Betrayal of the Federation

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Betrayal of the Federation Page 21

by K M Dean

  The voice on the intercom said. “If we had such a person aboard this station, he would have been brought here by the Binalmorane Security Service. We would have no access.”

  “We realize you may not have custody of our officer, but you do know where he is located. Lay down your arms and take us to him and no one will be hurt.”

  After a few minutes the voice replied. “We are putting down our arms. Please understand, we had nothing to do with what has happened to your officer. He was brought here by the Binalmorane Security Services. We will take you to his location, but please understand, we had no responsibility for his condition.”

  True to their word, the civilians laid down their weapons and came out one by one. There were about seventy people surrendering. One person seemed to be the leader. She came to Captain Sukhov with her hands in the air. “Captain Sukhov, I am Dr. Eldire Arkhe, lead scientist for the station. This is the entire staff. We have all put down our weapons.”

  “Thank you Dr. Arkhe. We are going to restrain all of you. It is temporary, we will release you before we leave. After the staff of the station had been restrained, Captain Sukhov said, Lieutenant Chgal, stay with the prisoners. If anyone gives you any trouble, shoot them.”

  She then turned to Dr. Arkhe. “Now take us to our officer.”

  As Dr. Arkhe lead the team forward, she said. “Captain, the Binalmorane Security Service has its own section. They went in to hiding when you arrived in the system. They left the Krayari officer lying in his cell. He was near death. We have placed him in one of our automatic life extension units. Our only medical professional is with him now, nurse Dezer Jaban. We do not subscribe to what the Binalmorane Security Services has done. They are brutal uncaring individuals. I am ashamed this has happened aboard our research station and on my watch. You and I may be enemies, but there is no excuse for treatment like this.”

  Dr. Arkhe lead the team to their medical section. As Captain Sukhov approached the life extension units she gasped. The physical injuries delivered by the Binalmorane Security Services to the Krayari officer were worse than anything she had ever seen. She was immediately enraged. She turned to Dr. Arkhe. “I gave you my word Dr. Arkhe, none of your people will be harmed. But if any of the Binalmorane Security Services agents are aboard, you WILL tell me now. They can not walk away from something like this scot free.”

  “They would kill me if I told you where they are.”

  “Dr. Arkhe, what do you think they will do to you for giving him medical care? Give them to us and I promise, you will never see them again.”

  “Dr. Arkhe said, there are three of them. They are the director and two of his lackies. They remained here.”

  “The marines were aboard the Etaplon. You were expected. The plan was to disable your vessel and have the marines go aboard and kill your crew and steal the ship. That was the reason for the trap.”

  “Show me where the security officers are hiding.”

  “As the rest of the team took care of the Krayari officer, Dr. Arkhe showed Captain Sukhov to an escape capsule. “They took refuge in there when they realized you were going to board the station”

  “Are all three of the Binalmorane Security Service agents in this capsule?”

  “Yes Captain, they are all there.”

  Captain Sukhov reached up to the control panel and launched the emergency capsule in to space. She then turned to Dr Arkhe. “Dr. is there a docking umbilical on this station?”

  “Yes Captain, let me show you.” She led Captain Sukhov up two decks and to the outboard passageway. There was a receiving area and an airlock. The airlock was large enough for unloading cargo and several people at once.

  “Thank you Dr. Arkhe.”

  Captain Sukhov then called the Barracuda. “Gunnar, I just launched an escape capsule from the research station. Lock on to it with a tractor beam, but do not bring it aboard. Once you have the capsule in tow rendezvous with the research station. We have taken control. There is a docking umbilical on the seventeenth level. You will see the approach lights. Link up with the station. Once we have loaded our passenger, we will leave.”

  “Aye Captain. The capsule is under tow. We will be linking to the station in less than ten minutes.”

  “Dr. Arkhe, how long can three individuals survive in that escape capsule?”

  “That particular one is set up for two people for twenty-five cycles. It would be VERY uncomfortable for three, but there should be enough water and air for thirty cycles. They might get hungry, but from what little I saw of those people, they could stand to lose some weight.”

  The crew of the Barracuda was preparing to move the Krayari officer to the Autodoc on the Barracuda. The Binalmorane Medical technician said, “I am not certain the Krayari officer can survive for more than a few minutes outside of the life extension module. You could set it to run on internal power while you move him. It is a heavy unit, but we are more than willing to help.”

  Nurse Jaban helped the team disconnect the life extension unit and switch it to internal power. Once the life extension unit had been disconnected, the team, with the help of six Binalmorane researchers moved the unit aboard the Barracuda. After they had transferred the Krayari to the Autodoc, Nurse Jaban said. “Your Autodoc is much more capable that this life extension unit. I believe it can help him to heal. That is a good thing. He deserves to survive.”

  The crew of the Barracuda released all the researchers and then boarded the Barracuda. Captain Sukhov said, “XO, how long to Apsis Prime?” “about four weeks Captain, some improvement over what we were facing just a few weeks ago.”

  “It is XO. It hard to believe what we have been through in the last few weeks. Will that escape capsule survive FTL XO?”

  “I am sure it will Captain, but that is going to be a ride I would never want to take.”

  “Not my problem XO, take us home.”

  “On our way Captain.” And the Barracuda finally began the long trek homeward.

  Ten days into the FTL trip back to Apsis Prime. The Krayari officer began to show signs of recovery. Although he was being kept in a semi sleep state, he began to react to light stimuli and even voices. The Autodoc recommended a slow withdrawal of the drug cocktail being used to keep him sedated. Captain Sukhov authorized the change in medication and the drugs were slowly withdrawn. On the second day the Krayari officer opened his eyes and looked around for a few seconds. The next day, he was able to ask where he was and respond to the answer. Before going back to sleep. The next day he asked for water. He sat up and sipped on the water. On the recommendation of the Autodoc, Captain Sukhov had the Krayari officer removed from the medical equipment. Later that day the officer sat up on the side of his bunk and said, “I am Krayari lieutenant Ejaw Qobrun. What ship is this, where am I, and who is in charge.”

  “Sir, I am Lieutenant Vidan Mgarch of the Federation ship Barracuda. You are on your way to Apsis Prime. I will bring the Captain here for you.”

  Lieutenant Mgarch paged Captain Sukhov. When she answered he said, “Captain, our Krayari Lieutenant is awake and asking for someone who is in charge.”

  “I’ll be right there Lieutenant.” Replied Captain Sukhov.

  When Indira arrived at the small medical space, she saw that Lieutenant Mgarch had given the Krayari a robe. The Krayari was sitting on the side of his bunk.

  “Hello, I am glad to see you awake lieutenant, it was touch and go for a time. I am Captain Indira Sukhov of the Federation Navy. How are you feeling?”

  The Krayari Lieutenant attempted to stand and come to attention, but Indira said. “It is alright Lieutenant. Please do not try to stand. You are weak from your injuries. It will take some time. Please have a seat and I will try to bring you up to date.”

  “You were aboard a Krayari destroyer escort that was intercepted by a Binalmorane battleship. The battleship took a shot at your ship as you exited FTL. You never had a chance. The ship was badly damaged. The Binalmorane battleship took you aboard and was
going to put your ship in tow when two Broganan star-cruisers dropped out of FTL and began firing on it. The Binalmorane Battleship escaped, and your ship was recovered by the Broganan star cruisers. Your ship was so badly damaged repairs were not possible with the Broganan technology. They had the ship in a secure location. We were accidentally jumped in to this sector. The Broganan resistance realized we had the ability to help their war effort if they could get us back home to notify the Krayari what was happening. They helped us combine your ship with ours. We used our new combined ship to affect a rescue of you from the Binalmorane research station. Now we are on our way to Apsis Prime where we can reunite you with the local Krayari coalition. We are about one week out.”

  The Krayari Lieutenant replied, “Apsis Prime, I have a brother who is stationed at Apsis Prime. I hope he is still there.”

  “I believe he was there when we left several months ago. I don’t personally know him, but Admiral Anderson knows him well and speaks very highly of him. Lieutenant, he will be glad to see you as well. The Krayari are an important part of the Federation. We are allies. And you are a welcome guest on the Barracuda. Now you get some rest. Tomorrow we will get you some clothes to wear and I will show you our ship.”

  The next day, after finding some trousers, shirts and the other gear, Captain Sukhov took Lieutenant Qobrun on a tour of the Barracuda. She explained to him how the Barracuda and the Arusha had been combined. The result was the Barracuda. Ultra-effective defensive shields, lethal CIWS systems. Heavily armed with lasers and torpedoes, she was larger, and much deadlier than when she left Apsis Prime.

  Lieutenant Qobrun said, “It is sad that the Arusha has been destroyed, but it was fortunate for us all she was available.”

  “That is true Lieutenant. Without the Arusha we would all be in deep trouble and we would never have seen our homes and loved ones again.”

  A few days later Gunnar said, “Captain, we will be dropping out of FTL in a couple of hours. Our approach will be from sunward and we will exit FTL at five hundred thousand kilometers. I am using the transponder code we were using when we left.”

  “Thank you, XO. I have the conn. Grab some chow. Get back here to help me with communications. We are a completely different ship than we were when we left a few months ago. And the Federation Navy does not like surprises.”

  “Will do Captain.” And Gunnar left the bridge.

  Indira activated the ship intercom. “Attention everyone, we will be dropping out of FTL in about an hour and a half. There is not room enough for everyone on the bridge. I have activated the view screens and speakers in the canteen. Please enjoy our repatriation from there. We are coming home people. We made it.”

  An hour later Gunnar came back to the bridge. “Right on time XO. We will be dropping out of FTL in sixteen minutes and twenty-three seconds, but who’s counting.” Said Captain Sukhov with a smile.

  “You me and everyone aboard Captain.”

  “I too am counting the Nano seconds Captain.” Interjected ROXXi

  “I am glad you are ROXXi, if it were not for you we would never have been able to make this trip.”

  Moments later the Barracuda dropped out of FTL. Captain Sukhov began to transmit, “Federation base Apsis Prime, this is Captain Indira Sukhov on the Federation ship Barracuda. We are requesting approach and berthing instructions.”

  There were a few seconds pause before a voice replied. “This is Federation Base Apsis Prime. Unknown ship requesting instruction. Be advised we are aware the Barracuda was destroyed at the military action in the Delta Ceti system. You are squawking the proper code, but we have scanned you and you do not have the configuration of a Monitor ship. If you approach Apsis Prime you will be destroyed.”

  “Dammit Apsis Prime control. How can we prove to you we are the Barracuda? I am Captain Indira Sukhov, my XO is Commander Gunnar Gabrielli.” Indira handed Gunnar the mike. Here Gunnar, say something to convince these idiots we are who we say we are before someone blows us all to hell.”

  “Apsis Prime control, this is Commander Gunnar Gabrielli. Surely there is someone who can run voice recognition and prove it is us.”

  “This is Federation Base Apsis Prime. Unknown ship requesting instruction. Do not approach Apsis prime. Depart this area or you will be fired upon.”

  Lieutenant Qobrun entered the bridge. He said, “Captain, allow me to speak to them. Perhaps I can solve the problem.”

  Captain Sukhov handed him the mike and said, “Good luck Lieutenant, we need to convince these bozos of who we are.”

  Lieutenant Qobrun said, “Apsis Prime control. This Is Lieutenant Ejaw Qobrun. My brother is Commander Cardalal Qobrun, Chief of Federation Intelligence and Security. If you will reach him I can answer questions that will prove who we are. Will you do that please?”

  “Stand by one.” Replied control.

  In control, Specialist first class Zack Elder turned to his superior. Captain Payne, “can you believe these Yahoos. Who do they think they are fooling? Should I send a ship or have them targeted with a couple of missiles?”

  “I’ll tell you what Specialist. Have the missile cluster in that sector lock that ship in. Tell them to hold fire. This is exactly what Intelligence and security is supposed to deal with. Let me give them a call.”

  The phone rang on Specialist third class Ezra James desk, he answered, “Intelligence and security. This is Specialist third class James How can I direct your call?”

  “Specialist James, this is Captain Kaziah Payne in Apsis Prime Control. We have a unknown ship claiming to be the Barracuda requesting approach and berthing instructions. We have a crew member claiming to be the brother of Commander Cardalal Qobrun, Chief of Federation Intelligence and Security. I believe we need to check it out, even if it is highly unlikely.”

  “Hold on one moment Captain, Commander Qobrun is in a meeting. I will interrupt and explain your problem.”

  A few seconds later Commander Qobrun got on the line. “This is Commander Cardalal Qobrun. How can I help you Captain?”

  “Commander, we have an unidentified ship claiming to be the monitor stealth boat Barracuda. She is squawking the correct codes, but the ship we are painting is no Monitor boat. She is heavily armed and besides the Barracuda was supposed to have been lost in the Delta Ceti system campaign. Now one of the crew is claiming to be your brother Lieutenant Ejaw Qobrun. Could you help us verify who we have and what the heck is going on?”

  “Of course, Captain, I can be in control in ten minutes. Just stand by.”

  “Commander Qobrun turned to his guest and said, “Mac, this is interesting. A heavily armed boat claiming to be the Barracuda is requesting berthing instructions. Even more surprising is my own brother is purported to be on board. I am going to have to take a break from our meeting and go down there. Would you care to come along?”

  “Admiral Morin “Mac” McCreary replied, “Oh hell yes. If that really is the Barracuda, she saved our ass. If they are who they say they are I owe them big time.”

  Commander Qobrun and Admiral McCreary arrived at Apsis Prime control. “Captain Payne, I am Commander Qobrun. Allow me to speak to this ship.”

  “Yes Sir” replied Captain Payne as he handed Commander Qobrun the mike.

  “This is Commander Cardalal Qobrun. To Whom am I speaking?”

  “Hello brother. This is Ejaw. I am om board the Barracuda. And we have a lot to discuss.”

  “I have to admit you sound like my brother, but how do I know it isn’t someone impersonating him?”

  “Do you remember what you called me when I was younger Cardalal?”

  “Of course, I remember, you hated that name. You would never repeat it or tell anyone about it.”

  “That’s is correct Cardalal. I did so hate being called Didi-do. I still hate it.”

  Commander Qobrun turned to Captain Payne. “Bring our lost ship home. That is without a doubt my brother.”

  Captain Payne turned to Specialist first class Elder and said. �
��Specialist Elder. Let me have the mike.” Specialist Elder handed Captain Payne the Mike.

  Captain Payne pressed the mike button and said, “Welcome home Barracuda. Here are your approach and berthing instructions.”

  Several hours later Barracuda approached the Apsis Prime ship yard. As she nosed in to her berthing slot, Captain Sukhov noticed a crowd of people waiting for them. As the umbilical was connected and the pressure equalized, she announced. “Pressure is equalized. The Barracuda is home. Let’s get our gear and exit the boat. I am sure Barracuda is going to get some serious inspections as soon as we are off.”

  As the crew exited Barracuda, a band was playing the Federation Anthem. There were plenty of notables, but the ones Indira needed to see the most were there, Admiral Anderson,

  And Captain Amber Cordev. No one else even registered with her.

  Admiral Anderson walked up to Captain Sukhov. “Indira, welcome home. We had thought you lost. It is so good to see you again. There will be plenty of time to debrief. Stop by my office tomorrow afternoon. What you need to do right this minutes is get some home time. I think there is someone waiting to help you do just that.”

  As Admiral Anderson moved aside, Captain Amber Cordev rolled up in her power chair. “Let’s go home Indira, I have been waiting so long to say those words. And I never gave up hope. I knew you would make it.”

  “As Indira and Amber started to leave, Admiral “Mac” McCreary said. “Captain Sukhov I owe you more than I can say. In fact, the entire task force owes you. You and your crew will never buy a drink on this station again. That is a promise.”

  As the rest of the crew exited the umbilical, Gunnar stopped in front of Admiral Anderson. “Admiral, I would like to introduce you to weapons officer Lieutenant Vidan Mgarch, Engineer. Lieutenant Brandor Chgal, Pilot Lieutenant Zeyva Nanan, and communications officer Lieutenant Maleer Tareer. They are from Brogana, a moon in the Sigma Argosa System. I promise you sir, they were volunteers. We did not shanghai them from a sleazy bar on their home planet. We gave them a temporary commission as Lieutenants in the Federation Navy. We also told them they would have to be confirmed, after training, by you. They accepted that position and they have done themselves proud. I will launch with any or all of them at any time sir.”


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