Mary Ball Washington

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Mary Ball Washington Page 37

by Craig Shirley

  Saint Peter le Poer Church (London), 90

  Sandy Point, 59, 73–74, 94

  Savage, HMS, 226

  Sawyer, Joseph, 46

  Schneider, John, 158

  Schroeder, John Frederick, 282

  Schuyler, Philip, 192

  Scott, Charles, 207

  Scott, John, 90

  Scottish immigrants, 33

  Seabury, Samuel, 203, 239

  “Sentiments of an American Woman, The” (Reed), 205

  Seven Years’ War, 140, 150, 168

  Sewall, Hannah, 85

  Sewall, Samuel, 85

  Shackleton, Robert, 92

  Shakespeare, William, 13, 42

  Sharpe, John, 34

  Sharples, James, 57–58

  Shenandoah Valley, 220

  Sherman, Roger, 253

  Shirley, William, 148–49, 171

  Sigourney, Lydia, 8

  Simmes, William, 235

  Slaughter, Philip, 96, 259

  slaves, Virginia and, 18–19

  slaves and slavery, 14–15, 18–20, 97–98, 115–16, 162–63, 226, 236

  George frees, on death, 280

  Mary and, 256, 269, 272, 275

  Revolutionary War and, 197, 198, 226

  smallpox, 16, 134, 203–4, 214–15

  Smily, Ruth, 14

  Smith, Daniel Blake, 73, 121, 242

  Smith, Francis, 187

  Smith, John, 13, 16

  Smith, Nora, 99

  Smithsonian Institution, 92–93, 282

  social mobility, 16–17, 20

  Somerville, Alexander, 212

  Sons of Liberty, 172

  South Carolina, 257

  Sparks, Jared, 124, 132, 256, 273

  Spears, Thomas, 187

  Spencer, Dr., 129–30

  Spirit of ’76, The, 50

  Spotswood, Alexander, 107, 236–37

  Spotsylvania County, Virginia, 11, 106, 236, 255

  Staehlin, Jakob von, 234

  Stafford County, Virginia, 14, 69

  Stamp Act (1765), 170–73, 177

  repealed, 172

  Stars and Stripes, 93, 200–201

  State Department, 266

  St. Clair, Arthur, 270

  Steuben, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von, 270

  Stith, Buckner, 98–99

  Stokesbury, James, 199

  Story of Mary Washington, The (Terhune), 7, 113, 143, 287

  Strother, Margaret, 103

  Strother, William, 102–3

  Stuart dynasty, 32, 61, 122

  Sugar Act (1764), 169

  Sulgrave Manor (England), 42

  Sutherland, Dr., 137

  Tallmadge, Benjamin, 223

  Tame (slave), 152–53

  Taney, Roger, 284

  Tappahannock, Virginia, 12

  tariffs, 251


  British and, 169–81

  Constitutional Convention and, 251, 254

  Tayloe, John, 184

  Taylor, Henry, 174

  Tea Act (1773), 178

  tea boycotts, 179–80, 204

  Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 13

  Tennent, William, III, 204

  Terhune, Mary (Marion Harland), 50, 71, 74, 143, 194, 209, 230, 287

  Terrel, Anne, 204–5

  Theresa, Maria, 176

  Thompson, Mary, 22, 92, 116, 213, 240

  Thornton, Thomas, 259, 267–68

  Time, 93

  tobacco farming, 14, 45, 106, 154

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 61–63

  Townshend, Charles, 173

  Townshend (Revenue) Act (1767), 173, 178

  partial repeal of, 173, 174, 176

  Trenton, Battles of, 201, 210, 214

  Truro Parish, 90, 96, 128, 240

  Turner, Nancy Byrd, 50, 56, 60–61, 87, 103–4, 122, 142, 163, 180

  Twohig, Dorothy, 3

  Union Army, 281

  United Fruit company, 289

  United States

  claims ownership of Indian-controlled lands, 240

  early years after Revolution and, 227–28

  new constitution drafted, 241

  U.S. Congress, 19, 261, 266

  U.S. Constitution (1787), 9, 165

  Bill of Rights amended to, 257–58

  drafted, 241

  approved by Convention, 253–54

  Federalist Papers and, 261

  ratified by states, 254, 256–60, 276

  U.S. House of Representatives, 250, 253

  U.S. Patent Office, 93

  U.S. Senate, 250, 253

  U.S. Supreme Court, 253

  Valley Forge, 93, 213–14, 218

  Vermont, 276

  Vernon, Edward, 127–28

  Virginia, colonial, 24, 84–85

  Anglican church and, 23

  apprenticeships and, 17

  Ball family heritage in, 17, 29–36

  Cavalier immigration to, 31

  clothing in, 17–18, 52

  crime and punishment in, 24

  disease in, 16

  early newspapers and, 13

  education in, 55–56

  farming and, 14–16

  George III anniversary of 1766 and, 167

  governors and, 166

  horses in, 24

  iron industry, 69–70

  jobs in, 15

  shopping and, 17–18

  racial laws in, 19

  Revolutionary War and, 196–98

  taverns and, 24–25

  white settlement of, 12–13

  women’s roles in, 14–15

  Virginia, post-revolutionary

  Constitutional Convention and, 249

  Constitution ratified by, 257–58

  Virginia Conventions

  First (1774), 182

  Second (1775), 185–86

  Virginia Gazette, 13, 17, 24, 72, 97–98, 100, 102, 104, 110–11, 128, 153, 162, 167, 172, 175–76, 178, 193, 197–99, 204–5, 211, 230–31, 233, 280

  Virginia General Assembly (post-Revolutionary), 33, 34, 50, 106, 238–39

  Virginia Herald and Fredericksburg Advertiser, 260, 270, 274

  Virginia House of Burgesses, 45, 166, 171–74, 179, 181

  Virginia House of Delegates, 216, 255

  Virginia (Large State) Plan, 250–51, 253

  Virginia militia, 186

  Virginia Nonimportation Resolutions, 173–74

  Virginia Regiments, 96, 149, 191, 222

  Virginia State Land Office, 31

  Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786), 238–39

  Voltaire, 21

  Wakefield plantation, 45, 59, 120–21, 285

  Walker, J. Travis, 256

  Walter, James, 57

  Walzeer, John F., 86

  Ward, Artemas, 192

  Ware family, 12

  Warner, Augustine, 47

  War of 1812, 38

  War of Jenkins’ Ear, 3, 127, 140

  War of the Austrian Succession, 121, 127

  Washington, Anne Fairfax (Lawrence’s wife; George’s sister-in-law), 99–100, 128–29, 137–39

  Washington, Anne Pope (George’s great grandmother), 45

  Washington, Augustine, Jr. (George’s half brother), 68, 99, 114–15, 121

  Washington, Augustine (Mary’s husband, George’s father)

  apocryphal letter, 88

  appearance, strength, and personality of, 70–71

  birth of, 47, 66

  birth of son George and, 78

  cherry tree and garden tales and, 107–10

  children of first marriage and, 78

  children with Mary and, 73, 94

  court orders and, 68

  death of, 2–3, 105–6, 113–21, 127, 221

  death of father and, 47, 67

  death of first wife Jane and, 70

  death of half sister Mildred and, 66

  death of mother and, 67

  early life of, 66–67

  father’s cousin John as guardian of, 67

  George’s childhood and, 85, 88, 107–10

  house burns down, 111

  inheritance of, 67–68

  iron mining and, 69–70, 95–96

  land acquired by, 68–69

  Little Hunting Creek and, 95–96

  marries Jane Butler, 68

  marries Mary Ball, 9, 48, 66, 71–74

  moves to England with mother and stepfather, 66–67

  moves to Ferry Farm, 102–6

  Popes Creek home and, 69

  runaway slaves and, 97–98

  travels to England as adult, 73–74, 100

  Truro Parish church and, 96–97

  will of, 114–17

  Washington, Bushrod (George’s nephew), 193, 280

  Washington, Butler (George’s half brother), 68

  Washington, Charles (Mary’s son; George’s brother), 89, 94, 122, 129, 149, 156–57, 177–78, 193, 243–44

  death of, 279–80

  Mary’s will and, 269

  Washington, Corbin (Mary’s grandson), 269

  Washington, Elizabeth Betty (Mary’s daughter; George’s sister), 75, 89, 129, 152, 154–55. See also Lewis, Elizabeth “Betty” Washington

  birth of, 94

  Washington, Ella Bassett, 71

  Washington, George

  ancestors arrive in New World, 11, 31–32

  anthrax and, 266

  appearance of, 206–7

  baptism of, 89–90, 92–93

  biographies of, 7–8, 12, 26, 38, 46, 83, 84, 111, 113

  birth of, 75–81, 285

  Boston Tea Party and, 178–80

  brother Charles’s children and, 156

  brother John Augustine and, 156

  brother Lawrence and, 68, 127–28

  brother Samuel’s financial problems and, 155–56

  buys Fredericksburg house for Mary, 163–64

  capture of, at Fort Necessity, 141

  cherry tree and garden tales and, 106–10, 127

  childhood of, 83–95

  childhood of, and Ferry Farm, 100–118

  childhood of, and Little Hunting Creek (later Mount Vernon), 95–101

  Christmas fire in birthplace of, 79–80

  clothing of, as child, 87

  clothing of, stolen by servants, 153

  colonial resistance to British and, 173–74, 176–80, 185

  colonial world of, 25

  Constitutional Convention and, 245, 247, 249–50, 252–54

  Continental Army commanded by, 189–94, 207, 210

  Continental Congress and, 181–82, 184, 224, 234–35

  death of, 279–82

  death of brother John Augustine and, 243

  death of brother Lawrence and, 138–39

  death of father and, 2–3, 113–14, 119–20

  death of Mary and, 163–64, 266–73

  death of Mary’s horse and, 126–27

  death of sister Mildred and, 112–13

  Delaware crossing and, 210

  difficult relationship with Mary, 2, 6–10, 120, 124–27, 157, 227–35

  Dismal Swamp and, 235–36

  early desire to join British navy and, 7–8, 129–35

  early romance with Sally Fairfax, 8, 100

  education of, 82–84, 121–24, 136–37

  end of Revolutionary War and, 1–2, 223–24

  family cemetery and, 80

  father’s will and, 114–15

  Ferry Farm inherited by, 104, 111–12, 114–15, 159

  Ferry Farm sold by, 112–13, 280–81

  Franklin and, 39

  French and Indian War and, 140–49, 160, 166

  genealogy of, 26–42

  grave of, at Mount Vernon, 280

  health of, 137

  honors and, 2, 282

  horsemanship and, 110

  Indian lands and, 169

  Lafayette and, 218, 232, 237–38, 245

  legend and legacy of, 281–84

  letters to Mary and, 279

  marriage of, to Martha Dandridge, 124, 149–50, 225

  Mary’s desire to stay at Ferry Farm and, 5, 158–61

  Mary’s education and, 57–58

  Mary’s finances and, 137, 186–87, 216–17, 243–45, 263–64, 272, 274–77

  Mary’s house in Fredericksburg sold by, 276–77

  Mary’s loyalty to Crown and, 4–5

  Mary’s move to Fredericksburg from Ferry Farm and, 163

  Mary’s old age and illness and, 243–44, 247–48, 255, 258–59

  Mary’s will and, 268–69, 272, 274–77

  Masons and, 161–62

  maxims of civility and, 125–26

  MM overprotectiveness and, 61

  Mount Vernon and, 1, 225–29, 234–38, 244, 252–53, 261–62, 264

  personality of, 2, 4, 207

  portrait of, by Brumidi, 281

  portrait of, by Edwin, 281

  portrait of, by Pine 65

  portrait of, by Sharples, 57

  presidency of, 2, 266, 270, 275

  presidency of, 260–61

  reading and library of, 234

  relationship with half brother Lawrence and, 121, 127–29

  religion and, 91–92, 109, 239–40

  resigns from Virginia militia, 124

  Revolutionary War and, 4–5, 77, 188, 194–95, 206–7, 211–16, 225–26, 240

  sails to Barbados with Lawrence, 133–34

  sculpture of, by Greenough, 80, 281–82

  slavery and, 19, 226, 236

  slaves and, 187

  smallpox and, 134

  Stamp Act and, 171

  surrender of Cornwallis and, 218–19

  surveyor career and, 135

  upbringing of and Mary’s legacy, 289–90

  Valley Forge and, 93

  Virginia House of Burgesses and, 166

  visits to Mary, in later years, 177–78, 185, 219–21, 229–34, 235–37

  visits to Mary, on eve of death, 262–64

  will of, 280

  Washington, George Augustine (George’s nephew), 156, 243–44, 252–54, 261–62

  Washington, George Steptoe (Mary’s grandson; George’s nephew), 193

  Washington, Hannah Bushrod (wife of John Augustine), 156, 269

  Washington, Hannah Fairfax (George’s cousin), 95

  Washington, Jane Butler (Augustine’s first wife), 68, 70

  Washington, Jane (George’s half sister), 68, 112

  Washington, John Augustine (Mary’s son; George’s brother), 89, 94, 122, 129, 137, 142–44, 156, 191, 193, 219, 227, 245

  death of, 243, 280

  Washington, John (George’s cousin), 155

  Washington, John (George’s great grandfather, 1631–77), 40, 43–47, 141

  elected to Virginia House of Burgesses, 45–46

  emigrates to America, 44–45

  marries Anne Pope, 45

  Wakefield plantation of, 45

  Washington, John (George’s uncle), 47, 67

  Washington, Lawrence (George’s cousin), 7, 120, 132

  Washington, Lawrence (George’s early ancestors sharing name), 40–45

  Washington, Lawrence (George’s grandfather, 1659–98), 40, 43, 45, 47, 66–67

  marries Mildred Warner, 47

  Washington, Lawrence (George’s great great-uncle)

  emigrates to America, 45

  Washington, Lawrence (George’s half brother and mentor), 3, 41, 68, 130, 135, 155, 166

  death and will of, 138–39, 221

  death of Augustine and, 114

  education of, 121

  George’s relationship with, 68, 98–100, 121, 127–29, 136

  marries Anne Fairfax, 128–29

  sails to Barbados with George, 133–34

  War of Jenkins’ Ear and, 3, 127–28

  Washington, Lund (George’s cousin), 215, 226, 244

  Washington, Margaret Butler (George’s ancestor), 43

  Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis (George’s wife), 1, 119, 171, 191–92, 203, 215, 224
, 225, 226, 229, 234, 238, 249, 258

  death of, 280

  marries George Washington, 124, 149–50

  Washington, Mary Ball, 288

  alleged portrait of, 65–66

  appearance of, 59–60, 64–66

  Ball family and, 3

  biographies of, 7–9, 283, 289

  biographies of George and, 7–8

  birth of, 3, 11, 37, 49–52

  birth of daughter Elizabeth “Betty,” 80, 94

  birth of daughter Mildred, and death in infancy, 80, 86, 112–13

  birth of son Charles, 80

  birth of son George and, 75–76, 78, 80–81

  birth of son John Augustine, 80

  birth of son Samuel, 80

  births of children and, 73

  childhood of, 13, 49–54

  clothing and, 17, 52, 87

  colonial life in Virginia and, 9, 13–25

  contradictory remembrances of, 6–19

  dancing and, 60

  daughter Betty and, 75, 155

  death and will of Augustine and, 2–4, 113–18, 121, 133

  death and will of father and, 52–53, 70

  death and will of mother and, 54–55, 58–59, 70

  death of, 5, 8, 241, 242, 265–72

  death of Eskridge and, 93–94

  death of friend struck by lightning and, 74–75

  death of horse of, 126–27

  death of Samuel Bonum and, 60

  death of son-in-law Fielding Lewis and, 221–222

  death of son John Augustine and, 243

  death of son Samuel and, 221

  death of stepfather, 54

  deaths of children and, 247

  deaths of parents and guardians in youth, 61

  early life of, after death of parents 58–63

  education of, 55–59, 154

  equestrian skills of, 59, 110

  Eskridge as executor of mother’s will and, 58–59

  fear of thunder and lightning and, 74–75, 180–81

  Ferry Farm left by, for Fredericksburg house, 163–65

  Ferry Farm life of, as widow, 3–4, 14–15, 119–39

  Ferry Farm life of, George leaves for Mount Vernon, 151–55, 157–58

  Ferry Farm life of, George urges her to leave, 158–63

  Ferry Farm life of, with Augustine and children, 101–18

  Ferry Farm sold by George, 163–64

  finances and, allowance and gifts from George, 137–38, 177–78, 187, 216–17, 243–45, 263–64

  finances and, debts left by, 274–75

  Fredericksburg house of, sold to Charles Carter, 276–77

  Fredericksburg life of, on eve of Revolution, 177, 180–82, 184–85

  Fredericksburg life of, post-Revolution, 235, 240–41

  Fredericksburg monument to, 284–88

  genealogy of, 26–29

  George’s command of Continental Army and, 190–95

  George’s correspondence with, 5–6

  George’s desire to join British navy and, 7–8, 129–35

  George’s difficult relationship with, 2–10, 124–27, 129, 157, 279

  George’s fighting in French and Indian War and, 141–49


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