Blaise- Doppelganger-3000

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Blaise- Doppelganger-3000 Page 7

by Alice Coldbreath

  “Well, the first clue was in the fact you gave away all your wealth.” He said tracing the numeral one on her shoulder. “The second was that you were about to take a vow of poverty…” He eyed her warily. “You weren’t suited for the sisterhood, you know. Poverty, maybe but chastity…” He shook his head. “Never.”

  “I know, you’ve convinced me,” she sighed.

  He grinned, ducking his head to kiss her fingers before turning serious again.

  “What I can’t get over is why you ever liked me in the first place. I was always so fucking rude to you,” he said shaking his head.

  Her eyes widened.

  “Of course you were! What with my father…”

  “Don’t talk about him,” he groaned. “You’re nothing like him.”

  “I loved my father,” she admitted with a rush. “I know he was a bad man, but he wasn’t a bad father,” she lowered her gaze miserably. “I know that probably sounds like a cop-out.”

  “I don’t care,” he shrugged. “I mean, it doesn’t bother me. Sevaranius … “ he swallowed looking down at his indelible slave marks, flexing his shoulders and massive arms. He looked down at her. “I can’t find it in me to hate him now. Not now I’ve got you.” He grabbed her wrist and ran her hands up and down the Severanius brand. She winced but he forced her fingers to trace her family name. “Seeing this name burned on me doesn’t bother me now I can think of it as your name.”

  Her throat closed.

  “Oh Blaise ….” She leant forward and kissed his brands, the tears running silently down her face. He let her continue around his upper body kissing him along the cruel markings. When she reached his chest again he pulled her into a searing kiss that felt as if it scorched her very soul until his name was written across her heart. They held each other for a long time on the hard mattress, whispering about their future, plans for when they had their own place.

  “When you said I’d be working my debt to you on my back I was afraid you meant something else,” she sighed happily when he finally fell back onto the pillows taking her with him.

  “Such as?” he asked casually, his hand dipping lower to cup her rear, giving her a gentle squeeze.

  She blushed.

  “An outworld brothel. I thought you might still be mad at me, you know for using your image for a sex bot.”

  He growled low in his throat, sending her a heated look.

  “Are you crazy? I think it’s the best fucking idea you ever had!”

  “Yes,” she agreed wrapping her arms around him. “Although if I’d known what a crook that man was…” she scowled.

  “Who? Pomponius?” He laughed.

  “It’s not funny Blaise, he completely betrayed my client confidentiality!”

  “He sure as hell did,” he agreed genially. “I’m tempted to buy the guy a fruit basket. I didn’t like him all that much at first but he’s grown on me.”

  “Oh well maybe you should have invited him to our wedding,” she suggested caustically.

  “I didn’t even invite you,” he pointed out with a low growl, rolling over and pinning her beneath him. “I just took you.”

  She smiled and reached up to lightly touch his jaw.

  “Yes you did.”

  He lowered his head to kiss her lingeringly.

  “I love you Mrs Calvus.”

  She sucked in her breath, tears springing to her eyes at his unexpected declaration.

  “That’s only the second declaration of the day,” he counted softly. “Don’t cry. There’s eight more to go.”

  “You’re right,” she whispered. “It was the best idea idea I’ve ever had.”




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