Forever Her Cowboy (Always Book 1)

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Forever Her Cowboy (Always Book 1) Page 3

by Lucy Darling

  “Josh.” She breathes my name as I kiss down her neck.

  “Need this off,” I order, pulling the shirt up over her head before tossing it on the floor. I suck her nipple into my mouth, circling it with my tongue before going to the next. She lifts her hips, trying to rub her clit against me, needing release.

  “Josh. Please. It’s been too long.”

  “We’re going to do more than make up for it tonight.” I keep trailing kisses down her stomach. My cock is already pushing to get out of my sweatpants, but when I think about what she’ll look like one day with our baby inside of her I come just a little. “You knew I was going to come in here. Didn’t you?” I run my finger down her pussy. Her arousal coats my finger. I bring it to my mouth, needing to taste her on my tongue. “It’s why you didn't put any panties on.”

  “You stole my last pair.”

  “Yeah, and they stopped smelling like you months ago. I need a new pair.”

  “You don’t need a new pair.” She spreads her legs wide. “It's all yours.” She’s trying to kill me. I bury my face between her legs. Her taste is intoxicating. It doesn't take long to get her to come for me. I grip her hips, holding them down to the bed, wanting her to come at least one more time on my tongue. I could feast on her pussy all night if she’d let me. But my cock has other plans.

  “Josh!” She cries out my name as she comes again. I give her clit a kiss, making her body jerk before I stand at the end of the bed, pulling my sweatpants down. Noelle sits up on her elbows to look at me. “You look like a model or something,” she huffs.

  “A model?” I’m not sure how to take that.

  “But bigger.” I stroke my cock listening to her.

  “I don’t work out.” I put one knee on the bed, slipping up her body. “And these are not the hands of a model.” Mine are rough from tending to my land.

  “You don’t need to with a job like yours. It’s really unfair that you get to look like this.”

  “Only you get to see it, princess. It’s for your eyes only.” I take her mouth for a kiss. I push her legs open wide with my knees, lining my cock up to her entrance before I push inside of her. Fuck she’s tight but so damn wet. “You’re fucking perfection. You know that?”

  Her hand grips my back. “There you go again being so sweet. You’re going to make me think that I’ll get to keep you forever.”

  “That is not really up for debate. It’s happening.” I pull out, thrusting all the way back in. She lets out little moans as I pick up my speed. She wraps her legs around me tight so I can brush her clit as I thrust in and out of her. Letting her know that I’m it for her. That no other man will ever be inside this sweet pussy.

  “Princess. I need you to come for me.” I grit out. I don’t think I can last. It’s been too long since the last time I had her. Not to mention she’s a goddamn wet dream and she’s all mine. “Give it to me. Come for me. Squeeze my cock and take me with you.”

  “Josh!” Her pussy clenches around me. I spill inside of her, groaning. How did I manage to go months without this? I should get a medal or something.

  “Wow.” Her voice is a little shaky. I roll us so that she’s lying on top of me with my cock still inside of her.

  “That’s more than fucking wow, princess.”

  She smiles at me. “You’re still hard.”

  “You're naked and on top of me.” She pushes with her hand on my chest sitting up.

  “Oh my. That’s deep.” I grip her hips as she starts to move. “Is this right?” she asks. Like I said, she’s trying to kill me. But if I die right now, I’ll die the luckiest and happiest man that has ever walked this planet.

  “Everything you do is right.” That gets me a smile. I bring my fingers to her clit and rub her until we both come again, and she lays sprawled on top of me. The only sound in the room is that of our breathing. I hold her tight, knowing that I’ll never be able to go so long without her again.



  I turn my head, kissing Josh’s chest as his arms wrap around me. I’m pregnant. I still can’t believe it. I suspected it, but seeing the results of the test in the bathroom still surprised me. It took no time at all for those two little blue lines to pop up. The ones that would change the course of my life forever.

  I run my fingers up and down his chest, wondering what exactly those changes will be. So many things keep running through my mind. How will I manage a baby and school at the same time? Is Josh going to freak out? I’m not really sure, but Josh is always about doing the right thing.

  I know he’ll do the right thing. He’ll want to get married. But I’m not getting married because of a baby. I lived with two parents that did that and they were miserable. It’s not the life I want or wish for my child.

  “You falling asleep on me?” He runs his fingers up and down my back. I love the rough texture of them. His hands are a representation of the hard work he puts in. Of the type of man that he is.

  “No, just relaxing.” I want to enjoy this moment. The last time it was over too quick. I’m savoring this one. “What’s going to happen with us, Josh?” I know we’re past the whole worrying about someone getting hurt thing at this point. That ship sailed when those two blue lines showed up.

  “We’re together. No more of me having to run you down. Unless that’s your thing.”

  I giggle. “You’re pretty good at catching me.”

  “I like to think you kind of let me.” He rolls over, taking me with him. He brushes the hair out of my face. “We do what we have to until you’re done with school. By then I’d like to think that you won’t fight me too much on moving into my place.”

  “Your place is really nice.” He’s been working on it for years now. I’ve seen it once. He gave what used to be an old farmhouse a major overhaul. It still holds that rustic feel to it, but it is modern now too.

  “I’ve been working hard on it. There’s a princess I’m trying to impress.”

  “Sometimes I don’t know if I want to poke you or kiss you.”

  “Kiss.” He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine. He pulls back when I think we hear something outside the bedroom door. I slip under the blanket just as the door slowly pushes open. Daisy’s eyes are wide with surprise. But I don’t miss the small smile she gives before she steps back into the hallway.

  “Get dressed,” Eric orders before slamming the door so hard I swear the whole apartment shakes.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask. Josh slips from the bed and starts pulling his clothes on. “I’ve never seen Eric that mad. He’s always the calm one.”

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to fucking find out.” I grab a shirt, pulling it on before locating my shorts. Josh opens the bedroom door and I follow him out down the hallway. Eric still looks livid.

  “Are you guys seriously mad I’m with Noelle?” Why would Eric care?

  “You lied to Daisy,” Eric throws back, not answering Josh’s question. Josh’s whole body tenses.

  “It was stupid. I shouldn’t have done it. I thought it would be better for both of you. That you could come back together later. I didn’t want you two living the way that I was,” he says before looking back at me, regret and sadness in his eyes.

  “Is someone going to explain to me what the heck happened? Have you been crying?” I glare at Eric. If he made Daisy cry again, I’ll nut punch him.

  “She barely talked to me for years. For fucking years I wondered every night and day what I had done to make her hate me. How I managed to lose the most important person in my life.” Eric takes a step closer to Josh.

  “I’m sorry. I-“ Josh’s words are cut off when Eric hits him right in the gut. He leans forward, grabbing his stomach. I gasp, not sure what to do. Daisy just stands there. After a moment Josh stands all the way back up, facing Eric—who proceeds to hit him again. Josh isn't even trying to stop him.

  “Eric.” Daisy pulls at his arm, getting Eric’s attention. “I’m pissed too, but
this isn’t getting us anywhere. Let's go to bed.” Daisy pulls at his arm again. “Take me to bed.”

  He goes with her. I step out of the way for them to head down the hallway, leaving Josh and me alone.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No.” He walks over to the sofa, dropping down and putting his face in his hands.

  “What was that all about?”

  “I fucked up.”

  “I’m getting that, but I need you to break it down for me.” He lifts his head to look at me.

  “It’s going to piss you off.” I sit there and wait. “Eric’s and my graduation party.”

  “Oh Josh, what did you do?” I remember that day well. I sat in a tree with my best friend as she cried her eyes out when not even an hour before that she was telling me how Eric promised her it would be him and her one day. No wonder none of it made sense to me.

  “She came out looking for him. I was in a shit mood. Knew I had to fucking go off to college and leave you. The Davis brothers wouldn't stop flirting with you either,” he grits out. “Shit hurt. I was getting worked up and knew the next two years were going to be rough. I didn’t want that for Daisy and Eric. I thought it would be better if they parted ways back then. I figured they could come back together later.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I made her think Eric had been with Missy.” I stand up. He grabs my hand. “It was fucking stupid. I see that now. I was a stupid kid who thought I knew better. Truth is I didn't know shit. Now my best friend might never talk to me again. My sister won’t even look at me and you-” I look down at him. He gives my hand a pull, and I sit back down next to him.

  “As mad as I am and as mad as they are, everyone will get over it eventually.”

  “Not so sure about that.” He lets out a deep breath.

  “Yes they will. The moms won’t let it go until everyone does. I mean, isn't this what family is? Fighting and fucking up and all the things in between, but at the end of it, all of you know you’re going to be there for each other. Unconditional love. That’s what you guys have. It’s special. Not every family has that.”

  “You’re right. That’s what family is all about.” He looks over at me. His face is somber. I know that he feels terrible, and he should for what he did. “Let’s go to bed.” He grabs my hand, helping me up from the couch.

  “I’ll get you a blanket and pillow.”

  His eyebrows furrow. “I already have a blanket and pillow in your bed.”

  “I said eventually we would all forgive you. So I’ll get you that blanket and pillow because the only place you’ll be sleeping tonight is this couch.”


  Him saying my name almost breaks me, but I continue down the hall to get him what he needs to spend the night on the couch. I grab what I need and make my way back, the whole time telling myself that I need to stick with this because he hurt my best friend. Even though I want him to spend the night with me. For us to spend every second we can together before I tell him about the baby. Before things have the chance to change.

  “Noelle,” he tries again.

  “Don’t you Noelle me. Here’s your pillow. You’re sleeping here tonight, and I’ll see you in the morning.” He tries to grab me, but I evade him, walking quickly back to my room. We’ll see about that are the last words I hear him utter before I shut my bedroom door.



  “Fuck.” I run my hand down my face. I’m actually enjoying the throb Eric left in my gut. I deserve it. It’s what I get for always thinking I know what’s best for my sister. Instead I ended up hurting her more. It wasn’t because I didn’t want her and Eric to be together. I knew that would happen eventually. I just didn’t want the years until then to be hell for either one of them.

  Now I’m starting to think I made it exactly that way for both of them. The look in Daisy’s eyes was one of betrayal, and I’ll have a lot of explaining to do first thing tomorrow morning.

  Frustrated by the situation I’ve created, I punch my pillow and try to lie down on the couch for the night, knowing that sleep isn’t going to come easy. Besides the issue with my sister and Eric, my mind won’t stop racing about Noelle. Having her this close and not being able to be next to her is fucking with me. I toss and turn for a while, but I can’t get comfortable. Now that I’ve had her, there is no staying away from her. She can’t say that I didn’t try.

  I’ve made it exactly thirty-four minutes before I decide that I’m not going to be able to stay away from her. I’ve spent years staying away from her. Daisy and Eric may think I don’t know what it’s like to be in their shoes, but I do. It was the reason I did it. Waiting for Noelle was the hardest thing I’ve ever endured. Many times I thought I was going crazy, thinking that the waiting would never end.

  I push off the couch heading back toward her bedroom. I ignore the sounds coming from my sister’s room. Hell, I do not need to hear that shit. When I push open the door, I see Noelle sitting up in the middle of the bed.

  “You okay?” I shut the door behind me, making my way over to the bed.

  “It’s silly.” She shakes her head.

  “Nothing is silly when it comes to you.” I tuck one of her blond locks behind her ear.

  “I missed you.” That makes me smile. “Hey!” She smacks my chest. “This is crap. You’re supposed to be in trouble, but now I have to deal with the fallout of not getting to sleep with you tonight.”

  “I could sleep with you.”

  She shakes her head adamantly no. “Daisy is my best friend. If she’s mad at you, I'm mad at you. I don’t make these rules, I just live by them.”

  “All right.” I stand up.

  “Wait. You’re leaving?”

  I walk over to the bathroom flipping off the light before I crawl back into bed. “No. I’m not leaving. I guess I said it wrong. I didn't mean I could sleep with you. I meant I am sleeping with you. Not sure you can really stop me.” I hear her huff out a breath. I sit up to pull her back down to lie in the bed. She doesn't fight me.

  “Whatever.” She huffs. Fucking adorable.

  “See? This way it’s not your fault. You tried to kick me out.” I pull her flush against me, wrapping my arms around her. She still feels a little tense. I kiss her shoulder and then her neck. “You okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, just a lot is changing. Not just Daisy and me moving here either. Now she’s with Eric which I’m over the moon about, but I’d hate if we started drifting apart. I hear people do that.” I can hear the worry in her voice.

  Noelle’s real family is shit, so I can understand her worry. If anything, Daisy has been her family. Daisy pulled her right into our family. “I don’t see that happening. I’ve never seen two friends closer than you guys. You tell each other everything.”

  She tenses for a moment. What the hell was that about? It’s late or I’d push her more. I’m also already on thin fucking ice as it is. “You have me too. You know that, don’t you, Noelle? I’m not going anywhere.” She doesn't say anything for a long time.

  “I want to believe that. I guess I don’t have the greatest level of trust when it comes to thinking people are going to stick around.”

  “That’s fine. I have no problem proving myself to you, Noelle. You shouldn't expect anything else. You need something from me, you only have to ask.”

  “Except if I need you to sleep on the couch.” She tries to hold in her laugh but her body shakes with it. The vibration goes directly to my cock. I turn her to face me.

  “Yeah, babe. The one thing I can’t give you is space. Which works well since you think no one has staying power. I’m going to stay so fucking much you’re going to try and kick me out.” She laughs while burying her face in my chest. I finally let myself relax. Having her close always has a calming effect on me.

  Everything might be shit with my sister and best friend, but this right here is perfect. It was worth every second of the wait. I’d do it a thousand times more as l
ong as I end up with my sweet Noelle in my arms.



  I stand in the mirror staring at myself. Over my shoulder Josh lies in all his naked glory on my bed. If you had told me this would be my life months ago I never would have believed you. I grab my brush, trying to make myself look somewhat presentable. My stomach feels a little squeeze. I don’t know if it’s the baby or my nerves. I’m going to have to come clean sooner or later.

  I flip off the light, creeping out of the bedroom in pursuit of food. I settle on orange juice and toast. I hear a door open. I lean back to see Daisy and Eric coming down the hallway together holding hands.

  “You guys have no idea how happy I am for you two.” Daisy lets go of Eric’s hand to bounce over to me. She throws herself at me, giving me a hug and almost knocking us both out of the chair.

  “He waited,” she whispers in my ear. She pulls back to look at me. “There something you want to tell me?” She lifts an eyebrow. I pick up the piece of toast and shove it in my mouth, making her laugh. “At least tell me how long.” She drops down in the other chair.

  “He made his intentions clear at our graduation party.” Daisy’s eyes go round. “But I gave him a good chase. Now he’s kind of pinned me down.”

  “This is going to be so weird talking about my brother’s sex life.” Eric sets a glass of orange juice down for Daisy before venturing over to the couch.

  “We don’t have to talk about it.”

  “How are we not going to talk about our sex lives? That’s what girls do!”

  “Well, we haven’t up to this point.”

  “Only because neither of us had one.” She throws her hands up.

  “How about you pretend it’s someone else when I’m talking about it?”

  “I guess.” She steals a piece of toast off my plate.

  “How are you doing?” I ask her, watching her cheeks turn pink. “Oh, I heard some of that last night. I know that went great. I’m talking about your brother.” Her face drops. I reach out and grab her hand.


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