Atlas's Forbidden Wolf

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Atlas's Forbidden Wolf Page 11

by Elle Boon

Atlas wanted to sweep Joni up into his arms when he walked into the house. Common sense kept him in check, marginally. His bear snarled as they waited for her to agree to go with him. Although leaving Lula alone with the alpha and his mate might not be the smartest thing, he knew the dragon wouldn’t kill them. He hoped. However, whatever she smelled coming from the female Annie would determine her fate once Lula finished interrogating her.

  “Lead the way, Joni.” He knew where she’d been staying. Her scent was everywhere, making his bear crazy. However, the strongest place was above the barn not too far from the main house. Luckily for all of them, there were no males, other than Hollis, who he could detect having come and gone from there recently.

  Joni jerked her eyes up to his, her green eyes weary. “Why are you really here?”

  Her question startled him. “What do you mean? I came as soon as I settled things at home. I’d have come sooner if things weren’t such a shitshow, and I’d have known it was safe to claim you sooner.”

  “Bullshit. You could’ve claimed me before you left. You knew I wanted you,” she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Forget I said that.” Joni hurried up the stairs.

  He wouldn’t allow her to run from him, not again, not ever. With speed, he swept her off her feet and into his arms, taking the stairs two and three at a time. “Put me down, you big oaf.” She beat at his shoulder ineffectually.

  “Sweetheart, you can hit me, bite me, hell, even claw me if you’d like, but I won’t be putting you down until we get a few things settled.” He shifted her so that one hand was free, and he could open the door without breaking it down.

  “Does this whole barbarian thing work with the ladies?” she asked, her green eyes shooting sparks up at him.

  Atlas tugged her the scant inches closer so that their noses were almost touching, her breath fanning his face. “I wouldn’t know. You’re the first female I’ve ever almost had to kidnap,” he teased.

  Her intoxicating scent flared, sweet orange and roses hit his senses, letting him know she wasn’t as angry as she let on. Oh, she was a little upset. There was no doubt about it, but she still wanted him. Now he just needed to prove to her he hadn’t left because he didn’t want her just as badly.

  “Glad I’m the first for something,” she grumbled.

  He tried not to smile at the tone of her jealousy, but damn, she was so fucking cute and sexy all rolled into one perfect mate. “You’ll be the first and last for many things, Joni,” he assured her, letting her hear the honesty in his words.

  “You can put me down now.” Joni squirmed in his arms.

  “I like you right where you are.” He let her slide down his body even though it was the last thing he wanted, her slight frame making his much larger one shiver. “See, that was a first. I’ve never felt that for a female, ever.”

  Joni turned away from him, marching across the open space. With her back to him, he could see her stiffen. “What was a first, besides the kidnapping thing?”

  “I’ve never felt like that from just holding a female. Dammit, Joni, look at me,” he ordered. When she didn’t, he took two steps toward her.

  “Don’t, Atlas, give me a second to collect my thoughts. I can’t think with close.” She held up her hand, her back still to him.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, turning to face him.

  “Why do you need a second? Why do you want me to stay away?” He knew the last was said with more growl than not, but fuck, he’d spent too long without her.

  “You didn’t seem to have any problem leaving me after we spent weeks dancing around one another. I all but threw myself at you when we were together. You knew I...I had feelings for you, but all the sudden, you were gone, and I was left with this big hole in my life. Once again, Joni was left with nobody to care for her. I was on the outside looking in while everybody else found their other half. I’m done being a—second class citizen. I’ll be damned if I’m your dirty little secret. I get it. You’re the big bad bear who can’t have some fucking female wolf shifter who can’t even shift anymore.”

  Atlas watched as twin tears rolled down her cheeks. He couldn’t stand there and allow her to think he didn’t care. Screw her needing or wanting space, his bear was ready to tear things apart if he didn’t have her in his arms again. “That’s not how it was, if you would let me explain,” he murmured once he was close enough to hold her.

  Like a wild animal, she beat at his chest. Atlas let her hit him, let her yell until he felt her calm, or run out of energy. Either way, he held her until she couldn’t stand on her own. “Can I speak now, Konese’?” he asked as he settled them on the sofa in the living area, ignoring the creaking of the furniture underneath him.

  “If you break Hollis’s and Annie’s couch your gonna pay to replace it.” She rubbed her face against his plaid shirt, her tears wetting the material.

  “I’ll replace anything I break.” He ran his fingers through her hair, lifting the long locks up to his nose, inhaling her unique scent.

  She tried to push away from him. “Stop trying to move out of my arms, woman.”

  “Some things you break can’t be fixed, Atlas,” she snarled.

  He leaned back so that he could see her face. “Goddess, you’re beautiful, Konese’.”

  “What does that mean?” She blinked up at him.

  “Beautiful in Mohican. My clan have strong roots from the Mohicans.” He bent and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Like Last of the Mohicans?” she asked.

  “The telling of the story is like many things, not quite true. Do you truly think that three men and two women, one disguised as a bear, could truly do so much if one wasn’t truly a bear? And do you think that they would allow the capture of their female, without punishment? In times such as those, it would’ve been best to let them think they’d been killed, succumbing to death on a cliff, allowing them the ability to mourn through human funerals, do you not agree?” Atlas continued to run his hand up and down her back, feeling the tension leave her slight frame.

  “So, you’re saying the history books are wrong?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “I’m saying that it’s possible the situation wasn’t quite the way it was presented.”

  She huffed. “Why are we even talking about this?”

  “You brought it up, Konose’,” he reminded her.

  “That’s right. Like I said, you can’t fix everything you break with your big bear ass. Let me go.” She took a deep breath.

  “Tell me what I broke that I can’t fix. We’ll start there and work my way up, but there’s no chance in hell I’m letting you go, ever again. You’re my truemate, and you know it. You can feel it, just as I can. Why’re you fighting us?” Her anger was making his bear rake at him.

  “Seriously? Atlas, you’re clearly an alpha. I’m not even a real wolf, not anymore.”

  He gave her a slight shake, careful of his strength. “Listen to me, little one. Even if you were fully human, you’re mine. I don’t give two shits about your abilities. I only know you’re mine.”

  Joni rolled her eyes. “Oh, you wanted me so much you couldn’t run so fast and far away from me as soon as I told you I cared about you.” She bit her lip to stop the words I loved you from falling from her mouth.

  “Woman, I left because my alpha’s mate called me back. She had a half baked scheme cooked up, and I knew if I’d brought you back with me before I took up the role of alpha, she’d have either killed you outright or ordered you killed. I had to follow certain rules. Things are different amongst my clan. I’m not just a grizzly bear, Joni. I—I’m a white bear, and not like a Kermode white bear, but a dire bear. Do you know what that means?”

  She leaned away from him, or as far as his arms would let her, shaking her head.

  “In the White Bear Clan, it’s prophesized that a White Bear is to lead the clan into the future. Before my father, there hadn’t been a white bear for hun
dreds of years. My brothers, Atika and Abyle are twins, yet they aren’t white. When I was born a white cub, my father lost his mind, or maybe he’d always been a little unhinged. His bear began turning from pure white to a cream, which the clan said meant he wasn’t the true prophesized leader. My bear, on the other hand is snowy white, and well, I’m much larger than most.” He looked away from her.

  Joni had a feeling he wasn’t telling her the complete truth, yet she couldn’t sense a lie. “What aren’t you telling me, Atlas?”

  He fell back against the cushions, letting out a deep breath. “So much, Konese’. Can you trust me when I say nothing I did was ever done without a reason?”

  “Why don’t you give me the condensed version. I think we both have pasts that aren’t really what one would call Hallmark Christmas Card ones, but still, they’re ours to tell, right?” She finally looked at the man she couldn’t forget, no matter how far she’d run.

  “My past is pretty fucking ugly, Joni. You sure you want to hear it? I got more scars inside and out. You think I’m some pretty boy who has it all, but reality is, I’m a fucked up motherfucker who probably doesn’t deserve you.” He looked away, his bear growling during the last of his words, setting her wolf to pacing inside her.

  “I have just as many scars inside me. Trust me. I finally had to make the decision to stop letting the asshole who stole years of my life, years I’ll never get back, have the power to continue to do so. If I continued to cower and be a victim, his punishments would continue, but for me, I decided that even though he was dead, I could punish him by trying to be happy, trying move forward with my life, to do all the things he’d denied me. Because do you know what I did for years, what he’d loved to know I did? I felt sorry for myself. It fueled him, gave him power over me, even when he wasn’t inflicting pain on me. When I came here, even months after his death, I still held onto the past, reliving the things he’d done, the mental abuse that was as painful as the physical ones he’d made Taryn go through. I allowed him to steal more of me, more of my life. He doesn’t deserve a single second more of me or my life. I deserve to be happy. I realized when I came here, when Hollis and Annie let me be a part, even on the outer edges of their Crew, that I deserved to move on with my life, even if it’s alone.” For the first time in her twenty-five years, she truly felt like she was worth more.

  “I want to find whoever that motherfucker was and kill him with my bare hands,” Atlas said in a low voice.

  Shivers went through her at his low tone. “He’s already dead and gone, or I’d actually let you at him. Now, how about you tell me about why you think you’re not worthy?”

  Joni listened as he recounted his childhood, her eyes widened, tears she tried to keep at bay flowed freely as he spoke of the little boy who only wanted to be loved, but was beaten and almost killed by parents who were supposed to have loved him. “So, you see, I’m not sure how to love someone, but I promise to protect you with every fiber of my being.” He said when he finished.

  She turned so that she straddled him, placing both palms on his cheeks. “Of course, you know how to love. Look at how you protected your family, how you protected your clan all these years. Goddess, we’re a pair.” She put her forehead on his. “We can learn to love together, you think?”

  “I know the things I feel for you I’ve never felt for anyone. I know I’ll kill anyone who hurts one hair on your head. I know my bear wants to claim you, and so do I, and I know I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my days,” he breathed close to her lips.

  Joni licked her lips. “I want those things with you, too. What about your clan? I thought they wouldn’t accept you mating a wolf. I thought it was like forbidden or something?”

  He nibbled her upper lip before answering. “I’m the alpha. I make the rules. Now kiss me before I go crazy, Konese’,” he ordered.

  “Bossy bear,” she whispered.

  The couch creaked as he shifted them, placing her beneath him. “I’m so much more than bossy, love. Goddess, I’ve wanted you under me for so long,” he muttered. “Tell me you want this.”

  Joni stared up at Atlas, knowing what he was asking. “Are you asking if I want to make love to you or if you can claim me?”

  “Both,” he answered.

  She looked toward the door, then to the bed not far from them. “I’m thinking the bed would be a better place.” She didn’t want to mention that this would be a first for her.

  Atlas inhaled. “What are you keeping from me?”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “Bossy bear, do you have like superman powers or what?”

  His chuckle made her open her eyes. “I guess I’m a little more in tune to you than normal. Now, tell me,” he ordered softly.

  “I’ve know, done this.” She waved between them. The scant inches he allowed between their chests, not giving her much room to move, had her slapping his chest with the back of her hand.

  “Ah, a first for the both of us then.” He stood, leaned down, and scooped her into his arms. “I don’t think that couch would’ve handled what I had planned anyhow,” he joked.

  Joni narrowed her eyes. “Are you trying to tell me you’re a virgin? Because let me tell you, I’m not buying what you’re selling, bossy bear.”

  Atlas stumbled. “Goddess no. Wait, don’t try to jump out of my arms, dammit. No other female before you even comes to my mind. What I mean is, I’ve never claimed a female, never wanted to. I’m thirty-three years old. I wish I could say I’ve never been with anyone else; fuck I wish I could go back in time and not have...but then who knows how that would affect today. All I know is that I’m here with you, right where I’m supposed to be. Goddess willing, I’ll be with you everyday for the rest of our lives.”

  “That sounds good, but who’s to say that after you do the deed that you won’t run again?” Everyone she’s ever cared about found it really easy to leave her when they found something or someone better. Fine, if she was being fair, Taryn and Sky found their truemates, which if she were in their shoes, she’d have done the same. They also had no clue what she’d bargained with Keith all those years ago. She had no plans to tell them either.

  “Even if you don’t let me claim you, I still plan to convince you, however long it takes. If that means staying here in Wolfs Run with a menagerie of shifters, then so be it.” He stopped next to her bed, still holding Joni securely in his arms.

  “What about sex—with me I mean?” she stammered.

  Atlas smiled. “No sex before you agree to let me claim you. I want it all. The whole shebang. You’re my truemate. You know it and I know it. My bear is raking at me, calling me all kinds of a fool, but until you’re ready, he and I will just have to live with blue balls.” He settled her on the bed, climbing in next to her.

  Joni was shocked when he pulled her back into his arms. “What’re you doing?”

  “Just because there’s not going to be a claiming doesn’t mean I’m not going to hold you, and stuff,” he teased, his fingers trailed down her arm and back up.”

  His touch sent shivers down her body, awakening parts of her she’d thought had gone dormant. “Hollis isn’t going to allow you sleep here.”

  Atlas snorted. “Hollis may be the alpha here, but I out alpha him every day and night. Now, let’s get to know each other again. Tell me what you’ve been doing since you left Mystic.”

  Joni growled. “You’re really going to do this?”

  “Yep,” he answered.

  Atlas couldn’t believe how fun it was teasing Joni. Although his cock didn’t agree, his heart was lighter just having her in his arms.

  “I’ve been training and working at the gas station Hollis and Annie own. It’s right off the interstate.” She bit her lip. “Do you think it was safe to leave them with Lula?”

  He rolled to the side, looking down on Joni. “They’re safe as long as they tell the truth. Lula and I just met, but I got the feeling she was—a straight shooter.”<
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  Joni grabbed the finger he was using to trace her lips, nibbling on the tip. “A straight shooter alright. She can shoot fire out of her mouth for crying out loud.”

  “Well, if all is on the up and up with them, they’ll be fine. I, however, may expire from blue balls, but you don’t hear me complaining, do you?” He nudged her thigh with what was obviously his dick, or a pole he’d shoved into his pants.

  Feeling a wee bit adventurous and a lot horny herself, she let her hand slip between them, tracing the evidence of his arousal. “Poor, bossy bear, do you need a little help with this?”

  “Achwahnaja, I need help with many things, but unless you plan to get naked with me, that will have to wait.” His hand covered hers, stilling her movements.

  “Hold up, what’s that mean, Achwahnaja?” She tried to move her hand, amazed at the length of his cock. “By the way, bossy bear, that thing is huge, like no way in all of Texas is it going to fit inside my vagina, huge.”

  He opened his mouth to answer but closed it.

  Chapter Ten

  Lula looked at the alpha of the Wilde Crew, liking the name of the shifters that made up the band of misfits that Hollis and his mate had collected. Her eyes shifted to Annie. Some folks thought she spoke oddly, mixing up her words, but Lula was over a millennium, and then some old. A female didn’t really divulge her age...that was just rude. She’d studied every culture on every planet, in every realm, popping in every decade or century, depending on her boredom. Dragons got bored easily, such was the long life of theirs. She flicked her fingers, sending both Hollis and the possible treacherous Annie moving into chairs like little ragdolls, only she did it nicely, almost gently. “Ah, much better. Don’t you feel better getting off your feet since you both have worked all day?” she asked innocently. “Ps. You’re welcome.” She lifted her tulle skirt out and did a small curtsy.

  Hollis growled. “What the hell are you?” He tried to stand but couldn’t.

  “For the moment, I’m a friend, luckily for you,” Lula answered him, walking around the large kitchen, picking up knickknacks. “You’ve created a very nice place here, Alpha. How long have you two been together?”


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