Indebted To A Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

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Indebted To A Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy Page 3

by Callahan, Kelli

  We were past the point of worrying about Daniella’s parents finding out that we decided to sneak out of the house after they went to sleep. They would be pissed, but it wasn’t like they were going to do anything except yell at her. If she made it home, then I needed her to drive back to Corbin’s house and pick me up. My ankle didn’t hurt once I got it propped up on the couch, but walking was still going to be a challenge. I listened to the phone ring several times and then it went to voicemail. I immediately hung up and dialed again, but it went to voicemail for the second time. I scanned through the messages, and my heart sank into my stomach when I saw the last one she sent me—it said that the cops were driving by the spot where she was hiding and shining a spotlight in the woods.

  “No answer?” Corbin glared at me once I lowered my phone.

  “I—think the cops may have found her.” I sighed and shook my head. “Please, I’m begging you. We weren’t going to break into your house. We just had a stupid bucket list from when we were in high school, and one of the things on it was to sneak over the fence at night and go skinny dipping—it was never going to be anything but that—I swear.”

  “I see.” He took a sip of his whiskey. “So, you live on your own, have a job, go to college—all of that—and you still thought it was okay to act like some foolish high school kid? Actually, scratch that. I think most high school kids would know this was a bad idea.”

  “It was a terrible idea.” I nodded. “I didn’t want to come in the first place…”

  “Peer pressure, huh?” He sipped his drink. “Then maybe your friend does need to spend the night in jail so that she learns her lesson.”

  “That seems a bit harsh…” I looked down at my phone, but I didn’t have any new messages from Daniella.

  Her parents are going to do a whole lot of yelling if they have to pick her up at the police station—and I still don’t have a ride home.

  “Actions have consequences. If you don’t pay your power bill, what happens?” Corbin sipped his drink and studied my expression.

  “They turn it off.” I shrugged. “Obviously, I understand that actions have consequences, but we were just skinny dipping in your pool…”

  “Trespassing. Don’t try to gloss over it. What if one of you had gotten hurt out there? What would you have done?” He narrowed his eyes, and his jaw tightened.

  “We could have called for help…” I held up my cell phone.

  “Do you think your friend would have called for help? You hurt your ankle getting out of the pool, and she just left you here.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “She was scared. I don’t know what I would have done if the situation was reversed…” I sighed.

  I don’t think I would have abandoned her though…

  I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere with Corbin. I only had two other real options if Daniella had been arrested. I could call her parents, which I needed to do regardless if she was in handcuffs or call my mom. My mom would be upset that I woke her up in the middle of the night, especially since she had to be up really early for work, but she seemed like the best option. Daniella’s parents would come and get me, but there was a good chance they would drive straight to the police station before they did—that would leave me stranded at Corbin’s house for several hours. I stared at the screen and finally scrolled to my mom’s number. Before I got a chance to dial it, Corbin’s phone lit up, and he answered it.

  “Hello?” He pressed the phone to his ear. “Yes, this is Corbin Hawthorne. I called you earlier. You found her? That’s great.”

  She did get picked up by the cops. Damn it!

  “It’s a little late for me to come to the station tonight, but I could stop by first thing in the morning.” He stared at me as he spoke. “Yes, I’m sure I want to press charges for trespassing.”

  This is really happening. She’s going to jail—at least for the night.

  “I guess that matter is settled.” Corbin hung up the phone. “Is there someone else you want to call?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I don’t have a choice, do I? I have to call my mom. I may not live with her anymore, but she’ll still come pick me up…”

  Then I have to call Daniella’s parents and let them know she’s been arrested—that won’t be a fun phone call.

  “Unless you want to discuss an alternative.” He sipped his drink and lowered it.

  “An alternative?” I raised an eyebrow inquisitively. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m a reasonable man.” He narrowed his eyes. “I let you come inside and find a ride home instead of having the cops come arrest you simply because you apologized and asked nicely.”

  That’s true, but Daniella isn’t here to apologize or ask him not to press charges.

  “If I ask nicely would you be willing to tell the cops it was a mistake and not press charges against my friend?” I softened my tone and gave him the saddest expression I could muster—that didn’t take much effort considering the circumstance.

  “No.” He shook his head back and forth. “You got my one act of kindness tonight.”

  “Then why even bring it up?” I felt my blood start to boil—or at least simmer.

  “I said I was reasonable. The offer you presented me wasn’t reasonable—try again.” He sipped his whiskey.

  “What do you want?” I shrugged with some obvious frustration on my face. “I have no idea what I can offer you. The only thing I have is my cell phone, my debit card, and my driver’s license—and if you’re going to suggest money, I don’t have very much in my account.”

  And you damn sure better not suggest something—sexual.

  “Then you will have to incur a debt—one that can be paid at a later date.” He nodded. “Does that sound fair?”

  A later date means I get out of here and Daniella doesn’t spend the night in jail.

  “What kind of debt?” I felt a hint of concern twist my stomach into a knot.

  “The price will be fair.” He leaned forward. “But you don’t get to know what it is right now.”

  “You’re playing games with me…” I shook my head back and forth. “I’m just going to call my mom.”

  “Suit yourself.” He leaned back and sipped his drink.

  If I agree to it—I could leave and get Daniella out of this mess. Nothing says I have to actually pay the debt, right?

  “Wait.” I held up my hand. “That’s it? I agree to incur a debt, and this all goes away?”

  “Yes, it’s that simple.” He nodded. “Until it’s time to pay the debt, of course.”

  I stared at him as I pondered his proposal, but I struggled to maintain eye contact. His eyes were almost piercing. I ran through everything in my head as I tried to figure out what he could possibly want me to do. If he expected something sexual, then there was no reason to be coy about it. We were alone in his house, and I wasn’t going anywhere until I called for a ride. I would have refused him on the spot, despite the fact that he was extremely attractive—I wasn’t giving him my body just to keep Daniella from spending the night in jail and getting a fine for trespassing.

  I got the feeling that there was more to it than a sexual favor—it felt like a game—and he didn’t deny it when I said he was playing one. I was intrigued by it, and I was kind of intrigued by Corbin too. He wasn’t like any guy I had ever met before—the way he spoke made me feel like I should cower, yet I felt stronger when I didn’t. He walked me straight into a trap and closed it. Despite his game or whatever trap he had lured me into, all I had to do was agree to the debt and then walk away—well, in my case, I would be hobbling, but it wasn’t like he could make me pay off the debt once I was gone.

  “Okay.” I nodded. “I’m indebted to you—please call the cops and let them know this was all a misunderstanding.”

  “Those are the terms.” He lifted his phone and slid his finger across the screen.

  I listened as Corbin told the cops that it was a mistake and he had found out the supposed trespasse
r was a neighbor’s daughter that was friends with his half-sister. I could tell by the conversation that cops were more than just a little annoyed, but Corbin apologized until they finally agreed to let Daniella go. I slid my finger across the front of my phone as soon as he started to wrap up the conversation. My best friend was not going to spend the night in jail, so I needed to get a ride back to her place. I had no intention of spending the night after everything that had happened, but I did need to pick up my car so I could drive home—provided that my ankle didn’t make that difficult.

  “All done.” He put his phone down on the table and reached for his drink. “The matter is resolved.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled. “I’m going to call my mom now.”

  “Or I could arrange for a car to take you back to your friend’s house.” Corbin tilted his head.

  “You—would do that?” I tilted my head suspiciously.

  “You can pay me back later.” He sipped his drink.

  “Another debt?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “An increase in the one you already have.” He nodded.

  What do I have to lose at this point?

  “Sure.” I nodded. “It would be a lot better than waking my mom up.”

  “Perfect.” He reached for his phone and tapped the screen a few times. “Okay, the car is on the way.”

  “Thanks.” I leaned forward. “I guess I should get dressed…”

  “You can use the bathroom. Hang the towel over the shower bar.” He motioned to the hallway. “Oh, but before you go—why don’t you write down your name, address, and telephone number. I need to know how to get in touch with you when it’s time for you to pay your debt.”

  I should have known I wasn’t getting out of here without giving him something…

  Chapter Four


  The brunette goddess I found in my swimming pool turned out to be more interesting than I expected. She was gorgeous, and her amber eyes could have hypnotized a blind man, but there was more to her than beautiful curves. She was strong, independent, and defiant—girls like that were so much fun to break. The tough exterior was there because she had to wear one to survive, but underneath it, was a girl begging to submit. She just didn’t know it yet. I was going to pull that need out of her and make her learn to love getting down her knees. She knew it was a game, yet she still became a willing player by agreeing to become indebted to me. I was going to collect, and it was going to be so fucking intoxicating.

  I may be staying in Los Angeles a lot longer than I expected.

  The best part of any game was the belief that it was possible for either player to win. If Chloe was as smart as I thought she was, then she had already had a strategy mapped out in her head. The only acceptable path to victory in her mind was to minimize the impact of paying the debt or avoid it entirely. I let the price linger in the air because I truly didn’t know what it would be when the time came. That would depend on how she reacted once the pieces started getting moved around the board. There was no reason to rush—the anticipation would be worth it. Besides, I had an ace up my sleeve.

  It’s almost impossible to lose if you’re the one making the rules.

  “How long until the car arrives?” Chloe limped towards the couch and sat down with a grimace on her face.

  “It should be here soon.” I picked up my cell phone and checked the app. “They’re about ten minutes away.”

  “Okay, good.” She nodded. “You’re really not going to tell me what kind of debt I have with you now?”

  Trying to peek at my cards. She’s definitely smart.

  “No.” I shook my head back and forth. “I have your information. I’ll be in contact when the time is right.”

  “Just so you know, if you ask me to do something illegal, it’s not going to happen—even if I do owe you one.” Her voice had a hint of sassiness.

  “The debt was incurred because you did something illegal.” I narrowed my eyes. “Trespassing, remember?”

  “That doesn’t mean I’m going to pay it back by doing something else illegal.” She shook her head back and forth.

  “Nothing I ask of you will be illegal.” I leaned forward. “You might even enjoy it.”

  “Is that so?” She tilted her head suspiciously.

  “Maybe I’ll ask you to paint one of the rooms in my house.” I looked around the living room. “This one could use a touch-up.”

  Or maybe I’ll ask you to let me paint a picture of those beautiful curves in my mind…

  “I guess I could do that.” She shrugged. “As long as you give me some notice so that I can come over when I don’t have to work.”

  “It’s one of many options.” I nodded. “I don’t know if that’s what I’m going to ask for yet.”

  I know it isn’t, but this is all part of the game…

  Chloe made a few more guesses, and I played along with alternative options that I would never actually ask her to do. I thought it was interesting that she danced around and completely avoided the obvious one—she was a beautiful young woman, and I was a man that lived alone. I knew she was thinking about it. I could see the way she broke eye contact when I stared—the way she shifted her weight every time she had to look away. I could have answered that question truthfully if she asked it. My mind was already imagining those gorgeous curves teasing my hands as I touched them for the first time—but sex wasn’t currency for her to pay the debt. My needs went much deeper than that. Taking a woman to bed was easy—owning her soul before she left it was a lot harder. That part was cerebral and had to start long before the covers were ever turned back.

  “I think the car is here.” Chloe leaned forward and tried to look out the window.

  “Yes, I believe it is.” I nodded and started to stand. “Do you need help getting to the car, or will your ankle hold up?”

  “I think it’ll be fine.” She took a step towards the door.

  I got up and walked over to the door before Chloe could get there. She was limping and could have probably used some help, but she was too proud to ask for it. Her independent nature wouldn’t allow her to accept that there was more strength in knowing when to ask for help than defying it at every turn. Independence was like a drug for her. Defiance was the paraphernalia that delivered the hit. I couldn’t wait to watch that unravel as I challenged everything she stood for.

  “Have a safe trip home.” I opened the door and smiled as she hobbled past me—then she stumbled.

  Her ankle wasn’t very bad. There was no sign of redness or swelling when she propped it up. It was just weak and needed a day or two to be fully healed. That didn’t stop it from protesting every time she took a step, and it didn’t stop her from stumbling when she dragged her foot along the ground and caught it on the sill. I immediately stepped forward, catching her waist with one hand and putting the other one under her arm. She grimaced, but she didn’t fall once my hands were supporting her.

  “Thank you…” she sighed and looked up at me.

  “Let me help you to the car, just to be safe.” I gave her a chance to be defiant, but I wasn’t going to let her put herself in actual danger of actually falling.

  It was a short walk from the door to the driveway where the car was waiting. Chloe allowed me to give her a little bit of support, but she still tried to balance most of the weight on her good leg instead of leaning on me. Once we made it to the car, I opened the door, and she turned towards me before she sat down. Our eyes met, and for a moment—there was a flicker—maybe it was a spark or just the realization that there could be one. I felt it too. A slight warmth that swept through my body and caused my breath to get trapped in my throat for a moment. She finally broke the gaze that we shared, and I closed the door. I watched as the car drove away and then walked back into the house.

  This is definitely going to be interesting.

  Chapter Five


  My encounter with Corbin Hawthorne left a strange feeling inside of me. T
here was something about him that screamed run and don’t even think about it at the same time. It was like dancing along the edge of a cliff with a rope tied around your waist. The fall was going to hurt if you lost your balance, but you weren’t going to hit the ground if you did. I had never felt anything like that before. I had no idea what his motivation was for the deal we made or what the price would be when he finally came to college. It was a little exciting, but definitely scary. He had my phone number and my address, so he could come to collect that debt whenever he wanted. I doubted the price was going to be paid with the currency in my bank account, but if he wanted something else, it didn’t make sense to leave me in suspense.

  What does a man like that even need, especially from someone like me?

  My first thought was money. When that didn’t seem to be what he was interested in, I figured it was sex—but there was no reason to wait if that was what he wanted. He seemed very intelligent—intelligent enough to know that he wasn’t going to get some kind of sexual favor in exchange for what he gave me. Then again, I was naked in his pool when he found me—maybe he thought any girl dumb enough to skinny dip in a stranger’s pool was promiscuous enough to trade sex for anything. If his intention was to just mess with my head, then he was accomplishing that—whatever game he was playing had my thoughts spinning out of control.

  “This is the address?” The driver looked back at me as we approached Daniella’s house.

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  It looks like every light in her house is on. Her parents definitely know that we aren’t safely tucked away in bed right now.

  I basically walked into the middle of chaos once I hobbled up the steps of Daniella’s house. Her mother started yelling at me immediately—mainly because she didn’t have anyone else to take out her frustrations on. Daniella’s father had left to pick her up at the police station, and her mother was worried sick. I sat down on the couch and took the brunt of her anger until Daniella’s father finally got back—after that, they both just took turns laying into their daughter. I decided that it was the perfect opportunity to leave. My ankle didn’t feel great, but I would much rather worry about it in my own apartment than listen to Daniella’s parents lose their collective shit at the same time.


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