Forever Her Cowboy (Always Book 1)

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Forever Her Cowboy (Always Book 1) Page 6

by Lucy Darling

  “I’m sure you’ll eventually think of something.”

  “You’ve given me everything I could ask for by making me forever yours.”



  Many months later

  “Princess, why aren't you in our bed?” I turn at the sound of my husband's voice.

  “You’re not supposed to be up yet,” I huff. I set the eggs down on the counter. “It’s your birthday. I’m making you breakfast in bed.”

  “You can sit on my face to do that. No need to leave bed.”

  I grab my stomach when I laugh. “Don’t do that to me. You’ll make me pee myself!”

  He shakes his head, smiling while closing the distance between us. “You’re about to give birth to our boys. I don’t care what fucking day it is. You’re not making anyone breakfast in bed.” His hands come to my face, tilting my head back so he can kiss me. I sigh. “Shit.” He breaths against my mouth.

  “What?” I huff again. When he’s all sweet I can’t control my hormones.

  “I’m just going to start yelling at you. Then maybe you won’t cry.”

  “Do it.” I step back. “I dare you.” I tilt my chin up.

  “Sit your ass down, princess. I’ll make breakfast.” He points to one of the chairs at the giant kitchen island. I walk over. Well, more like waddle over and sit down. Before my butt is fully in the seat, he’s already got an orange juice in front of me with my prenatal vitamins. I take them, watching him cook us breakfast. He’s so handsome. I’m thankful every day for the life we have.

  I’ve enjoyed this time with only the two of us. We’ve only gotten a few full weeks of it really. I finished out my year. I could go back at any time for more classes if I wanted to, but I learned a lot in the time I was there. I’ve always thought a lot of cooking has to do with the chef at the end of the day. You have either got it or you don’t. I’m fortunate enough to have it. Not only in the cooking section, but in life.

  I know I have the talent. I know the option to go back will always be there. Josh wouldn’t have it any other way. He wants me to do whatever makes me happy. To follow my dreams. Right now, though, the two little boys growing inside of me are going to take all my attention. I don’t want anything else to take the attention away from my family. Except my husband, but he always has it anyways.

  “Have you given much thought to what my mom suggested?” He places one of my chocolate chip muffins in front of me. It’s been my addiction for five months. Every morning I must have one with my orange juice.

  “Some.” I bite my lip. “Do you think I should try it?”

  “I think you should do whatever you want. There is no pressure, and you don’t have to do it today, tomorrow, next month or even this year.” I gave making baby food a try. It turns out it’s not only relaxing, but I am really good at it too. Now Bunny thinks I should see it through. She said she can get it into the local grocery store to test out the market for it.

  “That’s true. Did you see that your mom emailed us five million logos?” I take a sip of my orange juice. He laughs. Bunny has it all figured out already. I’ll cook and she’ll do all the other odds and ends because, well, no one is letting her into the kitchen. Not if we actually want people to buy the product anyway.

  “Yeah. She’s excited.” She is. My eyes start to water again. Bunny always gets excited over anything any of us do. She is everything a mom should be and the example I’ll live by when raising my little ones. The truth is she and Jameson are my parents now. I tried once more with my mom, and it ended as well as the last time. This was too special of a time in my life to let her try and darken it. And my dad had been pretty nonexistent before, so not having a relationship with him wasn’t anything new. Maybe one day we’ll be able to mend, but not now.

  The day I got married, Jameson walked me down the aisle. Bunny, PJ and Daisy helped plan every detail with me. This is my family and I am lucky to have them because I know there isn't a better one out there.

  “Shit. Are you about to cry again?” Josh places the plate of fresh eggs on the counter, coming around to me.

  “I’m fine. I swear.” I blink my eyes really fast trying to clear the tears. I swear I’m a water spring. Pregnancy has been fairly easy. More so with twins on board. I’m being induced in a few days. The babies are ready, the doc informed me, and they want the birth planned.

  Josh’s hand rests on my bare thigh as he looks down at me. I’m in some giant pajama shirt. One of few things I fit into these days. “You need me?” He gives me a wicked smile. “You got out of bed before you let me eat you.” I sink my teeth into my bottom lip.

  “Josh.” I breathe out his name as he spreads my thighs wider, his hand drifting up my thigh.

  “It’s my birthday, princess. I want to make my wife come and then cook her breakfast.”

  “What kind of wife would I be if I didn't let you have what you wanted?” I smile against his mouth.

  “My fucking wife,” he growls before his mouth is on mine. He watches me come and then makes us breakfast before pulling me back to bed and getting the breakfast he really wanted on his birthday: me.

  As for me, I already have everything I’ve ever wanted. Though a little girl might not hurt with all these boys around.



  many years later

  “I don’t know why you’re fighting this,” Eric says, pulling his Stetson off. We just got done fixing the busted fence. I pull my work gloves off, staring at the new stallion I got last week. He’s turning out to be a handful. “It’s like your parents' horses Princess and King.” That’s exactly what it was. The thing is, this stallion is actually trying to get close to Princess and King’s baby. Though she isn’t a baby anymore.

  “This shit is weird. Horses don’t have mates.”

  Eric shrugs. He doesn’t breed horses. “Can you get him to breed with any of the other mares?”

  “No.” I grit my teeth because I know where this is going. If Noelle and Daisy hear about this it will be over. I can hear them already saying we are keeping true love apart.

  “You're not going to win this one.”

  “Yeah yeah,” I agree, walking down the fence line. I unhook the gate. I don’t have to call him. Trigger comes running right through and straight over to Minnie. We stand there and watch them for a moment. Trigger is rubbing his head all over her. I think he might be trying to smell her. Or maybe he’s rubbing his scent on her. I can’t blame the guy. I basically did the same thing to Noelle all those years ago.

  “We should get going before the wives get restless.” I smile, but Eric is right. They will get antsy if we don’t get a move on it. The fair is in town this weekend. Last night we took the kids, but today we’re going back solo for date night. My mom is taking the kids for the night. As much as I love my little ones, I also love when I can get their mama alone in the house.

  Noelle: Mom has the kids. Daisy & I will meet you guys there. Xoxox

  “Fucking hell.” I look over at Eric, who is glaring at his own phone. I’m sure my sister just sent him the same message.

  I take off toward my truck. Eric follows without a word, climbing into the truck with me. He lets out a long sigh. We both know they are likely up to something or going to get into something. It’s never a dull moment when the two of them are together. As much as they can drive me crazy, it still makes me smile when I see them having a good time together.

  With both families being so close, Daisy and I know that our kids will be thick as thieves with each other. Hell, they already are. They can be a handful when they’re all together. It’s not long before we get to the fair. It looks even busier tonight then it did last night. And that’s saying a lot since last night was pretty packed. There aren’t a lot of things going on in these parts, so when something like this rolls into town, everyone comes out.

  “Funnel cake,” Eric says as he hops out of the truck.

  “Did she tell you that?” I
send my girl a text to see where she is.

  “No, but I know my wife.” I follow behind Eric, who is clearly on a mission. People jump out of his way. The look I’m sure he’s got on his face has them scrambling. That grunting he does all the time makes everyone in town always give him a wide berth.

  Out of the two of our wives, my sister Daisy is usually the one who starts the trouble or comes up with the idea. She’s always been a little troublemaker. Not that my wife is an innocent angel in all of these shenanigans. She’s always right beside Daisy in whatever mischief is going on.

  “Motherfucker,” Eric barks out, causing a few women to cover their kids' ears before giving Eric a glare. He could give a shit about the looks because he doesn't even notice them. His eyes are trained on something. I follow his line of sight. Yeah, motherfucker is about right.

  My eyes are on my wife, wondering what the hell she’s wearing. My eyes travel up from her cowboy boots following the path of her long legs to her shorts. No, not shorts. They are some kind of overall things that hook to her top. She’s got her long blond hair down, and her glasses are sitting on the end of her nose as she glares at someone with her hands on her hips.

  Hips that have gotten fuller from the babies she’s given me over the years. Hips that I gripped this morning as I fucked her in the shower before anyone else in the house woke up.

  “You’re lucky my husband and brother are here to save your ass,” my sister shouts. She’s got her finger in some man’s face going toe to toe with him. I see two funnel cakes on the ground at her feet.

  My eyes go back toward my wife, knowing my sister can handle herself, and Eric is two seconds from having the man by the back of the neck. I don’t recognize him. He’s clearly not from around here. A few locals are lingering around, ready to watch the Noelle and Daisy show, but I’m going to shut part of that show down right now.

  I know that my wife and sister would never act this way unless something big happened. I’m guessing this man needs to be taught a lesson in respecting women.

  When I make it to Noelle, I see the man has powdered sugar all over his face and shirt.

  “Are you going to apologize?” Eric stands behind the man with his arms folded. He has no idea he’s there, but Eric is letting Daisy continue until he thinks he needs to step in. Now everyone has stopped and is staring.

  “Am I apologizing?” The offender points a finger at himself as though he can’t believe she’s asking him to do such a thing. “It was your friend who shoved the funnel cake in my face!” The man's face is turning redder by the second. I swing my gaze to my wife. She shrugs. I shake my head, fighting a smile.

  “You’re lucky she didn’t knee your ass in the balls for grabbing her and making those asshole comments.” And I’m done. I’m on the guy before he knows what is happening. I'm hitting him with a right hook in the jaw. Not hard enough to break, but he’ll be feeling me for a week.

  He stumbles backwards, and Eric sidesteps him, letting him fall to the ground.

  “Hey! That was my hit!” Daisy shouts at me. I start to go for the guy again, still pissed as hell, but Noelle grabs my arms.

  “You’re not going to jail on date night.” I look down at my wife. Fuck, I don’t know how she does it, but I swear she gets more beautiful each day. I can’t blame the guy for coming onto her. Doesn’t mean I still don’t want to lay him out again for grabbing her. No one touches what’s mine. “We handled it.” Noelle lifts her chin.

  “I said apologize!” Daisy shouts. I look over my shoulder to see Eric has his arm wrapped around Daisy’s waist so she can’t go anywhere. The man is still on the ground, his eyes wide as they bounce between my sister and me.

  “I’m sorry, fuck.”

  “Get the hell out of here and I better not see you around here again.”

  “I have a competition in twenty minutes.” He spits. Noelle wraps herself around my arm as he tries to get up, but Daisy swings her foot under his legs, making him tumble back to the ground. Everyone bursts out laughing.

  “If you don’t get the fuck out of here, you’ll never compete for shit again,” I grit out, barely hanging on to my control. What if it hadn’t been Daisy and Noelle that this guy tried to accost? I bet he’ll think again before he tries that shit with another female. The man scrambles to his feet and takes off without as much as a glance back our way.

  “We’re leaving, aren't we?” I look down at my wife, who is still wrapped around my arm. She licks her lips.

  “Yeah, we’re leaving.” She lets out a small scream as I lift her, throwing her over my shoulder. I hear some people cheer for me because they’re already used to our family.

  “Don’t you pick me up, you brute!” I hear my sister shout. “I want funnel cake and then I’ll ride you instead of the Ferris wheel.” I shake my head, not wanting to hear that shit out of her mouth as I head out of the fair. Noelle wiggles her ass, and I give it a smack, noting that too much of her legs are showing off like this with her ass in the air.

  “I’m being good.” She smacks my ass back.

  “You’ll pay for that one.” She stops her wiggling as I open the truck door, dropping her inside. I drove the truck with the intent of getting out of there as fast as possible. I was going to have my wife alone for the night. No kids and no work for either of us. If she doesn't have our kids underfoot then she and my mom are messing with their ever-growing business. To say I am proud of my wife is putting it mildly.

  She always says that I gave her a family but what she doesn't understand is that to our little family she is the heart. There wouldn't be any of them without her. I know she is the only woman that will ever work for me. Without her, there wouldn't be much of me either. She breathes life into me. She’s my reason for doing everything that I do. I love her so damn much. I can’t help myself.

  Was my reaction to the prick at the fair a little too much? Maybe to some but not to me. I thought he got off easy, to be honest. The woman he tried to manhandle is my whole life, and he tried to mess with her. Fuck, he had touched her and made her feel uncomfortable. I’ll never apologize for protecting her.

  Noelle wiggles in her seat as I pull out of the field that they converted into a parking lot and take off toward home. Besides, I know my aggression turns her on. The fact that she can get me to do things that others think are out of character for me gives her a thrill. Little do they know that when it comes to her, they aren't.

  “You wet, princess?” I glance over at her, speeding up.

  “Why do you ask questions you know the answers to?”

  “I’ll ask whatever questions I want. It sounds to me like you want your ass spanked some more.” I reach down and adjust my cock. Noelle licks her plump lips. She gives me a wicked smile as she reaches for the button of her overalls.

  “When I put these boots on tonight I was thinking about that night you took me in these in the back of your truck with nothing else on but them.”

  I suck in a breath.

  We ended up sleeping in the back of the truck that night. I have no idea how many times I took her. But that’s what she does to me. She makes me forget everything but her. She starts to slowly pull the overalls down her long legs.

  I jerk the truck over, taking a back road. Noelle’s soft giggles fill the cab. The little vixen knows exactly what she’s doing to me. I barely get the truck into park, having pulled off into a field, and she’s all over me.

  “I love when you get bossy,” she says between kisses. I grip her ass, grinding her against my cock. All these years later and we still can’t keep our hands off each other.

  “You’re about to suck my cock for the little stunt you pulled running off without me.” She nods her head in agreement. “Don’t come in my mouth, though. We’re working on our next baby.” I groan reaching between us. I rip her panties. Fuck the blow job. I want inside of her. She giggles more, getting the reaction out of me that she wants. “Take me out.”

  I go for her shirt, pulling it o
ff over her head, her tits spilling free as she goes for the button of my jeans. She barely gets me out, and I’m thrusting inside of her. She tries to move, but I take control, grabbing her hips and fucking up into her. My fingers dig into her hips. She moans and I’m sure I’m leaving a mark on her creamy soft skin. Good.

  She wraps her arms around me, letting me have control. It’s the way we both like it. She leans down, kissing me and giving me her sweetness. Soothing the beast inside of me that only she brings out.

  My wife, my love, my princess… my everything.

  I hope you enjoyed Josh and Noelle’s story! Curious about Eric and Daisy? Pre-order their book now, Always His Cowgirl, due out 08/27/2020. Keep scrolling to get a glimpse of Eric and Daisy.

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  Also by Lucy Darling

  Meant to Love

  Meant to Be

  Love on the Line

  Love Forever

  Love in the Mix

  Love Undefeated

  Belong to Me

  Return to Me

  Never Let Go

  Never Been Kissed

  Stalking His Claim

  Stalking His Bride

  Always His Cowgirl

  We were only kids when Daisy Price declared I would be her husband one day. In that moment, she sealed her fate. I knew right then that she would be mine, and I would be hers. Forever.

  Until one day everything changed. Now she won’t even pay me a bit of attention unless it’s to give me that mouth of hers, and not in the way I’ve always dreamed. But I’ll take it. I’ll always take whatever I can get when it comes Daisy.


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