The Shadow of the Magi

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The Shadow of the Magi Page 7

by Billy Spencer

  “He wanted me to take you down really. He sees you as trouble, and me well I was glad to help. All my life I have seen the horrors and been through hell and back all because you. You took my place, and you took my life,” Smiley said out loud as he rushed towards Lucuris holding his daggers tightly.

  Lucuris jumped up into the sky before Smiley could get close to him and aimed a beam of dark chaos energy at the psycho. “People are in this town. I will not allow you to harm them,” Lucuris said out loud as he nodded to Mazikeen.

  Mazikeen started chanting and then encased them all into a separate field so they could fight without alerting anyone else around them.

  “You think this bubble can keep these people safe? The master will suckle on their brains slowly as the hordes of demons and vampires bring them to him for feeding. They will be like mindless husk in the end and follow what the master wants,” Smiley said out loud as he dodged Lucuris’s beam and then jumped into the air tossing one of his daggers at Lucuris.

  “You will not kill any more people. You may be a twisted version of me and maybe at one time you loved people in your life, but you are nothing like me,” Lucuris said out loud as he dodged Smiley’s attack and rushed towards him both clashing with each other. He held his staff towards smiley just like smiley held his dagger at him. Both equals but both different in many ways.

  “How does it feel to look at me, to stare into my eyes. To know that this is my planet, my dimension and you are nothing but an imposter, an invader,” Smiley said out loud looking at Lucuris in the eyes and laughing at him.

  “No, this is my planet and I will protect it and those who are on it from evil like you,” Lucuris said out loud as he pushed Smiley off with his staff. He then grabbed smiley’s shoulders, pulled him forward and pushed one of his knees into his body, leaving him breathless. Lucuris then backed away quickly and shot another beam of chaos from his staff this time landing on smiley directly. With that attack smiley fell to the ground hurt from head to toe.

  Mazikeen went to Smiley quickly before he could get up and aimed her staff in his face. “Don’t make a move, if you do my face will be the last thing you see,” Mazikeen said out loud keeping her eyes on Smiley to make sure he did not try anything.

  “You traitor. You think the master doesn’t know. He knows about you changing sides. But right about now you will be feeling the pain within your chest Mazikeen,” Smiley said out loud as he started to laugh.

  At that moment Mazikeen fell to the floor and was kicking and screaming, pulling at her chest. It was the worse pain that she had ever felt, and she tried pounding at her chest to make it stop. Her chest was tightening, and she felt like she was on fire. She could not breathe and barely move.

  “Mazikeen what is going on?” Lucuris said out loud as he rushed to her side trying to hold her still and to grab her attention but the only thing, he was getting from her was the cries of pain and pleading for help, for the pain to stop.

  “Seems like she only has a few minutes before she dies from the pain she is going through,” Smiley said out loud as he knelt next to Mazikeen smiling at Lucuris.

  “What did you do to her Smiley, tell me now,” Lucuris said out loud as he backed away from Mazikeen and aimed his staff at Smiley.

  “Me? I didn’t do anything, no, not at all. See not a lot of people know this especially Mazikeen but when the master recruits’ people he places a small beast within people. A tentacle type of monster that lays waiting in the person and when the master commands it, they can kill their target,” Smiley said out loud looking at Mazikeen, placing one of his hands on the side of her face and laughing at her.

  At that moment a person broke through the shield that Mazikeen put around them. It was a mage like Lucuris and her, but they wore red. Their robe was teared as if they were in endless battles, and their eyes crimson red. “Your father really needs to hurry up with his business,” The red mage said as they came walking closer to Lucuris.

  “It’s you, Lucidian.What are you doing here?” Lucuris said out loud wondering what the one he knew of as the blood mage wanted with them.

  “Oh, the master sent you to finish him off, good good. Then I can take his life, and everything will be better,” Smiley said out loud as he got up and walked towards Lucidian.

  Lucidian took his dark crimson staff and pointed it at Smiley, stopping the psycho dead in his tracks. “I’m afraid you will not be returning with me, you abomination,” Lucidian said out loud as veins of red liquid darted towards Smiley wrapping him and going into his body through his eyes, his nose and his mouth. All he could do was look at Lucidian in horror. Smiley was groaning and trying to break free but in seconds the red liquid sucked at Smiley until there was nothing left of him but dust.

  “What are you doing here,” Lucuris said out loud looking at the mage that betrayed his people.

  “I’m only here for a minute, to help your friend. Your father told me to keep tabs on you if I could, but I can’t be here long,” Lucidian said out loud as he went to Mazikeen that was still on the floor almost motionless. He took his staff and aimed it at her chanting words that Lucuris could not understand. At that moment red liquid started to run into Mazikeens mouth and pulled out a black tentacle that had a mouth with razor sharp teeth and began squealing being out from its home.

  “That thing is inside all of you, that looks really painful,” Lucuris said out loud looking at the creature before Lucidian destroyed it with fire magic.

  “I took mine out long ago. Seems things are not going as the master's plan, perfect,” Lucidian said out loud as he got up and teleported out of Lucuris’s sight before he could say anything else.

  “What happened to me Lucuris.It one point I was talking to Smiley, and then all of a sudden I saw nothing but darkness,” Mazikeen said out loud as she slowly got up from the ground with the help of Lucuris.

  “The blood mage saved you Mazikeen, and he destroyed Smiley for good,” Lucuris said out loud looking at the dust pile that was Smiley.

  “Wait why is he here and what was he doing helping us,” Mazikeen said out loud wondering what was going on.

  It was a story that Lucuris told her on the way back to Alexanders house. He still did not trust Lucidian fully but knew that he was trying to help them. Lucuris wanted to know where the yellow crystal was at and wanted to get back home to his family. He missed his sister, and especially his love Jessica. He knew that Alexander and Bailey could help him find the crystal and maybe then he could figure out a way to stop the master from coming through their dimension and keep the shadows from taking over the light.

  Chapter 13

  Lucuris went down to Alexander's command center and informed him and Bailey of their encounter with Smiley, and the blood mage Lucidian.

  “I guess it is good we have someone out there helping us even if we are not sure if they are good or not,” Alexander said out loud putting together gauntlets and equipping them with different types of defensive items.

  “We have to trust him for now. If my father could trust Lucidian then we can too,” Lucuris said out loud as he began to sit down next to Alexander.

  Alexander knew to trust Lucuris but still felt her should try to keep his walls up. He did not want this blood mage to come all of a sudden during a crucial point and pull the rug from under them. “For now, we will do it your way Lucuris. But don’t let your guard down, not one bit,” Alexander said out loud as he got up, walked to his suit and was staring at it as if he were looking into a mirror.

  “What’s going through your mind Alexander?” Lucuris said out loud standing behind Alexander wondering what he was thinking about and if anything was bothering him.

  “All my life I always went with what was in front of me. I knew what up and down were, and I just dealt with regular people. I didn’t want to be wrong and I didn’t want to believe at all. I still want to deny magic, demons and all this supernatural world was just imaginary. I can’t deny it, and it haunts me to know about it
all. That in a home now there is a girl sleeping and under her bed there is a creature waiting to haunt her or worse to drive her mad. These creatures have been in my city harming my people. I won’t stand and do nothing Lucuris,” Alexander said out loud as he punched his fist forward cracking the case that held his costume.

  “Alexander don’t do that please. It is all going to be okay, we are in this together,” Bailey said out loud as she turned Alexander around and tried to show him that everyone in his command room were all there to support him in any way that he needed.

  “I am the shadow spawn no more. That is the name I took up a long time ago so no kid would have to grow up without their parents. To put the bad guys behind bars. They would not stay behind bars and no matter the chances I gave them they always returned to their old ways. I know the truth now, what lies behind the mirrors, the shadows and in the back of every door that holds darkness. What could drive one mad and cause them to harm others. Sure, it is no excuse for those that kill, that rape, that give in to their vices. But it shows me there are monsters that we cannot see, that we cannot feel that lie within us all, within our mind. It is the master that helps these monsters come into our world without us knowing and we see them as we do regular people and wonder what could have made this young man or adult woman do these horrible acts. The truth is they were never people to begin with, they were always monsters,” Alexander said out loud as he pressed a button that opened part of the floor in front of him and revealed a case that held a different outfit of his.

  Alexander put on the outfit, feeling the tightness around his body. He tried to make it more fluid, more flexible and able to withstand most attacks that he planned to encounter. His helmet was that of a wolf, that he had cover his face except for his eyes and mouth, and his gauntlets that he was working on were for more defensive moves. He could feel himself understanding fully now how foolish he was. “I’m sorry Bailey for always worrying you but looks like I will have to worry you some more,” Alexander said out loud looking at Bailey with his wolf helmet covering his face but his eyes.

  “I don’t want to sit back Alexander. You have taught me, and I can fight just let me help you, just this one time,” Bailey said out loud as she walked up to Alexander and looked at him dead in the eyes. She knew he was never going to give up this life. She wanted to aid, to be his equal and to keep him grounded.

  “You are right Bailey. Not anymore. If we are to stand any chance of the evil that is trying to invade us then we need everyone,” Alexander said out loud as he pressed another button revealing an outfit for Bailey, identical to his except instead of black it was white.

  “So, what are you going to call yourself now,” Lucuris said out loud with a smirk on his face.

  “Alurian is a name I have grown fond of,” Alexander said out loud looking at everyone in the room.

  “I have always loved the name Artemis.It is just something I feel is me and only me,” Bailey said as a smile spread across her face.

  Hast went close to them and slammed a book on Alexanders desk. “Are we done here? Can we get to the matter at hand? My brother could be plotting his next move and you are here coming up with name,” Hast said out loud as he banged one fist on top of the book.

  “We know what is at stake hast, but we do not really know where to go from here,” Mazikeen said out loud as she picked up the book and started to look through it.

  “We need to find the crystal before the master finds it, but I don’t know where to really look. I know there are some statues we can check out but if that does not work then what,” Lucuris said out loud as he began pacing back and forth.

  Hast grabbed the book from Mazikeen and then threw it on the floor. “I don’t normally do this, but we don’t have a lot of time,” Hast said out loud as he pointed his palm and started chanting in an ancient language that just sounded like yells and shrieking.

  At that moment an image started to appear in front of them all. An image of a green forest surrounded in fog with many headstones inside of it. Most if not all looked old and forgotten, and some broken and graves dugged up.

  “You are telling me that the crystal is in one of those graves,” Lucuris said out loud while looking at the image trying to figure out just how they will find the crystal in all of that mess.

  “The crystal holds one of my kind Lucuris.It holds RA and we will find them and keep them away from the master. Plus, the chaos crystal you hold should be able to detect RA. This is a simple task and we should be through it pretty quick,” Hast said out loud as he leaned against one of the walls sighing in relief.

  “That’s nice and all but look again. Seems the master has already figured it out,” Sonya said out loud pointing at the image.

  “No, we have to go now, my brother cannot get a hold of RA,” Hast said out loud as he began to open a dark portal.

  Lucuris could see what seemed to be a hundred enemies a mixture of zombies, vampires, and demons all searching through the forest everywhere looking for the crystal. “We have to stop them all before they obtain the crystal, we can’t let them get that power,” Lucuris said out loud as he transformed into his chaos mage form.

  “They have to be sent to where they came from,” Mazikeen said out loud as she transformed into a black mage.

  Both Alexander and Bailey readied their belts and gauntlets preparing for a battle and nodded at each other.

  Sonya moved forward towards the portal with her whip in one hand and a dagger in another. “Looks like we’re going to have some fun tonight. They better watch out because we are bringing the pain with us,” Sonya said out loud as she jumped into the portal.

  Chapter 14

  Lucuris and his friends landed in the middle of the forest surrounded by their enemies. He knew they would not get the upper hand, but he knew that had to be quick and find the crystal before the enemies did. “Dark Magic Attack,” Lucuris yelled out loud as a giant ball of purple chaos energy shot from his staff and hurled itself through a dozen enemies destroying them and leaving nothing but chaos energy in the aftermath.

  Sonya dashed forward after his attack into a group of enemies and started beheading them with her whip. Alurian and Artemis followed Sonya and kept together as a group. Mazikeen followed them to try and help keep the enemies at bay.

  Lucuris could feel the dark energy surround him, the large number of enemies that they had to go through to make sure they did not obtain the crystal.

  “You have been a thorn in my master's side for a long time,” A deep and menacing voice said behind Lucuris.

  Lucuris tried to sidestep away from the cold steel he could feel but did not miss the attack. “Who the hell are you,” Lucuris said out loud as he grabbed his right hand, feeling the cut and blood drip from it.

  “I am the Death Knight and I have come to make sure that you did not survive this night,” The Death Knight said out loud as they began charging at Lucuris with their skeleton hilt sword pointed towards him.

  Lucuris looked at The Death Knight and saw they were covered in bone armor that had veins and blood dripping from it. With a skeletal mask that hid their true face but only put fear into Lucuris’s body. “Dammit, can’t lift my staff up. Have to fight back,” Lucuris said out loud to himself as he back stepped over and over again avoiding The Death Knight’s attacks.

  “Your kind will be eliminated. Every mage will be tortured. They will have their skin slowly cut off from their bones and each limb will be ripped apart,” The Death Knight said out loud as they took their sword, slammed it down cutting Lucuris again slightly.

  Lucuris could feel the pain seeping into his body. He could feel himself slowdown. He was getting frustrated and angry. “You will not stop us from protecting our home. We will defeat you,” Lucuris said out loud as he leaped forward towards the Death Knight and kicked him across his head and as he landed ducked down and swoop his leg knocking the knight down.

  The Death Knight grabbed Lucuris by the leg and threw him forward. Knocki
ng the Chaos Mage against a tree. He could see how weak and pitiful this mage was and just wondered how the master was having issues getting rid of them. “You are weak and small. I do not know how others were defeated by the likes of you, but maybe it was because of your friends,” The Death Knight said out loud spearing his sword into the ground and raising both hands towards the sky. “Rise my minions of the dead, attack the living around us,” The Death Knight said as he started to laugh at Lucuris.

  Lucuris could feel his blood boiling and upset not being able to handle this monster on his own. “No not now, no please,” Lucuris said out loud as he started to hit his face with his fist.

  “Come on child, face me and let us end this already,” The Death Knight said as he lifted his sword from the ground.

  “You want him, you can’t have him. I am him,” Lucuris said out loud as he got up slowly looking at The Death Knight, his eyes now pitched black.

  “What are you?” The Death Knight said out loud pondering at what had happened to the person he was fighting.

  “You want my brothers, sisters and other kin so bad for your master. I won’t let you, fuck I’ll kill you before you even get to them,” Lucuris said out loud as he darted towards The Death Knight. He jumped up into the air and kicked The Death Knight in the chest knocking the large brute back a bit.

  “You think this is funny. You can’t beat me,” The Death Knight said out loud as he began charging towards Lucuris holding his sword with both his hands.

  “You think I need a staff to win against you, when all I needed was to kick you in the chest, so I can see you bleed. I poured my chaos energy inside of you already Death,” Lucuris said out loud as he got into a defense position ready to try and dodge the enemies attack.

  “I am the king of the dead. I am the ultimate necromancer. I control the undead and they do what I want, and no one is more powerful than me,” The Death Knight said out loud as he swung his sword down making contact with Lucuris.


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