Witness Protection 9: S.N.A.F.U.

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Witness Protection 9: S.N.A.F.U. Page 16

by Holly Copella

  Marco closed the door behind him and took two steps into the cabin before abruptly stopping. His eyes immediately strayed to the blood on the floor. Marco panicked and turned to leave when he saw Kirk standing behind him with a gun aimed at his face.

  “What took you so long?” Kirk asked in a somewhat demanding tone.

  Marco slowly dropped the bag from his shoulder and put his hands in the air. “This isn’t happening,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Oh, I assure you, it is,” Ross announced from across the room.

  Marco looked over his shoulder and saw Ross approaching from the nearby bedroom. Beck stood alongside the front door with his weapon in his hand as well.

  “We’re in a bit of a hurry,” Ross informed him.

  Kirk picked up Marco’s bag and slung it over his shoulder without lowering his weapon. He then motioned Marco across the room toward Ross and Beck. As Marco crossed the room, he stared at the blood on the floor.

  “How many people are after me?” Marco asked with concern.

  “Dozens of hired killers, I’m sure,” Ross casually informed him.

  “Are you going to kill me?” Marco asked.

  “If we were, you’d already be dead,” Kirk muttered, showing little emotion.

  “Who are you?” Marco asked while looking at all three as he approached Ross and Beck with Kirk only a few steps behind him. “You look familiar. Did you do work for my father? If you’re looking for a bounty, I’m sure he’ll pay whatever you want for my safe return.”

  “Relax, Marco. Your father hired us to keep you alive,” Ross informed him. “We’ll save introductions for later. Right now, we need to get you out of here before others show up looking for you.”

  Marco seemed to relax and lowered his hands. “Oh, in that case, I’m glad to see you.”

  “Let’s just say we’re the lesser of the evils,” Ross informed him, then indicated the front door. “Stick close. We’re heading out the door and to the left. Straight into the woods. If we run into any trouble, keep your head down, and stay behind me.”

  Marco nodded. Beck opened the door partway, scanned the area, and then stepped onto the porch. As he remained on guard, Ross and Marco headed from the house with Kirk behind them. Beck kept watch, while partially turned, and moved with them for the woods. Beck then saw something shimmer within the woods not far from them.

  “Down!” Beck cried out while firing his weapon.

  Ross tackled Marco to the ground while Kirk and Beck fired at the shooter hiding behind the tree. Several nearly silent shots were fired back at them as they took cover. The sniper had a silencer on his weapon, indicating he was probably a hired killer and not a bounty hunter. Ross hurried Marco to the side of the cabin and safety. Beck remained hidden behind the porch and returned fire, allowing Kirk time to run behind the cabin as well. Kirk rounded the back of the cabin, while Beck held the sniper’s attention, and darted across the clearing for the woods some distance behind the gunman. Kirk kept behind several trees while making his way closer to the shooter, who was barely visible to him. The sniper was unaware of his presence as he made his way closer.

  Ross indicated that Marco should follow him to the back corner of the cabin while Beck kept the shooter’s attention on the front. A shot was suddenly fired at them from the woods near the back corner, splintering the wood siding near Marco’s head. Marco leaped for the ground while Ross spun and fired several shots into the woods.

  “Back inside,” Ross gruffly announced to Marco while practically dragging him alongside him to the back of the cabin and safety.

  While Ross returned fire into the woods behind him, Marco darted around the cabin and ran for the nearby dock where a boat was tied.

  Ross saw him running for the open and exposed dock and sneered. “I’m going to shoot the bastard myself,” he muttered while firing several shots into the woods at the second gunman, providing some cover for Marco.

  Marco ran across the dock and swiftly untied the boat. He was about to jump inside before casting off the second line when he suddenly stopped. A tarp covered what appeared to be two bodies, and there was a pool of blood on the bottom of the boat. Marco cried out with alarm, then ran back for the cabin and cast his body against the side of the building near Ross. Ross fired another shot into the woods then looked back at Marco.

  “You came back?” he snarled.

  “There are dead people in the boat,” Marco informed him with a look of horror.

  Ross appeared curious and glanced at the boat. “Did you get a look at them?”

  Marco shook his head. “Looked like two people,” he replied. “They were covered with a tarp.”

  Ross cursed under his breath, “Son-of-a-bitch.” It had to be the man and woman they had earlier saved from the three ruffians.

  A helicopter was heard approaching. Marco looked to the sky and scanned the area. Jackie’s helicopter suddenly appeared over the lake. Ross looked at the aircraft and signaled both directions, indicating the shooter's locations. The helicopter buzzed over the cabin and barely slowed. There was a loud thump on the cabin roof. Marco looked to the cabin roof above them while listening to the sound of someone thumping around. He panicked and ran for the woods in the direction Kirk had headed.

  “Marco,” Ross bellowed out in anger. “Get the hell back here!”

  It was too late. Marco darted into the woods and was gone. Zack tumbled onto the porch roof from the main tin roof, moved into a crouching position, and aimed his assault rifle into the woods, firing several shots. A man flew out from behind a tree and hit the ground. Ross moved away from the cabin and ran after Marco. Zack ran back onto the main roof despite the sharp pitch, crossed the peak, and slid on his hip down the side to the front porch roof. He remained in a semi-reclined position while scanning the woods through the rifle scope. The sniper fired a shot at Beck, but he was concealed behind the tree. Zack remained still and patiently waited.

  Within the woods, Kirk made his way closer to the mostly hidden shooter. He was now only several yards behind the gunman. Kirk remained hidden behind a tree and waited for the sniper to fire at Beck. Kirk kept low and poked his head out from behind the tree. The shooter heard him and spun at the same time. Kirk aimed his weapon and saw the young woman they had earlier rescued from within the cabin. Kirk was momentarily surprised at the turn of events. The woman didn’t even hesitate when she saw him and squeezed the trigger. A shot rang out. The woman gasped as Zack’s bullet tore through her chest. She stared at Kirk as the gun fell from her hand, and then she dropped to the ground. Kirk stared at the dead woman in stunned disbelief.

  “What the fuck--?” he cried out in anger.

  It would appear as if the innocent man and woman they thought they rescued earlier hadn’t been so innocent after all.

  Chapter 21

  As the helicopter circled over the woods, Bogart remained in the back and scanned the area with his binoculars. He shook his head with disgust.

  “I can’t see anything,” Bogart announced. “It’s too thick down there.”

  “Communication is down as well. Must be in a dead zone,” Jackie informed him. “I thought I saw Ross take off after him, but I can’t contact anyone.”

  “Try the road,” Bogart insisted. “Maybe he’s heading back to the road. Marco could have his car parked somewhere around here.”

  Jackie circled around and headed for the back road. Marco appeared from the woods on foot, looked up, and saw the helicopter. He panicked and ran across the road. A pickup truck nearly struck him then squealed to a grinding halt. The male driver waved him into the truck. Marco jumped into the passenger side, and the truck took off down the road.

  Within the helicopter, Bogart lowered his binoculars and cried out, “Now who the hell is that?”

  “The idiot,” Jackie scoffed and followed the truck. “Does he think it’s a rescue?”

  “For the son of a mob boss, he’s not too bright,” Bogart scoffed.

Within the pickup truck, Marco turned in the seat and looked back at the helicopter in hot pursuit.

  “Are you okay?” the driver asked in a somewhat unrefined tone, making him sound a bit like a redneck.

  The driver, Rowen, shifted his small, beady eyes to the rearview mirror several times. Obviously, there was little hope to outrun a helicopter with a pickup truck. Rowen was a tall, well-built man in his late forties. His rugged good looks were attributed to his short, spiky hair and facial stubble attempting to resemble a crude sort of beard. Rowen laughed and shook his head, seeming almost amused by the situation.

  “Damn, you never see this much activity in these woods,” Rowen announced, then seemed to consider the comment. “Well, except during hunting season.”

  Marco cast a look at the older country boy, attempted a smile, and nodded.

  “Of course, hunting vermin is pretty much all year round.” Rowen’s grin then increased as he glanced at Marco. “Especially those with a million large on their heads.”

  Marco nervously looked back at Rowen, who now had a revolver aimed at him.

  Rowen grinned slyly. “It’s nothing personal, Marco,” he announced. “You understand.”

  “Is everyone out to get me?” Marco just about demanded while recoiling in his seat.

  “Yep, pretty much,” Rowen replied cheerfully in his unrefined country accent. “Consider yourself lucky. Us bounty hunters are more willing to take you alive. Some of them boys looking for you will sacrifice the extra dough because killing you is easier.”

  A black SUV suddenly appeared alongside them and rammed the front quarter panel of Rowen’s truck. Rowen dropped the gun to grip the steering wheel with both hands, but he was too late. The pickup veered sharply to the right and sideswiped a tree. The truck jolted to a stop, tossing both passengers violently in their seats. Marco quickly recovered, threw open the door, and bolted from the truck. He darted into the woods as the newcomer, who ran them off the road, popped out of his vehicle just behind them and fired at Marco, striking the trees near his head. Hawthorn, the hitman within the black SUV, wasn’t a very tall or large man by any means. He was in his late thirties and stood possibly five-foot-nine with light brown hair that was neatly trimmed on the sides and slightly spiky on top. He was meticulously clean-shaven and neatly dressed, giving him an almost gentlemanly sort of appeal, although he was anything but a gentleman. Built only somewhat athletic and not particularly handsome, his killer instincts seemed to be his finest attributes.

  Rowen leaped out of his damaged truck with an AK-15 in his arms, hid behind the quarter panel, and fired at Hawthorn behind him. Hawthorn retreated behind his car door and fired back. The helicopter suddenly buzzed overhead. Bogart sat in the open side door and fired at both men. Rowen and Hawthorn both retreated into their vehicles. Hawthorn burned out on the back road and drove away. Rowen attempted to take off, but his flat front tire was stuck in a ditch. He cursed and slammed his hands on the steering wheel.


  A newer jeep slowed alongside Rowen’s truck. The passenger side window lowered, and the driver, a bounty hunter named Quinn, grinned at him. Quinn was about five-foot-ten and built solid with a little, added muscle behind him. Considered a bit of a pretty-boy, the man in his mid-thirties kept thick facial stubble to toughen up his baby-face. His medium brown hair was kept short and moderately stylish, making him physically appealing.

  “Better luck next time, Rowen,” Quinn announced, then laughed while giving his competition the middle finger.

  Rowen sneered and picked up his rifle. Quinn saw the weapon, gasped, and hit the gas. Rowen fired several shots, aiming for the jeep’s tires but missed. Jackie’s helicopter was then seen flying over the woods in the direction Marco had run. Quinn’s jeep attempted to follow, hot on her tail. Kirk’s jeep suddenly flew onto the road, struck Quinn’s jeep in the front panel, and raced after Jackie’s helicopter. Quinn’s jeep ran off the road and into a ditch. He attempted to get the jeep out of the ditch but ended up throwing mud everywhere. Rowen could be seen just down the road with a tire jack in his hand, laughing and giving Quinn the middle finger. It seemed obvious the two men’s paths had crossed on numerous occasions in the past.

  Kirk’s jeep flew along the back road, pursuing Jackie’s helicopter. When the helicopter hovered over a certain spot, she was announcing to the team that Marco had been spotted in that area. As the jeep slowed, Zack and Kirk jumped out of the back of the moving vehicle with their rifles and ran into the woods. Ross drove Kirk’s jeep with Beck riding shotgun. The jeep picked up speed and stayed in pursuit of the helicopter, just in case Zack and Kirk failed to locate Marco. Ross and Beck kept an eye on the road, the woods, and the aircraft in the sky. When Ross looked back at the road, Nevada’s car was suddenly in front of him. Ross slammed on the brakes, jolting both men harshly against their seatbelts. Nevada threw her car into park, leaped from the vehicle, and ran to the woods. As if like clockwork, Marco appeared from the woods, saw Nevada, and attempted to veer to the right. Nevada pounced on him with all the grace of a panther.

  Nevada and Marco rolled across the dirt road several times. This time, Nevada landed on top. She punched Marco in the face then thrust her knee into his groin for good measures. Zack and Kirk stopped at the edge of the woods just in time to see the knee shot to the groin. Both men cringed and seemed to feel the pain. Nevada flipped the writhing man over onto his belly and zip-tied his hands behind his back. Zack and Kirk closed in from the woods as Ross and Beck approached from their jeep. Nevada moved to one knee and had a semiautomatic in each hand aimed at both sets of men.

  “He’s mine,” she snarled, prepared to shoot. “Back the fuck off!”

  All four men kept their distance from the beautiful yet unpredictable woman. There was no telling if she’d shoot or not. Two black blazers suddenly appeared on the road and skidded to a sliding stop. The windows lowered, and men in the front and back opened fire. Nevada gasped with alarm and was barely able to aim her weapon. Zack tackled Nevada to the ground, shielding her from their gunfire, while Kirk, Ross, and Beck fired back at both vehicles. The mercenaries attempted to get out of their trucks, having the number advantage over the three men. Zack rolled off Nevada and fired at the men as well. Nevada grabbed her discarded weapon and also returned fire. Two of the men who had left the vehicle fell to the ground. The remaining men moved to the opposite side and used the car as cover. Marco rolled for the nearby ditch and safety while Zack and Nevada dove for cover behind Nevada’s car.

  Jackie’s helicopter suddenly appeared behind the two blazers. The sound of the massive rotors was almost deafening. Bogart fired from the side of the aircraft at the exposed men, who were unable to hide from the helicopter over top of them. Several men went down. The two remaining men leaped into the first blazer and tore off down the dirt road, being no match for the shooter in the aircraft. Jackie’s helicopter lowered and landed on the road not far from the vehicles. Kirk and Zack pulled Marco to his feet and hurried him to the awaiting aircraft.

  “I caught him!” Nevada cried out while chasing after them with her gun still in her hand, although she wasn’t cocky enough to aim it at any of the men. “He’s my bounty!”

  “Have at it,” Ross shouted back above the loud helicopter rotors. “You want him?” He angrily pointed at the helicopter. “Get your ass in the chopper because that’s the only way he’s staying alive!”

  Nevada sneered and climbed into the helicopter with Zack, Marco, and Kirk. Ross backed away from the aircraft, looked at Jackie, and twirled his finger in the air. The helicopter lifted off and flew away. Ross motioned Beck to Nevada’s car.

  “Meet me at the rendezvous,” Ross announced. “Make sure you’re not followed.”

  Beck nodded and ran for Nevada’s abandoned car. Ross jumped into Kirk’s jeep, and they drove off in separate directions.


  Rowen cast his tire iron aside, unable to fix the flat tire with the ruptured
tire wedged in the ditch. The sound of a jeep’s tires burning out in mud could be heard not far from him. Rowen straightened and looked up the road further and watched Quinn, with his head sticking out of the window, attempting to rock the jeep in drive and then in reverse out of the muddy ditch. Rowen sighed and approached the angry man in the jeep. Quinn cursed, took his foot off the gas pedal, and looked back at the approaching man.

  “If you’ve come to gloat--”

  “No, I didn’t come to gloat,” Rowen replied with defeat and indicated his truck. “We’re both in a spot here. Why don’t we put our pettiness aside and work together just this once? We get your jeep out together and go after Marco as a team. One and a quarter-million split two ways is still a lot of cash.”

  Quinn frowned and seemed to consider the idea. He finally groaned. “Fine,” he scoffed. “Just this once, we’ll work together.”

  Rowen placed several larger rocks in front of the tire that seemed to be stuck in the mud. “You know what I saw?”

  “Fifty men with automatic rifles and a helicopter?” Quinn scoffed.

  Rowen placed another rock in front of the tire, then straightened and looked at Quinn. “I saw Nevada,” he announced. “She drove past here like the devil was chasing her.”


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