Betrayal of the Federation

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Betrayal of the Federation Page 9

by K M Dean

Aboard the Barracuda, Commander Indira Sukhov said, “listen up, I have just opened our sealed orders. We are to proceed to the Delta Ceti system and take up a position to observe any Jian activity. We will be running silent, you know the drill. Everyone, on your toes. This is the real thing.”

  Zeta Catana System

  Aboard the Odyssey, Admiral Morin “Mac” McCreary awoke a couple of hours before he was expected on the bridge. “Mac,” carefully dressed in a fresh uniform and went to the officer’s mess to grab a cup of coffee. With coffee in hand Mac began his morning ritual. He liked to stop by different sections of the ship just to get a feel for how everything was running. This morning, he made his first stop in engineering. As he stepped through the hatch and entered engineering, a rating he did not recognize shouted, “officer on deck”.

  Mac said, with a smile. “As you were.”

  Commander Sogav Ch’Korub, the Egolari Chief of Engineering said, “Welcome Captain, what brings you to our bailiwick this morning?”

  “Sogav, I have a feeling we are going to get busy soon and just wanted to check in and make certain everything is ready. We have no real idea what we are going to encounter, but whatever it is I need the Odyssey to be in top form.”

  “Captain; all reactors are running at optimum. The weapons systems are all tested and ready, and the SER[15] teams are ready. Medical has assigned personnel to the SER teams to assure quick medical care as well. We are ready Captain.”

  “I knew I could count on you Sogav, I just like to stay in touch. You and your people are doing a great job. Stay safe.”

  With that “Mac” turned and continued his morning walk. He knew his Exec, Commander Aranari Savar, had the departments running at maximum efficiency. Savar was one of the first Krayari to join the SOL/FED Navy. Mac new Aranari well and knew he could trust him. For that reason, Mac had no reason to check in with Engineering, but it was a habit that was hard to break.

  As “Mac” stepped onto the Bridge of the Odyssey, Marine Sergeant Oberon Wonthreen announced, “Captain on deck.” Mac immediately said, “As you were.”

  Commander Savar said, “Good morning sir, everything is quiet. No word from any of the stealth ships.”

  “Very well Commander, grab some food and get some rest. You are relieved.”

  Commander Savar said, “Aye sir,” and left the bridge.

  Three days later in the Delta Ceti system

  Commander Sukhov was gently nudged awake by her alarm. She queried her neural implant and noted it was zero four hundred hours. She had only been asleep for about three hours. She arose and got dressed. She stopped by the ship canteen and grabbed a cup of coffee. A call this early could only mean one thing. The Jian were in the system. She was certain this would only be the first of many cups of coffee this day.

  As she entered the bridge her Exec, Lieutenant Commander Gunther “Gunner” Gabrielli said, “They just showed up Captain. There is a Legaliri class Battle cruiser with a couple of Myoxx-class cruisers. Four Medium Cruisers and eight Drazeer-class escorts. It’s just as intelligence predicted.”

  “OK ‘Gunner’ let’s get this show on the road. Put together an FTL message for the Fast attack group. Don’t forget to copy HQ in Gamma Remidian. Let’s get this done.”

  Moments later in the Zeta Catana System

  “Captain, coded FTL message from the Barracuda.”

  “All right Comm. decode it and put it on screen.”

  “Aye sir, coming up now.”

  From: FN Barracuda

  To: FN Odyssey

  HQ Gamma Remidian

  Fifteen ships entered this location at zero three forty. One Legaliri class Battle cruiser, two Myoxx-class cruisers. Four Medium Cruisers and eight Drazeer-class escorts.

  “Alright, It’s the Delta Ceti system. Lay in your course and jump us to the coordinates for our attack point in the Delta Ceti System. Sound General quarters.”

  Richard “Richy the Reaper” Kingston was the CAG[16] aboard Odyssey and was overall commander of all fleet fighter/fighter bomber spacecraft operations. Admiral McCreary pinged his neural implant. “Richy, Its the Delta Ceti system. There is a Legaliri class Battle cruiser with a couple of Myoxx-class cruisers. Four Medium Cruisers and eight Drazeer-class escorts. It’s just as intelligence predicted.”

  “Ok Mac, I’ll get my people started. We should be ready to launch in fifteen minutes.”

  After he had signed off with Mac, Richy gave Commander Mike, “Smoke” Adams, his Exec a call. “Mike, get ready to launch our strike fighters and bombers, The Jian have shown their hand. Have everyone ready in ten minutes.” The Alarms went off in “Pilot Country”. All pilots already knew their assignments and there was an orderly, but quick rush to the launch bays. They had trained for this day and they knew they were ready, but it was also the first time under fire for most of them. Now it was time to “do it for real.”

  Richy routinely flew missions, refusing to take an advancement in rank because he wanted to continue flying. His call sign “Richy the Reaper” was bestowed on him because no one was deadlier in the air or space.

  Several hours prior to the alert Captain Kingston had designed an attack strategy for the types of ships expected. It looked like it was going to be by the numbers. But “Richy the Reaper” knew better. He recalled the words of Woody Allen, a late twentieth century Actor, writer, director, comedian, playwright, and musician. “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”. But you had to plan and hope your people could adjust to the inevitable unexpected wildcards.

  In the pilot’s ready room aboard Odyssey, Captain Kingston said, “all right everyone, settle down.”

  The briefing was also being transmitted to the Ultron “Jeep” carrier Ariel. “Just to reiterate, “Rough Riders”, “Nova Kings”, “Star Busters”, “Yellow jackets”, “Razorbacks”, “Black Knights”, “Eagles”, “Hell Raisers” and “Assassins” are on me. We are attack group Delta. We will be softening up the Legaliri Cruiser for the Odyssey.”

  “Bomber group Alfa, under the command of Lt Commander Zoe Fellini. Your group will consist of SFB-101 “Intruders”, SFB-102 “Chester’s Molesters,” SFB-103 “Black Hatters”, SFB-104 “Red Ravens”, SFB-105 “Sidewinders”, and SFB-106 “Rattlers”.

  If the enemy formation is as we expect, your target will be the Cruiser designated Zulu on your tactical display.

  “Mike, “Smoke” Adams, you take your “Bounty hunters”, “Night Hawks” and “Mad Maulers” squadrons. You are code named Alfa Escort. You will support bomber group Alpha.

  “Bomber Group two under the command of Lt Commander Kai Taragarn. You are Bomber Group Bravo, you will have squadrons, FB-107 “Eagles”, SFB-108 “Swashbucklers”, SFB-109 “Broncos”, SFB-110 “Gun Slingers”, SFB-111 “War Eagles”, and SFB-112 “Warriors”. Your target will be the cruiser designated X-ray on your Tactical display.

  “Thomas, you take your “Mustangs”, the “Wall Bangers”, and the “Assaulters”. You are designated Bomber Group Bravo escort. The bomber groups are going to take out the two Myoxx-class cruisers.” Those cruisers carry two squadrons of the new Biloxan fighters. They are nearly a match for our Curtana fighters so stay frosty.

  “Commander Soxal, you take the “Vipers”, “Black Lions”, “Wildcats”, the “Raiders”, and the “Outlaws” and fly cap on the Odyssey. You are CAP one. Look alive, we think we will be able to keep the Jian Fighters busy but be ready just in case.”

  “Lt Commander Killian, you are in command of the Standby Alert group designated Hotel. Alert group Hotel includes the “Outlaws”, “Red Dragons”, “Devil Dogs”, and the Executioners”. You will be ready to launch throughout the engagement and go wherever we need you.”

  If the enemy formation is not as expected, form up on your leaders and await targeting instructions on your tactical displays.”

  As the Federation Fast attack group exited FTL in the Delta Ceti system, they were at battle stations and ready to fight. The Jian
Ships were in an attack formation designed to neutralize the defenses of the ship building facilities in Delta Ceti and were not prepared for an attack from space.

  The Odyssey immediately began to launch fighters and fighter bombers. The Jeep carrier Ariel was right behind the rest of the fast attack group and began launching fighters and fighter bombers also.

  Aboard the Jian Legaliri class Battle cruiser Kzii, sensor operator Chobub said, “First Commander Tausir, sensors indicate sixteen ships transitioning in to the system. Unknown types at this moment sir. It will take a few more joulene[17] to determine who they are."

  Tausir said, “Alert the rest of the assault group. Advise them to stand by for orders. Only the Federation Navy would be foolish enough to disregard the power of the Jian Empire. We have a plan in place just in case something like this happened.”

  The Jian attack group was aligned just as intelligence had predicted. As Richy led attack group Delta toward the Jian Legaliri class Battle cruiser he thought to himself, “this is just too easy, something has to go Tango Uniform”.

  “Keep it tight,” said Richy. “Stick with your wingman. We have an advantage now, but they won’t sit on their hands for long. Make every shot count.”

  The Barracuda was lying unseen, in stealth far behind the Fast Attack group.

  Lieutenant Commander Gunther “Gunner” Gabrielli said “Commander Sukhov, there is another ship dropping out of FTL, she is another Jian Legaliri Class Battle Cruiser. The fast attack group is too far away to see her yet. If she gets within range, she will be able to cripple the entire Federation fast attack group. The added weapons of that Legaliri Battle Cruiser will bring way too much firepower for the Fast Attack Group to handle.”

  Commander Sukhov replied, “we can’t warn the fast attack group without giving away our position and the signal lag, in system, would take too long anyway. They’re sitting ducks.

  Gunner, can we get close enough to the Jian Cruiser to put a couple of torpedoes in her?”

  “We can Captain,” he replied “but we will have to drop stealth to fire and we have no defensive weapons. The question is can we fire two torpedoes and GTF out of here before the Jian cruiser blows us to hell.”

  “Well Gunnar my friend, it will take at least two torps, so we are about to find out, Take us in close Commander.”

  As he maneuvered the Barracuda into position Gunnar said, “Captain? This is not what our boats are designed for and you know it takes about ten seconds to fire the second torpedo. We could be in for a very rough ride.”

  “Do it Commander, if we don’t take that cruiser out or at least damage her we could lose the entire Fast attack group.”

  “All right Captain, we are moving to point blank range.” A few seconds later, “In position Captain, I have the cruiser locked in.”

  “Gunner drop stealth and fire both torpedoes. Be ready to execute our emergency FTL jump as soon as the second torpedo is on its way.”

  “Aye Captain, dropping stealth now. Fire one.” Nine seconds later, “Fire two, jumping to FTL now.”

  Aboard the Jian Legaliri class Battle cruiser Somal. First Commander Chasass turned to his second in command, Sub Commander Bellatir. “It is as we were concerned. The Federation is attempting to disrupt our subjugation of the Delta Ceti system. Fortunately, we caught them unawares. We will annihilate their forces easily with two Legaliri class Battle Cruisers.”

  Before Sub Commander Bellatir could answer, sensor operator Vuucren shouted, “First Commander, sensors indicate a single ship just appeared close on our stern. It is firing a torpedo, no---- two torpedoes sir.”

  “Evasive maneuvering now” shouted Commander Chasass. He knew it was too late but gave the order anyway.

  “Sir,” replied Sub Commander Bellatir, “that ship fired at point blank range. We cannot maneuver quickly enough. The torpedoes are going to hit us.”

  First Commander Chasass cursed bitterly and said, “Then kill that ship.”

  Aboard the Stealth Ship Barracuda, Lieutenant Commander Gunther Gabrielli had executed the tactical FTL jump command immediately after the second torpedo left the tube. Just as the Barracuda slipped in to FTL, a tremendous blast sent the Barracuda, Lieutenant Commander Gabrielli, and Commander Indira Sukhov reeling.

  Aboard the Odyssey

  “Admiral McCreary,” said Sensor Operator Ensign Daniel Wells, “there is a Jian Legaliri class Battle Cruiser exiting FTL at our six o’clock position about six hundred thousand kilometers out.”

  “Dammit,” said Mac. “The bastards set us up. Contact all ships-----.” “Sir” shouted Ensign Wells, “She blew up, she blew all to hell sir.”

  “Slow down Ensign,” said McCreary, “who blew up. Give me a proper report.”

  “Sir, one minute the Jian Battle Cruiser had just dropped out of FTL and looked like she was preparing to fire on us and the next she blew all to hell sir. My sensors picked up a small ship that dropped out of stealth and fired two torpedoes at point blank range into the Jian Battle Cruiser, then immediately jumped to FTL. The Cruiser fired one of their heavy laser turrets at the small ship just as it jumped to FTL. I couldn’t tell if the small ship took damage or not, but the Jian Battle Cruiser exploded almost immediately. The only wreckage I am scanning is from the Battle Cruiser. The small ship is not in my database of ship types, so I have no idea who or what she was.”

  Commander Aranari Savar said quietly to Mac, “The Monitor boats wouldn’t be in our database yet, would they Sir?”

  “No Commander, they would not be there. If the Barracuda took that shot, and she probably did, she will be very fortunate to have survived. Those ships have shields, but not heavy enough to ward off a blow like that. Their only real protection is their stealth. The one thing I am certain of is that the Jian Cruiser had us dead to rights. If that ship was the Barracuda, she saved this entire Fast Attack Group. We could never have survived two Jian Legaliri Battle Cruisers.”

  Commander Savar replied, “I hope they made it sir.”

  “As do I Commander, as do I.” Replied Admiral McCreary.

  “All right people.” Said Admiral McCreary. “We have work to do, let’s get to it.”

  Aboard the Curtana fighter of Richard “Richy the Reaper” Kingston

  Back with the Delta squadron, Captain Richy Kingston said. “All flights break off and make your attack runs. Wingmate, stay with your lead. When the lead fighter has expended its missiles, switch places and pound them again. We don’t get paid to bring back munitions folks, save just enough ammo to fight your way back to your ship.”

  The forward laser turrets were the most difficult targets on the Jian Legaliri class Battle cruiser. That is why Richy assigned himself and his squadron to that target. With Lieutenant Chita “Gabby” Gabrielli glued to his wing, he began his firing run. The defensive fire was withering. The Curtana Fighters had shields, but the shields could be overwhelmed by the heavy lasers that were being fired at them. The turbulence was incredible. There is no air in space, but the impact of the heavy lasers on the defensive shields could rattle your teeth. Richy was not certain the Curtana could survive the devastating barrage, but he had to get close. By any standards he was already close, but he wanted to get just a little closer. The missiles would be more likely to survive the less time they spent getting to the target.

  Finally, “Fox one….Fox two. Let’s get the hell out of here Gabby.”

  Gabby replied, “On your six Reaper.”

  Richy led “Gabby” up and over the Jian Cruiser, going vertical to avoid as much of the defensive fire as possible.

  “All right Gabby, Your turn. Let’s go have some more fun”, said Richy.

  As Gabby turned back for another firing run, Richy noted that nearly half of the forward turret lasers were silent. That should make the second run a little easier, but the entire turret needed to be taken out to assure that the Jian cruiser would be softened up enough for the Odyssey to take her out.

  The laser turret may
have been damaged, but the defensive fire was still withering. Richy followed his wingmate on their firing run. Gabby held her missiles until the very last second and then, “Fox one…..Fox two. Reaper, my missiles have been expended. And the target has been neutralized”

  “Alright Gabby, we’ll see if anyone else needs help, then we’ll gather our chicks and RTB to reload.”

  While Richy lead his “Rough Riders” to the Odyssey to be rearmed, Bomber group Alfa with Alfa Escort, their fighter cover, were making their attack runs on the Jian Myoxx class Cruisers.

  Mike, “Smoke” Adams, commander of the Alfa Escort group said, “OK everyone, those cruisers are launching fighters. Keep your eyes open and remember our first responsibility is the bombers.”

  The Halberd[18] Bombers of Alfa group began their bombing runs. The Jian fighters were making a direct track for the bombers. Mike, “Smoke” Adams said, “alright folks we have company. Don’t let those Jian fighters get close to our bombers.” With that Mike and his wingmate, Sedna “Tasty” Xhuca broke off to take on the lead group of Jian Fighters.

  The Jian lead did a barrel roll and attempted to take Mike head on, Mike rolled and dove under doing a half loop and came up on the Jian pilots tail. As the HUD indicated a solid lock Mike put a missile up his backside. The explosion momentarily blanked the instruments on the Curtana fighter. Mike said, “Darn, that was close. I guess we need to give those bad boys a little more room.”

  “Smoke,” said Sedna “Tasty” Xhuca. “We lost “Aggie” and “Rascal is in trouble.

  Mike replied, “Hang in there Rascal, we’re on our way.”

  Lt. Commander Delphine “Rascal” Razel replied. “Hurry Smoke these guys are all over me.”

  “Smoke” Adams said, “Rascal, on my count roll hard left, three, two, one roll.” As rascal rolled hard left, smoke and Tasty had the shot and took out the Jian fighter and his wingmate with two perfectly aimed missile shots.

  Meanwhile the dog fight that had developed had allowed the fighter bombers to close on their targets. “Chester’s Molesters” Fighter/Bomber Squadron Led by Lt Commander Robert "Heartbreaker" Voorhis with Torpedo Officer Lieutenant Morgan “Morg” Mendez were making their run on the first Myoxx-class cruiser. “Hold your fire till I call it Morgan.”


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