Ashley & Milo

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Ashley & Milo Page 29

by Norman F. Hewes


  The cabin had been Calvin's and my retreat. Jean had been there only once before that I remembered. For some reason I resented seeing her there. I felt this was mine and Ashley's now. I found out that Lindsey and Marie were the ones to convince their mother to ask us to take them to the cabin on the mountain and this eased my resentment.

  I totally relaxed when we reached the cabin. Shannon Burgess and I sat on the porch and looked down the mountain and over the valley. We watched a hawk soar in huge circles hunting. Neither of us said very much. Jean, Becky and Ashley were putting the picnic lunch together. Mark, Steve and the two girls went up the mountain to the big rock.

  Shannon spoke quietly, "You know your ex-wife is a beautiful creature. She doesn't deserve to be married to James. No one deserves to be married to him. I'll admit he can be quite charming when he wants to be, but basically he is dishonest. If she is smart she will dump him the first chance she gets.

  "This isn't just his ex-wife talking. Ask anyone who has been associated with him very long. He barely escaped being disbarred at least two times that I know of. I put up with his cheating for years. Oh well, I'm out of it now and he is Jean's problem."

  "They have only been married a little over six months. They should still be on their honeymoon."

  "Most likely her money is about gone. She must have had quite a bit or he wouldn't have married her."

  "I could tell you to the penny how much, for it came right out of my pocket. That is behind me and my little business is growing. My life is finally looking up."

  "It should. According to Mark, you work all the time. I want to thank you for giving Mark some work this summer. Steve, too for that matter. I could wish you could find something for Becky to do. She is the one I worry about the most."

  "I'll keep it in mind. Something may present itself. I understand you have been sick a lot. How are you now?"

  "I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. That pretty much limits my future. Mark has been my mainstay. He wants to be my guardian when he gets old enough, but it is an awful burden to put on him. He is so much different than his father. James just dumped me and turned me over to the state. Actually I am better now than I have been in a long time. I feel pretty much normal. The doctors caution me that I must take my medications. Skipping just a few doses would put me right back in an institution."

  "In other words you need constant care, but just lightly."

  "That pretty well sums it up." Ashley came looking for me as the picnic was being laid out.

  I went back to the porch after the lunch and dosed off. I sensed someone take the other seat. Thinking it would be Ashley, I spoke without opening my eyes. "Hi, Ash Baby. Having fun?"

  There was silence. It was Jean staring at me in disbelief. "Well this is a surprise. Were you kidding when you said that or is there something more between you two?"

  I hesitated, then I thought she should know sometime. "More, much more."

  "Good, Ashley needs a husband and you certainly qualify. Is the baby she is carrying yours?"

  "No, it is Calvin's baby and it will bear his name. I am going to raise the child as my own though."

  "Is there any love involved between you two?"

  "As much and more than I had for you when we were first married. I suppose we noticed each other because both of us had lost our spouses. Calvin being killed and mine with the divorce."

  "I'm happy for both of you. I was going to approach you today about having Lindsey and Marie come to live with you permanently. James and I aren't getting along at all. I made a mistake and I'm paying for it now. His kids don't know yet, but I'm filing for a divorce very shortly. I don't want our two to be present when it all comes to a head. You and Ashley must have plans. Will having the girls upset those plans?"

  "No, in fact it will make us all the happier. Ashley has come to love them as much as I do. We were hoping they could come and live with us and we will welcome them. When you and I were first divorced, I wanted to rip them right out of your arms any way I could. Now I want us to share and be a part of their lives together. Jean, I am really sorry things aren't working out for you."

  "Well, after the way I treated you, I suppose it was bound to happen. You know, what goes around comes around."

  "What are your plans?"

  "When I'm free again you mean?"


  "I plan on going after the house we live in. Not for myself, but for the Burgess kids. Mark could make it, but Steve is way too young and Becky needs a lot of guidance. You have helped a lot, especially with Becky. Yesterday morning she was out of control. Making sure her mother saw her dressed as a slut shamed Becky. Then when you followed through and made the mother proud, it showed that other people cared how she appeared. Becky and I had a long talk last night. At least now she is headed in the right direction."

  "I'll help in any way I can. Ashley will too. You might not know this, but Ashley didn't have a friend in the world to turn to when Calvin died. All her life she never was close to anyone. Now she sees that people need friends. Just a few weeks have made a big difference in her outlook on life."

  "Yes and we know who made the difference don't we?"

  "Some maybe, but she was ready. Someday she might tell you what turned her around. I can't because it is her story."

  "I bet you were involved somehow."

  I was smiling just as Ashley came around the corner of the cabin and up the steps. "Hi, Ash Baby." Ashley was shocked. This was my pet name for her and here I was sharing it with my ex-wife. "Come sit in the chair and I'll perch on the railing.

  "Ash, Jean has asked me to have the girls come live with us permanently. Are you still all right with that?"

  "What do you mean, us?"

  "Just what I said. I confessed that I loved you and she thinks it is great. She was concerned that the kids might interfere with our plans, but I assured her that we want them to live with us."

  "You're sure, Jean? Milo told you that you would have all of the access you wanted even if they were staying with us didn't he?"

  "Yes, he did. I want to know that they are safe and happy. They shouldn't be with me with what is going to be happening at home shortly." Jean told Ashley what she was planning. Ashley thought it was very generous of Jean to watch out for James's kids.

  She continued, "Milo said he would help by keeping them occupied with his business. By the time school starts, I should know how difficult this is going to be." We all agreed that nothing would be said to any of the children today. Lindsey and Marie were to be with me, anyway.

  Ashley and I received a hug from Shannon, thanking us for letting her be included in the get-togethers, both yesterday and today. Jean gave me a warm hug just before she got into her car. Becky came to me. "May I hug you too? Jean and I had a long talk last night. I told her I thought you were a special person and she agrees with me. I'm glad you and her are still friendly. I've had a lot of fun the last two days. I'm hoping to have more."

  On the way home, Marie spoke from the back seat, "Daddy, you like Mom again don't you? Are we ever going to live together like we used to?"

  "No sweetheart, I don't think so, but you are going to see us together a lot. We are good friends again and both of us love you."

  Lindsey had other things on her mind. "Dad did you know Becky gave me all of her Beanie Babies for my birthday? She gave Marie two dolls too. She said she didn't play with them anymore. What made her change?"

  "I think she is growing up. That was really nice of her to think of you. Both of you. Did you remember to do for her what you did for Mrs. Brown by writing a thank you note when she gave you the nice things?"

  "I forgot. Is it too late?"

  "No, we will take time in the next few days to do it."

  "Dad, how come you are holding Ashley's hand? I've been watching you."

"Ashley is our special friend. By holding her hand it is my way of telling her that she is." Ashley was laughing and squeezed my hand a little tighter.


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