Claiming Lily: MacKay International, #2

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Claiming Lily: MacKay International, #2 Page 2

by Webb, Rene

  “Here he is now,” Finn says, and I feel his body relax against mine.

  As the man draws closer, my eyes widen, and I can’t help but smile as I get a better look at him. Total eye candy! He is a head shorter than Finn and broader in the chest. The tight, royal-blue polo shirt shows off his pecks perfectly. Staring at his chest, I almost miss his square jaw, bright-blue eyes, and light-blond hair, which is cropped short. All this is on a canvas of alabaster skin even paler than my own. There is something vaguely familiar about him, like I’ve seen him somewhere, but I can’t recall where.

  The top button of his shirt is undone, and I see wisps of curly blond hair peeking out. I can’t help but wonder how far that hair trails down his chest. I can tell from the way he walks toward us that he, much like Finn, exudes self-confidence. It’s almost palpable. And extremely sexy.

  “Lily,” Finn snaps. The sound of his voice and his fingertips digging into my hip break through my musings.

  I look up at his sexy scowl, his golden eyes boring into mine. “Yes?”

  “Princess, this is Trevor,” Finn says introducing us, curling me farther into his chest.

  “Miss MacKay,” he says politely, giving me a bright smile. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “Hi.” I smile and give him a small idiotic wave from where I’m plastered against Finn.

  “My phone,” Finn says in borderline rudeness, holding out his hand.

  Trevor reaches into his pocket and withdraws a black phone, then places it in Finn’s upturned palm.

  “Thank you.” Finn unlocks his phone and scrolls through his messages.

  “Mr. Gregor, now that you’ve arrived, shall I get your party checked in?” the perky woman chirps, turning her bright smile onto Trevor.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replies politely, turning toward the counter and pulling a worn money clip from his back pocket. I can’t help but notice his round ass, which fills out his pants to perfection. I fleetingly wonder how it would feel in my hand, and the thought catches me off guard, making me giggle.

  “What’s so funny, princess?” Finn asks, shaking me slightly.

  “Nothing,” I tell him, looking up at his confused scowl. I lean my head against his shoulder and wrap my arm around his middle.

  Ever since we jumped into the cab, I have been feeling inexplicably giddy, almost euphoric. I am finally free and safe from my captors. After nineteen days of uncertainty and fear, I know that with this man, I am not only safe and protected, but also cared for. I think he cares for me. I hope.

  Loosening my hold on Finn, I rock up onto my toes and press my mouth against his. I give him an exaggerated and noisy kiss, not caring that other people around are watching me.

  “What’s gotten into you?” he whispers, leaning down to rest our foreheads together. All the while, he’s running his hand along my side.

  “Nothing,” I whisper loudly.

  Trevor’s voice interrupts us. “We’re all set, sir.”

  Finn pulls away. “Good, let’s get to our room. Lily and I need to change and get some breakfast.”

  “We’re in suite nine one zero.” Trevor hands Finn a plastic key card before tucking his own into his front pocket.

  “Mr. Gregor, let me get someone to help with your luggage,” the woman says, waving at a nearby bellhop.

  “We’re fine, thank you.” Trevor grabs the rolling suitcase and leads the way toward the elevators.

  He presses the up button and effortlessly moves the suitcases off to the side, out from in front of the doors. I watch the muscles in his arms flex as he lifts them. Damn.

  I look away and turn my attention back to Finn, who is still scrolling through messages on his phone.

  The elevator soon dings, and more people than seems possible pour out.

  “I thought you said my sister texted me. I don’t see Riley’s message.”

  My body stiffens as Finn guides me into the small, dimly lit space in front of him and moves us into the corner.

  “She texted my phone wondering when I—you would be returning,” Trevor says quickly, following us into the elevator with the luggage.

  “You okay, princess?” Finn shoves his phone into his pocket and pulls me into a tight embrace. I didn’t realize I had almost stopped breathing. I find myself relaxing against his solid warmth. The small, dark space filled with uncertainty doesn't seem to bother me when I’m wrapped in his arms.

  “Yes,” I mutter, nodding against his chest.

  The rest of our assent is in silence. Once we’re on our floor, Trevor leads us to the suite and opens the door, stepping inside and holding it open for Finn and me.

  We enter a small tiled entryway. The bedroom is to our left, the bathroom straight in front of us, and the sitting room to our right. Finn leads me into the sitting area, where the first thing I see is a large U-shaped tan leather couch. The decorations seem to be of the gaudy 1970’s’ variety.

  “There’s only one bedroom,” Trevor remarks as the door slams closed. “But it looked fairly roomy online, and I figured it would work until we figured things out.”

  “Yes, I don’t plan on us being here long.” Finn walks toward the round dining table and picks up what looks like a menu. “Lily and I need to change.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll just take the suitcase into the bedroom and grab something for you.” Trevor wheels the suitcase into the opposite room and disappears.

  Finn holds out the menu toward me. “See what you would like.”

  “I can’t read fucking Mandarin.” I grumble, kicking off my heels and flopping down into the corner of the squishy couch. Not for the first time, I wonder why I bothered taking fucking French last semester.

  “It’s in English too.” Finn chuckles, walking toward me. He lowers himself onto the couch and presses his body against mine.

  Leaning my head against his shoulder, I take the menu from his hand and look it over. My stomach grumbles at the words bacon, eggs, and croissants. I’m distracted from reading further by Finn’s hand resting on my leg, his fingertips lightly stroking my inner thigh. I can feel myself, my pussy, melting at the attention.

  “Your clothes,” Trevor says, re-entering the room with two piles of neatly folded clothing.

  “Thank you.” I jump from the couch and away from my man’s sensual ministrations.

  I take the pile topped with a pair of black flip-flops and clutch it to my chest.

  “Go on into the bathroom, wash up, and get changed. I’ll order us breakfast,” Finn says. “What do you want?”

  “A western omelet and a croissant please.”

  “Coffee?” He reaches over and picks up the telephone next to the couch.

  “Tea please,” I tell him, turning to walk toward the bedroom.

  I push the door open and step into a large marble-filled room. The floor is chilly under my bare feet, and I’m brought back to last night—when I gladly fled into the brothel’s bathroom to avoid Finn.

  Funny how he was ordering me room service then too.



  After stepping into the bathroom and clicking the door closed behind me, I place the pile of clothes on the counter and take in my surroundings. In addition to the large, deep, and inviting bathtub, there is a glass shower stall, a toilet, and a vanity with two sinks.

  I turn to face the large mirror above the sink.

  For the first time since my kidnapping, I recognize the person staring back at me. My face is no longer caked with makeup or darkened by sleepless nights and fear of the unknown. My hair may be a hot mess and my skin blotchy from lack of moisturizer, but I feel more like myself. I am no longer walking around with a ball of anxiety in my chest, feeling twitchy. All because of Finn. Not that I would ever tell him. He thinks enough of himself. He doesn’t need me making his head swell any larger.

  I unbutton the dress shirt of Finn’s that I’m wearing. Before we left the brothel, he had given me the clothes off his back to cover up in. What
I had been wearing when we met, a red G-string and corset ensemble, is not something I would ever go out in public in.

  Frowning, I lean closer to the mirror and trace the purple bruise on my neck with my finger. I can’t help but laugh. He gave me a fucking hickey! As Finn and I are getting to know one another, I’m beginning to understand that my man’s the possessive, mark-your-territory type. It definitely excites me, probably more than it should. And I find myself just as possessive towards him.

  I go back to stripping off the remnants of last night, tossing them onto the floor. After the shirt, I shimmy out of the boxers I borrowed and drop them into the pile. I debate taking another quick shower but decide against it. In the last twelve hours, since I met Finn, I have taken enough baths and showers, including the one I had already this morning. What I need is some lotion for my drying skin.

  Looking through the bottles on the counter, I find some lemon-mint shampoo and conditioner and a coconut body lotion, which smells heavenly. It is all about how a product smells.

  I jump at a loud knock on the door.

  Maybe I’m still a little twitchy.

  “Princess, I’m coming in,” Finn says.

  I quickly grab his discarded shirt and hold it against my naked body as he pushes the door open and slips into the room.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, annoyed.

  He places his own pile of clothes next to mine and moves to stand behind me. Placing his palms on the counter, on either side of me, he traps me between his hard body and the counter. The cold room is warmed by his presence.

  “How are you feeling?” He kisses my naked shoulder.

  “Umm…” I don’t quite know how to answer him. It would be a total lie if I said I was fine. I’m not sure I’ll ever be completely all right after what happened to me. I may not be a walking ball of anxiety anymore, or at least not when Finn is in the room, but how can I ever truly be okay, knowing that a man I loved and looked up to, my stepfather, had me kidnapped and brought to that hellish place for reasons I’d rather not think about?

  “Better,” I whisper, looking into the mirror and meeting his warm, gentle eyes.

  “That’s my girl,” he says with a grin. One of his arms wraps across my chest while the other one grabs the shirt I’m shielding myself with and tosses it back onto the floor.

  “Finn,” I say in protest.

  He gently pulls me in tighter to his body, surrounding me.

  After sweeping my hair to one side, Finn nuzzles and kisses my neck with gentle affection. My body relaxes in his arms. I hear my own sigh as I let go of the tension I’ve been holding in. I wrap my hands around his forearms, grounding myself.

  “Breakfast will be here in thirty minutes. Should give you enough time for a nice soak in the tub,” he tells me and kisses my bare shoulder, holding me warmly in his arms.

  “Thanks, Mr. Clean, but I’m good.” I giggle, turning my head and looking up into his face.

  “Mr. Clean?”

  “Yes, until I can come up with something better,” I say, and although he’s scowling down at me, I see a trace of a smile.

  “You could just use my name,” he states, raising his sexy eyebrows up at me.

  “I could.”

  Finn leans and whispers against my lips, his voice dipping into a low, sensual growl that sends a spark of heat through me. “Or you could call me sir.”

  “I could,” I say, and even I can hear the breathy desire in my voice.

  Fuck! This man has a power over me, like no other.

  One of his large hands cups my face and turns it so he can take my mouth with his—slowly, deeply, possessing it completely. I moan as his free hand cups my breast and he pinches my already-stiff nipple, sending a tingle of familiar pleasure through my body.

  “How’s your cunt feeling?” he asks against my lips. The hand that was sensually torturing my breast slides down my body and between my legs, which part instinctively, welcoming—wanting—his touch.

  “Wet.” My words come out in a strange giggle-moan as he palms my bare flesh.

  How could I possibly be anything else with him touching and surrounding me?

  The soreness from this morning no longer exists, replaced by an aching need.

  Why the fuck does this man affect me so much?

  I hear a groan behind me as Finn’s arms release their hold on me, and I feel a chill from the loss. With his warm hands on my hips, he spins me around so we are now face-to-face. I slide my palms up his solid chest and entwine my arms around his neck, letting my fingers slide through his thick hair as I pull him toward me. He comes willingly, pressing his full wet lips to my awaiting ones, taking over and dominating the kiss. His arms wrap around me. I shudder with pleasure as he runs his hands down my back to palm my ass, then squeeze it gently before moving lower.

  “Dude!” I exclaim as I am suddenly lifted. Finn knocks over bottles and pushes our clothes onto the floor, and he sets me on the counter.

  “Dude?” he asks, quirking his eyebrows.

  Smiling and spreading my legs farther apart, I let his question go unanswered as I pull him in closer. Wanting—needing—to feel his warmth.

  Finn tangles one hand in my hair, while the other slowly moves back down my body, caressing, touching, and sending a shudder of need through me. He kisses me slowly, leisurely, teasing me with his tongue. His wandering hand squeezes my breast and thumbs my nipple. I hear myself making a plaintive moan in his mouth. Still lower his hand travels, stroking my skin along the way, making me shiver. Finally, his hand reaches my sex.

  “Lean back on your elbows,” he tells me, breaking the kiss.

  I lean back and look down my body at the man between my legs. His strong hands are resting on my thighs, gently pushing them apart, exposing my sex further to the cool air of the room and his heated gaze.

  He slides a thick finger along my pussy until he reaches my clit, which he strokes leisurely.

  “You are wet,” he observes smugly, his golden eyes sparkling with pleasure.

  He moves his calloused digit along my sex, then presses into my wet channel, teasing me. After scooping some of my wetness on the tip, he drags his finger back up to my clit and asks, “Is this for me?”

  “Yes,” comes my automatic and truthful answer.

  “That’s the right answer,” he growls, palming my breast with his free hand and continuing to stroke my clit, occasionally dipping a finger inside my pussy.

  “Sir, please,” I plead when the slow building torture becomes too much.

  “I love it when you call me sir.” Finn groans, pushing two thick fingers inside of my sex, slowly stretching me open. His calloused thumb moves to my clit and presses it firmly.

  “If we were home, the first thing I would do would be to buy some toys to use on this cunt.”

  The fingers pressed inside me curl and move, their tips massaging my channel. My body goes up in flames, and I feel myself beginning to sweat and pant.

  “Would you like that?”

  “Yes.” Images of my naughtiest fantasies flash in my mind, all with Finn in the starring role.

  “What should I buy you first?” he asks, continuing to fuck me with his fingers, making me sweat and shiver. “Maybe I’ll get you a plug for that gorgeous ass of yours. Fill you up and then take this cunt.”

  “Please,” I beg loudly.

  “Shh, princess, you need to be quiet unless you want Trevor to hear you.” He chuckles almost like he doesn’t care.

  I’m too lost in the pleasure that this man—my man—is creating within me, to care if someone is listening.

  “Tell me what you need, princess,” he says, leaning over me and pressing his hot mouth to mine.

  “You.” I moan. “Please.”

  “You’ve got me.” My man groans. “Don’t worry, Lily, I’m right here.”

  A part of my brain knows he’s not just talking about this moment, but I’m too blinded by impending pleasure to comprehend anything beyond my own
immediate need: to come.

  Kissing his way down my chest, he flicks my hard nipple with his tongue before sucking it deep within his mouth, causing my sex to spasm and detonate on his fingers. He continues to move them within me, prolonging the pleasure that is exploding through my entire body. How can I ever go back to doing this on my own? Not even the most expensive rabbit vibrator could feel this good.

  “Thank you.” I continue to pant as tension I didn’t realize I was still holding in melts away.

  “Never thank me for taking care of you or giving you pleasure.” Finn growls, fisting the back of my hair. “That’s my job.”

  “Your job?”

  “Yes. You’re mine now, princess, and I take care of those who are mine,” he states roughly, his eyes blazing with the truth of his words.

  My heart races, and a lump forms in my throat. When was the last time I knew for certain I belonged to anyone? I push away the emotions beginning to overtake me. I’m not ready to deal with the entirety of my situation yet. Instead, I wrap my arms around his shoulders, hook my legs around his waist, and bury my face in his neck, breathing in my man.

  This gruff, demanding, confusing man holds me tightly, rocks me gently, and presses several barely there kisses to my forehead. He’s giving me what I need: to feel cared for, protected, safe. This man is like a cuddly bear.

  I smile into his neck, imagining his face if I started calling him “cuddle bear.” For some reason, I want a name all my own. Everyone calls him Finn. I have this desire to have a name that only I use.

  Finn reaches back and grasps my ankles, then unhooks my legs from around his waist. He steps several feet backward and reaches behind his shoulders to strip off his T-shirt in one fluid movement before tossing it to me. I hug it close to my chest as I watch him continue to undress.

  “I’m going to take another shower,” he tells me. “You’re welcome to join me.”

  “I’m good.” I smile, watching him strip, enjoying the show.

  Next, he kicks off his shoes, reaches down to pluck off his socks, and then unbuckles his pants. He pushes them down to reveal his hard cock, reminding me he hadn’t been wearing any boxers because he had given them to me to wear this morning. I can’t help but bite my lip and stare at his naked body, still not used to seeing a naked man in the flesh. It makes my sex pulse and ache for more attention. He unclips his large silver watch from his wrist and places it onto the counter. Why are men with large watches so sexy?


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