his chocolate brown eyes, she’d wished him a happy mating and lots of adorable cubs. However, the thought of him making love to someone other than her made her wolf want to claw the unknown woman’s eyes out. Unwise, because a bear and wolf fight would only have one outcome, unless it was one bear against a pack of wolves. Her pack, or rather the only people she’d considered hers, were now happily mated with hunky male wolves, while she was left on the outside looking in. The status of her entire life seemed t
o always be of an outsider.

  She swiped at the tears the realization caused, promising she’d find happiness or die trying.

  Joni flowed into the strangely busy traffic on the highway, heading South. Bears lived North, so she was heading South. Warm weather where lots of humans lived. This time next week, she’d be sipping daiquiris on a beach with a tan. That’s her plan, and she’s sticking to it, if only her heart didn’t ache at the loss of her friends, what she knew would’ve been her mate. Either she’d have to settle for a loveless, or matingless relationship, or she stayed single. “I should get stock in batteries. I should also stop talking to myself, if I don’t want people to think I’m crazy.” Keeping her wolf repressed was sure to make her a little unhinged, but what other choice did she have?

  Hours later, tiredness pulled at her, making the highway appear a little blurry. The songs she’d downloaded to her playlist were getting on her nerves. She tapped the steering wheel to one of the rock songs she now knew word for word. Sylar and their song Shook had her screaming along to the lyrics while her body seemed to bop to the beat. The lyrics ‘You can talk the talk while we walk it’ resonated within her. The ones who should’ve always had her back didn’t. They paid lip service when it suited them, but when the chips were down, the only one she’d been able to count on was herself. Of course, her two best friends couldn’t be blamed. Hell, both Sky and Taryn had suffered more than any should, which made Joni that much more of an outsider because she’d been mostly unharmed. Her parents were weak, caring only to please a bastard alpha, until he was killed, freeing them all from the chains he’d bound them with.

  A sign for the next town appeared on the lonely stretch of highway. The little symbols below showed her there were hotels, restaurants, and gas stations. Her fuel gauge glared at her, or maybe that was her inner self with a reminder that she was getting down to a quarter tank. If she’d learned anything from too many close calls within her old pack, it was to never allow her car to get too much below that, especially with night closing in and nobody but herself to contact for help. Nope, she’d be stopping for gas first, then decide if Oklahoma City suited her for the night. With close to five hundred thousand people, nobody would pay her any mind. After the first couple hours, she’d started looking out for signs that told how many residents each city had. Why, she had no clue. It was her minds way of staying busy and the need to focus on something other than her shit of an existence as the miles flew by.

  Her little car bumped over the small speed deterrents as she steered toward an open pump. “Wow, this place is happening,” she muttered. Several people turned to stare at her when she stopped, making her cringe. It dawned on her that her radio was blaring at such a level even those who were outside could probably hear perfectly. Not wanting to draw too much attention to herself, she quickly turned the volume down, then shut the engine off. Several sets of eyes continued to glare at her. She almost gave them the bird, but self-preservation kept her in check.

  Before she could change her mind, she got out, shocked to see a prepay only sign on all the pumps. “Shoot,” she growled. Reaching back inside her car, she pulled her purse out. Having the smarts to withdraw plenty of cash prior to setting out, she walked toward the door. The feeling of being watched continued while she grabbed a bottle of flavored water and a candy bar. Her hips definitely didn’t need the extra calories from the chocolate goodness, but she didn’t care. At the counter, she also grabbed a pack of gum and waited for the cashier to come over.

  Joni looked to where the female was talking animatedly on a cellphone. A minute passed, and still the young girl didn’t stop talking, or giggling. “Excuse me, miss, can I pay for these and prepay for my gas?”

  The human glared at her. Her eyes roamed from Joni’s head to where the counter hid her. If Taryn had been with her, she’d have given the girl a look that would’ve shriveled just about everyone. Joni didn’t have the backbone like T or Sky. Nope, she’d just stand there and let the girl look, but she wouldn’t look away, meeting dull blue eyes with her own. As the moment drew out, Joni’s wolf raked at her to come out.

  “Hold on a sec, Tyler, I gotta ring some lady’s stuff up.” She moved to the register. “Anything else?” she asked after scanning the food and drink.

  “Yeah, I need thirty dollars’ worth of premium unleaded.” Pride had her standing taller. “If I can’t put that much in my tank, do I come back for a refund?”

  With an eyeroll any teen would appreciate, the young girl took a deep breath. “Yeah, just come on back.”

  Joni accepted her receipt, saying thanks in a dry tone, and then left before she did something stupid, like grab the girl by her ponytail and smack her. Nope, she wasn’t going to do anything senseless that would draw even more attention to herself. From here on out, she’d make sure her radio was down and find only stations that took a card at the pump.

  The girl’s slight twang followed Joni out the door. Her ‘Bye y’all, come back now real soon,’ didn’t give Joni the sense she meant it, which was fine by her.

  Once at the pump, she decided to throwaway some of the trash she’d accumulated in her over twelve hour road trip so far, while the gas poured into her tank.

  The constant staring was getting on her last nerve. She’d wonder if it was her eyes that had people staring, but the two different shades weren’t easy to see at night.

  Once the pump clicked off, she made short work of righting the thing and got into her car. “Clearly, I underestimated my fuel.” Before she left, she watched the gauge move to the almost full mark, making her exhale in relief. The last place she wanted to return was inside with the attitude girl. Nope, she needed a place to sleep with a working shower before she’d head out again. Yes, most people would’ve told her she was crazy driving so long alone in a day, but the need to put as much distance between herself and Sturgis kept her going forward. Only because the road was beginning to get blurry did she stop, otherwise she’d have continued on through the night. “Now, which hotel was the question.” She strummed her fingers on the wheel while the light was red, looking left and right, her options were pretty great. Again, she chose the right side, which maybe she should’ve rethought, but the parking lot looked full, so she prayed she would get in and out without much notice.

  Of course, luck wasn’t on her side as she stepped through the door, only to come to a hard stop. The large space was clean and everything a chain hotel would have, but this one seemed to be holding a convention for hot guys are us, or some shit. With her shoulders back, her eyes trained on the front desk, she moved into the line with the others trying to get a room. Dammit, she totally should have gone left. Too late to turn back, she pulled her phone out and pretended to be engrossed in whatever was on her screen.

  “Ah, looking up lyrics to your favorite song?” a deep voice asked from way too close to her wolf’s liking.

  Joni raised her head slowly, meeting a laughing gaze staring back at her. “Something like that,” she agreed. The song Figures by Jessie Reyez was almost like a script from her life. She’d surely given Atlas a ride or die and he gave her games. She’d given him her all, getting shit in return. Yeah, Figures was her latest jam. Maybe she should switch to some death metal where she was singing along to a chorus that had more head banging, and less wordy shit?

  “I prefer to hum along to songs. Keeps me from making a fool of myself.” The man grinned at her, like he expected her to return it, or engage him. Nope, she was done with men for a while. Her heart needed to heal while she grew a freaking backbone and a will of steel.

  Not wanting to encourage further conversation, she just nodded, looking down at her phone, pressing on the mail icon. A quick peek over her shoulder made her rethink her decision. No way did she want anyone getting a glimpse at her personal shit. Fucking men, she groaned inward.

  Finally, it was her turn at the counter. She sighed in relief as she moved forward, putting space between her and Creepy McCreepy. Okay, she may be t
hinking too harshly about the poor bastard, but damn, can’t a woman stand in a line without someone looking over their shoulder?

  “How can I help you?”

  Joni blinked slowly. Hello, she was in line at a hotel. Wasn’t that a clear indication of what she wanted? She chastised her inner bitch, then snorted. “Sorry, I’d like a room please.”

  While she was told what was available, Joni kept her focus straight ahead. “A king would be great,” she said.

  “Fantastic. How many in your party?”

  “Me and my fiancé.” No way in hell was she announcing to the room at large she was all alone.

  The clerk slid the key cards that were tucked into a small paper pouch to her. “Breakfast is free, but I’d suggest coming down early instead of waiting closer to the end time. We’ve got a baseball tournament in town.”

  Nodding, she took the keys. “Thank you,” she said, without agreeing to her suggestion. There had been several fast food chains on the same street, which was where she planned to grab a quick breakfast before heading out. More than likely, like the last three meals she’d eaten, breakfast would be scarfed down while she drove.

  “Hey, a bunch of us are going to the bar for drinks. You’re welcome to join us.”

  Joni stared at the man who she’d named Creepy. At five foot seven, she wasn’t the tallest or shortest woman, average was what she’d been called by her parents. The man in front of her was a few inches taller than she was, but not nearly as tall as Atlas. However, most men weren’t as tall or built like her ex. His huge size was due to the fact he was a bear. The human male in front of her didn’t even stack up against her image of Atlas. Not many men, human or shifter could. Of course, if she was wanting the polar opposite of what she’d had, this guy would fit the bill. Lean and muscular instead of big and brawny. Her wolf snarled in her head. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m whipped.”

  “You can bring your guy, too. Oh, I’m Chuck by the way.” He held out his hand.

  For the first time, Joni took in his complete appearance. She’d bet her last dollar he was part of one of the ball teams, maybe one of their top players. His perfectly styled hair along with his good old boy grin said he was used to getting what he wanted. Sorry to be the one to break his streak. She shook her head, avoiding his hand. “Thanks anyway, but I need to give my fiancé a call and let him know where we’re staying.” She held her phone up with a blessedly blank screen this time.


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