Her Blue-Eyed Corporal (Soldiers 0f Swing Book 2)

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Her Blue-Eyed Corporal (Soldiers 0f Swing Book 2) Page 11

by Linda Ellen

  “I know, right?” he agreed as he continued his tale. “So, it seems that somehow this Brokhoff contacted Everett and offered him money if he would help him get inside. According to Everett, Brokhoff told him he had a grudge against one of the line bosses and he wanted to just set off some fireworks and scare the bejeebees out of everyone. So, idiot Everett gets his slack happy cousin in on it, and in they come. Thought it would be fun to get their names in the papers – you know, Hometown Boys Pull Wool over Army’s Eyes. They knew how much time elapsed between our patrols of the back fence line, and the one small area where there was a blind spot that no one could see. He claims he didn’t know Brokhoff had a Beretta on him…”

  “A Beretta?”

  “Yeah, that’s a small, semi-automatic German pistol. He had it hid in his backpack. Everett claims he thought the packs only held fireworks.” Steve shook his head and swore, leaning over the side a bit to spit toward the water, as if the tale was creating a bad taste in his mouth. “Fireworks. Yeah right,” he grumbled. “They were carrying enough explosives to destroy half the factory.”

  “Good heavens!” Mary June shook her head, barely able to grasp the scope of the plan he was revealing. The wild thought whizzed through her mind that it sounded like the plot to a movie. And yet…it was real!

  “Everett claims that he and Crawford were going to turn around and give themselves up like I’d ordered when we caught up to them, but Brokhoff pulled them with him behind a bulldozer. Then he proceeded to tell them to pretend to give up and he would ‘take care’ of the two soldiers. That’s when he removed the Beretta from his pack and Everett knew he’d been duped. When they came walking out with their hands up, Brokhoff lagged back and took aim at us. Luckily, we had a bright white spotlight clamped on the dash and trained on them and he couldn’t actually see us, so he just aimed at the jeep, where he thought both of us were,” he went on, completely absorbed into reliving the story. “His first shot hit the windshield and went into the seat right where I’d been sitting, and the second winged Sheldon’s arm, but I hit the dirt and got off a shot that zinged the gun out of his hand…”

  Mary June shivered violently, putting one hand to her mouth and reaching for his hand with the other as she realized just how much danger Steve had been in when he had confronted those men – and he hadn’t even known it until after the shots were fired!

  “You could have been killed,” she whispered.

  She saw his eyes flare and intuitively she knew that he realized he’d told her more details than he’d intended. He took both her hands in his and she could tell he was dulcifying his voice. “But I wasn’t. God was watching out for me.”

  “Oh Steve…you were in such danger…” she added, and he reached out and gently took her in his arms as tears begin to blur her eyes.

  “I’m sorry…I’m an idiot for telling you too many details…” When she shivered again, he murmured, “Sshhh, it’s all right. I’m a well-trained soldier in the army, honey. It’s my job. I was just doin’ what I’d been trained for. Adrenaline kicked in and I went on autopilot. That Kraut didn’t know who he was dealin’ with,” he added, and she could feel his smile against the top of her head.

  She had shut her eyes, and when she opened them, she realized that both of her arms were wrapped around his back and they were sharing a full-fledged hug. Instantly, she was conscious of his hard-muscled body pressing against hers, and the controlled strength in his arms as he held her. She knew she should step out of his embrace, but instead she spent another minute just luxuriating in the pleasure of it.

  Then, clearing her throat she stepped back and put her hands up to her cheeks. “Forgive me.”

  Now, they were almost embarrassed with each other. He cleared his throat, as well. “Nothin’ to forgive.”

  She looked around for something to break the newly developed tension between them…steering her mind away from calling it what it was – sexual tension.

  Turning, she swept a hand toward the stern of the big boat. “Wanna see the paddlewheel?”

  “Yeah, I would,” he answered, his voice sounding suspiciously rough.

  He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips as they started their stroll down the side of the boat that was nearest the Kentucky shore. Their smooth warmth sent tingles up her arm as he pressed a kiss to the backs of her knuckles and spoke tenderly, “Thank you for your concern. It’s nice to know someone cares.”

  Quickly, she blurted the first thing that popped into her mind, “Your brothers care, too, I’m sure.”

  He laughed and allowed their hands to swing between them. “Yeah, that’s true.”

  “Do they know about you being the local hero?” she asked, trying for a bit of levity.

  He let out a snort. “Gene called me the next day. It was all over Knox that a ‘crack team out at the powder plant decimated a ring of spies’. He got a kick out of the truth. Haven’t heard from Garr. Might give him a call,” he added as an afterthought.

  As they walked along, she felt him look over at her, and then he asked casually, “You mentioned your mom wasn’t feeling good when we left your house…”

  She drew in a deep breath, the idea of her brother going off to war now felt even more serious since Steve’s recent brush with danger. Finally, she let that breath out with a huff and said, “My brother…RJ…got his induction letter today.”

  Steve allowed his head to tilt back for a moment. “Wow, I totally get it. Your mom took it hard, right?”

  “That’s putting it mildly. She went bonkers. Daddy put her in bed and gave her a sleeping pill.”

  “What’s RJ’s attitude about it?”

  “Oh, RJ is fine,” she chuckled softly. “It’s the rest of us that are trying not to fall apart.” She wavered, seemingly shifting through her thoughts before adding, “They’re sending him to Knox for basic.”

  He nodded and squeezed her hand. “Good. Gene’ll keep an eye on him.”

  She smiled at that as they walked along quietly, needing nothing more than each other’s company for a while. Then, she sighed wistfully and admitted, “It’s just hard, you know…I mean, since he didn’t enlist, he’s got to go wherever they send him…and that might be right into the thick of battle. He’s…he’s my only brother,” she added, her voice cracking on the last word.

  “Aw honey, c’mere,” he interrupted their stroll to wrap his comforting arms around her again. She was quickly becoming used to just how safe and wonderful it felt to be in those arms.

  They were almost to the paddlewheel. Eventually, she moved out of his embrace and they walked the last few yards to look down over the railing together as the mist from the churning behemoth drifted up over them. Although she’d seen it many times, it never failed to amaze her – the force of power the red wheel wielded as it propelled the boat along. The thing was massive, at least twenty-four feet wide and probably twenty feet in diameter. Standing on the end of the deck above and behind it, one could literally feel the thump whoosh thump whoosh thump whoosh of the big paddles as they hit the water and pushed on through. It was mesmerizing to look down upon it. Exhilarating as well – as if she could feel the pulsing force of it in her body.

  A few other couples who had been standing nearby, observing the wheel, drifted away and they were left alone. From their position, they could clearly hear the music floating out on the evening breeze and over the dark water, the lights of the boat reflected on its rippling surface. As they stood together, the song being played came to an end and another started. A beautiful rendition of the evocative Glenn Miller tune, Moonlight Serenade.

  They looked up at one another slowly, each thinking what a fitting song to play, out on the smooth dark water of the Ohio on a moonlit autumn evening.

  He smiled down at her. “Shall we?”

  She nodded and was in his arms, swaying with him in perfect rhythm. Their bodies matched so exactly. Once again, she was struck by the way she could follow him so effortlessly, with no hes
itation at all. It was as if she could anticipate his moves. Dancing with Steve Wheeler was pure heaven, especially to a lovely, moving serenade, under the moonlight beaming from high up above. Tears filled her eyes; the interlude was so wonderfully beautiful.

  Moments like this with a man like Steve are what most girls dream of but never get.

  She felt his grasp on her hand and back grip a little tighter, as if he felt the strength of it too.

  Then, as the final strains of the clarinet drifted to an end, they slowed to a stop. Her cheek was pressed against his chest, just below his chin, and she raised her head up to gaze at him. The opportunity was too perfect and she knew he wouldn’t pass it up.

  As his face slowly lowered, her eyes drifted shut and his lips, warm and soft, touched and then pressed against hers. Time seemed suspended. Were there sparklers in the night sky? Her head reeled and his hands gripped her closer than ever. His mouth moved over hers, searching, and then asking and receiving permission to deepen, to taste and explore. It was lovely, effervescent, amazing, and absolutely breathtaking.

  Their first kiss was everything she had dreamed and hoped it would be.


  The USO Club, Downtown Louisville

  The following evening, a dark green Plymouth pulled over to the curb in front of the USO at 5th and Market and stopped.

  Mary June gathered her sweater and purse before turning to grin at her brother behind the wheel of his car. They had laughed and joked, singing along with the radio all the way there.

  Suddenly, she was hit with a wave of nostalgic affection for him. Tears came to her eyes and she said softly, “Oh RJ…this is probably the last time you’ll give me a ride to the USO…and who knows when I’ll see you again…you’ll be leaving in a few days…”

  He met her eyes and for a moment she saw raw emotion in them…fear of the unknown and what the future might hold. Then a mask dropped in place and he moved his shoulder in one of his familiar carefree shrugs. “Oh, you’ll see me, sis. Once they give us liberty, I’ll hop on the bus and ride from Knox, and see what it’s like to dance with you USO girls here. Not sure I’ll dance with you, though,” he teased as he watched her swipe away a few tears.

  She let out a soggy giggle. “I wouldn’t wanna dance with you, you flat-footed dead hoofer, you.”

  He drew back in offense, although his eyes twinkled in the glow of the streetlight as he came back, “Hey, I resemble that remark!”

  That made her burst out laughing, reminding her of all the times they had gone to the movies together as kids to see the Marx Brothers. That is, until he got to be a teenager and ditched her to go with a date, their parents completely unsuspecting. Oh, how I love my brother. The goofy nut. I’m really gonna miss him…

  They sat there for a few moments, both feeling a bit awkward, until Mary June said brightly, “Well, I guess I better get in there…times ‘a wastin’.”

  He looked across at her. “Your fella coming tonight?”

  Her mouth immediately curved into an exhilarated smile. “He said he was.”

  RJ held her gaze, letting a teasing grin tug at his lips. “Was that before or after the kisses behind the bushes?”

  Mary June’s mouth dropped open and then she laughed and reached over to swat at him. “You were spying on us? I can’t believe you did that!”

  He laughed outright. “Payback for all the times you’ve spied on me.”

  She clamped her lips together, trying not to give in to another smile. “Well…you deserved that, necking at the picture show with Lucy Farnsworth. Shamey, shamey.”

  The expression in his eyes slowly went from amusement to a sort of wistful recollection, until he finally reached over and took hold of her hand in an unusual show of brotherly affection.

  “You take care of yourself while I’m gone, you hear?” He patted her hand, albeit a bit awkwardly, giving it a jiggle of encouragement and then letting it go. “Stay outta trouble.”

  “I will,” she replied, her smile was warm and genuine. “Thanks, RJ.” Then, on impulse, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for being my big brother.” Sitting back, she added teasingly, “And if you get yourself hurt somewhere overseas, I’ll come over there and bean you a good one, right on your silly head.”

  He gave her a sloppy, mock salute. “Yes, sir…uh…ma’am. I’ll remember that, sir…uh…ma’am.”

  That made her giggle and she reached over and gave him a playful shove. “Oh you. Get outta here.” As she opened the door to get out, she turned back and met his eyes more seriously. Gently, she admonished, “Go home and spend some time with Mama.”

  He pressed his lips together and drew in a resigned breath. “Okay sis.”

  She stepped out and shut the door, bending down to give him a wave as he pulled out onto the street. Turning, she ran right into a big, burly man in a white sailor uniform who must have been just standing there.

  “Oh, pardon me,” she mumbled as she moved to go around him. He stepped over to purposely block her way.

  “Where’re you goin’, little lady?” he asked, his words slightly slurred.

  Mary June looked up at him, noticing the unkempt hair underneath the Dixie-cup cap, dark blue tie, and several stripes on his sleeve. She noticed something else, too. His uniform seemed stained and dirty, even torn just under the sleeve, and he reeked of alcohol. Unfortunately getting a strong whiff of that, she reeled back a few inches on her heels.

  Trying to be civilized, she said politely, “I’m going in there,” she indicated the large building up the steps. “I’m a USO junior hostess. Have you…” she paused, hoping he’d say no, “been to the dances?”

  “Can’t say as I ’ave, cause I ain’t,” he drawled, reaching out to fondle her hair with a grubby hand. “You invitin’ me, doll?”

  Something about him set off alarm bells in her head. Her heart sped up and she scrambled for the right words. “I…I’m only letting you know, sailor. Th…the dances are open to anyone with twenty-five cents and wearing a uniform.”

  Then, before he could say anything else, she ducked around him and hurried up the steps and disappeared inside. A quick look over her shoulder allowed her to see that he had followed her progress with a lecherous glare. She shuddered and shut the big door firmly behind her, thankful that she had arrived early and it wasn’t time for the dance to begin yet.

  Inside, she saw Viv, looking sweet in a pink short-sleeved swing dress, and gave her a quick hug.

  “MaJu, I’m so glad you’re here early! We have time for you to tell me all about…” Viv hesitated and looked around, making sure no one could overhear them. She lowered her voice, “your big date with you-know-who.” She clamped her fingers over her lips, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

  Determinedly shaking off the unpleasant encounter out front, Mary June pressed her bottom lip between her teeth and met her friend’s eyes. “Oh Viv, it was absolutely…magical!” she quietly squealed and they both giggled like schoolgirls. Glancing quickly around, they grasped hands and hurried off to a corner of the snack room so that Mary June could relive her wonderful date with her dashing corporal.

  Thirty minutes later, Vivian sighed in shared pleasure. “Oh Mary June, that sounds heavenly. Especially that dance above the paddle wheel – to Moonlight Serenade, of all songs! It was like…like an evening designed just for you and Steve.”

  “I’ll say,” Mary June agreed with a dazzling smile. “I’ve never had a grander time on a date with a fellow…and oh my goodness, that man can kiss! We couldn’t seem to stop kissing once we started.” She let out a mischievous laugh. “I simply can’t wait to see him tonight…” She glanced toward the others milling about the room. “I just don’t want Warden Warren to find out about it.”

  “Copy that,” Viv agreed, unconsciously using one of her fiancé’s pet phrases. “But MaJu, I need to tell—” she stopped when Miss Warren walked into the room to begin her Saturday night pep talk with the juni
or hostesses on duty that night. It would all be about watching how they behaved, reminding the girls to dance at least one dance with any military man that asked, no matter how badly he dances, but not more than three dances with the same man. The girls that had been hostesses for a while merely nodded understanding, but were barely listening—they’d heard it all before.

  Finally, with the talk over and the girls preparing for another night of dancing, Viv looked up from checking her makeup in the small mirror she kept in her purse and watched as Mary June primped, taking extra time with hers.

  “Honey, I forgot to tell you. Gene called to tell me that Steve can’t come tonight…”

  Wavering, Mary June swung around to examine her friend’s face in the hope that she was joking, as her heart suddenly started to pound. He’s not coming? But…we had such a good time together last night… Was I wrong? Did I enjoy the night more than he did? Was he just…using me, with all those kisses and sweet talk?

  Before her thoughts could cement in that direction, Viv hastened to add, “When he got back to the plant last night, he was told their commander cancelled all liberties until further notice. Phone calls, too. But he managed to sneak one to Gene on the pretext of calling the base, just to let us…and you, know.”

  Mary June swallowed her disappointment and gave a vague nod.

  “Gene said it’s something about the incident and that it probably won’t last long; just a precautionary measure or something. He said, and I quote, ‘I’ll lay odds that as soon as they let him, he’ll hightail it back over that bridge as fast as that old Ford of his will go.’”

  Both girls giggled at that, picturing Steve buzzing along in his beat up old vehicle—sidestepping the fact that Gene drove one just like it, only in a bit better shape.

  But then the levity evaporated and Mary June released a sigh of resignation.

  “Well, I guess I better get in there…but for once, I’m not really looking forward to it.”


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