Red, White, & Mine

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Red, White, & Mine Page 2

by Elisa Leigh

  At three-fifteen, I go to the restroom and freshen up. I brush out my hair, add some lip gloss, and spray some body spray on myself. I hate interviewing in the afternoon, I feel dirty and disheveled. Looking at myself in the mirror, I try and get an idea of what my interviewers might see when they look at me. Will they see the hardworking, college grad, who is ready to take on the job? Or will they see the exhausted single mom who needs this position? I make sure that my blue and white oxford button down is tucked into my black slacks and fix the collar on my black blazer. “I’ve got this.” I mentally high five myself.

  I walk back into Mr. Cox’s office and find a sealed white envelope with ‘Letter of Recommendation: Belle Maddox’ written on the front. There’s also a post-it note stuck to the envelope.

  I hope this helps.


  I stare at the note for a long moment before grabbing the envelope, note and all, and putting it into my purse.

  It’s time to go and change our lives, even if that’s not where I really want to be.

  Chapter Four


  I can’t believe she just walked out. She didn’t even have the decency to tell me she was taking a break. After calling her phone several times and getting no answer I leave my office and walk down the hall to talk to my dad. I walk into my his office, not bothering to wait for his secretary to check and make sure it’s okay for me to go in there. He’s on the phone when I walk in, so I take a seat in front of his desk while he finishes his conversation.

  When my father hangs up the call and gives me an exasperated look that says get on with it. “My personal assistant isn’t working out. I need to hire someone else.”

  He rolls his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about, Jefferson? Why are you coming to me with this?”

  “Ms. Maddox, the temp you hired as my personal assistant. She’s has an interview for another job.”

  “Son, haven’t you had over twenty interviews already for that position? Just hire one of those people. I’m sure one of them will be a good match if you gave them a chance. Much like how you gave Belle a chance.”

  I shrug and look at my fingernails. “No one was up to the job.”

  My father smirks. “Is that right?”

  I leaned forward, so I’m only sitting on the edge of my seat. “Did you know that she’s interviewing with Yader, Riggs, and Associates?”

  He nods with a knowing smile. “But the real question is, how did you know? Did she tell you?”

  What’s the old man up to? “She has to leave early today to make the interview, but no, she didn’t tell me where it was. I made some calls. I knew Yader was hiring, so it wasn’t much of a leap. How did you know?”

  “Yader owed me a favor, so I cashed it in. When we were golfing yesterday, he said he was in need of an executive assistant, I told him I knew someone who was looking for a job, but she didn’t have much experience. The young lady needs a job that has stability. I know she doesn’t want to be a temp forever”

  I pound my fist on his desk and stand. “So this is your doing?”

  “What are you so pissed about?”

  “She’s leaving!” I yell.

  “So what, hire someone else.” My father suggests, as if anyone else would do.

  “I don’t want to hire someone else, I want her!” I yell.

  As soon as the words leave my lips I fall back into my chair and grab my chest. It’s like the air has been kicked out of me. “Fuck.” I mumble. I want her, I need her, I don’t want to live without her.

  I look up and see my father grinning. “I’m glad you’re getting some enjoyment out of this, old man,” I mumble.

  “Jefferson, you have been working your ass off since the day you walked into this building and accepted a position here. There isn’t a day that goes by that you aren’t working. You never take any vacation time. You never hang out with your brother or your cousins, unless there’s some kind of family event. There is more to life than just working, son. I don’t want you to work until your fifty and realize that you never got a chance to have a family of your own or find happiness.”

  “How did you know that Mom was the one for you?” I need to make sure, I need to know.

  He gets a big smile on his face. “Oh that’s an easy one. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. When she wasn’t around she was always on my mind. Then there was the fact that I was always wondering if she was okay, if she was happy, or was there someone else trying to take her from me.”

  “Why did you hire Belle as my assistant?”

  “I wanted to get someone in quick until you could find someone that you thought would work out. I knew she was special the moment she put her son before work and said she had to be out of here at a certain time each day. Not only that, she seemed like she would keep you on your toes. Jefferson, you need someone who isn’t going to put up with your shit. I had hoped that she would be a good fit as your assistant.”

  “Then why did you recommend her to Yader?” I growl, still pissed that he’s the reason she’s leaving me.

  “You never offered her a permanent position. I assumed it wasn’t working out, but the girl deserved to have it work out somewhere.”

  “What are you talking about?” I ask, suddenly becoming concerned. What does he know? Is she okay?

  “Did you look at the file I gave you on her?” My father asks.

  I shrug. “I browsed through the first couple of pages.”

  “So you don’t know about the child’s father?”

  I shake my head no.

  “I guess you need to go grab that file and do some reading. I will tell you this. Don’t jerk this poor girl around. If you want her as your assistant, fine, make her a deal she can’t refuse. If you want her as your woman, stop being an ass and man up. Remember Jefferson, it’s not just her, you’d be getting her son as well. If they’ll even have you.”

  “Why wouldn’t she want to be with me?” I ask in outrage.

  Shaking his head, he laughs hard. “You have no idea about women, do you?”

  I leave his office and go back to mine to grab the file. I read over every page, until I get to the ones in the back. The first one I see is a birth certificate for Oliver Maddox born a little over five years ago. Next, I find some court documents of one Curtis Hill who was prosecuted for assault and battery, endangerment of a child, and several more charges that goes to prove that this asshole is a shitty human. He’s currently sitting in prison for his crimes and won’t be out for at least ten more years. I flip back to the birth certificate and wouldn’t you know it, this shit stain is Oliver’s father.

  I spend the rest of the afternoon researching what I can on Curtis Hill and the ties he still has to Belle and her son. My computer is facing away from Belle, so she doesn’t know what I’m up to. We both work in silence. I know I messed up. I’ve been an asshole, the one I’ve curbed since she showed up. The funny thing is, when she’s around I don’t want to be that guy. I want to be someone she can be proud of. For her, it’s not about how nice you look or how much money is in the bank account. No, she values integrity, kindness, and respect.

  My father was right, she deserves to have a job that she can take care of her son and not feel trapped. If I can help her get that, I will. I type up a glowing letter of recommendation and put it on her desk while she’s away. Why does wanting her to be happy feel like the end? The thought of not seeing her every day is too much for me. Having a lot to think about, I leave work early for the first time ever and go home.

  Chapter Five


  The interview went well, maybe too well. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Mr. Yader was nice and offered me the job right on the spot. I didn’t even need to give him the letter of recommendation that Mr. Cox had written for me. I was prepared to fight for the position, but I didn’t need to. It was almost a let down. When we were finished with the interview, he walked me around his office and introduced me to the staff. The
entire time, it felt wrong and all I kept thinking was I wish I could stay at Cox Enterprises. Should I have just asked to make my position permanent? No, if he wanted me there, he would have offered me the position by now.

  “Mommy, can we go to the park? I really want to play on the slides.” Oliver asks right before I start making our dinner. I stare at the chicken I had taken out today and put it back in the fridge. I didn’t really want it anyhow. I’ve lost my appetite after thinking about today.

  The day I had Oliver was the best day of my life. He came out and the doctor placed him on my chest and he just looked at me. I knew then he would be the greatest love of my life. My sweet little boy never asks for much and it kills me that he may know I can’t give him everything he wishes for.

  “Yeah, buddy, let’s go to the park.” I give in. Tomorrow is the fourth of July and that means no work for me and no babysitter for Oliver. If we eat later than normal it won't be the end of the world.

  We head down the block to the park hand in hand. When we get there, I watch Oliver run around and play with the other kids that are there. Reaching in my purse, I grab the letter of recommendation that Mr. Cox wrote and open it, itching to know what he thinks of me.

  To whom it may concern,

  It is my pleasure to recommend Belle Maddox for employment with your organization. I have known Belle for just over a month, during which time she has worked as my personal assistant in my office. Mind you, this was only a temporary position, but she did it well, going above and beyond my expectations. Belle is an exceptional employee. From the time she has been under my employ, she has shown nothing but professionalism and character.

  I have been overwhelmingly impressed with Belle's attitude and productivity during the time that she has worked for me. She is both very bright and quite motivated. Belle is a self-starter and I believe she has the potential to be the head of a special projects team due to her no-nonsense and hardworking attitude. She has shown her ability to articulate information and ideas in both verbal and written forms.

  I recommend Belle without reservation. I am confident she will establish productive relationships with your staff. If you choose Ms. Maddox to fill your open position, you will not be disappointed.


  Jefferson Cox

  CFO, Cox Enterprises

  Wow! I can’t believe he wrote this. Does he really think about me in this way? I reread the letter a few times, each time my heart warms and I wish for things that can’t happen. It’s totally ridiculous to fall for your boss. The man is a bull, but a sexy as sin, one that I want all for my own. With me though, despite today's antics, he’s been kind. He’s patiently shown me everything I need to know to be able to do my job. He always makes sure that I have what I need and often will tell me to order something for myself when I order his lunch. It’s those tiny things that I can be misconstruing as just a boss’ kindness that make my heart pitter patter. It’s probably best for me to move on. I feel things for him that I know I shouldn’t. It’s been hard enough to keep my feelings wrapped up since the day we started working together. I know in the end it will only lead to heartache and I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime.

  My thoughts wander and I start thinking about Oliver’s father, Curtis. It’s hard for me to regret being with him since it gave me Oliver, but I wish I had been smarter. I was working in a steakhouse as a server while going to school to get my business degree. Curtis was one of the bartenders and flirted with me relentlessly. Eventually, he wore me down and we started a relationship. It was fast-paced and within two weeks he was living with me in the tiny apartment that I had in the city. I didn’t tell my parents because I knew they wouldn’t approve. I was only nineteen and had an older man living with me.

  A month after Curtis moved in, I found out I was pregnant. I continued working and going to school while Curtis got fired from over five different jobs. I was scared to be going through this alone and didn’t want to lose the only person who was there for me, so I put up with Curtis and hoped once Oliver was born he would change. He didn’t.

  Things just got worse. I had to quit going to school and focus on Oliver and working a full-time job so I could support us. I had to go on welfare and food stamps, something I never thought I would have to do.

  I gave in and finally went to see my parents when Oliver was a couple of months old. I couldn’t do this alone anymore, I needed their help and I felt bad that I had pushed them away for so long. Needless to say, they were shocked to see me, and with a child no less. They moved me into their basement that night and did everything they could to help me and Oliver. This allowed me to leave Curtis like I’d been wanting to do for months. Little by little, we repaired our relationship and things were good.

  Curtis came around sometimes, most of the time though he was drunk and my father forbade him from coming to their home.

  A few months later Curtis contacted me and said he wanted to see his son, that he was his father and he had rights. He mentioned hiring an attorney and getting partial custody of Oliver if I wouldn’t let him see his son. I met with him without telling my parents and he beat me so bad, I ended up passing out. He took Oliver, stole someone’s vehicle at gunpoint, and tried leaving the city.

  Once I woke up I contacted the police and by the end of the day, they had caught up with Curtis and brought Oliver back to me safely. He was arrested and eventually sentenced to fifteen years in prison without parole.

  It is that moment, I regret most in my life and I never want to put my child or me in a position to get hurt again. So, now I’m careful. I haven’t dated since Oliver’s father because at first, I was afraid of opening myself up again to someone, plus I didn’t have any real interest in finding a man. My job was to be Oliver’s mother and take care of us. I didn’t have time to be anything more than that to anyone else.

  After a few years had passed and I was on my feet in my own apartment, my parents decided they were ready to retire and move down to Florida. They begged me to come with them, but I loved living in the city and I was in the middle of my business degree. Every time we talk, they still ask me to move down there. I know they miss us, but I don’t want to, it doesn’t feel like the right move.

  I watch Oliver play for almost an hour. The sun is starting to set and I need to get him inside to eat dinner and take a bath.

  “Oliver, let’s go, buddy,” I call, knowing he’s not going to want to leave.

  He slides down the slide and runs up to me. “Ah, man, can we have like five more minutes, mom? Pleassse...” Oliver asks, pulling on my hand.

  “Not tonight, Oliver. I still need to make dinner and you need a bath. But I’ll tell you what, if you eat all of your dinner and take your bath quickly tonight, we can watch a movie.”

  “Can we watch the new Spiderman movie?”

  I groan, we have watched this movie so many times I could probably recite most of the lines by now. “Sure.”

  “Yes!” He jumps up and shouts. “Okay, mom, let’s go.”

  We walk home from the park while Oliver shows me his Spiderman moves.

  When we get to our entrance, Mr. Cox is sitting on our stoop holding a pizza box. I’m not used to seeing him in jeans and a t-shirt, but holy mother of God, does he fill them out. The Black t-shirt he’s wearing is tight around his biceps and the jeans mold to his thighs. I don’t know whether he looks better in his suit or more casual like this. I shouldn’t be thinking about that now, because my freaking boss is sitting on my stoop.

  “Mr. Cox, what are you doing here?” I manage to ask while still ogling his body.

  He looks up, surprised to see me, and then focuses on Oliver.

  He holds out one of his hands in a fist for Oliver to pound. “Hey, little man, how’s it going?”

  Oliver looks at me for reassurance and I nod my head. He gives Mr. Cox a pound and then wraps his arms around my waist shyly hiding his head.

  “Mr. Cox-”

  “Belle, please call me

  Mr. Cox has never called me Belle, and to hear it come out of his mouth feels more intimate than what’s appropriate for a boss and his employee. I stare at the pizza in his hands and back up at him.

  “I brought dinner, I hope you don’t mind. It’s half cheese and half pepperoni. I didn’t know what your son liked.”

  My lips twitch, but I bite my lip holding back my smile. I shouldn’t let him in. I should tell him that we already ate, or something that will get him to walk away. But I can’t. I need to know what’s compelled him to come, and I need to indulge the fantasy as long as I can. Mr. Cox, I mean Jefferson, is here and I don’t want him to go. “Would you like to come inside, Jefferson?”

  Chapter Six


  When I walk into Belle’s apartment it looks like a well loved home. There are pictures on the wall and toys on the floor. Her furniture is older, but is in decent condition. The place is clean and smells like flowers even though it is a little cramped for only two people. A boy needs space to run and a backyard to play in. I don’t know when she gets the time to clean her house after working for me and taking care of Oliver. Personally, I hire someone to come in once a week, to clean mine, and I’m barely there.

  I place the large pizza on the dining room table and notice Oliver standing close to me. I squat down in front of him. “My name is Jefferson. What’s your name?”

  “Oliver.” He whispers.


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