Steele Her Heart: Steel Bros Book 4

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Steele Her Heart: Steel Bros Book 4 Page 3

by Knox, Elizabeth

  They had quite the struggle when it came to her getting pregnant, going to fertility doctors and ultimately had to go through two rounds of IVF. They implanted three eggs and two survived, resulting in the birth of two beautiful baby girls.

  Christian is running through the front door of the coffee shop, failing at putting on his tie properly while running in. It seems fatherhood is really doing a number on this guy. His hair is a mess and the bags under his eyes don’t make me envious one bit. I could wait ten years before I expand my family and be completely content.

  He takes a seat at the table across from me and successfully puts his tie on. “Having a rough morning?”

  Christian grunts, “You have no idea. Every time Gianna fell asleep Reagan would start screaming and thus started a vicious cycle. Selena and I maybe had two hours of sleep, if that, then Ellie ran into our room saying her stomach hurt. Not even five seconds after the fact we’re getting thrown up on like we’re in the club with some chick who drank entirely too much. Fuck, the worst timing for her to get a stomach bug. We’re exhausted as hell.”

  I can’t help but cringe at what Christian’s just said. “I’m sorry, sounds like rough isn’t an accurate representation of it.”

  “Yeah, well this is life. Thank goodness for hot showers, cologne and disinfectant. I felt so bad leaving Selena there alone with the kids but she’s so adamant on not having a nanny. We’re in the position where we can obviously afford one, so why not?”

  Catherine comes over with my hot caramel cappuccino and Christian’s gingerbread latte. He starts to open his mouth, surely to tell Catherine she screwed up his order but as I put my hand up in the air to silence him he doesn’t say a word. “Have you thought Selena wants to do this by herself, without any help?”

  “I mean, yeah. I don’t see why, though. Parenting is hard in general; it doesn’t mean we need to make it harder than necessary.” He tells me.

  “Sure, but think of it like this. Selena’s mom left her and the kids, her dad died and every responsibility fell on her shoulders. Do you think it’s possible that either of these are true; she either feels like the hard way is the right way, or, she believes by accepting help it’s taking the easy way out?”

  “I mean, either is possible.” Christian comments, obviously thinking about what I’ve said.

  “Here’s my suggestion, offer her the help part time. See if she’ll accept it that way. Or . . .” an ingenious idea pops in my head. One I’m sure Logan would kill me for suggesting . . . but Christian needs help. I only know one person on this earth who’d love to help them and wouldn’t make Selena feel a certain way.

  “Or?” Christian presses me to continue.

  “My abuela has been contemplating retiring for the last few weeks. What if she retires from being an assistant and helps Selena with the twins? She loves being around all the kids, and they’re practically our own family so . . .”

  “Logan is going to strangle you for giving me this idea,” Christian chuckles, finally taking a sip of his latte. “Holy shit. This is great!”

  “Do me a favor and don’t tell him it was my idea. I’ll make the suggestion tomorrow when I see her for our weekly Sunday night dinner. Alright?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Fuck, I’m so glad you’re my assistant. Sucks that you’re getting transferred again, though.”

  I bat my eyes at him a few times. “What? This is news to me.”

  “Yeah, Jordan put in a request to fire the village idiot who’s been working for him the last month. He demanded someone capable of properly doing their job and since Logan believes I don’t need to hog you to myself . . . he’s putting you with Jordan.”

  “And Logan agreed to it after what happened last night?” I hiss my question out, glaring at the man sitting across the table from me. I suppose I should be directing my rage at Logan for acting a fool, but I’ll have to suffice with Christian as my victim.

  “Logan believes you and Jordan can keep your personal issues for after hours.” Christian laughs at the end of it. Fucking asshole.

  “Oh, you’re enjoying this are you?” I growl.

  “A tad, yes.” He admits.

  I roll my eyes and stew for a couple of minutes before Catherine comes over with our food. The omelet is better than I thought it would be and Christian doesn’t say jack shit when he sees his avocado toast. He even tries to bite around it, ultimately giving in but looking like he’ll gag at any moment.

  We eat our breakfast and get finished ten minutes before he needs to head upstairs for his first meeting of the day with a potential new investment, so I bring up something I know I’m going to regret. “Can we take our conversation to a personal level over the next few minutes?”


  “How in the world did you find out about Jordan and . . . me all those years ago?” I know he said everyone found out last Christmas, but I want to see if he’s lying to me or not.

  “Madigan blurted it out in front of everyone. You should’ve seen his face when she did it. I thought he was going to shit himself.”

  “Why would he tell Madigan? It doesn’t make sense. If he was going to confide in anyone, I always expected it would be you.”

  “Me? That’s a trip. What about that twin bond and all that?”

  “Jordan and Logan are polar opposites. You have the same darkness Jordan does and I think it's why you two get along the best.”

  “Hmm, never thought of it that way. So, why were you upset like that?”

  I look to the ceiling for a few seconds and stare at the industrial lights hanging above us while I think of a proper and mature answer. “I was blindsided that . . . special summer was outed to you all and I wasn’t even made aware of it. I was hurt because no one thought to tell me they knew. It made me feel like an idiot. Almost like I was the butt of a joke between the group of you.”

  Christian’s expression falters, looking as if he’s genuinely sorry for the way I felt. “Lace, you should never feel like that with us, ever. We all love you. We’d never laugh about you in any way. Lord help any of us who did, because we’d plow their fucking face in.”

  I remain quiet and look off through the window to the small garden we had put here a few months back. “What’s on your mind? You only stare off into the distance like that when something’s bugging you.”

  “Nothing is bugging me, but I said something to Jordan after I scurried off and he followed me in the stairwell. I told him he’d have to work for me, that I wasn’t just going to fall right back into his arms.”

  “Maybe he’s trying to show you he’s ready.”

  I roll my eyes at Christian’s comment. “When has Jordan ever been ready for this? He broke my heart, Chris. I know he’s your brother and I’m not asking you to pick sides or anything . . . but he wrecked me. I’m scared at the way I taunted him last night, how I told him to put in the work if he really wants me.”

  “No, you’re lying. That’s not why you’re afraid. You’re scared because you know you’ll fall back into his arms. Only this time it’ll be harder than ever before and you’re terrified of what will happen if it doesn’t work.”

  Fuck, I hate that Christian and I are such good friends. “Am I wrong for feeling that way?”

  “No, it’s smart. Love is the most terrifying thing on this planet.”

  Chapter Four

  I have a deep desire to know how much your body can take. To let those sensations take control of you. To have you exposed and bare. To make you feel and not resist.



  Turning my wrist I check the time. Fifteen minutes late. Hmm. As far as I’m concerned I don’t need to spend another minute here waiting for this jackoff to arrive. We had a business meeting and he’s the one who chose not to show up. I guess he doesn’t need the guns that badly. Out of spite I may just go and sell them to his enemy. It’s a common practice we follow. At the end of the day it teaches people not to fuck with the Steele brothers’

  I pull the keys to my car from my pocket and unlock my car, head over to it and get into the driver’s seat, heading toward Steele Enterprises. It’s a Saturday evening around eight, so everyone who did come into work for the day should be long gone. It’ll give me some time to get ahead on some legitimate business before I run amuck next week handling the other side of the family business.

  I move swiftly as I drive down to the building, go into the private sector of our parking garage and park my car in my assigned spot. I make my way up to the elevator and press the button for our floor. Leaning back against the elevator I think about everything that transpired last night. How for a split second I saw the need and longing in her eyes after I pulled her close. I fucking froze and let her walk away from me. I won’t make the same mistake again.

  It’s partially why I complained so much about the idiot who just graduated from college to Logan. He hired this guy after he did an awful job in his interview, thinking the kid could somehow pull off this job. I’ve been doing more of his job than he ever did. Last night I was able to talk Logan into switching Lacey to my team. I need an assistant who’s fully capable of handling the job. I didn’t say her name, but she’s the only one besides Esme who’s efficient enough to do it properly. Plus, it’s not like Logan would ever give up Esme.

  Surprisingly when the doors open, I’m met with an office that’s half lit up. When there isn’t a soul here it isn’t this bright. My guess is I’m not the only one here tonight. I venture down the hallway and the silence slowly starts to dissipate as lyrics about a woman telling her ex to cry for her blast out.

  Hmm, so I must have a woman in here with me. Now, who in the world could it be? Instead of heading straight into my office I head toward the music as it changes to a song about two lovers who have been apart for years.

  I realize as I walk closer, I’m heading to Lacey’s office. I stand in the doorway as she’s teeter-tottering a pen back and forth on her fingers as she stares down at the tablet in her hands. My guess is she’s probably preparing the position for whomever is taking her place on Christian’s team. Fuck, she’s probably doing his schedule for the next three weeks to give her replacement the ability to figure out how he likes things done.

  I watch as Lacey comes to a complete stop, her eyes shift to the left and she spots me. “Listening to Camila Cabello I see?”

  “Seems fitting, does it not?” Answering my question with a question. Fuck, I’ve always loved her sassiness.

  “Never realized I hurt your precious little heart this much,” I comment, staring at the deep purple silk blouse she’s wearing. She paired it with a striped pencil skirt and a pair of matching purple pumps.

  “Of course you wouldn’t. You’re an emotionless bastard.” She rolls her eyes, turns and picks up a pair of reading glasses from her desk. Sliding them on she returns back to work and I move from the doorway of her office to sit in front of her desk, making myself comfortable.

  She continues working for a couple minutes before she notices I haven’t left and comes to an abrupt stop. “You can leave you know.”

  “I’d rather not. This is fascinating to me, kind of like watching a documentary on Animal Planet of a cheetah catching its kill.”

  “Nice to know it enthralls you I do my job.” Lacey scoffs, strutting behind her desk she takes a seat in her office chair.

  “Shouldn’t it? I’ve had a brainless buffoon working under me for longer than I care to admit. It’s about time I get someone who can do their job properly.”

  “Oh, and that’s how I ended up being the one who would work as your assistant, right Jordan? Because I do my fucking job well. I’m not an idiot, so please drop the act. You were calculating in this decision like you are in every decision you make. The egotistical, controlling, bratty billionaire. Have I mentioned cocky? You’re such a cocky fuck.”

  “Yeah, I do have a great cock and love to fuck.”

  “That isn’t what I said.” It’s adorable watching her get fired up from across the room. She huffs, rising from her chair. “Are you going to sit here and distract me all night? I have work to do.”

  “You should be at home or doing what you normally do on the weekends.”

  “I’m only staying here for another hour before I head out. I have plans tonight.”

  “You do?” I cock a brow, wondering where it is she’s going.

  “Yep, I sure do, so if you keep distracting me I’m going to be late and that’ll make my date very upset.”

  Date. Did she just fucking say date? I clench my jaw, trying to act like I’m not bothered by what she’s said. “I didn’t realize you were going out on dates.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I’m a successful, beautiful, intelligent woman. Surely people would be interested in me, and I’ve had this date planned for weeks. Came from out of town to see me.”

  I blink processing what she’s just said. Fuck, this guy must be really into her if he’s coming from out of town. Motherfucker. The hell if I’m going to let him take her away from me.

  “You’re right, anyone would be lucky to have you on their arm, just as I was last night. I’ll admit, I’m surprised you’re going out on dates. I didn’t think you . . . were dating. I also find it interesting you didn’t tell me last night when I kissed you.”

  “We’re not dating, Jordan. We’re not anything close, alright? I don’t owe you an explanation.”

  I chuckle. My, my how she has grown a pair of brass balls over the years. “Very true, Bunny.”

  Lacey’s mouth comes wide open from complete shock. I haven’t called her this in years, and fuck if I’m not hoping it’ll work in my favor. “You don’t get to call me that. You lost the privilege after you ran off on me, Jordan. I was prepared to make things work with you and you acted just as a coward would, running off and doing god knows what. Although I should thank you for that difficult lesson. You did me a solid, teaching me the ways of the world and all that.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “This world is cruel, selfish and toxic. You showed me that. While it hurt at first, I needed to see it, so thank you Jordan Steele for breaking my heart.” Lacey turns to her computer and begins typing away, peering up after two minutes of silence pass us by. “If you don’t mind leaving that would be great. I have work to do and I really don’t want to be late tonight. Besides, don’t you have work to do or something?”

  I hold back my smile from hearing her cattiness come straight out and rise, exiting her office and make sure to shut the door behind me. I take my phone from my pocket and head down to my office, close the door and dial Reggie, my brother-in-law. He answers on the third ring.

  “Jordan, what’s up?”

  “You have a man you can spare right now? Hell, who am I kidding. Of course you do, for the right price that is.”

  “Appreciate how you always cut to the chase.” Reggie mutters.

  “I need you to stick a man on Lacey for me, as soon as possible. She’s going somewhere tonight and I need to keep tabs on her.”

  “Is Lacey in danger?” Reggie questions.

  “Uh, not exactly.”

  “What’re you up to, Jordan?”

  “Do you ask this many questions to all of your clients or just me?”

  “Most of them, if they make me feel like something is fishy.” Reggie replies.

  I don’t know how I’m making him feel that way, but what the fuck ever. It isn’t my problem. “Look, do you have someone or not? I’m sure I can hire one of your competitors to do this job.”

  “Damn, Jordan. Someone’s getting heated pretty fucking quick. I’ve got a guy. He’s new, but I think he’ll do a good job.”

  “New? Who the fuck is new?”

  “Kace. He’s an ex-SEAL, new to the personal security business. He’s doing a damn good job, though.”

  “Fine. When can he be here?”

  “Ten minutes.”

  “Great, get him everything he needs and tell him
to keep me informed.”

  “Alright,” Reggie ends the call and I smirk widely. Lacey doesn’t know what’s about to happen tonight but I can assure her date won’t be going according to plan.

  Chapter Five

  “Always choose the truth over a pretty lie.”

  ~Beau Taplin


  I shimmy out of the pencil skirt that’s been confining my deep lilac silk blouse dress all day long. Normally I wouldn’t mind changing, but I haven’t seen this person in ages and I want to get as much time with them as I can before they leave again. I hate how much they’re always flying around the continent, but totally understand. I won’t lie, I’m also a tad bit jealous. I’d kill to be visiting different cities, experiencing different cultures, food, fashion, etcetera.

  My dress has gold buttons going down the front and now that my pencil skirt has been removed, it ends a couple inches below my ass. Typically I don’t wear things this sexy when I go out, but today felt like the right time. I just switch out my heels for a pair of over the knee lace up boots. They’re a bitch to put on, but they make me feel like I run the world.

  Fuck, now Beyoncé is running through my mind. Once I finish getting sorted and freshen up my makeup a bit, I lock up my office, turn off the lights except for the usual few that constantly stay on and head into the elevator. I don’t even give a shit if Jordan is still in the office. It only takes a few minutes before I’m in the parking garage. I get into my Jeep Grand Cherokee and drive ten minutes toward the north part of the city.

  Two Faced is a new restaurant that recently opened up in Northern Atlanta. I’ve never been able to get in here because it’s so new. I’m sure if I dropped one of the Steele’s names I’d be able to get in here, but I don’t use my personal connections like that. The coolest thing about this bar is how it’s inspired by Jekyll and Hyde. I’ve seen images of the gallery online and half the restaurant is light, bright and airy while the other half is dark, mysterious and sinful.


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