The Shadow of the Magi

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The Shadow of the Magi Page 9

by Billy Spencer

  “I know I can’t fail them Lucuris and thank you for giving me that speech. I will protect the people that are around me because this is my city. I used to think I had to do everything alone but everyone has shown me that thinking that way only closes me off from the world and that is the last thing that I want to do,” Alexander said out loud looking and smiling at Lucuris.

  Sonya came back from shopping and dropped a bag of rice and some vegetables in Alexander's cart. “What are you two doing, wait you barely got meat, and nothing else?” Sonya said out loud looking back and forth between Lucuris and Alexander as she started to frown at them.

  “Sorry Sonya I’m not really good at shopping. We will try and find the rest of the items,” Alexander said out loud as he started to laugh.

  Before Lucuris could say anything to Sonya dark rays started to shoot through the store from the outside. People started to run out the front store along with kids screaming and crying in terror.

  Lucuris, Sonya and Alexander bolted out of the grocery store to see what was going on. “You have got to be kidding me,” Sonya said out loud looking into the sky taking two daggers she brought with her and held them up ready to fight.

  Demons were on top of the store itself all in a line looking down at Lucuris and his friends. Crimson red, beast of many sizes, with razor sharp fangs and claws looking at them like they were their next meal.

  “What the hell is going on I thought we had enough time to prepare,” Alexander said out loud putting his fist up ready to defend himself. He knew he was at a disadvantage he did not bring any weapons or even his suit with him. If the demons got a good swing at him, he knew that he was dead.

  “What is going on right now is the destruction and corruption of your world,” A dark raspy voice said from the shadows.

  At that moment a being with crimson red hair, holding two handguns in their hands landed in front of Lucuris, Sonya and Alexander with their back facing them.

  “You put these people in harm's way, you will pay for this,” Lucuris said out loud as he grabbed his crystal and transformed into his Chaos Mage form.

  “Your life means nothing Lucuris.It never meant anything to anyone not even to Abigail, not even to me her lover Nick, “Nick said out loud as he turned around and kicked Lucuris in the gut sending him back a few feet.

  Lucuris laid there on the floor in shock. He felt nothing and was confused the moment he heard Nicks name. He thought to himself how this person could be his friend from home. He did not want to believe it and wondered why his familiar wasn’t with him, and if they were missing, why didn’t Abigail, Jessica or Oracle try to contact him.

  “You can't be Nick. He would never betray his friends and not leave my sister alone, you are nothing but a pretender,” Lucuris said out loud as he used his staff to rush him towards the imposter.

  Before his staff could land a blow, it was caught with Nicks hand stopping Lucuris dead in his tracks. “But I am Nick Lucuris.I would have my beautiful familiar aid me in battle and we fought the demons for someone who is still but a weak child,” Nick said out loud pulling Lucuris’s staff towards him and then slamming Lucuris into the ground.

  Alexander and Sonya tried to rush towards Lucuris to help him but the demons that were on the roof swooped down and surrounded them. “Looks like we got to fight through these creatures first. I hope you know how to fight without that armor Alexander, “Sonya said out loud as she held her daggers up and got into a defensive stance.

  “Might get a few cuts, but what the hell,” Alexander said out loud as they were back to back together trying to make sure no demon snuck up on them.

  “Your friends are mighty feisty Lucuris.I bet Jessica wished you had that courage, she probably forgot about you,” Nick said out loud as he placed one of his handguns against Lucuris’s cheek trying to put fear into him.

  “Better than you. Letting the master control, you. I thought you were better than that Nick, you used to be strong,” Lucuris said out loud as he grabbed Nicks shirt, pulled him close to him and head butted him, knocking Nick off of him.

  “Maybe I just needed to open my eyes. That trying to be the good guy was the wrong thing to do and maybe I was always meant to be this evil person,” Nick said out loud as he aimed both of his handguns at Lucuris and began shooting at him.

  Lucuris held his staff up to shield him from the dark beams that were shooting towards him. He could feel the evil and corruption coming off of them. “I know you are still there Nick. If I have to kick your ass then I will do that so I can free my friend from the evil that is taking him away from us,” Lucuris said out loud as he started to shoot small balls of chaos energy back at Nick.

  Nick jumped and side stepped away from the attack and rushed towards Lucuris with both his handguns aiming at the chaos mage waiting to shoot at him. “Tick tock, your time is almost up Lucuris,” Nick said out loud as he shoots multiple beams at Lucuris all hitting the Mage at once.

  Lucuris fell back on to the floor. He could feel the beams enter his body and exit it and felt like he was bleeding out. He could not taste blood, but he did not feel like getting up. He could feel himself get angry and his blood boil with each passing moment. He could feel Nick get closer and closer aiming his handgun waiting to finish him off. “Guess it’s your turn to take over,” Lucuris said out loud with a small chuckle.

  “Seems you can't get up. How will I tell your sister that her brother was killed by a random demon,” Nick said out loud pulling the hammer on the gun back and aiming at the fallen Mage.

  “You think that can stop me, we just barely begun,” Lucuris said out loud as he got up immediately and rushed towards Nick grabbing one of his arms, swinging him and slamming him into the ground.

  “What in the hell, what happened you were on the floor just about to die,” Nick said out loud as he got up from the floor and back stepped away from Lucuris.

  “Me and Lucuris have an understanding you see. I can't let you kill him, nor would I want that at all. We have been getting closer lately and well I enjoy feeling the wind against my skin and hair. You want to take that away, like hell you will,” Lucuris said out loud as he took out his staff and aimed it at Nick.

  “You are talking like you have someone else in there Luc, no that can’t be at all. Maybe you are going crazy and cannot handle me turning against you and your friends,” Nick said out loud as he started to laugh maniacally.

  “You think I give a flying fuck about you. You mean nothing to me , you can let those demons of yours eat you for all I care, and I still wouldn’t bury you,” Lucuris said out loud as he shot a giant ball of chaos energy towards Nick.

  “The master will not accept this at all. You think you can just do what you want and expect nothing bad to happen to you. You are evil like me; we are one of the same. At this moment you are possessing Lucuris, you know how wrong that is?” Nick said out loud dodging out of the way of the chaos energy attack.

  “Lucuris is my other half, and if he wants to protect his friends or the people of this planet, then I want to protect them too. You can try and stop us, but I will not stop trying to stop the master from harming anymore of our kind only for their enjoyment,” Lucuris said out loud as he rushed towards Nick shooting a giant beam of chaos energy towards him. He could feel the immense power that was coming out of him, out of Lucuris and knew that he would do whatever it took to protect those around him. He was so used to people seeing his kind as evil, seeing them as nothing but corruption and decay but all he wanted people to see him as was a helper, a helper to anyone who felt trapped.

  Nick rushed towards Lucuris and grabbed his arm pulling him closer to him. “Tell me pretender, how long do you expect Lucuris to go around letting you take over his body. What happens when one day he decides he doesn’t need you anymore. Would you want to be trapped in that cage; would anyone miss you?” Nick said out loud smiling at Lucuris.

  Lucuris knew that Nick could be right, about it all. He was still only Lucuris�
��s shadow it felt like. He didn’t even have a real name, not one that he could call his own. “you think it would be any better being with the master. The master would enslave people, torture them, and eat them when he didn’t find use for them. The cities around the world are plague with madness from the Ark Hameltons, To the carcass moon. Cities where people try their best, and in the end the master tries to make them go crazy so they can feed and grow stronger,” Lucuris said out loud pushing Nick away from him aiming his staff waiting for the next move.

  “People never deserved to stray away Lucuris.Everytime we did things would go bad, and the master they just want to set that right. They want a new world,” Nick said out loud pacing back and forth looking up into the sky.

  “What do you mean a new world Nick?” Lucuris said out loud with his staff pointed at Nick wondering what the master wanted. Wondering why Nick would turn on them all.

  “I didn’t want this you know. I didn’t want to grow up in a poor family, didn’t want to see my father slap my sister or pushed my brother around. I didn’t want my mother to leave us all to be alone with that monster. I always thought and felt if I put my faith in those around me, and myself then maybe things would turn around. I loved Abigail, love Amaterasu like they were my own family. But when no one came for me when I was captured Luc, when no one even tried to find me I knew for sure of one thing. Faith in itself is blind, and the rewards for it are nothing but bullshit that we spew to each other to keep ourselves going. This is the real world Lucuris and when the master makes it whole again then maybe you will see true happiness,” Nick said out loud walking away from Lucuris.

  Nick whistled and his demons stopped attacking Sonya and Alexander and went to Nicks side like they were pets of his. A portal opened up and they all left Lucuris to be alone with his thoughts. He could feel himself getting back to normal and the shadow self of his reverting back into the darkness. He could feel his heart ache and the sadness flow thru into his body. He didn’t know what Nick was going through, but he knew one thing for sure was that he didn’t bother to check up on him. He could have at least called his friends and talk to them from time-to-time, but he didn’t even do that.

  “Lucuris is everything okay?” Sonya said out loud as she and Alexander both rushed towards Lucuris seeing tears fall down his cheeks and his mouth start to tremble. “It was all my fault...everything happening to Nick is because of me. Everything he said it’s true and I don’t know what the hell I am supposed to do. I could have made sure he was okay. I could have sent a message or talked to my sister. She doesn’t even know that he is missing, she is going to be heartbroken. Nick feels so far away and he is hurt and gave in to the darkness.Everything,everything I did I tried to be better but how could I when I keep failing,” Lucuris said out loud as he dropped his staff and fell to the ground on both knees and began sobbing uncontrollably.

  Sonya bent down and wrapped her arms around Lucuris.She could feel how upset he was and knew what it felt like to lose someone you loved. “Nick is not gone Lucuris, not yet. If your friend was strong, he will be able to break free, but it won’t be easy. You are going to have to try and drag him out of the swamp that has filled his body. We will be here for you, every one of us. But you have to call your sister, you have to let her know,” Sonya said out loud as she looked Lucuris in the face, only able to see his eyes as the rest of it was hidden by his veil.

  “You know him more than we do Lucuris.He needs you now more than ever. He may be hurt and let the darkness inside of him but remember he is not fully gone, there is still a chance that you can save him,” Alexander said out loud placing one hand on Lucuris’s shoulder.

  Lucuris got up with the help of his friends, he could feel the ache in his heart feel a bit better by hearing what both of them had to say. He knew that if he wanted Nick back that he would have to fight for him. He knew that he wasn’t going to give up on his friend, especially someone that his sister loved. “I have to let Abigail know. She thinks Nick is there, but she must know the truth,” Lucuris said out loud as he let out a small sigh thinking about the conversation him and his sister were going to have. He knew she would be devastated but he knew he had to tell her.

  Chapter 18

  Lucuris arrived back at Alexanders place. He went outside and sat on a bench looking at his cell phone. “I don’t normally have trouble calling you sis. But every time I look at your name, I get afraid. I guess I should really get this over with,” Lucuris said to himself as began calling his sister.

  “Hey Luc, long time no talky to brothereno. I know you hate talking on the phone, but you can call in every now and again you know?” Abigail said on the other side chuckling softly.

  “Sorry Abigail I got pretty caught up with things over here. How is everyone?” Lucuris said softly into the phone curious about his friends.

  “Joey well he is trying to settle in, he never actually had a pizza. I wonder what the heck your parents ate on their home world. Oracle is doing okay himself, but he has bit a bit secluded by himself. I guess our last fight took a lot out of him. Jessica she has just been training and training every day since you left, she talks about you but I know she misses you,” Abigail said to Lucuris sounding excited to her brother for the first time in what seemed to be in forever.

  Lucuris let out a sigh, he knew what he had to do. It hurt him a lot to say it, and to think about it but he knew it had to be done. “Abigail, I need to talk to you about Nick,” Lucuris said with his voice starting to crack trying to hold himself together.

  “What about Nick. He is at home right now. I can call him and yell at him you need to talk to him,” Abigail said out loud her voice low sounding concerned about what Lucuris wanted Nick for.

  “No, I don’t need him. Just listen, Nick is here...but he’s with the master now. I don’t think it is really him and I think he is being controlled but don’t worry sis I will get Nick back I promise, you just keep our town safe,” Lucuris said out loud feeling each word come out of his mouth feeling like he was trying to get a lump out of his throat. It was one of the hardest things that he could do, and he could feel his heart sink with each passing moment that Abigail was silent and wasn’t saying anything.

  “Give me your address Lucuris.I need to come to you now,” Abigail said out loud into the line feeling each second with urgency.

  “Sis I got it don’t worry just keep out town safe,” Lucuris said out loud on the line trying to calm his sister down.

  :He could hear on the phone her fist hit a table and could feel the anger in her voice before she was going to speak.

  “Listen up Luc.I am coming to where you are at and so is everyone else. Nick is my man and if anything is hurting the one, I love I am sure as hell not sitting on the fucking sidelines doing fuck all. Now little brother give me, you address to where you’re at, now.” Abigail said on the other line feeling her blood boil not from Lucuris but from Nick being captured and controlled.

  Lucuris could feel how determined his sister was to help Nick. He knew that with everyone that they would be able to free their friend from the darkness that was holding him back.

  Chapter 19

  Lucuris waited inside Alexander's house waiting on his couch along with everyone else, including Hast. “Maybe she got lost, or just went back home,” Lucuris said out loud looking outside the window close to him seeing if any vehicles pulled up.

  “You should probably sit down and try not to worry so much, “Bailey said out loud handing Lucuris a glass of sweet tea and then heading back to the kitchen to get more for everybody else.

  “So, you really think you can get your friend back from the master’s control?” Hast said out loud while sitting on a chair in the corner looking through a book while trying to hold in a chuckle.

  “You elder gods aren’t so strong you know. You need us more than we need you,” Sonya said out loud looking at Hast and pointing one of her daggers at him.

  “You really do not have to be so violent you know
. It is my brother you are really mad at. Now how about we direct that anger at something useful,” Hast said out loud leaning forward looking at Sonya and giving her a smile from behind his mask.

  Before anyone else could reply to Hast someone began knocking at Alexander's door. Lucuris got up and open the door and in front of him he saw two females wore an old band shirt along with a leather jacket and jeans. He leaned in and hugged her tightly. “It is so nice to see you Abigail,” Lucuris said out loud as he let his sister inside the house.

  Behind her was the one woman who always had his eyes and heart. He saw her wear a shirt with one of his favorite caped heroes, black jeans and converses. As soon as he smiles, she leaped into his arms wrapping herself around him. “Every day I have thought about you Jessica,” Lucuris said out loud as he began kissing her softly.

  “Every day I have been waiting for the next time when I would be able to hold you. I have trained and gotten stronger,” Jessica said out loud as she slowly got off Lucuris but could not help but continue to smile at him. She missed him every moment he was away and the moment she laid eyes on him again she felt her heart bust out with joy.

  Lucuris smiled and hugged Jessica tightly and tried to feel every ounce of love that was coming off her. “My love for you grows stronger by the moment,” Lucuris said softly in her ear.


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