The Amazon

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The Amazon Page 24

by Bob Nailor

  “And this gives you the right to strike me?” he snapped haughtily. “In front of the whole team?” They spoke quietly while everyone else pretended they weren’t listening.

  “Especially in front of the team,” she answered. “You men all must change your ways or the consequences may be more severe than you can imagine.”

  Aaron still rubbed the bruise which, indeed, was serious. His jaw had swelled and speech was difficult. “First, you announce I am to mate with you in front of everyone,” he whined. “Then you slap me down to my knees. Is this the new Dr. Carvalho?”

  Ana knew his ego had been seriously wounded and she should show patient compassion. But, she suddenly felt unwilling to do so. “Suit yourself, Aaron,” she snapped. “Just remember, you’ve been warned.”

  Nancy sat with her back against the wall, her knees high in front of her. Her hazel-blue eyes stared straight ahead, carefully avoiding contact with anyone. Moema busied herself with clearing the mess from breakfast. Aaron fiddled with one of the serving platters while Ana and Neville cleared away the sleeping mats. The tension was thick as everyone avoided discussing the obvious.

  “You’re all mad at me,” Nancy snapped in no particular direction. “I can tell.” No one answered her challenge. “What would you do, Dr. Ana?” she continued. “You’ve got Dr. Nice Guy for your chosen. Would you let that pig, Wayne, touch you?”

  Ana kept fussing without looking at her student. “Every woman has to make her own decisions about her body,” she said quietly. “It’s not for me to say one way or the other.”

  “Well, he cooked his own goose with me the first day in Singapore,” Nancy said. “He was talking to Marshall and he knew I could hear him. He said, ‘Man, would I like to dive my surfboard into that wave, eh mate.’ He gets what he deserves.”

  “Well, it does seem a bit extreme to me,” Neville added from across the room. “It’s not just about the chap. It’s about you, Nancy. Without a chosen mate, you will not pass through the rituals and become a member of the tribe. You heard what she said would happen then.”

  “Well, I’d rather take my chances with that Ejup thing,” she retorted with a scowl.

  “No, you wouldn’t,” Ana said.

  Aaron’s eyes shot toward Ana. “What are you saying?” he snapped. “Have you seen him?”

  Ana kept arranging a pile of mats that were already perfectly in order. The image of Ejup’s body slowly emerging from the shadows sent a shiver down her spine. “I met him with Itotia after the ceremony last night,” she said. “All things considered, if I were Nancy, I’d give Wayne another thought.”

  “Who is he?” Neville asked. “What is he?”

  Ana was slow to respond. Her face and throat flushed as the feel of his skin on hers rushed back. “He’s very tall and very white,” she finally said. “An extremely scary man with those same freaky red eyes.”

  “Is he European? American? Or what?” Aaron asked.

  “He speaks old Serbian,” she said. “It seems he’s been here a very long time.”

  “How long?” Aaron pressed.

  Ana had yet to come to grips with the answer to his question and sat down on top of the pile of mats. “When I was in the forest with Tinga, that first day in the village, she asked me about ‘the world of Pizarro.’ She said Ejup told them stories about Pizarro, Orellana, and Friar Gaspar.”

  Aaron snickered. “From the time of the conquistadors? Right, Ana. Congratulations. You just joined the Old Wives’ Club.”

  “Look, Aaron, we are scientists,” she replied. “We gather data and create hypotheses to test. I’m just saying these people believe he is older than dirt.”

  “He is known as the Ancient Evil One by the peoples of the forest,” Moema added quietly. “They say it was he who killed the conquistadors. They say he ate their flesh and drank their blood on the shores of the river. They say his wives are mulher morcego.” Every eye in the room focused on Moema and her simple words. She quietly went back to cleaning the breakfast bowls.

  “Why didn’t you tell us this before?” Ana asked, her hands trembling.

  “The doctor told Paulo not to listen to tales of old wives like me,” she said with a measure of quiet irony.

  “This is just embellished stories of cannibalism,” Aaron answered. “Nothing new. Every tribe in the Amazon ate their enemies.”

  “And drank their blood?” Neville asked.

  Ana’s hand again went to the marks on her throat as she remembered the sensation of her blood flowing into Ejup’s throat. She closed her eyes and her head swam from his scent which still lightly clung to her skin.

  “Look,” Neville continued, “I began my studies at university with ancient languages. First, Latin and Greek. Then Sanskrit, and Proto-Indo-European. In every language I learned, I came across the story of the UnDead. Restless creatures who wander the shadowy plane between our world and the next, drinking the blood of the living”

  “Vrykolakas,” Aaron said in a low, almost inaudible voice.

  “What did you say?” Ana asked.

  “It was the first site I worked in a little town near Thessalonica,” he said. “We opened a grave from the time of Pericles. It was simple, with only a few shards of broken pottery. But, the skeleton was different.” Aaron stared straight ahead, lost in the old memory. “An iron stake had been pounded through the thorax and a heavy stone had been placed on the head.” No one breathed or moved. “It was vrykolakas. A corpse that would not stay in its grave.”

  “They live forever,” Neville said. “Perhaps he came here with the explorers in search of fresh blood.”

  “And found El Dorado,” Ana added quietly.

  Without warning the door burst open with a crash and, once again, two of Itotia’s attendants strode in; behind them walked Marshall and Barbara. The darkening spell of evil permeating the room as they spoke was broken.

  Ana jumped to her feet and rushed to her lost students. “Where have you been?” she asked like a frightened mother who’d lost her children in the grocery store. The pair stood still, their heads bowed in shame. They were naked and self-consciously tried to cover themselves.

  “I followed Barbara into the forest to make sure she was ok,” Marshall explained. “The rest of the story is a little hard to explain.”

  Neither of them had any reason for shame. Barbara’s form was hard and sculpted from a decade on the track. Marshall’s long limbs were equally well defined from hundreds of hours on the Thames. Their stomachs rippled as they spoke and they gently held hands between the guards.

  “We have been here the whole time,” Barbara said. “In the next room. We woke up this morning to that pig Wayne peeing over the banister.” Her face wrinkled up in disgust.

  Zreia walked in between the two guards. The other two entered behind her each carrying a tray laden with bottles and fabrics. Her face was serious as she snapped her fingers at the servants.

  “It’s time to commence your preparations for your ceremonies,” she said dryly, as if she had delivered the same speech many times. “These two have already begun, as commanded by our queen. Those of you who will attempt to join us must cleanse yourselves first. Your stink is offensive to us all.”

  Nancy stood to walk to Zreia. “I changed my mind,” she announced. “I choose pig-boy for my mate.” Suddenly her eyes had taken on a new sheen. She looked at Neville and said, “He’s strong…” She paused. “And expendable.”

  Zreia motioned with her head for two guards to fetch the missing student. “Place your coverings in a pile at my feet,” she said. “They will be burned. In Vamazonia we are proud of our earthly homes and have no need to hide them.” Aaron looked at her with squinted eyes and opened his mouth to respond.

  “Sshh,” Ana hissed and began to undress. In business-like precision, she unbuttoned her trail shirt and tossed it to the floor. “Strip,” she snapped to Aaron while removing the straps of her brassiere. He followed suit, beginning with his shirt and, then his t
rousers. One by one, the team undressed in silence until they stood in their underwear facing Zreia.

  Nancy dropped her hiking shirt onto the pile with two fingers and a sour look. “Whew,” she said. “Now I see what she meant — too many days without a shower.”

  Zreia looked at them in confusion. “Now the rest,” she barked. “And keep your heads straight and high. Our god commands us to be confident and walk upright.”

  This time it was Nancy who broke the stillness and tossed her bra and bikinis onto the pile. Her body was hard and bronzed from countless hours in the surf and was completely without tanning lines.

  “My favorite waves crash on a nudist beach,” she announced. “I love the feel of the sun on my skin.”

  Ana mechanically removed her panties, trying to avoid the impression of a striptease. Her only thought was to try to remember the last time she had shaved her legs. She could see the tension leave Marshall and Barbara as everyone else finally lost the last pieces of their clothing. She stood tall and straight, her long black hair cascading down her back. Without thinking, she quickly formed a coarse braid and wound it on top of her head, Itotia style. As she held the coil in place, she found her other hand fiddling with Father Bora’s crucifix which dangled between her breasts. Wouldn’t the padre like where it ended up? she thought with a malicious snicker. The metal inflamed her skin as if it were glowing hot. In a quick motion, she yanked it from her neck and tossed the cross out the window. She tied her hair in place with the gold chain and felt relief the crucifix was gone.

  Neville was the last to walk to the front in his boxer shorts, his chest bristling with curly white hair. He slipped them off and a gasp in unison escaped from the group.

  “Whoa, Dr. Hastings,” Aaron exclaimed. “What have you been hiding from us?”

  The old man’s face blushed, as did Moema’s. He was well endowed. “It’s not the blessing you might think,” he said. “Most of the ladies leave without even giving it a go.”

  Wayne burst through the open door, propelled by a shove from the two guards. When he caught his balance, his eyes lit up like a jack o’lantern. He walked straight to Nancy who stood proudly on the other side of the room.

  “I knew you’d come to your senses, babe,” he quipped. “And look at you! Ready and waiting!”

  Nancy followed Ana’s example and slapped Wayne hard on the face. “Shut up, imbecile,” she said. “Toss your clothes on the pile like the rest of us and don’t make a sound.”

  “Why you bitch,” he snapped and clenched his fists in anger.

  Nancy’s eyes looked for help from the two attendants nearest to Zreia. They grabbed his arms and she slapped him again in the same place.

  “Strip and zip,” she growled, then turned to Ana and added, “I’m beginning to like this already.”

  “I will not,” Wayne shouted, struggling against the powerful grips. “I have a right to my privacy.”

  Nancy nodded toward the door and the pair turned to drag him away. “Enjoy yourself,” Nancy called after him. “That’s the only partner you’re going to have for the rest of your short pitiful life.”

  Just before they reached the door, Wayne called out, “OK, OK. I’ll do what she said.” After approval from Zreia, her henchmen pushed him back to the center of the room.

  He slowly unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a torso sculpted in a weight room. His waist was tiny and his legs and rear bulged with definition. He threw each piece of clothing toward the pile until he stood in tight white shorts, muttering obscenities to himself.

  Nancy loudly cleared her throat and pointed to the discarded clothing. “The rest, macho man,” she growled.

  Wayne froze, his hands self-consciously hiding his groin even though he was still covered. He looked at the roomful of proud, naked people, staring at his juvenile display of prudery. His face pulsed red with embarrassment. He slowly hooked his thumbs in the band of his shorts and pulled them down.

  Barbara snickered. Aaron managed to stifle his reaction better than the rest of the group. A unison chuckle spread through the room that even enveloped Zreia and her attendants.

  “What the fuck is that?” Nancy asked between giggles. Wayne kept his silence for once. “Speak, you fool!” she barked.

  Wayne let his hands fall to his sides to reveal the true source of his shame. His testicles were two shriveled lumps the size of marbles. His penis barely saw the light of day. “Steroids,” he said quietly. “I kinda overdid it.”

  Their giggles became guffaws. “Well, good luck tonight, stud,” Nancy finally said, shaking her head. Two attendants gathered up the pile of clothes, their faces contorted in revulsion from the scent which rose from the sweat-soaked fabric.

  “Wash yourselves in the baths below,” Zreia instructed. “Use these perfumes which I have brought for you. Spend the day in the sun. After tonight, you may find its light too strong for the skin. Enjoy this first day of freedom from shame and embarrassment. Tonight, before the ceremonies, you will feast together here in this room. Afterward, you will repeat your cleansing to be pure. If you succeed, you will become one of us. Remember, no liar can pass through our rituals and survive. Our god, your god, Ejup, may he be worshipped, awaits you.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Suddenly, they were alone, almost a complete team for the first time in days. Barbara and Marshall still stood quietly, hand in hand, while the tension of Zreia’s visit slowly dissipated.

  “So, tell us what happened,” Aaron said to Marshall as the team formed a circle around them. “This time, the whole story.” Marshall shyly looked down at the floor, still unsure what to say.

  “Like Marshall said,” Barbara began. “We were in a forest clearing, talking. I was upset and he was trying to convince me not to kill Mr. Needle-Dick over there. We hugged. We kissed. No big deal. That’s when it got weird.”

  “A swarm of these bats flapped out of the trees,” Marshall said. “They surrounded us. But they weren’t regular bats. They were huge, like eagles.” Ana instantly remembered the black beast she had thought was a vulture.

  He stopped again, unsure of himself. “Tell them,” Barbara said with a poke. “Tell them everything.”

  Marshall took a deep breath and looked straight at Aaron. “OK,” he began. “They grabbed us with their claws and lifted us up into the trees. They were flying and we were dangling below.”

  “Dr. Ana, I was scared shitless,” Barbara added nervously. “We were way up under the canopy. Up where the monkeys stay.”

  “Like Ibiaci said happened to the night guard,” Ana murmured.

  “They kept flying until we could see the white city, hidden under the trees. The sight was incredible,” Marshall said, suddenly animated. “The golden roofs. The gleaming walls. They flew directly to this courtyard, here in front of these rooms. They let us down as gently as a cat with her kittens.”

  “Zreia was already there, waiting with her four goons,” Barbara continued. “She explained we were to become members of the tribe and that you would join us shortly. She went through the same thing about our clothes, almost word for word. We’ve been here ever since, wondering when you would show up.”

  Marshall turned toward her, his eyes narrowing. “Well, that’s not everything she said.” He paused. “Not exactly.” Barbara’s face blossomed in a blush. “Go ahead, Barbara, tell them everything.”

  “She – they – uh – kind of caught us,” she said haltingly.

  “What do you mean, caught you?” Ana snapped back.

  “Uh – well –” Marshall continued. “We’ve been out here a long time. Barb and I kind of – well – you know – uh – got carried away.”

  “You were doing the dirty?” Wayne snapped in his usual rude way.

  “We weren’t doing anything,” Barbara snapped. “We didn’t have time.”

  Ana remembered Itotia’s words from the previous day. “You were making love?”

  “No, just kin
d of kissing,” Barbara replied. “You know, messing around.”

  “Itotia called it ‘whoring,’ Barbara,” Ana snapped back. “What gave her that idea?”

  “She was doing oral, dude?” Wayne said with his silly grin. “She does that the best, I have to say.” He stopped and slapped his fingers over his mouth. “Oohh, I wasn’t supposed to say that, was I, Barbie dear?”

  Barbara rushed at him, her hands extended toward his throat. “I’m gonna kill him,” she screeched. “I’ve had it.” No one moved. Her powerful torso and arms seemed capable of the threat and she attacked with a pent-up fury much older than the expedition. It was Nancy who stepped in between them, her long arms surrounding the furious woman just as Wayne prepared to defend himself.

  “Leave him to me, sister,” Nancy said. “His hours are numbered anyway.”

  Barbara struggled to free herself from Nancy’s grip. “Whatever you do to him won’t be enough,” she snapped. “No death would be slow or painful enough.”

  “I promise,” Nancy replied. “I’ll let you watch.”

  Barbara’s breathing slowly began to lighten, as her face broke into a smile. She finally let her hands fall to her side next to Nancy. “You promise?”

  “Cross my heart, hope to die,” Nancy replied.

  “That might not be the best choice of words,” Aaron interjected as Barbara returned to Marshall’s side.

  “Well, that explains a lot,” Ana said to Marshall and Barbara. “This tribe has extremely rigid sexual norms, like most indigenous peoples. Your act was an obscene affront to their morality. I never thought I’d have to warn you about this.”

  “Morality?” Wayne asked. “In a group that kicks their own to death? Give me a break.”

  “That is not for you to say,” Neville snapped, obviously out of patience with the lad. “Neither I nor any of us. By doing what they did, Marshall and Barbara stepped out of the role of observers, into that of participants. It’s like a nuclear physicist jumping into his own reactor.”

  “Well, it seems to me we passed that point a long time ago,” Aaron said, looking around at their naked forms. The comment was sobering.


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