Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2)

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Watcher's Question: A LitRPG Saga (Life in Exile Book 2) Page 17

by Sean Oswald

  The two men stared at each other for a moment while the Nelsons, missing part of the story, looked on in confusion.

  Finally, Jaselm bowed his head and said, “You are right of course.”

  “So what are you talking about Max?” Emily demanded.

  “I’m sorry to place this burden on you Emily, but Lord Itsu has declared you to be a Mitsukatta.”

  “Not that crap again, Max”, Emily sighed.

  “I don’t know all the details, but I know that means you must present yourself before the king of the moon elves within a fortnight or be forever magically branded as an enemy of the Moon Elves. Given your position and proximity to their lands, it would undoubtedly entail them attacking Eris’ Rise to cleanse it of you. And then of course Duke Holstein and Lord Itsu would get the excuse for a war that each of them seem to want so badly. Combined with the goblin war in the western border, and that could well spell disaster for Albia.”

  “Hmm… Mitsukatta, found one? Well will they wait for me to get back with Sara?” Dave asked.

  “You can of course ask for yourself, but I fear that they won’t. Apparently there is no room for negotiation once you have been so named. And since we don’t know exactly where their capital is but know enough to know that it is more than three hundred miles away through some very dense forest, it could well take you the entire two weeks to get there.” Max looked pained having to give this news to her.

  “Okay, well before anyone goes rushing off, let’s talk this through.” Dave’s attorney mode took over as he tried to reason out the best outcome. “Emily, if worse comes to worst, you can travel north with the elves, and then maybe Gunidar can arrange a way to communicate to you as soon as I have found Sara.” He chopped his hand down to cut off her argument. “I know you don’t want to go. I don’t want you to go, but if it’s as serious as Max is saying, then it's going to be necessary for you to go. You don’t want our children to live in a war zone do you?”

  “That’s not fair, Dave.” Emily complained knowing that she would be trapped by her nature into doing that which she didn’t want to do.

  “If life was fair, we would have made it to Nana Gonzalez’s for dinner.” Dave stared at Emily intently, and she took his meaning.

  It took another hour of tense discussion before things could be worked out. Finally, it was decided that Emily and Mira would go north with the elves while Dave would go with two members of Max’s squad to find Sara. Either Max or Dave needed to stay in Eris’ Rise at least until Duke Holstein had left. The big argument was over what was going to happen with Jackson. Dave’s agreement with King Borstein only allowed Jackson long enough to come back to say goodbye to his mother, but then he would have to hurry back to make it in time for the beginning of the fall semester. The discussion kept being broken up as Emily raged at Dave for agreeing to let their son go, even as it became apparent to all the men there that Emily was simply frustrated about the situation. Eventually, it was decided that Jaselm would send two squads of his men with Jackson as an escort and would provide guards for the boy until at least either Emily or Dave were able to make it to the academy to check on him.

  As much as she tried, Emily couldn’t convince Jaselm to personally guard Jackson. The paladin was intent that his primary duty was to safeguard her, and that was the only issue he wasn’t willing to obey her on.

  Jaselm said, “I’m sorry, I have come to recognize that expression. Something I said has reminded you of the past. I’m sorry Chosen, I did not mean for my words to cause you pain.”

  Her answer was slow in coming as she sorted her feelings, “It’s okay Jaselm. The past is simply a fact. Our lives are a challenge given to us to forge our souls into something better. At least that is what I always was raised to believe. So if my memories cause me pain it's because I still have more to learn from them.”

  “Moments like these are when I know why Shanelle chose you. You have great wisdom, Daughter of Redemption.” The paladin said with a short bow.

  The third day after leaving Orgiana they stopped much earlier while the second sun had still not set. Eisuke informed the humans in the group that after a short rest they would continue on and reach the Moon Elf capital early in the middle of the night. He advised that messengers were being sent ahead and that as tradition dictated, Emily would be presented to the Throne while the moon was still in the sky.

  Emily sat down and ate the food that was offered to her, but her heart was racing. It was one thing to think about traveling off to meet some distant king, it was another thing to realize that within a few hours you were going to meet someone who would decide if you lived or died. Jaselm sat down next to her without saying a word. The big man looked a little silly with his legs crossed and his hands out while still wearing his armor. In fact, Emily wouldn’t have thought that the metal plates would have made such a position obtainable. It was almost a lotus position, and he did the full eyes closed open to the world sort of thing. It then struck Emily, he was praying. It made her feel a bit guilty about her fears and anxiety, but it didn’t push her towards prayer. She still wasn’t sure what she believed about Shanelle or anything like that, so she would have to muddle through these feelings on her own.

  Five hours later their rest break came to an end, and Emily hadn’t been able to get any rest.

  “Did you rest well Daughter of Redemption?” Jaselm asked as he stood and stretched. Obviously he had managed to get some sleep.

  “Not really, I guess I am just a bit tense about what may happen… you know when…but I am glad that you got some sleep.”

  “That is the soldier’s blessing.” Jaselm had a bit of a crooked smile upon his face.

  “My husband used to talk about his time in the military. He said one of the first things he learned was the ability to take a nap anywhere, anytime.”

  “Yes it is an essential skill, especially when on campaign. I also found my meditation to be helpful in centering my mind. I must confess, I have been very worried for you. At first coming to find a new Chosen was an exciting task that would have ramifications for the entire church and beyond. It seemed to be a calling from the Goddess to me. Then I found that not only do I admire you, but I have come to like you, and your family. You are kind people giving freely of yourselves to help others. So I was worried for you, but Shanelle teaches us that we cannot add one minute of time to our lives through worry and that each day has enough problems of its own. We must take life as it comes to us.”

  “Oh you were meditating, I had assumed you were praying.”

  “Well in some ways they are two sides of the same coin. I prayed very quickly at first that the Goddess would protect you. Then I meditated. I tried to open myself up to what Her will is. It doesn’t really take very long to say what I want from Shanelle, but I have found over my life that the real task is to learn what She wants from me.” Jaselm had that sort of distant look on his face which one has when remembering hard earned lessons. Then however, his expression turned into a sheepish grin of a child . “But listen to me, here I am lecturing one of the Chosen on submission to the will of the Goddess, please forgive my arrogance.”

  “Not at all, I find your word’s comforting, thank you for sharing with me, but I think that our elven escorts are growing impatient. We had best get moving.”

  The next few hours they traveled at a normal pace without any sort of magical enhancement. While it had been exhilarating to rush along as they had been, it had taken a toll on her body and Emily was glad to be moving under her own power. The moon was high into the sky, and they had been in what she assumed were the outskirts of the capital for some time. It was a little hard to say with how the elven cities were so spread out. Now though, they were coming into an area which was unlike any of the other cities she had seen in this forest nation.

  It was breathtaking. There was no other word for it. The huge iron wood trees were not shaped into individual sets of homes but instead dozens of them were bent in to form a massive cano
py far above the ground. The branches of the various trees intertwined and platforms which naturally grew off of these massive trees were clustered together to form what must have been a massive platform several hundred feet up. None of it seemed forced though. It was as if the trees had been coaxed to naturally grow into such unnatural positions. Moreover, swirls of luminescent color ran up the trucks and along the branches to light up the night, much like the Strip in Vegas without the gaudiness.

  Beyond the greater level of architectural design, there were also many more Moon Elves. Everywhere she looked they were walking paths, on the ground and the arboreal trails above, in groups ranging from simple pairs to large clusters. Finally, their guides lead them to the side of one of the massive iron woods which formed the canopy above. Eisuke and Lord Itsu had left their group and gone ahead nearly an hour before. Once they reached the tree, they were split up. The humans were told that they could go no further but that accommodations would be made for them.

  Jaselm spoke to the gray haired elf who greeted them next to the side of the tree. He was old even for an elf to have gray hair but he wore a long sleeveless vest and loose fitting trousers, sort of Cobra-Kai style, which revealed corded muscles along his arms and even up into his neck. Still clearly a very fit elf no matter his age. “I cannot leave the Daughter of Redemption. I am charged by Shanelle with safeguarding her.”

  “That name carries no authority here and will likely only cause you more trouble. Not all here are as tolerant as I am. But I can assure you that you and your men will be safe and well cared for here so long as you act respectfully.” The old elf’s voice was gravelly but not showing any sign of wavering as the voice of the elderly often do.

  “And who are you to dictate where I, a servant of the true Gods, may go?”

  “I am known as Master Daichi, and for this cycle, I serve the will of the Throne and Circle by acting as the tender of the central lift. As for who I am to say where you may go, know that just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean that there are not numerous weapons and spells even now aimed at you. And those are only necessary if you were by some chance able to force your way past me and then figure out the operation of the lift.”

  “Jaselm, it’s okay. We knew this could happen. It is me that they want to meet, not you.” Emily laid her hand upon the paladin’s sword arm to keep him from doing anything stupid. Then turning towards Daichi she said, “Can you pledge to me that these men will be allowed to leave whether with or without me?”

  “I have already pledged that they shall be safe and well cared for, the question of whether they will be allowed to leave Tsukishiti is for the Throne to decide. I am but a humble servant.”

  “So we are prisoners then?” Jaselm asked.

  The old elf stood there with a flat expression staring back at the riled up human.

  “I don’t think that is what he is saying. I blame myself. I should have thought of this as soon as I learned how serious the meeting with the throne is going to be. I believe what he is saying is that if I am allowed to leave this place, then you will be allowed to leave it. If not, then you will remain on as guests so long as you behave yourselves, since they do not want details about their capital revealed to the human nations. Isn’t that so Master Daichi?”

  He simply answered, “The Mitsukatta has the truth of the matter. Now are you prepared to follow instructions or must there be unpleasantness?”

  Jaselm dipped his head and said, “As the Chosen wishes, so I and my men shall pledge to raise no hand in violence against any in this place except that it be in self-defense.”

  Emily patted the paladin’s arm as she climbed into the lift, which turned out to be a singular piece of wood, well not wood. It was plant matter that was sure, but almost more like the blossom of a giant tulip. It was soft and fibrous to the touch, but seemed very durable as it didn’t buckle under her weight. The old elf climbed in after her and held his hand against one of the four strands which connected up above head level and then extended up twisted together into a single cord. She felt a slight resonance and then the lift was moving upward, quickly, but not in a rush.

  Looking down below, she saw several elven warriors leading Jaselm and his men into a doorway at the edge of her sight. Then she put him out of her mind. Running through some exercises she had read about to calm herself, she did a bit of silent meditation. Her mind though was never very good at staying still and soon she began wondering if this would be the end. Still she tried to breathe deeply and relax. As she did, she could almost swear that she heard a soft voice whisper, “All will be well.” No matter how much she tried to listen, the voice didn’t come again, and she was left wondering if the Goddess had spoken to her or if it was simply her own overactive imagination. The irony wasn’t lost on her, how back on earth where she had none of the proof of the existence of a god like she did here in Eloria, she would have had no problem thinking that God was speaking to her, but now that she knew beyond a doubt that there was a supernatural being who had spoken audibly to her, she couldn’t bring herself to believe in that still small voice.

  The lift came to a stop, and she opened her eyes to find Master Daichi staring at her. “I believe you are something new. What I don’t know yet is if you bode ill or well for our people.”

  “I can tell you that I have no ill-intentions towards any Moon Elf and only wish to learn more about my people.”

  “Intention is like the new day. All potential and no actualization. Only time will tell. I do however see that you know something about the Reiki. If things go well with the throne, then come and find me. I believe there is much I could teach you.”

  As he spoke, Emily felt a shift in him, and by the end, he had a warm smile upon his face. Then a notification confirmed that shift:

  Blessing of Favor- Shanelle has blessed you with favor in the eyes of those who will judge you. +20 Faction with all Moon Elves (Total: 25), +50 Faction with Master Daichi (Total:55) Your actions will determine further results of this blessing. Duration: dependent upon your actions.

  Hmm, that was something new. She hadn’t even said a prayer or anything and yet she got a blessing. Maybe Jaselm could explain about it. Well that is if she will ever get to see him again.

  Either way, her heart was lifted and her fear seemed more distant as Master Daichi ushered her out of the lift and into a massive pavilion at the top of the canopy. The floor looked like a giant slab of wood complete with wavy lines showing the grain of the wood and its growth rings. It was polished smooth like marble and glints of color popped everywhere she looked. Flashes of bright oranges and yellows and more muted impressions of light blues or greens, but whenever she focused on any one part of the floor, it was just a burnished brown.

  Rising up from the floor all around the sides of the pavilion was a lattice of vines with buds of flowers at various intervals. The buds of those flowers were of such bright colors as to make her catch her breath. It was almost how colors seem more alive in dreams than they ever could in the real world.

  Inside the pavilion, there was a singular throne with two people sitting on it. Too far away for her to make out their facial expressions yet close enough to see that they were finely attired and had crowns upon their heads. Behind the throne there were two partial circles of elves in brown or green robes. Each circle being only three fourths complete and ending in such a way that it appeared that the throne closed the missing part of the circle. The throne itself was massive, at least as tall as two men at its highest point and unlike everything else here it was made entirely of metal. Wide enough for two people to easily sit upon it with room between them and room on each side. The arms on the side curled up into a spiral shape and ended with a spike jutting up, which would have made it impossible to rest a hand upon the side of the throne.

  In front of the throne were two groups of people. To the left of the throne was Eisuke Myoji and another elf in robes of both green and brown. Neither of them looked at her, and while she hadn’t
exactly expected a smile from the Warden, he had always been polite to her. It would have been nice for him to acknowledge her presence.

  To the right of the throne was another cluster of elves. She recognized Lord Itsu and based upon their attire, the other elves with him must also be nobles. They all wore tunics and trousers in earthen hues with splashes of color in various locations and all had rings, bracelets, necklaces and similar jewelry. Most of the elves in that group were male, but there was one woman, although she stood near the back. None of them looked at Emily, but Lord Itsu glanced over at her with a sneer upon his face. She couldn't be sure, but it seemed that one of the elves behind him prodded him resulting in Itsu turning his face back towards the throne.

  All around the pavilion there were elven warriors in their color-shifting leathers. Their presence was noticeable if you focused but easily overlooked. Finally, the elf next to Eisuke stepped up next to the throne and turned to face the end of the pavilion where she stood with Daichi. “Who comes before the Throne?”

  Master Daichi answered before Emily could say anything, “A Mitsukatta lost to her people but now found presents herself as required.” His voice was solemn and had the meter of a formalized statement.

  “As Archdruid of the Circle, I invite the Mitsukatta to approach.”

  Daichi grabbed her arm firmly but without hurting her and began walking forward. She had to either wrench her arm away from him or walk with him. She chose to walk with him. Together they moved forward at a slow pace, till they were half way between the lift and the throne, perhaps fifty feet from the two figures who apparently would decide her fate.

  Once they got to that point, they stopped and the one who had identified himself as the Archdruid, whatever that was, said, “And by what name is this Mitsukatta known?”


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