The Shadow of the Magi

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The Shadow of the Magi Page 1

by Billy Spencer

  The Shadow of the Magi

  Billy Spencer

  To my son Grayson.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright© 2019 Billy Spencer

  Cover designed by Les

  Stock provided by depositphotos LLC

  All rights reserved

  This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Chapter 1

  Lucuris headed into the city of Alistein,driving in his sisters Abigail’s vehicle. He could feel his body getting warm as he thought of what happened to him and his friends recently. “A crazy time we all had, and especially meeting my father,” Lucuris said to himself as he drove into a small neighborhood in the city itself.

  “Mama said to jump as high as you can, you can’t catch me because I’m bloody Anne. She took us to the woods and gave us baskets, but mama said where is your sister pam,” two little girls sang jump roping together side-by-side.

  “What an odd song to sing... pretty weird, but I have probably heard weirder,” Lucuris said to himself as he let out a small chuckle.

  “You shouldn’t be saying mean things you do not mean mister,” The two girls said as they suddenly appeared in front of the vehicle itself.

  Lucuris was caught off by the two girls appearing in front of him he tried to veer into a different direction but spun the car in a circle and ended up crashing the passenger side. “Oh man Abigail is going to kill me,” Lucuris said out loud as he got out of the vehicle and looked at what was the damage.

  It was dark and warm outside, and the streetlights started to go out one by one close to where Lucuris was.

  “Mama told me where bloody Anne was, she told me she was in the cellar in the dark alone,” One of the little girls said as their laughter echoed in the darkness.

  Lucuris tried to look around in the dark but only saw darkness and outlines of objects, buildings and trees. “I don’t want to hurt you, now come out and stop playing this game,” Lucuris said out loud as he began digging into his pockets for his crystal.

  The little girls kept laughing and giggling as the sounds of their feet tapping echoed in the street. “Mama said I could see Anne if I was a good girl and did what she said. If I was a bad girl, she made me hurt Anne. She made me cut her ankles and poke her nose and under her nails with a needle,” The little girl said out loud as the both of them continued to laugh.

  “Who are you little girl. I don’t want to hurt you at all,” Lucuris said out loud as he took out his crystal and began transforming into his Chaos Mage form, a form he only obtained with the help of his father as a long purple trench coat formed around him with a purple Mage’s hat on his head as a purple veil covered his face.

  “Oh no Mr. purple man I can’t let you hurt us. This will not do. Like my story of Anne and how mama hurt her, she loved her, but hurt her a lot. She slapped, stabbed, and sliced...but she never touched pam. We never found pam; no pam was good. well I found her I mean. But she didn’t help us, she was useless, so we left her in the floor. She was face down like she was sleeping, and she smelled like bad food or a dead animal. She had friends though the bugs were there for her but we had to stop seeing her because we had to leave me and mom,” The little girl said as she was running around in the dark and kept giggling as the other girl started to laugh.

  “Who are you!” Lucuris yelled as he brought out his staff and started to illuminate the area. He did not know what was going on if this girl was a monster of the greater evil messing with him.

  “I’m Anne,” The little girl said as a small body dropped in front of Lucuris.

  Lucuris stepped back with his staff pointed at the body of a small girl who was dressed in a small white dress motionless on the floor as her face turned to hm and started to stare into his eyes. “Anne did you hurt pam. Where is your mom?” Lucuris said as he kept his staff pointed at the body.

  “I never had a mom. I just had pam,” Anne said as she started to laugh and still not showing herself to Lucuris.

  “If you have no mother, and just had pam then…” Lucuris said in a small whisper as his voice trailed off.

  “Bingo....I killed pam and tortured her for days,” Anne said as she crawled on the back of Lucuris and started to slash at his back each time scraping through his skin deeper and deeper.

  Lucuris pushed her off him and turn his staff towards her as he began rushing her down trying to shoot small sparks of lightning out from the staff itself. But with every hit the small girl dodge his attacks and then would jump in front of him slashing at his body and inflicting pain on him. “What are you, and who sent you,” Lucuris said out loud as he knelt down to try and get himself together.

  The little girl sat on a tree branch in front of Lucuris as she started to lick her small claws of his blood. “We saw what you did to our kind. We do not want to return to where we were held. I have killed many people and have done horrible deeds. When I was a human, I sought redemption, but it never came not for the pain I caused to my sister,” Anne said out loud looking at the decaying body that was left on the floor.

  “So, you are doing this just to try and live in this plane. You want to be humans, but you will never be a human again,” Lucuris said to Anne as he was beginning to get back up and locked his eyes with hers.

  He could feel himself being alone and starting to get nervous as what he was going to do next. He knew that he could not hold his own by doing the attacks that he was doing against this creature Anne. He was going to slow, and it felt that she was just getting faster. He felt sorry for her for her life being damned for the deeds that she did in her past. That her sister pam was the one who was the real victim, and one that Lucuris could not help at all. She was gone and at such a young age, he could only dream of the life that she would have led if her life was not cut short. Not by some accident, or some stranger but by her own family. It made his blood boil to have those thoughts running through his head.

  Lucuris jumped and dashed towards Anne knocking her off the tree branch with the end of his staff. “Your sister didn’t deserve any of that. You killed her in cold blood. She should have kept living but all you did was hurt her,” Lucuris yelled at Anne as he shot her with a fire blast that tossed her into another tree almost lighting it on fire and knocking it down.

  Anne got up quickly from the attack and soared towards Lucuris grabbing one of his shoulders and tossing him to the side of his vehicle. “She deserved it always mother's favorite, she could do no wrong. She was always perfect, and I wanted her to stop smiling,” Anne whispered into Lucuris’s ear as she dug her claws deep into one of Lucuris’s thighs. “She cried, yelled, begged me no no please,” Anne said in a mocking voice and she started to laugh thinking
of her killing pam in cold blood.

  Lucuris could feel himself getting tired, he could barely move his body. He could still feel the pain in his body from his last battle. He didn’t know what to do she had him pinned and he didn’t have any of his friends nearby to help him.

  “Yes, go to sleep, let it take over you. Just rest and I will tear your skin off slowly off your body and eat you slowly as you watch in horror as you endure the pain and fear and not being able to do a thing,” Anne said to Lucuris laughing at him as she started to lick his cheek.

  “You don’t belong in my city lady,” A voice said then out of nowhere and armored foot landed on Anne’s face and knocked her off of Lucuris and onto the cold street.

  “Who are you?” Lucuris said as he looked up and saw a masked figure. A tall slender man dressed in black armor with a long cape that seemed to be made out of some leather rubber material. He also wore a mask that covered in black with two long horns that were slanted backwards on each side. The only revealing feature on him was his mouth and even his eyes were covered in white lids with him almost seeming pitch black within the darkness.

  “Shadow Spawn, but you can call me Alexander, can you get up and fight seems like it only slowed her down a bit,” Alexander said to Lucuris helping him up and turning towards Anne.

  Lucuris did not know who this person was, or why they came to help him, but he was glad to have someone fight beside him. He knew that this city he was in was already in danger, but he did not know how bad it was or even what dangers it had. All he knew was that he needed to find people for the war to come and if he was lucky more powers to help aid him and his friends to help protect their planet and their dimension from the evil that was trying to come through.

  Chapter 2

  Anne slowly began to get up her arms twisting and her body shaking from the knockback she endured. “Mommy dearest don’t you come to me, I’ll slice you into pieces like I did as my dreams,” Anne sang as she started laughing out loud as her eyes stared at Alexander with bloodlust.

  “Get up, we have to finish this fight before she kills us both,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he began helping him up as they stood side-by-side. He did not know who this person was, or this little girl was, but he knew he had to help and not stay in the shadows.

  “She's no ordinary girl, she is a killer, a monster,” Lucuris said out loud looking at Anne and thinking just how fast and powerful she was. He could still feel her claws all over his body and he was getting more tired by the moment.

  “I have seen my share of crazy in this town, and a lot of the time I felt I was the one who made them. We have to let her come to us. I saw how fast and deadly she was towards you. Her speed is unimaginable, and you were slow, but also caught off guard,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he began to get into a defensive stance.

  Anne laughed more and more as she held both of her arms down to her sides showing her claws with Lucuris’s blood dripping off of them. “You can’t stop me. I will kill you both and then when I am done with you, I will go for the whole city slowly. I will take the children, the wives, and the men and I will slowly kill them all and leave their body parts where no one can find them. There will be no one to bury, no one to find, but they will all perish,” Anne said with each word louder than the next as she looked at both Lucuris and Alexander and began to charge towards them.

  They could see her getting closer with each passing second. Her claws were aimed at them as she jumped into the air darting towards Lucuris first. Lucuris kept his cool and just defended her attack by whispering and casting a spell that made his staff into a kite shield. “You want me so bad Anne, you have to get through my magic first,” Lucuris said out loud as Anne kept swiping and swiping at his shield trying to break his defenses.

  “Hey, you forgot there were two of us now,” Alexander said out loud as he grabbed Anne from the neck with his armored glove and slammed her onto the floor.

  She was furious and angry and began trying to slash at anything that she could and started to scrape Alexanders armor with her claws. “You honestly think that I came alone. You fool what do you take me as?” Anne said out loud as she started to laugh and just looked out in the darkness and smiled.

  The moment she said that shambling bodies started to appear from the corner at the end of the street. All that was hear were groans of kids walking slowly towards Lucuris and Alexander. “These are kids, what did you do to them,” Alexander said to Anne as he held his armguard to her throat.

  “I gave them a way out. They whined and cried and begged. They were sad because their parents didn’t love them. Mad because their parents abused them. They wanted anything and everything to get revenge. It didn’t matter what it took. I gave them the solution. All it really took was their life,” Anne said out loud as she started to laugh in Alexander’s face.

  Alexander felt his blood boil and anger come out of his body. Thinking of what happened to those people and the pain that they were going through. “Children, teens, and adults you took them all. You took their humanity away from them and left them with nothing,” Alexander said as he grabbed Anne from the ground and tossed her towards the shambling husk.

  “My shamblers we have some work to do. Tear them apart let them feel what you felt,” Anne said out loud as she began to walk through the pack of dozens of people until she was behind them.

  “We can’t let her get away from us, we have to stop her,” Lucuris said out loud as his staff turned back into its normal form and he began to shoot lightning bolts at the shamblers as they continued towards the two while others being struck down and vaporized by Lucuris’s attack.

  “She’s gone, for now we deal with these shamblers and then we try to find her another day,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he started to charge towards them all throwing pellets of small explosives and throwing kunai’s at them trying to take as many as he could before he had to start using his fist.

  Lucuris could feel the pain still from her attack and was frustrated that he could not stop her by himself and even with the help she still got away. “She wants to exist on this plane and will slowly turn this town into a nightmare if we do not stop her quickly,” Lucuris said to Alexander as he began using his staff itself as a weapon driving the end and top of it into shamblers before they were able to touch them.

  After a small amount of time Lucuris and Alexander were able to destroy all the shamblers that were after them and was just left with the smell of burnt skin and blood on the floor. “To exist here and make my city more of a nightmare than it already is,” Alexander said to himself while he was trying to catch his breath.

  “We won’t let that happen. We will find Anne and we will make sure she pays for everything that she has done,” Lucuris said to Alexander trying to reassure him to try and not dwell on something that is out of his hands.

  Alexander looked at Lucuris and then to the floor itself that was covered in blood. “I have to get back to my case that I have been working on before you got here. There is a killer in my city that has been attacking people at random. I can’t figure out their motive and can’t track them,” Alexander said to Lucuris as they began walking towards a dark black vehicle that looked like a sports car, but you couldn’t tell what brand it was. It seemed custom made and built from the ground up. The top opened forward and revealed the front seats and was surrounded by many monitors and switches that surrounded the inside of the vehicle.

  “What is all of this?” Lucuris said to Alexander as he looked inside the vehicle in amazement. Never in his life had he seen anything like it.

  Alexander smirked at Lucuris and then jumped into the driver’s side of the vehicle. “This is how I do my work. I call it the Shadow cast,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he started to turn the vehicle on and was flipping some switches on.

  “Man, my friend Oracle would get a real kick out of this,” Lucuris said as he transformed back into his regular clothes.

  “So, what is your name?” Alexander
said to Lucuris thinking that they did not get properly introduced to one another.

  Lucuris looked shocked thinking that they just met. “My name is Lucuris it is nice to meet you Alexander,” Lucuris said as he went to shake Alexanders hand smiling at him.

  “It is good to meet you Lucuris.You want to come with me since your ride is messed up. That way we can work together to find Anne and to also work on finding the person that I am after,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he was holding on to his steering wheel with both hands.

  Lucuris entered Alexanders Shadow cast vehicle and looked outside of the passenger’s window. “Who is this person you are after?” Lucuris said to Alexander wondering how he can help him.

  Chapter 3

  Alexander opened the door to the front of his house. Showing Lucuris his two-story home that had many bookshelves in the living room, dining room and upstairs was paintings he owned from over the years. “Welcome to my home. It may be a bit big, but I needed it this way,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he was closing the front door and locking it.

  Lucuris was pretty amazed at the size of the house itself and it looked really clean and preserved. “Why did you need it to be big?” Lucuris said to Alexander as he walked to one of the walls and began looking at the father clock.

  Alexander smiled at Lucuris and then pressed a small button on his wall closest to the front door. The walls began to move left and right slowly, as the ceiling began to expand exposing a computer monitor. The floors began to open up as the whole bottom of the house revealed itself which had a few vehicles like Alexanders, many armor stands that were covered in glass and in the middle a computer that looked more like a command center than anything that turned on the monitors on the ceilings and put a huge picture on one of the walls that had multiple folders and files on open cases. “I need it as a cover for what I really do,” Alexander said to Lucuris as he went down the stairs of his open floor and sat in the seat at his command center and began typing away.


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