Betrayal of the Federation

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Betrayal of the Federation Page 18

by K M Dean

  “Are the trackers we installed on that ship working?” They were sir, but just before the ship activated stealth, they all dropped off line. We have no communications from any of the listening or surveillance devices we left aboard. They all went off line shortly after the ship launched.”

  “Did the surveillance devices give any indication this was going to happen?”

  “No sir, they must have had a means of communication we were unaware of.”

  Knebo Zynlo sighed and said. “Very well. Activate the destruct device we planted on the ship and report the destruction of that ship to me.”

  “Yes sir, I am very regretful about this sir.”

  “I am afraid we are all going to be very regretful about this Dazav Veelol.”

  Knebo Zynlo activated his mobile device. It was answered immediately. “You wouldn’t be calling me unless there was a problem. What is it?”

  “Captain Sukhov took Commander Gabrielli. They got aboard a shuttle that took them directly to the Barracuda. The ship launched without permission after firing one of their torpedoes to clear the scaffolding and disappeared almost immediately. None of our tracking devices are working and we can’t find the ship. I have ordered the activation of the destruction device we placed aboard.”

  “I see Knebo. They obviously had help, they could never have managed this by themselves.”

  “I agree sir, we believe the BCI had a hand in it. There was no indication they were active of late, they must have been very careful who knew what they were doing. We had no warning.”

  “Alright Knebo, call me when you have confirmed the Barracuda has been destroyed. This is an appalling loss. Their stealth tech would have been an incredible help in our dealings with the resistance forces and the computer tech is priceless.”

  Just as Knebo Zynlo disengaged his Comm device, it vibrated. He answered.

  “Sir, this is Dazav Veelol. Our sensors report an explosion that equates to the device that was placed on the Barracuda. The alien ship has been destroyed.”

  “Thank you Dazav, send a vessel to see if we can recover any of the wreckage, just to be certain.”

  Aboard the Barracuda. “Captain, the explosive package the Similublian secret service put aboard has been activated.”

  “Those bastards would have killed us, rather than let us go.” Said Commander Roderique.

  “They are a ruthless people Commander.” Said one of the agents. “My name is Maleer Tareer of the BCI, this madcap pilot is Zeyva Nanan. Nume will meet us aboard the freighter.”

  “Welcome aboard gentlemen. I hope we have not jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.” Said Captain Sukhov.

  “I am not familiar with those terms Captain, but if you are worried about our motives, rest assured that with us you have options, which include returning to Ornia if that is your choice. We are in a vital battle to save our sector from the Similublians and the Binalmorane.” Maleer Tareer Continued. “Until now we were at an enormous disadvantage. You and your ship can help change all of that. I cannot tell you more, but Nume will have a full briefing for you and she can answer all of your questions.”

  “All right Maleer.” Replied Captain Sukhov. “Thank you, we are anxious to hear what we are getting in to.”

  Captain Sukhov then said, “ROXXi, how were you able to find all of the surveillance devices and especially the explosive device?”

  “Captain, it is very simple. The Similublians are very technologically advance in many ways, but artificial intelligence is not one of them. They had no idea that every device on this ship has a code tag. I am aware of each device we have aboard. I can sense those items that do not have a tag. I may not be able to ascertain exactly what the device is, but I do know it is on the ship. The surveillance devices were easy. I detected them as soon as they were activated. The explosive device was different. I knew it was aboard, but I did not know what it was. As soon as Commander Roderique began to communicate with me by using disposable notes. I was able to communicate with her on her handheld device without alerting the Similublians. I advised her of the surveillance devices, so she would know they were there. I also gave her the location of the explosive device. She was able to inspect it during the times the Similublians were not aboard. Once I understood what it was, it was simple for me to deactivate it. As you and Commander Gabrielli came aboard, I disabled all the surveillance devices aboard. I assumed the feline had escaped from the satchel and that discretion was no longer an option.”

  “Well done ROXXi.” Said Captain Sukhov. “Commander Roderique tell me about the explosive device.”

  “The explosive device was actually ROXXi’s idea Captain. She felt that we needed to let the device explode when the Similublians activated it, and that they would almost certainly send a ship to confirm there was wreckage. We prepared an empty cargo container. There was some used equipment we were taking back to be refurbished. Some clothing and personal items as well. And, Captain, I authorized placing Lt commander Austin Lindholm’s body in the cargo container as well. If there are to be repercussions from that authorization, I am the one responsible.”

  “It’s alright Jane, I would have done the same thing. I think Austin would agree that it was a necessary part of saving the ship. Let’s have everyone not directly connected to navigation gather in the galley. It is getting a little crowded up here. Jane you are in command.”

  As everyone filed toward the galley, Indira said, “Commander Roderique as soon as we have contact with the freighter, call me up.”

  “Aye, Captain. ROXXi estimates twenty minutes.”

  As Captain Sukhov stepped in to the crowded galley, the conversations stopped. She said, “ROXXi estimates twenty minutes to our rendezvous with the freighter. Maleer Tareer, could you elaborate a little bit on what we can expect over the next few days?”

  “Not really Captain. The freighter will be taking you to an undisclosed location. You will be given a complete briefing at that time. I had no need to know the information beyond that. I would tell you if I did. But the way the BCI works is via cells, and only a few people know the entire plan.”

  “Alright Mr. Tareer. I suppose we will need to be patient just a little longer.”

  A few minutes later Commander Roderique pinged Indira on her TUI. “Captain, we are approaching the coordinates. We have detected a large ship at the location. Should I take us in?”

  “I am on my way Commander. Take us in but remain in stealth mode.”

  “Captain, we are at eight hundred meters. I have done a passive scan, there are no weapons armed.”

  “Very well Commander, target the power section with torpedo tube two. Once we have a target lock, drop stealth.”

  “Captain” said Maleer Tareer. “Is that really necessary? We know who we are meeting. They are friendly.”

  “Mr. Tareer, You may know they are friendly, I do not. Carry on Commander Roderique.”

  “I have a target lock, Captain, dropping stealth now.”

  Captain Sukhov hailed the freighter. “Unknown freighter, this is the Federation ship Barracuda. I have a target lock on your power section. Declare your intentions. You have ten seconds.”

  There was a pause and then a slightly panicked voice said, “Federation ship Barracuda, do not fire, this is the Freighter Gorganeer. None of our weapons are armed. You are expected.”

  A moment later, “Barracuda, this is Nume Captain. Captain Hijigar Duggeer is opening his landing bay. It should be of sufficient size to accept your ship. You are safe here.”

  “Thank you Nume. We will come aboard.”

  “All right Commander take us in and set us down.”

  Commander Roderique carefully took the Barracuda through a force field that kept the atmosphere inside the landing bay of the huge freighter. There was room for her ship and two more if they had them. Roderique extended the short landing gear. It was the first time the Barracuda had ever landed on a firm surface. She gently landed the Barracuda on the deck.

nbsp; “Well done Commander,” said Captain Sukhov. That is probably a first for any Monitor stealth ship. Landing in a freighter. I am going to meet our “friends” at the airlock.” As the huge doors closed and Captain Sukhov had a green light indicating equal pressure. She opened the outer hatch and stepped out of the Barracuda.

  Waiting to meet her was Nume and an older gentleman.

  Nume said, “Captain Sukhov, welcome aboard the Gorganeer. This is Captain Hijigar Duggeer. This is his ship.”

  Captain Hijigar stepped forward, bowed from the waist and offered his hand. “Captain Sukhov, I must admit you gave us quite a start. I have some of the best sensors in this sector aboard this ship and we were expecting you, but we had no idea where you were until you popped up eight hundred meters away, with a target lock no less. Suddenly every sensor aboard was going mad. That is an experience I hope never to have again.”

  “Captain Hijigar, I apologize, but you must understand, after that last few days we are just a bit paranoid. It has been a difficult time.”

  “Captain, please join us in the ships canteen. We have set up a small buffet for you and your crew.”

  “Of course, Captain Hijigar, just let me get my ship settled.”

  “That is good, Captain Sukhov, Nume and I will go on ahead. I will leave one of my crew to guide you when you are finished.”

  Captain Sukhov turned and reentered the Barracuda. “All right everyone. Let’s join our friends in the ships canteen. We will go armed. Our experience with friends in this sector has not been a good one. Follow my lead. They have set up a meal for us. Maybe now we will get the full story. ROXXi, once we leave the ship, no one renters without either me or Commander Roderique being present.”

  ROXXi replied, “of course Captain. As soon as you leave I shall lock down the ship.”

  A short time later, one of the crew of the Freighter showed Captain Sukhov, Executive officer Commander Roderique, Lieutenant Commander Gunnar Gabrielli, Lieutenant Kaitee Terzo and LT JG Danielle Marshall to the mess hall where everyone was waiting.

  As Captain Sukhov stepped in to the mess hall, Nume said, “Captain Sukhov and crew of the Federation ship Barracuda. Welcome aboard the Gorganeer. Captain Hijigar and his crew have prepared a meal for you. It is customary when a Broganan has guests that the host prepare a meal. While you are enjoying your buffet, I will explain what is going on in the sector. What we are doing to change what is going on in the sector. And most importantly what you and the Barracuda can do to help us and what we can do to help you. And finally, exactly how we intend to prepare you to do that. Once that is clear to you, you will understand why it is important, not just to the subjugated people of the sector, but also to the Federation. Closer to home, it is vitally important to you, the crew of the Barracuda, that we succeed. The Similublians, and a race called the Binalmorane control the Sigma Argosa System and a great part of this sector of the Monoceros Ring. The Similublians control with technology. Because of their total control of technology, they can enforce a ban of any culture that fails to follow the Similublian directives. Also, any culture that attempts to develop their own technology is punished by being stripped of the technology they are now using. The loss of current technology and the unavailability of future technology and the necessary upgrades can cause an otherwise successful society to wither and die if they fail to do as they are told.”

  “All the proceeds from those cultures are taxed. In the beginning the tax was not that onerous and cultures and systems became dependent upon the Similublians to maintain and upgrade their technology. Once the cultures were totally dependent on the Similublian technology, they were basically prisoners of their Similublian dictators.”

  “Other systems that do not have a great deal of technology are subjugated by the Binalmorane.”

  “The Binalmorane are a warlike people. What they lack in technology they make up for with brutality. The Similublian and the Binalmorane are basically equal. The Binalmorane need the Similublian technology to control their subjects. The Similublians provide that technology because they realize they cannot win a war with the Binalmorane.”

  “We have now discovered that the Binalmorane are taking massive numbers of inhabitants from undeveloped or underproducing planets in this sector. They choose the individuals that will make the best warriors and slaughter the rest. They are using Nano-bots to genetically change these individuals into their own private army. The Binalmorane are building a legion of mindless warriors they expect to use to conquer more of the Monoceros Ring. Eventually they expect to control the Ring and then the Galaxy.”

  ‘We need your help. The Similublians technological superiority has suffered over the last few decades. They have failed to develop new types of technology and the Binalmorane are getting restless. The Similublians had hoped to capture your stealth field technology, your antimatter reactors the computer technology and the special torpedoes you carry. They also believe your FTL system is superior to the one they have developed. Losing control of the Barracuda has created a problem for them.”

  “Nume, I understand the problems you face, but we are but one small ship with just one torpedo left. We have no magic technology to help you or even ourselves. We are Thirty-six thousand light years from our home system with no likelihood of ever returning. We are stranded. How can we possibly help?”

  Nume replied, “We have access to technology that can make a difference. We propose to have you use this technology. It will arm your ship, extend its ability to protect itself and even make aggressive action possible. Most of all, it could enable your FTL system to take you home.”

  “Some periods ago a Krayari destroyer escort dropped out of FTL in this sector. It happened to drop out directly in front of a Binalmorane battleship. The battleship, in a knee jerk reaction, disabled the Krayari ship, killing all the crew but one officer. They captured the officer, but before they could take control of the ship two of our star-cruisers that had been shadowing the Binalmorane ship attacked. The Binalmorane battleship escaped, but we took possession of the Krayari destroyer escort. It is badly damaged, but the FTL, Stealth and weapons systems are intact. Our ships do not have the necessary hull construction or power systems to support the Krayari technology. We also do not possess the computer tech your ship does. We propose to retrofit your ship with the Krayari systems. You could then rescue the Krayari officer who is being held by the Binalmorane and return to your system where, with his help, you can alert the Krayari who hopefully will intervene in this sector. It is our only hope of removing the boot of Similublians/Binalmorane oppression from our back. Are you willing to consider helping us?”

  Captain Sukhov stood shocked for a moment, then said, “You have a Krayari ship?”

  “Yes, Captain Sukhov, we have a Krayari ship. And it is yours for the taking. Are you interested?”

  “Of course, we are. Can you take us to it now?”

  “We are already on our way. It will take us two cycles to arrive. The BCI has a secret base. It is a moon that, in the past, had been hollowed out by miners. It is called, Makir Slirelin. That is ancient Broganan for Warriors Sanctuary. The BCI simply calls it Makir. At one point in the distance past it may have once orbited a planet. We have no idea what happened to free it, but now it sits near an asteroid ring circling the outer edge of our system. We use it for a repair and resupply base. That is where we are going. In the meantime, relax and enjoy the ride. It will undoubtedly be very frenzied when we arrive. Time is of the essence.”

  True to their word, the Gorganeer arrived at a large moon near the outer edge of the Sigma Argosa System. As the Gorganeer approached a section of the moon slid aside revealing a hollow interior large enough to allow several ships the size of the freighter inside. In addition to the Gorganeer, there were two ships that appeared to be older battle cruisers, several smaller ships and one berth that was shrouded. As the Gorganeer settled in to her berth, Nume approached Indira. “Captain Sukhov, Captain Duggeer is prepared to open his la
nding bay doors. Would you please board the Barracuda? Zeyva Nanan will act as your guide to assist you in docking. We have prepared a berth next to the Krayari ship to ease the transfer of equipment and materials.”

  As Nume spoke, Captain Sukhov could see the shroud being moved back. As it opened she saw what was a badly damaged ship that was far more advanced than any she had seen before.

  The design was exquisite. It looked like a Krayari ship. It would have been a beautiful vessel had it not been for the damage it had suffered.

  The Barracuda settled gently in to the berth next to the damaged Krayari vessel. The ship had a central fuselage with two forward facing sponson type appendages. Most of the damage to the ship was to the leading edge of the left hand sponson. It appeared that there had been an attempt to repair the sponson, but work had stopped. In fact, there were no workers involved on the ship at all.

  Nume said, “Captain Sukhov, would you and your crew like to tour the Krayari ship?”

  “Absolutely yes,” replied Indira.

  As the crew entered the Krayari ship it was apparent it had some features that were a match to the Barracuda. Although a little larger than the Barracuda, the structure of the Krayari ship was hauntingly familiar.

  “Nume, have you been able to access the central computer on the Krayari ship?”

  “We have not Captain. The computer is booted and working, but it resists all our attempts to communicate or query it. It simply does not respond to us in any way.”

  “Nume, what makes you believe we can access the weapons and other systems if we cannot retrieve information from the computer?”


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