The Scarlet Plan

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The Scarlet Plan Page 1

by Rick W. Warren





  Copyright © 2019 Rick W. Warren.

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  ISBN: 978-1-9736-5012-6 (sc)

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  ISBN: 978-1-9736-5011-9 (e)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018915207

  WestBow Press rev. date: 01/09/2019


  Pre-Game Show Darkness Gathers Saturday, October 3rd




  First Quarter The Storm Begins Friday, October 16th






















  First Time Out The Tragedy Of Earnest Weller








  Second Quarter The Rain Falls Saturday, October 17th - Sunday, October 18th























  Halftime A Break In The Clouds

  Third Quarter Lightning Strikes Wednesday, October 21st - Friday, October 22nd



















  Second Time Out When The Wall Fell



  Fourth Quarter Darkest Before Dawn Sunday, October 25th - Saturday, October 31st




































  Post-Game Show The Sun Rises Three Weeks Later




  Author’s Note


  my wife, Kristen

  Behind every success, you’ve been there with me.

  “Home is where your story begins!”

  Annie Danielson

  “It all starts here.”

  Mikey Walsh – The Goonies

  Pre-Game Show

  Darkness Gathers

  Saturday, October 3rd


  It was on a sunny autumn morning that darkness came into Galesburg, Illinois. This darkness wasn’t made out of storm clouds or an eclipse. As a matter of fact, no one knew the darkness was there. But it was. It came in the form of two men in an automobile heading south on Highway 150. To the naked eye, nothing would have seemed out of place. Their presence set off no suspicions. The car passed a runner as it neared Lake Storey and the runner knew nothing different. No chill ran up her back as the car passed by. There was no indication that in two short weeks she and her running partner would see a dead body floating in that same lake at approximately this same time. She would make no connection in her mind that the car that just passed her would be responsible for all that was about to happen.

  It’s the nature of evil. It’s not that it comes all at once bearing its fangs for everyone to see. Rather, evil comes quietly. As a matter of fact, on the day this car drove into the city limits of Galesburg much had already been done in preparation. This was a well-planned scheme with many little connections that no one would have noticed until after the chaos that would come.

  The Thinker drove while the Actor sat in the passenger seat. They each had other names, real world names given at their birth, but they were unknown to each other. At least that was half right. While the Actor didn’t know the Thinker’s name, the Thinker knew the Actor very well. He was the Thinker after all. As they began to enter the city, the Actor broke the silence.

  “It’s a powerful feeling isn’t it?” grinned the Actor. “Its exactly what we were promised for our devotion: power.”

  “We will be well rewarded for our efforts,” The Thinker replied. “This should be some of the Scarlet’s finest work yet. We will learn much from this and it will aid us in the future.”

  “When will the Cleaner arrive?” the Actor asked.

  “He should be here soon. He has some other loose ends to tie up for the Scarlet. He’s efficient. He’ll be here exactly when we need him. As a matter of fact, he has been looking forward to this.”

  “So have I. Our scale is increasing. We are accomplishing grander things. I feel as if the time for the Great Plan is drawing near.”

  “Everything in due time, my friend. I share your enthusiasm, but we must take all things in stride. Let’s not lose sight of what we are currently doing. Let’s be able to enjoy everything ahead of us. As power grows, so grows our satisfaction.”



  Hatred burned in his dark eyes as he walked along the road. He liked th
e hatred. It fueled him. It motivated him. He didn’t hate because he was vengeful or hurt. He hated because it felt good. To him, hatred was power. Power to do whatever he wanted. And that’s exactly what he did.

  There were people he listened to. There were people who even told him what to do. However, there was no one who made him do anything. He chose if he wanted to listen. He always made the choice. Ultimately, the reason he listened was because they gave him an avenue to do what he loved the most: create chaos.

  As the leaves of fall crunched beneath his feet, he smiled at the task he had ahead of him. He looked forward to his role in the storm that was approaching. The hatred, however, never left his eyes. The hatred would stay. It was inside of him and it was inside those that were also inside of him.

  Usually when a storm rolls into town you can tell by seeing the clouds on the horizon. Animals skitter, the air changes, and the wind picks up. This was a different type of storm. This one had nothing to do with the weather. The storm that was coming was evil. Were there warning signs for this storm? Of course there were, but only to those whose eyes were open. There were some who knew something was off and there were some who could do something about it.

  That’s why the Cleaner arrived to Galesburg. People were getting in the way of this coming storm and it was his job to remove the obstacles. That is why, on this day, he had arrived. The preparation was almost complete and the pieces were falling into place. Now it was time to tie up the loose ends, and that was exactly what he was here to do. The hatred remained in his eyes, but a grin had now formed on his face.


  Jack McKenzie sighed as he put his book of crossword puzzles down on the end table next to his recliner.

  “What’s wrong, dear?” His wife Marie said as she crocheted in her chair next to him.

  “I think this puzzle has gotten the best of me.”

  “What’s the clue? Maybe I can help.”

  “Sure,” he said as he picked the book back up. “What is a six-letter word for hidden?”

  “Do you have any letters to help?”

  “The second letter is an ‘e.’ Otherwise that’s all I got.”

  Marie leaned back in thought while her hands continued to crochet. “How about ‘veiled’?”

  Jack looked down for a second and grinned. “I believe you are right. I think veiled describes this entire puzzle book to me.”

  “If it is so difficult, why do you bother with the frustration?” Marie asked.

  “I heard that crossword puzzles help keep your mind sharp. At 75, I think I can use all the sharpness I can get.”

  Marie grinned at him with the grin he fell in love with almost sixty years ago. “I think Jeopardy might be on. Do you want to try your wits at that?”

  “Sounds good to me, honey.”

  They sat there as the sun set outside on an unusually warm fall evening. To Jack’s joy, trivia was easier than crossword puzzles.

  “Do you have any ideas for what you might want for supper?” Marie asked.

  “Believe it or not, I kind of feel like ordering a pizza,” Jack replied. “Let’s keep the dishes clean for a night.”

  “Sounds fine to me. Do you want to order?”

  “Sure,” Jack said as he picked up the phone. “Half cheese, half supreme?”

  “You know your wife,” Marie said smiling.

  After Jack ordered they watched the show together until it was almost finished. The pizza place said they should be there in thirty to thirty-five minutes. After about twenty, the doorbell rang.

  “Wow,” Jack said. “He got here early. Good thing because I’m hungry.”

  Jack grabbed his wallet as he made his way to the door and opened it. The man standing on the front porch wasn’t the pizza guy.

  First Quarter

  The Storm Begins

  Friday, October 16th


  Aaron Clark sat at his desk as he saw the beginnings of fall unfold before him outside. Fall was definitely his favorite season. He enjoyed the colors, the smells, the harvest, the change of all foods to pumpkin flavors, and he loved that it meant football was back. In his role as Youth Pastor at Truth Community Church, it also meant that he was very busy.

  Today was Friday and tonight was the final regular season home football game at Galesburg High School. So far it had been an amazing year for the football team. Not only were they undefeated; they were playing unlike any football team in the history of Galesburg. To say they were dominating would honestly be an understatement. In the eight games they had played so far, no opposing team had scored on them yet, and in terms of scoring, the lowest the offense got was 49. The ability by which they were playing had actually gotten national attention. How could a football team that had losing seasons for years now be a team that was unlike any high school team that had been seen before? People wanted to find out and flocked to come see it for themselves.

  Thankfully, the high school had the facility to accommodate the influx of people due to the brand new football complex that had been built because of an unbelievably large donation given to the community. It was given with only a few directions: 1) It is specifically meant for a new football complex, 2) the new complex was to be the most state of the art complex of any high school in America, and 3) the official mascot of Galesburg High School was to be changed from the Galesburg Silver Streaks to the Galesburg Fire. Of course this was peculiar to the City Council when the lone individual who presented on behalf of his anonymous client gave these conditions. However, after it was presented, support began to appear on the council and in the community. People were excited by the possibilities and three months later the school board, the citizens of Galesburg, and the city council agreed to the terms and the most impressive high school football complex ever built found its home in Galesburg, Illinois.

  Not only had the complex been built, with its two gigantic video screens, full video studio, and pyrotechnics, but also the most impressive quarterback to ever take the GHS field had arrived: Clayton Stoneking. To watch Clayton play was like watching an artist create a masterpiece or to see a musician flawlessly perform. He had the ability to see the field and make plays unlike no other before him. Athletically, he was the fastest person on the field and he had the ability to throw the football from end zone to end zone with unbelievable accuracy. He was a once in a lifetime talent and he was only a freshman! He had ability, charisma, and a football team that would do anything for him. It was no wonder that thousands from Galesburg showed up to a game as well as people from Peoria, the Quad Cities, and even some from Chicago. Football fever had hit Galesburg and it was an exciting time for the entire community. Just like the new mascot, the football team was definitely on fire.

  Aaron felt a nervous excitement as he thought about tonight because he had a big event planned for after the football game at church. Clayton was actually a regular attender of Truth Community and Aaron was excited at the prospect of how many kids he could bring with him tonight. It honestly wasn’t because Aaron wanted to be seen as cool to the football team, but he wanted to have the opportunity to tell them about Jesus and tonight his special speaker had an amazing story of how Jesus changed his life. Aaron was excited about the immense blessing God had given by providing an opportunity to preach Jesus to so many kids who were definitely not walking with Him.

  Therefore, tonight he would go to the football game with some other youth leaders and would promote their event in the hopes of seeing kids show up later. He even managed to get it advertised on the huge video screens! It was going to be an exciting night and hopefully a night where people’s lives would be genuinely changed. Aaron leaned back in his chair and couldn’t help but smile.

  “Thank you, God, for letting me be part of your plan to reach the people of Galesburg,” he prayed. “Use me in any way to give glory to You and to lead people to the salvation that only You can provide. Ma
y tonight be a night where many lives are changed forever.”

  Aaron looked out the window and noticed a few clouds coming in as the wind gradually picked up causing leaves to scatter across the parking lot. There wasn’t supposed to be rain today, but overcast was possible. No matter. Today was going to be a great day. Lives were going to be changed. Aaron didn’t realize how true that would be.


  As the afternoon wore on, the sky began to get darker. It looked like rain was becoming more of a possibility, but hopefully it would hold off for the game. School was out and everyone was free to get ready for what everyone had waited for all week: football. For a certain group of guys, however, they were even more excited about something else.

  “Finally, no school for two days!” Trent said as he ran to catch up to his three buddies. “I think that last class was the longest hour of my life! Hey Jordan, you know what? I think we have found the most amazing science teacher in the world.”

  Jordan looked over in confusion, “What do you mean? I thought you just said that class was the longest hour of your life?”

  “Exactly!” Trent replied, “I think Mr. Anders has figured out how to slow down time. He proved it today. I could have sworn he had already talked for an hour and when I looked at the clock it had only been five minutes!”

  Jordan smiled. He should have expected Trent was setting up a joke. It was what he did all the time. They weren’t always funny jokes, but it didn’t stop him from trying.

  “Are you serious?” Mark asked. “You really think he figured out how to do that?”

  Jordan and Josh looked at Mark stunned by his gullibility. Trent, however, didn’t miss a beat.

  “Of course, Mark,” he said grinning, “and I think he used that ability on your brain as well!”

  They all burst out laughing as they saw understanding descend on Mark’s face.

  “Come on guys, its not that funny,” Mark said. “I just thought that would have been really cool if he really had figured something like that out. So sue me for holding out hope that something cool like that could actually happen.”


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