Vampires in America: The Vignettes, Volume 1

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Vampires in America: The Vignettes, Volume 1 Page 11

by D. B. Reynolds

  Raj gave her an unfriendly look. “Hardly an apt analogy, Em. More like a general being forced to sit and do nothing while the enemy tramples all over his battleground.”

  “Sarah’s excited that they’re coming,” Emelie offered. “Cyn’s her best friend. Besides I always thought you and Duncan were sort of friendly.”

  “We were. We are. But two visiting vampire lords at once is a little much to tolerate, especially when one of the two is Raphael. That bastard has too much power. I never thought I’d say this, but I now understand how Krystof felt when he had to host the annual Council meeting. Minus the whole batshit crazy part, of course.”

  “Of course,” Em agreed. “Okay, well, I’ll head on out to the airport then. I’ll let you know when Duncan’s on the ground, and again when he’s safely delivered to Raphael’s townhouse. I’ve got guards stationed around the clock on that residence, by the way. I know Raphael’s bringing his own, but that’s for his safety. I want our people there for ours.”

  “Good idea. Anything on the schedule I need to know about?”

  “Well . . .”

  Raj stopped pacing and turned to look at his lieutenant. It wasn’t like Emelie to dissemble. “Em?”

  “Fine, there’s the bachelorette party tomorrow night.”

  “The what?”

  “The bachelorette party. Cyn arranged it and we’re all going.”

  “We all who?” Raj asked with a sinking feeling.

  “Well . . . there’s Cyn, of course. And Duncan’s mate, Emma—I haven’t met her yet. And I think Cyn’s vamp bodyguard Elke will be there. It’s a girls-only night, so that works well, we get a bodyguard and party guest in one. And . . .” Emma gave him a weak smile. “Sarah,” she said watching him carefully. “Can’t have a bachelorette party without the bride, can we? And I’ll be there to keep an eye on everyone.”

  Raj stared at her. His sweet, little Sarah was going partying with Cyn and Emelie? He didn’t know anything about Duncan’s new woman, but he had a pretty good idea of what Cyn and Emelie would consider a party and he didn’t want Sarah anywhere near it. He opened his mouth to say so, but then realized what Sarah’s likely response to his opinion would be … and nothing came out.

  “Fuck me,” he swore finally, and looked away.

  “Aw, come on, Raj. It won’t be that bad.”

  “Yeah, it will, Em. It definitely will.”

  * * * *

  Cynthia Leighton kissed her sleeping vampire lover, brushing a hand lovingly over his short, black hair. “See you later, fang boy.”

  To all appearances, Raphael slept on, but she knew he was aware of her, and that he knew she was leaving. When they were travelling, she usually stayed with him through the hours of sunlight, either sleeping at his side—since she was pretty much living the life of a vampire these days, up all night, sleep all day—or sometimes she’d get up and work at her computer. But always in the same room. When they were home, in the safety of their own Malibu compound, she sometimes ventured out on her own to sit in the sun or walk on the beach, or simply taking care of business that couldn’t be done at night.

  But even then, her daylight, and therefore human, bodyguard, Robbie, was with her. She never went out alone.

  And today was no exception. Especially not today, since she was not only far from home, but in another vampire lord’s territory. Robbie would be with her while she went shopping today, and then Elke would replace him for the evening festivities, since tonight was girls only.

  She and Raphael had flown in from the West Coast last night, and this morning, she was in Manhattan, the greatest shopping city in the world. Add to that the fact that one of her best friends was getting married tomorrow night, and in Cyn’s mind, that meant only one thing . . . tonight was girls’ night out, and she intended to start early with a little shopping.

  She exited the vault-like sleeping chamber that had been specially constructed inside Raphael’s very modern Manhattan townhouse. It was one of three such vaults in the townhouse, albeit the most elegantly appointed. A second vault was equally private, though not as large or lavishly furnished. That one currently housed Duncan and his brand new mate, Emma.

  Cyn had been somewhat doubtful about that situation before meeting Emma. It had all happened so fast, with Duncan going off to Washington and suddenly acquiring both a territory and a new mate. But she and Emma had clicked immediately, like finding a sister she never knew she had, and the two of them now delighted in dreaming up ways to torment their respective mates.

  The townhouse’s third sleeping chamber was the largest. Divided into several smaller rooms inside, it had been built to accommodate all of the vampires who traveled with Raphael, and this morning it housed Duncan’s traveling party, as well.

  Cyn grabbed her backpack as she strode quickly through the plush quarters outside the private vault. Raphael’s personal suite included a comfortable sitting room, a spare bedroom and a conference room. Cyn passed through all of those without stopping, until she reached the double doors leading to the second floor landing. She entered the appropriate security code, then opened the door and stepped out onto the landing, letting the heavy door swing closed behind her.

  Cyn heard Emma’s voice downstairs. Excellent. She had only to call Sarah, and the party could begin. She pulled out her cell phone and hit Sarah’s speed dial.

  “Cyn!” Sarah answered on the second ring, a little breathless. Excited.

  Cyn grinned. “Sarah, baby, are you ready to celebrate your last free night on earth?”

  Sarah laughed. “That’s hardly the way I’d put it, but yeah. I’m on my way over, bodyguard in tow.”

  “Male or female?”

  “Eddie,” she heard Sarah ask someone. “Cyn wants to know if you’re male or female.”

  A gruff voice muttered in the background, and Sarah laughed again. “He says definitely male and offers to show you big Ed to prove it if necessary.”

  “Tell him thanks for the offer, but no. Okay, Emma’s got someone, too, so it looks like we’ve got three bruiser bodyguards. I think it’s safe to brave the dangerous hoards of Manhattan shopping, what do you say?”

  “Yay!” Sarah shouted, loudly enough that Cyn pulled the phone away from her ear with a wince. “Shopping it is!”

  “Then get over here. We’re waiting.” Cyn disconnected and dropped her phone in her pocket. “Aren’t we, Emma?” she added as she hit the bottom stair and turned into the small sitting room near the front door.

  Duncan’s mate looked up from her computer, her unusual violet eyes sparkling. “I don’t know if I can keep up with you, but I’ll give it the old college try.”

  “Pish. It’s all in the wrist. Who’s your muscle?” she asked, glancing over at the big man currently measuring dicks with Robbie.

  “Marlon,” Emma called across the room to her bodyguard, “say ‘hi’ to Cynthia Leighton, Raphael’s main squeeze.”

  Marlon looked up and studied Cyn for a long moment. “Ma’am,” he said finally.

  Cyn nodded, then glanced over and met Robbie’s eyes. He winked at her. Marlon was apparently okay.

  The doorbell rang at that moment. Cyn ran for it, but one of Raphael’s daytime guards beat her to it, giving her a disapproving look. She wasn’t supposed to answer the door. She knew that, but what the hell. Whoever it was had already gotten through two layers of exterior security just to reach the door. Besides, it was Sarah, she could hear her voice.

  The guard opened the door, and Sarah rushed in. “I’m getting married!” she announced unnecessarily. After all, that was the reason everyone was here in the first place, but Sarah clearly needed to vent some of her excitement.

  Cyn laughed as they hugged, then she stepped back and said, “Let’s go shopping! Emma!”

  “Yo!” Emma said as she stepped into the foyer, followed by Robbie and Marlon. She went directly to Sarah and the two women hugged. They’d met during the recent Council meeting in California, too, since Sarah had
flown to California with Raj.

  “Everyone, this is Eddie,” Sarah said, gesturing at the bodyguard now standing in front of the closed door. He was a big guy and completely dwarfed Sarah, but since Raj and pretty much all of his guys did, too, Cyn figured she was used to it.

  “Okay, here’s the plan,” Cyn said, pulling her winter coat out of the closet and slipping it on. “Shopping first, then an early dinner. Once the sun goes down Emelie and Elke will meet us at Chopin’s, which, according to Emelie, Raj has agreed to avoid for this one night only in honor of girls’ night out.”

  Sarah did a little dance and Cyn laughed. “After that,” she continued, “it’s party all night long and let the beverage of your choice flow!”

  “What about the guys?” Emma asked, nodding at the human bodyguards whose faces were carefully expressionless in the face of a day long shopping spree. “And my vamp bodyguard is a guy, too. Duncan doesn’t have any women on his security team, yet.”

  “They can come to the party,” Cyn said, punching Robbie’s arm. “Guys are okay, just no vampire lords, mates and/or husbands-to-be! Are we ready to rock and roll?”

  “Yeah!” Emma and Sarah shouted together.

  “Robbie,” Cyn said, turning to the big former Army Ranger, “everything a go on your end?”

  Robbie regarded her steadily for a long heartbeat, then he sighed and said, “Let’s get this over with.”

  “That’s the spirit,” Cyn said, punching him on the other arm. “You’re gonna have fun. Wait and see.”

  * * * *

  “Are you having fun yet?” Marlon muttered as the three bodyguards trailed their charges through some funky former warehouse turned high end boutique. The huge space had been broken into smaller shops, each one offering its version of the latest fashions.

  “Hey, at least she’s not trying to get herself killed,” Robbie replied as they trooped into yet another small shop, filled with tasteful displays. “Though the day is young.”

  On the other side of a circular clothing rack, Eddie kept his eye on Sarah. “Sounds like you’ve got your hands full,” he snickered over his shoulder without turning.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Robbie agreed, his gaze following Cyn as she moved along a table of cashmere sweaters. They were nice sweaters, pretty colors. Maybe he’d pick one up for his wife, Irina. She liked to wear bright colors to compensate for her enforced nighttime existence as a vampire. Cyn said something to Emma and headed for the dressing room at the back of the store. Robbie headed her off, ducking through the curtained opening and checking out the empty changing rooms.

  “You can’t come in here, Robbie,” Cyn said, giving him a half smile over her shoulder when he started to follow her inside.

  “Why not?” he demanded, one hand on her arm to hold her still.

  “It’s a dressing room,” she said patiently. “A ladies dressing room.”

  “So? It’s empty. I checked.”

  Emma showed up at that moment. “Maybe you all can guard from here, so no one else comes inside.”

  Marlon frowned. “Maybe. Let me check it out first.”

  “I’ll wait right here,” Emma assured him.

  Marlon disappeared behind the curtain as Cyn stepped up to Robbie’s side. “I know what you’re thinking,” she said, leaning against his shoulder. “But admit it, Robbie-O. You’d be bored to tears if I was that accommodating.”

  “One week,” he muttered. “Give me one week to try it out.”

  “Maybe I’ll surprise you for your birthday.”

  Robbie snorted in disbelief, but Cyn just grinned at him, turning to give Emma a questioning look as the pretty brunette and her bodyguard emerged from the depths of the ladies dressing room.

  “All safe?” Cyn asked.

  “There’s nothing there,” Marlon confirmed, ignoring Cyn and addressing Robbie and Eddie directly. “No one’s inside, no exits.”

  “Okay,” Robbie said, “have at it, ladies.”

  * * * *

  “Shit, shit. EZ, you gotta take a look at this!” Frankie Ryan tossed the words over his shoulder without a glance, unwilling to take his gaze off the security monitor in front of him. Of course, the monitor didn’t exactly show what it was supposed to, so he supposed it couldn’t actually be called a security monitor anymore. More like a private peep show of rich bitches is what it was. But no one but him and EZ knew about that part of it, so most times it was a security monitor.

  “Ai, mammi,” Ezio Galarza, better known as EZ, moaned reverently as he stared over Frankie’s head at the bounty of beauty currently disrobing in number 5’s changing room, the very room the two of them had fitted out for their special project. A project that was about to pay off big time. And not just in tits and ass, either. They hadn’t worked long nights putting this whole thing in place simply to ogle some naked women.

  “These are the ones,” EZ said, his voice rough with greed. “Look at ‘em, Frankie. Fuck, look at those rings and the necklace on that one. Those bitches have money, or they’re married to it. Either way works for me.”

  “There’s three of them,” Frankie pointed out, hating to say it, hating the scorn he knew he’d hear in EZ’s voice. “We only planned for two at the most.”

  “So we wait until one of ‘em heads out for another size and grab the other two. No one’ll know what happened. Christ, I gotta think of everything!”

  That wasn’t quite fair, Frankie thought. The original idea had been his, after all. Although he had to admit the execution was EZ’s. That’s why he’d brought his friend in on it, after all. Frankie knew his limitations, and it was EZ who was the thinker in this little enterprise.

  Frankie watched hungrily as the little blonde stripped out of her clothes, handing them over to the flashy brunette before taking a silk blouse from its hanger. She turned toward the camera and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. For such a little girl, she had the most beautiful set of tits he’d ever seen, and he’d seen a lot of tits in that room. He realized his mouth was watering and swallowed hard.

  “Okay,” he said on a gulp. “But only if the blonde is one of the two. If she’s the one who leaves, we wait.”

  “Caught your eye, huh?” EZ said, digging an elbow into his shoulder. “No problemo. Let’s see what happens.”

  * * * *

  “What do you think?” Sarah frowned at her reflection.

  “The blouse is nice,” Emma said, standing behind her and looking into the mirror critically. “But the skirt’s too big. You need a size smaller.”

  “Have you lost weight, Sarah?” Cyn asked, tugging a sweater over her head and shaking out her hair. “When’s your last dress fitting?””

  “It was two days ago,” Sarah said, smoothing her hands over her hips and eyeing the skirt critically. “You’re right, Emma. This is too big.”

  “There were a ton of them out there,” Emma commented. “Let me check.”

  “You don’t need to—”

  “Come on, Sarah, put some zilla into that bride. I’ll be right back.”

  Sarah heard Emma talking to the guys on her way out of the dressing area. She imagined the three of them standing guard out there, and hoped no one else wanted to use the dressing rooms. She’d have to be sure and spend some money before they left the shop, just in case. Stores like this operated on a thin margin. She unzipped the too big skirt and hung it back on the hangar, then slipped off the blouse, too. She could try on that wool turtleneck dress while she waited for Emma to come back. It looked warm and Manhattan still had some cold weather to go this year, especially at night.

  She eyed Cyn critically as she bunched the sweater dress up, preparatory to pulling it over her head. “That’s a great color on you, Cyn,” she said, eyeing the brilliant green cashmere. “I’d look seasick if I wore something like that.”

  Cyn laughed. “It’s a good color,” she agreed. “Raphael would love it.”

  “Raphael loves you. He’d love a burlap bag if yo
u were wearing it.”

  Cyn’s expression softened in a way Sarah never thought she’d see. It did her heart good to see it, although that might have been the whole wedding thing. She was feeling awfully sappy these days.

  She pulled the dress over her head, smoothing it past her breasts and over her hips, frowning at the fit. The skirt might have been too big, but this dress … she’d turned her back toward the mirror and was twisting to check out her ass, when she heard an unexpected noise. She glanced up just in time to see Cyn’s eyes open wide with shock, and then anger, and then … nothing at all.

  * * * *

  “I’m on a mission,” Emma announced, as she exited the dressing room in search of the right size skirt for Sarah. So far today, she was having a blast. Shopping with Cyn and Sarah was almost like shopping with Lacey. Not quite, of course. No one could ever replace Lacey. But she’d found kindred spirits in Cyn and Sarah and they were maybe the only two women in the whole world, or at least in this hemisphere, who could understand what it meant to be mated to a powerful vampire.

  Marlon followed her as she headed for the rack of skirts, waiting patiently while she searched out the right size. She grabbed a couple more in different styles, just in case. And stopped by a table filled with sweaters, thinking that might work better than a silk blouse, especially this time of year. Marlon said nothing, just watched everyone else, keeping them away by his sheer size and attitude. That was certainly an unintended benefit of shopping with a trio of bodyguards. No one, not even the sales people, bothered them.

  Emma gathered her new acquisitions and headed back to the dressing room, leaving Marlon to stand guard at the entrance with the others, while she went on back to the big dressing room at the end. She listened, expecting to hear Cyn and Sarah’s voices as she headed down the short aisle. They’d been pretty chatty all day. Sarah was so excited about her wedding, it was really sweet. But the pair had grown inexplicably quiet, and Emma was frowning as she pushed open the door and found … an empty room.

  Emma stared blankly for a moment, then stepped out automatically and checked to be sure she had the right room. “Cyn?” she called. “Sarah?”


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