Resurrection (The Vendetta Series Book 1)

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Resurrection (The Vendetta Series Book 1) Page 8

by Kris Anne Dean

  My men were still getting rid of the evidence and removing the bodies and Franco was reviewing security footage and putting feelers on the street. None of them would dare face me without concrete information which meant I had to settle for blooding my knuckles on a damn punching bag in my personal gym, for now.

  Chapter 19


  The next morning, I woke up in Angelo’s bed, still naked under my robe. His room was like mine but instead of plush carpet, soft beige walls and a blue canopy bed his furniture was dark Mahogany. A four pillar bed, two nightstands and a desk sat in the stark white room. A black rug covered the same marble floor that was downstairs and matching black sheets and a comforter covered the bed.

  The evening’s events left me stunned. At first I was grateful for his protection until his callous words reminded me that not only did he take Cal from me but my life was in danger because of him. Yet, heat still rose between my legs at the image of him shirtless, his unyielding muscles covering me as gunshots ripped over my head.

  I helped Ava into the shower, as she did with me my first night here and stayed with her until she calmed down. After the chaos had settled down Angelo returned and took her back to her room and by the looks of the other side of the bed, he didn’t return.

  I was still sulking about him leaving me alone and naked in his bed aching for the comfort his touch could have provided. I tightened my robe and returned to my room to shower and dress before making my way downstairs to find him.

  The smell of fresh paint and bleach made me light headed as I walked through the house. You could never tell that less than twelve hours’ earlier bullets were flying and men laid bleeding on the floor.

  Voices drew me toward the dining room where I found Angelo, Franco and Emilio sitting around the table having breakfast.

  “Good morning Mia Bella, were you able to sleep?”

  “Some, I waited for you.”

  “I didn’t want to disturb you, come sit with me. Have something to eat.”

  I joined them around the table pushing more eggs around my plate than eating while they discussed increasing security and the search for Gino. The mere mention of his name sent shivers down my spine.

  “Do you have information on the gunman?” Angelo asked when Lorenzo entered the room holding something in his hand.

  “Nothing concrete yet Boss, but we pulled this off the security footage from earlier in the day. It appears he may have been casing the property.” He handed him an unlabeled white envelope.

  Angelo peeled back the flap and peered inside, careful to keep it angled away from my view. His face drained of all color.

  “How’s that possible, Boss?” Lorenzo asked.

  “Why are you still standing here? Find him and we’ll find out.”

  As Lorenzo exited the room, Ava appeared at the door dressed in a black pencil skirt and a low cut red blouse. The shaken woman from the night before had returned to her usual all business self.

  “Good morning Boss, there’s a lot on the schedule today. For starters we need to discuss security measures and see if the men can turn up any leads in last night’s events…”

  Angelo raised his hand, motioning for her to stop talking. “We’re already on it. I need you this evening for a dinner meeting in the city with a potential new investor, if you’re up to it.”

  I turned toward him, gripping his thigh with my hand. “Angelo, maybe Ava could use the day off. A dinner meeting with clients seems like a role better suited for your new wife. Besides, I’m safer by your side don’t you think?”

  “I’m glad to see you willing to embrace your role. I’ll pick you up at 7.” He kissed my forehead and pushed away from the table crossing to where Ava stood in the doorway with the envelope clenched in his hand and Franco close behind. “And Bella, you don’t want to let me down.”

  “Ava, take this to my office, I’ll deal with that later.” His hand lingered on hers as he handed off the envelope. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink and she dropped her hand to her side like she touched fire, turning her gaze downward. “I’m fine. I don’t need the day off. I’d prefer to keep busy. Who’s the investor? I can run the background checks.”

  “I’ll handle it. I have to drive into the city to meet with Davis first. He called this morning and wants to discuss withdrawing a substantial portion of his investment. Emilio, stay with the ladies. Take them back to the range. Make sure they both know how to discharge a firearm. Bella here has a shaky trigger finger; I’d like to know she won’t panic next time.”

  Chapter 20


  The sweet scent of gasoline wafts to my nose as my Bentley GT Coupe revved to life. Shifting gears, I opened it up, the power vibrating beneath my feet. I wrapped my hands around the steering wheel as the sun illuminated shades of purple and blue under the surface of my skin.

  The adrenaline that had been pumping through my veins had me bloodying my knuckles on that damn punching bag until dawn. Trying to figure out who would be stupid enough to break into my home and open fire retched at my gut as I landed my fist harder against the side of the bag. Every thought I had of what I would do to them once I found them warped into another more twisted one fueling me on. Now my blood-shot eyes were as red as my knuckles.

  The three cups of coffee I had coursed through my body as Franco and I drove into the city. I needed to resolve this problem with Davis before it escalated. The possibility of one of my investors withdrawing his money from my operation had me seeing red. This hit could cost me a small fortune. My fortune, and that was something I couldn’t allow.

  The purr of my Bentley came to a stop as I pulled into a narrow spot against the curb. I inhaled a drag of a cigarette, to calm myself, as we mixed into the crowd to survey the building. Davis Productions was housed on the outside corner of the financial district in one of the areas smaller buildings. Davis operated a small time modeling agency but somehow kept a steady flow of hot young women passing through his door.

  A young redhead, barely legal, passed in front of me. The whoosh of wind from the subway train underneath the street blew her skirt above her thighs and I watched as she tugged it back down over her tall bare legs. I imagined my hands twisted in her red curls, and those legs twisted around my waist. The thought made my cock stand at attention, pinching underneath my zipper.

  Taxi horns blared as traffic rushed by in both directions. Tossing my smoke into the gutter, we entered the building through the lobby. A low hum dulled the piercing sounds as the glass doors closed behind us. The tapping of our shoes against the polished floor echoed through the empty lobby. I called the elevator and waited until the doors squealed open. We stepped inside keeping our heads down to avoid the security cameras and waited as the door clunked shut and we climbed to Davis’s office on the 21st floor.

  We stepped out of the elevator and into a plain office. The walls were a dull yellow, as if stained by smoke and the waiting room chairs looked as comfortable as a train station bench. An older lady with short greying hair and glasses too big for her face sat behind a small wooden desk clacking at the keyboard while the phone rang.

  Walking past her, I stormed through the door on the left that read Davis.

  “Sir, do you have an appointment?” Her swiveling chair creaked as she stood up to chase after us.

  “No need,” I replied pushing my way into his office, “Davis and I are old friends.”

  John Davis sat behind a large oak desk littered with headshots and resumes. His scrawny frame shuttered as he stumbled to his feet sending photographs of beautiful girls flying around the room with one, of the redhead, landing at my feet.

  “Mr. Deluca, I wasn’t expecting you so soon,” he stuttered, pushing black wire-rim glasses to the bridge of his slender nose.

  “Relax, Davis let’s have a talk,” I tell him, waving his secretary to leave. I lowered into the guest chair opposite his desk, Franco wandered the room behind me, checking out the camera setup in the c
orner. A Nikon DSLR sat on a tripod aimed at a blue backdrop, the floor covered with pillows surrounded by lighting equipment.

  His voice shook, “I’m sorry Mr. Deluca but like I said on the phone, I need to liquidate my assets and everything I have, is tied up in my investment with you. Things aren’t always as they seem. Look around here business is slow and I need the money.”

  I stared at him offering no reply waiting for him to continue.

  “I got myself into some trouble and this is the only way out. If I wasn’t desperate, I wouldn’t even consider it but…” he trailed off wiping the beads of sweat from his brow.

  Into some trouble, was he fucking serious, this scrawny asshole got himself into some trouble and I’m expected to buy his way out of it? Clenching and unclenching my fist I speak, “Gambling debt? Some back alley bookie threatening to take out your kneecaps, John?”.

  “If only it was that simple Mr. Deluca. I’m in serious trouble, I need 100K by the end of the week. I don’t want to cross you, I know who you are and what you’re capable of but I have no other choice.”

  There’s that fucking word again, trouble. I pictured his lifeless body plummeting 21 floors before splattering on the concrete; that would solve his little problem and mine.

  With flaring nostrils, I let out a disdainful huff and rose from the chair, towering over his desk.

  “I’m a businessman John not a thief and you’ll find I’m more than reasonable. I’m keeping the interest and tacking on a twenty-five percent withdrawal penalty. The rest is your fucking problem.” breaking off the useless conversation.

  Franco slammed his camera to the floor, and we made our way back down the elevator. I couldn’t help but wonder who frightened him more than I did but I was time stressed and sleep deprived and at the moment didn’t give a damn. I pounded on the steering wheel opening the wounds on my hands. Fuck! I had a shipment of cars heading overseas in two days and I needed clean cash to wash with the profits.

  Whizzing into traffic and locking the brakes, I laid on the horn urging the pedestrians in the crosswalk to move as I rushed to the garage to deliver the titles.

  I pulled into the garage and parked my car in the back of the building out of sight, entering through the rear door. Rock music blaring from the speakers of a small radio sitting on top of a workbench along the wall drowned out our entrance. Power tools ground and cranked in the hands of five of my mechanics who were busy working. Six of the ten vehicles were raised off the ground on lifts in the center of the large space. The other four cars were covered and parked off to the side.

  “Tommy, are you making progress? They need to be ready to ship in two days.”

  “Shit Boss, I didn’t hear you come in.” He turned off the grinder in his hand. “We’re almost finished. I have rolled all the speedometers back and we’re sanding off Vin numbers now.”

  “Good. I brought the titles. We can’t afford any delays. Carmine has a personal interest in this shipment. I don’t have to remind you what that means.”

  He shoved the three remaining fingers on his left hand into his pocket. “No Boss.”

  Two years ago, Carmine took one finger for each car that wasn’t ready on time.

  It was getting late, and I still needed to get back to the office to vet Ian. I could use more time to decide if I want to do business with him but I needed his money to offset my recent setback with Davis.

  Chapter 21


  In the confines of my room I searched the mirror for a glimpse of the woman I used to be. I had never felt so far away from myself, standing outside my own life looking in. I needed to connect with someone outside these hallowed walls.

  Spotting the dress Ava hung from the armoire while I was in the shower, I unzipped the designer Jovani bag and slipped into a skintight black dress that hung on my every curve. Disheartened with the eyes looking back at me I tried to disguise myself with a bold smoky eye and finished with a bright lipstick making my lips pop. I studied the mirror again pleased I could no longer recognize myself when a penetrating stare seared my skin, catching me off guard. I turned to find Angelo glaring at me from the bedroom door.

  “Mia Bella,” he says opening a black box from Tiffany’s.

  “Turn.” He motioned with a long finger, one that could cause pain, but be gentle, too. Shivers ran up and down my bare arms when his warm breath caressed my exposed skin. He lifted my hair off my shoulders and kissed them as he fastened a thin diamond choker around my neck. His eyes burning into me as he looked me over.

  Silence lingered in the air as we cruised down the freeway into the city. With nothing but the purr of Angelo’s silver gray Mercedes vibrating in my ear I took in the haze of red, green and yellow lights dancing through the window. Angelo revved the engine as he weaved in and out of traffic. With a speed that pinned me against the leather seat we raced past the other vehicles. The car hugged the sharp turn off the bridge and onto the narrow streets bathed in the soft neon glow of the cityscape.

  The sounds of the bustling city filled me as we walked past shops and cathedrals before descending the steep concrete stairs leading into Antonio’s Restaurant.

  A young host, dressed in a black suit too big for his stocky frame, greeted us. “Mr. Deluca, good to see you tonight,” he remarked, “your guests have already arrived.”

  The sound of quiet piano music filled my ears, drowning out the clinking of glass on glass from dining patrons. Casual conversations swirled around me. A mix of aromas from alcohol and entrees permeated the air. As we walked through the restaurant toward our table, his hand ran up my back and into my hair. Grabbing a handful, he tugged until my head jerked backward. “Do not embarrass me by flirting with the staff. Your only job tonight is to smile and look pretty. If you even think about crossing me, I promise you’ll never see the light of day again.”

  The host seated us at a table in the far back of the restaurant next to a large brick fireplace filled with wooden logs. Not even the flickering flames could warm the chill that coursed through my body.

  An overweight and balding man stood to greet us as we approached the table. “Mr. Deluca thanks for meeting with me.” He held out his pudgy, sweaty hand to shake Angelo’s and then mine. “This is my wife Lanah.”

  “It’s nice to see you again Ian and to meet you, Mrs. Lindstrom.” Angelo shook her hand and pulled her close placing an air kiss against her pale checks. “This is my wife, Bella.”

  There was something odd about the way they handled themselves as if they were out of place. Their eyes darted over everything, every few minutes scanning the room in front and to the sides as we engaged in idle small talk and ate our meals. Ian might have been handsome in his youth but a crooked nose that was clearly broken several times ruined his features. His pale skin contrasted against his dark suit that gathered at his round waist, unlike the crispness of Angelo’s suit, tailored to perfection.

  Lanah’s makeup was simple, and her long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and twisted into a bun. She held herself as if she was unsure where to place her arms and legs and still appear natural in the conservative blue dress that attempted to hide her broad shoulders and muscular legs.

  After pouring the last of the bottle of wine into our glasses Angelo motioned to Ian. “Let’s take this to the bar and get a real drink, so we don’t bore the women with business.” His eyes darkened as he narrowed them down in my direction and winked.

  The men crossed to the bar and ordered their drinks. Ian shifted positions so that Angelo’s back was to the room. Lanah leaned in and whispered across the table, “Brie, we are Federal Agents and need your help.”

  A million thoughts flashed through my mind and it felt like hours before I muttered a reply, “Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what he’ll do if he finds out? Why should I help you, when your guys refused to help me, they threw me to the wolves and now here we are again?”

  “Because you need the upper hand when he’s done with you,”
she continued. Her words fell on my clouded mind in bits and pieces… building an investigation… only you can get close enough… help us help you… your freedom... “You give us the information we want and I give you the information you want.”

  “What information could you have, that I want?” I asked raising my brow.

  She slid her hand across the table careful to keep them low and handed me a tube of lip-gloss. “This is a USB drive, There’s also a bug in the bottom. Get us something we can use and when you do, find my man on the inside. He’ll have what you want and get you out.”

  “Are you telling me one of Angelo’s crew is a Federal Agent? How will I know who it is and how do you know you can trust me?”

  “When the time is right, you’ll know. Just like I know I can trust you. Brie, I’m a skilled poker player and my hand is stacked with aces and eights.”

  Her words reminded me of the first time I met Cal.

  It was a quarter to two in the morning and the bartender had made the last call forty-five minutes ago. Birra Tavern had thinned out when Vinny approached me. Vinny was a sweet old man but you could tell that he was still tough, his aging muscles hung loose under his dark t-shirt. His thick gray hair was messy and his wrinkled brow told me he was having a long night.

  “Brie, before you leave there’s someone I want you to meet.”

  I gave him a warm smile and followed him to the back of the bar. He paused at a door marked private. I had seen him and his security guys going in and out of the room several times since I had worked there but the waitresses were not allowed in.

  “I’m showing you this, because I like you, but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone what you’re about to see.”

  The seriousness in his tone made my heart thud against my chest but I had grown fond of him and trusted him. “I promise.”


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