Falling for Him

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Falling for Him Page 32

by EmeLie Jackson

  I wondered why sarcastically.

  The alliances and plans to travel abroad cut clear, the council moved to discussing military tactics.

  Thanks to Charles' work, we knew exactly what my grandfather had been plotting for years.

  ""The location makes sense,"" Freyja shrugged, looking at a map Bane had unfurled.

  They had marked the spot with a small, carved wooden figure of a mountain to represent Mount Tier.

  It was close to the mountain itself, meaning they knew the land well""”better than anyone here""”besides Jon.

  Thaniel's eyes became pinpointed as he stared at the map.

  I felt it in my core, then.

  This was where they'd been held prisoner""”been tortured.

  ""We'll wait on word from Charles before we move out,"" Jon said, standing to stretch.

  The meeting had lasted nearly the entire day.

  ""Send for our allies, tell them to gather here.

  Start making more provisions for war.

  Send word to Boudica and tell her to meet us near the homestead when the time comes.

  We need to produce as many weapons as possible, train every able bodied man and woman each day, and start rationing away food.

  "" Jon said, his palms flat on the table as he stared into the eyes of each one of his people.

  I realized then what this meant for me, for my family.

  They may perish as a consequence.

  Jon stared into my eyes, already reading my thoughts.

  ""Make it known,"" he said, still holding my gaze.

  ""That we will spare the lives of my wife's siblings, mother, grandmother, and father, though only if he repents.

  "" My fists clenched around my skirts, balling them up.

  I willed myself not to cry at this gift he was giving me.

  Motion to my left caught my eye.

  Bane placed his fist over his heart and nodded, saying only what I assumed to be ""˜yes' in their ancient tongue.

  Freyja again followed his lead, until everyone in the room had agreed.

  Tears flooded my cheeks.

  These people who had hated me now welcomed me home, treating me as though I was born in Macdara.

  I smiled broadly.

  ""And one last order of business,"" Jon said, turning towards Meleryn.

  ""I wish to have my only sister married, before the war comes, keeping with the tradition of our people.

  "" For the second time today, she began to tremble in anger, her fists balled at her sides.

  My mind reeled, wondering which eligible man from the clan Jon would trust his only remaining immediate family with.

  I felt deep empathy for her, knowing exactly how it felt to have someone else decide your fate.

  It was all the worse when your sights were set on someone else, someone you cared deeply for.

  She began to shake her head.

  Jon stepped to the side, motioning behind him.

  ""I'll no have my sister travelin' alone with this scoundrel, unless she's good and married to him.

  "" Thaniel's face went white, his hands dropping limply at his sides.

  Again, Mel's anger dissipated as quickly as it had come.

  Jon beamed at her, the council standing to clap their approval of the match.

  ""So, Thaniel, will ye have this she-devil for the rest of yer life?"" Jon asked, quirking an eyebrow.

  Thaniel's tanned face positively shined.

  ""Aye, I'll have her and no other, for as long as we live.

  "" Meleryn, unable to contain her happiness anymore, let out a small cry of joy, moving to Jon and throwing her arms about his neck.

  He hugged her back fiercely.

  ""Father would want ye to be happy,"" he whispered, holding her head.

  She nodded.

  ""Plus, I just don't have it in me anymore to keep up wi' ye.

  It's someone else's turn to tame ye.

  "" The room laughed.

  ""Oh, and tame her I will,"" Thaniel winked.

  Jon rolled his eyes as he let go of his sister.

  For the briefest of moments, I felt no fear of the future, knowing who I'd have by my side through it all.


  "Chapter 47

  ""Oh no you don't,"" I growled, ripping the flask of whisky out of Jon's slippery grasp.

  He leaned across my shoulders, teetering as we made a circuitous route to our tent.

  Celebrating the planning of a war and Mel's betrothal had caused my husband to lose track of how much poison he was consuming.

  I'd never seen Jon drunk, and although it was a bit annoying and tiring to wrangle someone who weighed at least fifty pounds more than me, it was also quite humorous.

  ""Elisssseee,"" he slurred.

  I rolled my eyes, forcing one foot in front of the other, our tent within sight.

  ""I lobe ye,"" he blubbered like a child.

  Well, at least he still loved me when he was drunk.

  ""I love you, too,"" I patted his burning chest.

  I'd have enlisted Bane for help in this matter, except Freyja was currently dragging him, inch by inch, into the castle.

  Of all people, I'd thought Bane would be able to hold his liquor.

  ""Come along, we're so close.

  "" I encouraged.

  I'd not exerted myself this much in a while, and it showed as my breaths came in ragged gasps, sweat coating my temples.

  I threw open the tent flap, releasing Jon as he stumbled inside and fell in a heap onto the floor.

  He snored immediately.

  ""Thanks for all your help,"" I sighed, closing the flap and standing outside to enjoy the summery breeze as I wiped sticky sweat from my brow.

  Chanting floated to me through the darkness of the woods, an eerie voice repeating words in Macdara's language over and over.

  The more I listened, the more melodic it became.

  My stomach churned, remembering their annual sacrifice to the gods.

  The words were nearly identical.

  I glanced back at the tent, hearing Jon's grating snores.

  Curiosity getting the best of me, I pushed into the dense trees to investigate.

  I spotted Freyja, lingering on the edge of the forest, staring at old Frig, who moved in circles around a pointed pile of rocks.

  It resembled a miniature mountain.

  ""What's she doing?"" I whispered.

  Freyja shrugged, her arms crossed.

  ""She's a seer, like Vala, only she canna control when she has visions.

  "" We stared as she continued her strange yet beautiful dance, her song continuing to build.

  I imagined how it would sound accompanied by drums and flutes, as it had been during their sacrifice.

  Chills ran rampant through my body.

  My hands trembled.

  In a sudden flash of white hot heat, the pile of rocks erupted in flames.

  I hadn't seen how she had done it, only seeing how the rocks blazed in the night, the fire licking the starry sky.

  Frig stared into the flames, her song ceasing.

  As I watched the fire rise, heard the rocks crack and roll away, I knew what this meant.

  Mount Tier would burn.

  The next few weeks were spent planning every aspect of this impending war with the council.

  I'd often find myself bored, wandering to the kitchens where I knew I could be of use.

  The clan lands began to crawl with new faces.

  I met Jon's other cousins, the twins Kristjan and Katrin.

  They gave me a warm welcome into their family, unlike Eva.

  The tension throughout Macdara lands could be felt, could be seen as men practiced their fighting to stave off their restlessness.

  No one had heard any word from Boudica or Charles.

  We waited as patiently as we could, doing as much as we could.

  The premonition of the mountain burning would often catch me off guard, causing a deep unease to grow within

  Frig had shared her vision with the council, though no one seemed to believe her.

  I'd learned to find a bit of truth in everything.

  I watched as Jon flourished as a leader and grew as a man.

  He was diplomatic, kind, resourceful with his wealth of knowledge, and would bring joy to those who were frightened.

  The thought of losing him became more potent than ever.

  I knew I'd do anything to prevent that from happening.

  I stood outside the castle with Miss Meerie, boiling shirts and other articles of clothing.

  The day was unseasonably cloudy and dreary, but I was thankful for the respite.

  My back ached from the constant work, but I found I was growing stronger still under this new pressure.

  I felt a large hand on my rear, giving it a playful squeeze.

  I jumped and turned around to glare up at my childish husband.

  He wore his usual smirk.

  I was glad he was able to maintain his sense of humor under this stress.

  ""Shouldn't you be working?"" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

  ""Oh aye, I just needed some incentive, that's all.

  "" He grinned.

  I abandoned my job for a moment to throw my arms around his neck and stare into his eyes.

  ""Well, I can always give you that.

  "" ""Ye can?"" His eyes gleamed with excitement.

  ""Oh, aye,"" I teased, knowing he loved it when I attempted his accent.

  His grin grew wider.

  He bent to my ear, his lips hovering above it.

  ""Stables?"" He asked.

  I nodded eagerly.

  He pulled away from me, gripping my hand as we escaped.

  Stables were not the best for lovemaking.

  The smell of manure, mingled with straw and rotting wood, combined with hay poking you constantly, was not ideal.

  But the notion that we could get caught at any moment made it all the more exhilarating.

  I was perched atop Jon, both of us lost in the euphoria that our connection always brought.

  ""Mmm,"" he groaned, his eyes closed, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

  His big hand curled into my hair as the other repeated its earlier action of squeezing my rump.

  ""I wish this could last forever,"" he said, his tongue curling around the ""˜r' consonants.

  I knew he was done for the thicker his accent became.

  I ground my hips faster, hearing him moan again.

  ""Me, too,"" I said, my breathing rapid.

  In typical Jon fashion, he flipped me over in one, swift motion, forcing me onto my knees as he gripped my hips and took me from behind.

  It was my turn to moan, causing him to quicken, in turn causing both of us to gasp at our shared release.

  Shuddering, he bent across my back to whisper in my ear.

  ""I win.

  "" We dressed quickly, needing to return to our duties before anyone had noticed we'd slipped away.

  ""I love ye,"" he said, bending to kiss my lips quickly as he tightened his belt.

  ""And I love you.

  "" I smiled, fastening the ties atop my bodice.

  Grinning like fools, we left the stables and made our way to the clearing in the middle where I'd been working.

  I blushed as Miss Meerie raised an eyebrow at us.

  ""Better be makin' me a grandchild!"" she teased, only causing my blush to deepen.

  ""Oh, aye, we're makin' ye two or three.

  "" Jon said.

  Everyone nearby chuckled, thankful for the humorous distraction, however brief.

  Jon winked at me, turning to leave.

  A horse galloped into the clearing, then.

  A beautiful bay mare with a finely dressed man astride.

  Shouts were heard, men running to him with swords in hand.

  He'd already made it past the guards, who I knew to be Bane and Bjorn at the moment.

  Jon held up his hand to his men.

  Charles swung down, smiling deeply at Jon.

  They gripped hands as I walked forward to embrace him in a hug.

  ""I have news.

  "" His blue eyes danced.

  ""Yer sure this will work?"" Jon asked, skeptical.

  We sat in the mess hall with the council, listening to Charles' carefully constructed plan.

  ""Yes, very certain.

  Eli will be home at this month's end.

  We can get Elise's family out before the fires start.

  "" I glanced at Frig, feeling the eeriness as her vision came to life before my eyes.

  ""What about the innocent people?"" I asked, my heart sorrowful.

  ""Those who are on our side have been evacuating each day, making their way to Phantom Peak.

  "" Charles smiled kindly at me, though his eyes constantly darted to Jon.

  ""And my father?"" I asked.

  Charles glanced at his lap.

  ""He says he must stay for as long as possible.

  He says he will not risk his family again by making rash decisions and raising more suspicion.

  "" I nodded, though my heart felt heavy.

  ""We'd have to leave tomorrow, or the next day, then,"" Jon said, leaning back.

  ""Yes, it's pertinent that the timing is correct.

  "" Jon nodded, staring at the table, at his untouched drumstick and mug of ale.

  His eyes flashed to mine.

  ""We'll travel faster with less people.

  Have the rest of our army follow behind, making camp at Phantom Peak.

  Send word ahead to Boudica on your way to the port town, Thaniel and Mel.

  Tell only her of our plan.

  "" Thaniel and Mel nodded.

  ""Yer weddin' will have to wait, though we can bring ye two together before ye leave,"" Jon nodded to Frig, who smiled.

  ""Ye have my blessin'.

  Get on wi' it so ye can leave.

  "" He smiled at his sister, who'd been in the best of spirits lately.

  ""Bane, gather five o' our best men to accompany us to Mount Tier.

  Bjorn, you'll lead the army to Phantom Peak.

  Agreed?"" He asked to the council.

  Every head bobbed.

  I stared past him as the brilliant sun set cast golden and orange light through the tall windows.

  This is it, I thought.

  This is the beginning of the end.


  "Chapter 48

  I was used to life on the road now.

  Used to the chilly nights, the tasteless food, the frigid washes in rivers or creeks, the smell of dinginess that followed everyone around.

  Each day brought us closer to our destination, each day bringing me more doubt at our plan.

  I was nearing my year mark of being out here, out in the savage lands beyond the safety of the mountain.

  Funny, how I felt more secure under the trees and the stars than I ever did, choked by wealth and privilege in the mountain.

  Strange, how much had changed in such a short amount of time.

  If I'd been weaker, it may have crushed me altogether.

  We'd parted from Thaniel and Meleryn after they'd been given a temporary marriage blessing by Frig.

  Their plan was to inform Boudica before heading to the nearby port towns, gathering a crew willing to sail to Norm.

  Since Thaniel was a revered seafaring-man, that aspect would be easy.

  Convincing Norm to join our fight was another hurdle standing in our way of peace.

  Charles rode ahead, his sole purpose to save what remained of my family.

  There was no sadness in my heart, knowing my grandfather would meet his demise.

  My heart felt as though it were stone against those who sought to destroy my source of happiness.

  The nagging feeling in my gut grew more persistent each day, reminding me of the frailty of life.

  We were so close now, close enough that I recognized the clump of rocks where Jon and I h
ad spent the night in hiding.

  My chest tightened painfully as my horse skirted past the cave, Jon glancing at me, his eyes conveying every emotion I was feeling.

  Everyone grew quieter each night, grew more distant from human interaction.

  The unknown has a way of causing people to separate and seek solitude in order to reconcile the inevitable; some of us would not escape this war with our lives, but that was the price we must pay for our freedom, for peace.

  Bane stoked the fire, causing sparks to fly to the stars and disappear in the night sky.

  I longed for home, for Bear, for Freyja and Miss Meerie.

  We'd brought less men than originally planned; only Bane, Jon, Charles, and Jon's cousin Kristjan had been selected for the journey.

  It made our travel far swifter, less attention grabbing.

  I leaned into Jon's side as he wrapped his sturdy arm about my shoulders.

  Bane drank deeply from his flask, not uttering a word.

  Kristjan sat on a log, arms across his knees as he whittled a tiny wolf figurine for his daughter back home.

  His hair was dark and curled like Jon's, only his eyes were grey.

  He was taller as well, with a slight build, but was an excellent archer, hence why Jon had brought him along.

  Jon traced patterns on my arm, attempting to calm my nerves, though we both knew it was useless at this point.

  I was thankful he'd not argued when I'd said I was coming along.

  My family needed someone they recognized as they fled the only home they'd ever known.

  I smiled to myself, thinking of Anna and Benji, of how much they'd have grown in my absence.

  The fire crackled, lulling me into a peaceful oblivion.

  I shuddered awake, not having quite been asleep, as Jon's touch stopped.

  My eyes sprang open, roving the darkness.

  The horses were restless, snorting, twitching their ears back and forth.

  ""Jon""”"" I whispered, fearing the men that hunted these forests.

  He clasped a hand over my mouth, drawing his dagger slowly.

  Bane and Kristjan did not move, though in their eyes I saw they understood someone was near.

  I felt the cold hilt of the dagger pressed into my hand, Jon's black eyes meeting mine, conveying to me what I'd have to do.

  I nodded slightly as he removed his hand, reaching behind himself for his broadsword.

  In a flash, he threw me forward, simultaneously drawing his sword as he whirled around to face the dark forest behind us.


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