Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2)

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Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2) Page 12

by Sean Oswald

  Seeing the somewhat disgusted looks upon Emily and Mira’s faces, Akira reached into her bowl and pulled out a pinch of the kirashemi between her thumb and two fingers before quickly popping it into her mouth with a smile. She seemingly swallowed it whole for it didn’t appear that she chewed at all. Emily thought it must have been a figment of her imagination because it looked like the kirashemi moved towards Akira’s fingers as she grabbed a pinch of it and took on a slightly brighter color as she held it before swallowing it.

  With a bow of her head and a hand gestured out ending with her palm facing up, Akira said, “Please try some of the kirashemi now as you will certainly be expected to eat it at the capital, and it may be a bit odd at first.” She then quickly added, “But I think you will learn to like it.”

  Mira looked hesitant, but Emily figured it couldn’t be any worse than that time she had been served ants in Brazil, so she reached out her right hand to grab towards the bowl. She was shocked as the kirashemi actually latched onto her hand, and she felt a tingle run up her arm. The lichen started to glow faintly as it was attached to her arm and both Yua and Hiroto let out short gasps. Emily pulled away a large pinch as more and more of the plant tried to force itself into her hand. Before she could lose her nerve, Emily shoveled her fingers into her mouth complete with the kirashemi. As she tried to swallow it, she felt it moving all on its own. Like a spider scurrying down into a hole, but that hole was her throat. She would have screamed if she could but instead did her best attempt at gagging, even as a warm and tingly sensation spread throughout her body.

  Emily felt hands grabbing her as Mira moved behind her and first pounded against the middle of her back before she slid her arms around to attempt the Heimlich. Then just as quickly as the gagging had started it ended, and Emily breathed a deep sigh of relief.

  Akira stepped around the table bowing deeply as she said, “I am so sorry. I had no idea it would affect you like that. It must be because you have never had the kirashemi before. Please forgive this disgrace.”

  As Emily wasn’t sure what to say. She didn’t want to say it had been nothing when in fact it had been a terrifying experience. Even more so, she didn’t want to blow off Akira’s apology and minimize her culture while at the same time not wanting her kind hostess to feel any shame because of this. She was saved from answering though as Hiroto stood up. “It was unexpected, but not totally unpredictable. We regret not taking into consideration that you are a Mitsukatta, but that was not the entirety of the reaction. You must also have a significant magical potential for it to react like that to you and a high mana regeneration rate.”

  Everyone stood there looking at one another before settling back into their seats as Hiroto continued, “Let me explain why the kirashemi is so significant to the moon elves. It is not truly my place to tell these things to a Mitsukatta, but I believe that given the circumstances it will be excused. You may or may not know that elves tend to have a higher mana regeneration rate and capacity than the other races do. This is not an entirely natural thing, instead, it is also a result of consuming the kirashemi. Some of the changes that have begun in you from this first time will be permanent and some temporary. If you consume more, it will have further effects until it reaches its maximum potential.”

  Mira was enraptured by his statements and her mind racing in overdrive trying to figure out the ramifications it would have on her magical power if she was able to get those same benefits and at the same time being consumed with simple excitement about the wonders of magic. “How does a plant cause these effects? I thought that one’s mana pool was based upon Intelligence and mana regeneration upon Wisdom.”

  Hiroto pondered his words before answering. “Why such interest in magic in a young one?”

  “It is part of my class.”

  “You have obtained a class already?”

  “Yes, I am a metamage.”

  Hiroto’s eyes widened ever so slightly, “You have obtained a rare class at your age. This explains much that I have been sensing about you.” He smiled widely then in the biggest display of emotion he had shown since the Nelson’s had arrived. “I will explain a small amount for you now, and then I have a proposal for your mother. Suffice it to say that magic does not travel evenly through your body. Instead, there are channels for magical power or mana to move about in your body just as your veins carry blood within your body. It is a mostly lost art even within the Circle but there are ways to improve that process. Kirashemi serves to aid that by cleaning those mana channels and in some cases even widening them permanently.”

  Emily said, “Sort of like a vasodilator for blood vessels, but instead for magic vessels.”

  “I do not recognize all of your words but if I understand your meaning, then that is one way to think of it. Not wrong at all if perhaps an incomplete understanding.” Hiroto responded with his customary solemnness.

  “Wow, I just got a notification that my mana regeneration has permanently increased by 10% and that my maximum mana has temporarily increased by thirty points for the next twenty-four hours.”

  “This is good, I expect that it is a combination of this being your first exposure to kirashemi and also your possessing a rare class. Normally, it takes much longer to achieve results like that. Now, Akira, would you please take young Miranda out and show her the gardens while I have a conversation with her mother.”

  Akira bowed her head and signaled the affirmative even as Mira began to protest before getting that look from her mother which told her, ‘Not now.’ As soon as the two of them had descended the stairs and walked out the front door of the home such as it was, Hiroto sat back down and his gaze settled upon Emily. Neither spoke and the seconds turned into minutes and while Emily was itching to speak, something in her told her now was the time for patience.

  Finally nodding his head as if satisfied with something only he had seen, Hiroto spoke, “I will not mince words with you. I believe you to be an honorable woman from what I have seen and been told. Moreover, I am impressed by the ways in which you have striven to respect our culture. A culture which should be yours but which is foreign to you. So you should know that it does not always go well when a Mitsukatta appears before the Throne. No, don’t ask. I can’t say any more than that. I speak too much already. Suffice it to say that you carry enough troubles with you in your status as a Chosen of Shanelle and your ignorance of our ways. It would be better if you did not have your half-blood daughter with you. There are still many foolishly prejudiced minds who blame the humans for our current state and whatever fate befalls you before the Throne, if Miranda is with you she would share the same fate.”

  Hiroto paused allowing his words to sink in. He waited to see if she would ask any questions, but again, she waited despite the urge to speak. Nodding again in contentment, he continued, “I am proposing that you leave Miranda here with Akira and me. The distance from the capital would not normally be enough, but I am proposing that you purchase an apprenticeship for your daughter with me.”

  “I am honored that you think so kindly of me and my daughter when you have only just met us, but must beg my ignorance again. What would such an apprenticeship entail, and how would I purchase it?”

  “She would be apprenticed to me to learn the art of enchanting. The apprenticeship would last until one of us died or she surpasses me in skill. I am very old even for an elf, and so it is likely that my passing shall come first. As to the cost, normally it is very significant and paid in installments with the labor of the apprentice, but I am moved by whim or the call of the Circle to agree to take her on for 1 silver piece.” Hiroto’s words grew slow and halting at the end almost as if he was unsure of what he was about to say.

  “From what I know about Mira’s interests and what you have just explained to me, this offer is beyond generous.” Hiroto smiled at that. “But, I have already lost one daughter to a monster and my son to be trained in a human school for the children of nobles. I cannot bear to lose my last child.”r />
  “Ah perhaps it is a cultural misunderstanding. Since Miranda would not be obligated to perform any work to pay off her apprenticeship, she would be free to come and go as she wished. She would be required to perform the tasks I assigned to her while here and to act with respect towards me and Akira at all times, but if she needed to return to her home that would be fine. I would simply expect that she come back from time to time to learn. A man wishes to pass on what he knows when he reaches the end of days, and while I don’t expect to die this season or next, it will come sooner that I would like. I have not yet found any apprentice worthy, but there is something about young Miranda which stands out.”

  “Then I accept, and pray that it is the will of Shanelle.” Emily spoke with exuberance having weighed the risks and benefits to Mira quickly and feeling in her spirit that it was the right decision. A protective mother she might be, but she was also a woman given to passionate and impetuous decisions. She somehow decided that Hiroto could be trusted.

  Hiroto smiled again as he said, “As the Circle wills.”

  A short time later outside near the road from Origana the city ruled by Lord Itsu to the capital, Emily and Mira were gathered along with Eisuke, a contingent of Moon Elf guards and Hiroto and Akira. They were all awaiting Lord Itsu to give his permission for them to depart and head on their journey. He made them wait over an hour before finally walking out of his house stretching, clearly having slept late. There was some mumbling amongst the guards who had been on the first part of the trip with them, but everyone else stood quiet until Hiroto walked up to Lord Itsu. He offered a bow of medium depth and said, “I have found an apprentice and need the city lord to witness the forging of the pact.”

  Lord Itsu stopped his stretching and appeared genuinely interested. “It is about time that you chose one to pass your skills on to. For too long have you neglected your responsibilities.” He then looked around but didn’t find what he was looking for. “I don’t see any of the eligible elves here for you to take on. I warn you if this is some joke, I am not in the mood.”

  “It is no joke, I have found an apprentice. She is willing and her guardian has paid my fee in full.”

  “Well then where is this mystery apprentice?”

  “Miranda Nelson, come and present yourself before the city lord.” Hiroto spoke in a very formalized manner.

  “What, I warned you against jokes. She is not even a pure blood. She cannot be an apprentice to our lowliest dishwasher let alone to the premier enchanter of the kingdom.” Itsu’s face was flushed and his body language screamed of anger.

  “I am the master, and she is the apprentice. I do not need your permission Lord Itsu, but I honor tradition by asking you to witness the forging of the pact. Surely, you will not break with the old ways.”

  Itsu fumed, struggling to form a coherent sentence. He looked from side to side but no one offered him anyway out of this. “Very well, get this farce over with.”

  Hiroto turned from Itsu and faced Mira again. “Extend your hand as I showed you, young one.”

  Mira held out her right hand palm up, fully extended away from her body while at the same time dropping to her left knee. As she did this the old enchanter took out a golden sash with intricate black runes sewn into it. He wrapped the long silken sash around Mira’s hand and then wrapped the other end around his. “Now speak the words I taught you.”

  Mira looked up at Hiroto, “Master Niuchi, I Miranda Nelson seek to become your apprentice, to learn the art of enchanting from you. I pledge myself to obey you, to learn from you, and to always be honest with you. I will not knowingly cause harm or dishonor to you either through my actions or my words. So do I swear upon my immortal spirit.”

  Hiroto smiled as she said the words perfectly and then intoned in response, “I, Hiroto Niuchi, accept you Miranda Nelson as my apprentice. I pledge to train you in the art of enchanting to the fullest of my capabilities. I pledge to safeguard you and to treat you as a member of my own home. Even as though you were my own daughter. To that end your name shall forthwith be Miranda Niuchi every bit as much as it is Emily Nelson. I will not knowingly cause harm to you either through my actions or my words. So do I swear upon my immortal spirit.”

  As he finished speaking the sash began to glow and hum as the runic lettering came to life and crawled onto the hand and forearm of both Hiroto and Mira. Till finally the sash vanished in a burst of light leaving new markings upon both master and apprentice.

  Mira was grinning and shaking her head, “Wow, I just learned the Enchanting skill up to level 5. That is amazing, how did that happen Master, I thought the only way to learn a skill was with character points.”

  Shaking his head as if pushing away a fading pain, Hiroto said, “As part of the pact Eloria now recognizes you as my apprentice and therefore an extension of myself. I lost a level in Enchanting so that you could gain the basic skills necessary and save you years of training. And trust me child, there is much that you do not know about how to gain skills.”

  Knowing how much harder it must be to gain those higher levels, Mira was humbled by his sacrifice and began to profusely thank him.

  “Not now student, first we must see your mother off and then we have much to discuss.”

  At that moment Itsu broke in. “I have decided that I will be traveling to the capital so that I may report upon the actions of the heretic.” Eisuke and Emily both internally groaned but kept it to themselves as they heard that pronouncement.

  The forest warden said, “Very well, but we need to leave. The Throne and Circle cannot be kept waiting any longer. The Mitsukatta is important, but the news about the tree sapper swarm is critical.”

  “Yes, yes. I am ready to leave now. Well perhaps in one moment. There is one other matter that I must attend to.” Then Itsu turned towards Hiroto. “I may not be able to go against the old ways, but I am still lord here. And in my estimation you have betrayed me, Orgiana, and the Moon Elf people by taking on this half-blood as an apprentice. Therefore, I banish you, Hiroto Niuchi and your entire family from my land. You must be off of my land by moon rise, and you must leave the lands of the Moon Elves entirely until such time as the Throne shall see fit to allow your permission to enter again.” The smirk on his face spoke volumes about Itsu’s character as well as his sense of victory.

  Akira groaned but Hiroto reached out and placed his hand upon her arm. “As my lord commands.” His stoic face only poorly hiding the hurt he felt.

  Itsu didn’t look back. He ordered the elven guards to make sure Hiroto was gone by night fall and then took three of the guards with him. Emily noted that none of the three were guards who had been on the first stretch of the trip. Soon, Jaselm and his men came up and started along the road allowing Emily and Mira some space to say their goodbyes. After a brief conversation about where they would go, it was determined that the safest place for Hiroto, Akira, and Mira would be Eris’ Rise, at least until the high authorities could be informed about Lord Itsu’s actions. Emily insisted that Jaselm send half of the ten men with him as guards for Emily, and while Hiroto clearly wanted to refuse at first, he finally agreed. Thus, while the old elves were heartbroken to leave their home, Emily was at least happier knowing that within a few days Mira would be back home, and that hopefully Dave and Max would be there to look after her.

  Chapter Nine

  “No man is so powerful nor so needy as a king.” — From the black market auto-biography of Alucien the Heretic

  Karl and Leyna had their work cut out for the next two days as Dave slowly recovered. It took him just over two days to heal from the broken leg even with the use of another healing potion. Dave remembered it taking six weeks to heal up from a break in his foot back when he was running track in high school. When he compared this to that, it was nothing short of a miracle, but a few weeks on Eloria had already started to reshape his expectations.

  Dave kept his complaining to himself even as he suffered the ribbing from Leyna and Karl’s amu
sement at the way she baited him. Finally though, on the third day after fighting the earth elemental, Dave woke to a notification.

  Broken Debuff has expired. You are healed completely. Sometimes being broken and overcoming makes the end result stronger than the beginning. Gain +1 Constitution. In Eloria life is conflict, those who don’t grow from conflict are destined to die from it.

  Well, he wasn’t going to be in a race to break any more bones, but at least the quick healing and the bonus stat made it seem a little worthwhile. He tested out his leg and found it to be as good and ever and his general health to be better than ever. As he stood there jumping up and down testing his legs out, Karl said, “Glad to see the debuff wore off.”

  Dave grinned and nodded but didn’t say anything. He wondered if the people of Eloria thought of broken bones only as negative status conditions rather than the destruction of a part of your body. It was an odd way to think, but in some ways it made sense given that even without healing magic people still healed far faster in Eloria than on Earth. He let his mind wonder down those paths considering the idiosyncrasies of his new life while helping break camp. Now that he was feeling better and able to move at better than a hobble, he wanted to make up some time. He felt like they had been close to finding Sara back at the cave but had only made half a dozen miles in the past two days due to him.

  Leyna started to complain as he pushed them to eat on the road and get moving right away, but even she realized that he wasn’t upset with them but with himself for causing the delay. By the time that the first sun was midway through the sky, they started to see some odd signs. Some of the berry bushes showed signs of being tended and pruned. The path looked well-worn as either many feet had gone over the stone or a few feet had gone over it many times over a long time.


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