Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5)

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Sowing The Seeds Of Love (Eternal Flames Maddox Book 5) Page 7

by Cree Storm

  "It's beautiful," Pascal whispered softly.

  Mrs. Pearl smiled. "This flower is very special, Pascal."

  Nodding, Pascal quietly said, "Yes, it is."

  "What's so special about it?" Dain asked clearly sounding and looking confused.

  Pascal lightly touched the petals, saying, "It represents new friendships and gives courage. It's known to help you go to the person you are attracted to and hopefully build a relationship with that person."

  Looking at Dain, Pascal replied, "And it is said that when you touch the flower, you can't lie." Turning to Zen, Pascal, went to speak, but his voice caught in his throat. Zen could barely hear Pascal's next words. "I don't want to lie anymore, especially to myself. I'm so scared, Zen, but Dain's right, you are the best mate in the entire world. I don't like when we have to say goodbye. I don't like it when you aren't there in the morning to cuddle up with. I refuse to imagine my world without you in it. I love you, Zen. I really, really love you."

  Zen felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He was finally hearing the words he had waited so long to hear.

  Taking Pascal in his arms, Zen went in for the kiss of a lifetime. The second their lips touched no one else existed. He was loved. He had waited, for what seemed like a lifetime, to hear those words, and finally they were said. Pulling back slowly, Zen rasped, "Gods, I love you."

  Dain was practically in their faces, saying, "We're going to just leave the keys at the register."

  "What? Where are you going?" Pascal asked.

  Snickering, Rhys said, "Baby, trust me, with what Zen there has planned for you, you don't want an audience. Just don't forget to lock up when you leave."

  Rhys turned around and then turned back, rushing towards them, rummaging through his purse. Rhys pulled out a small bottle, saying, "You guys will need this more than I do. Well, trust me, Ethan or Day will have one on them anyway, so take it and congratulations on your mating."

  "I'm not making love to my mate on a hard, wooden floor," Zen gasped.

  Mrs. Pearl giggled. "Sweetie, I have a real nice bed in the back room. I had it put in for times I had to work so late I was too tired to go home. You all have fun now. Bye."

  "But I have to take this to Wyndingo and then get back to the office," Pascal replied anxiously.

  Dain took the envelope Pascal was waving around. "Are these the papers I gave to Ollie to take to Wyndingo?"

  Nodding, Pascal replied, "Yes, but he had to get to a meeting at Twixie's. He asked me to drop them off."

  "I'm sure he did," Dain muttered, then plastered a smile on his face. "You two have fun now. I'll get these to Wyndingo. As for the office, you're in it. From here on out you are the proud owners of a plant and flower shop."

  "So, see, you are the bosses and can set your own hours. I'll lock the door on the way out. Have fun," Dain said walking out the door.


  Once everyone left, Pascal was suddenly feeling nervous, but not in a bad way. More of an awkward, anxious, excited way. He had finally confessed to the man of his dreams that he was in love with him, and Zen had returned the precious words.

  Pascal was filled with a warmth he had never experienced before. A happiness so much brighter, deeper, and fulfilling then he had ever felt before or even known existed. His heart felt like it was too big for his chest, but it wasn’t painful. It had him feeling like he was actually walking around on a cloud with the sun shining down on him, warming him inside and out.

  The butterflies in his stomach flittered around like they were doing summersaults and Pascal didn’t know how to calm them. He looked up and noticed Zen was watching him intently. He met his mate’s beautiful gaze and saw everything he was feeling shining back at him. Was Zen just as anxious as he was?

  Zen moved, closing the small distance between them. He hadn’t realized that he had moved away from Zen, or Zen had moved away from him. Somewhere in his tsunami of emotions that were swirling inside him, he probably did. But now that Zen was back in his personal space, only the good, positive emotions remained. Love, excitement, happiness.

  He gave Zen a bright smile as he looked up into those amazing green pools, and hoped all the love he felt for this man, his man, was reflecting in his eyes. Pascal squeaked as Zen bent his legs and wrapped his arms around his waist, picking Pascal up. Immediately, he wrapped his legs around Zen’s waist and his arms around Zen’s neck, holding on, but being careful not to squish the pretty sweet pea he still held.

  “I see that you’re just as nervous as I am with the idea of…what is to come, but I want you to know I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to do,” Zen whispered, his warm breath caressing Pascal’s face.

  “I admit I am nervous, but not enough to make me not want to do this. It’s just the unknown,” Pascal said shyly with a shrug of one shoulder. “I know you said you’ve done this before, but you know I haven’t and I don’t know if I will be any good at it. If I will please you.”

  Zen kissed his lips tenderly then pulled back, looking deeply into his eyes. “You already please me, mate, in everything you do. You are an amazing man. You’re beautiful, kind, understanding, patient, and have such a big heart. Everything I have always wanted in a mate and more, and everything that made me fall in love with you. I know with it being your first time it can be very scary and I won’t lie to you, the first time there can be pain, but I promise you that I will do everything to make sure that it’s not too much.”

  Pas gave his big strong mate another bright smile. It was just like Zen to know what was going on inside him and try to ease his fears and concerns. “I trust you, Zen, and I love you. I know you won’t hurt me. Will you make love to me?”

  “I want nothing more than to make love to you and claim you, making you mine for eternity. I always dreamed that when I claimed my mate it would be in a big comfortable bed with flowing white drapes surrounding it as they billowed in the gentle breeze. The bed sitting in the center of a field of wildflowers and the sun shining down kissing our skin. Birds chirping and singing softly in the background and the rustling of leaves in the trees. And the best part would be that no one else would be around for miles, just me and my mate.”

  Pas whimpered from the picture Zen painted and he wanted so badly to give that to his mate. It sounded so romantic and right. Suddenly, a thought hit him and Pascal smiled mischievously. “Do you trust me, Zen?”

  The smile on Zen’s face grew bigger. “Of course, I do. I trust you with my life, my heart.”

  “Then trust me now. I want to give you a mating present of my own. Can you put me down, please?”

  Confusion was clearly written all over Zen’s handsome face, but Pascal was determined to give his mate and himself exactly what Zen wished for. It was his job, after all, to make sure his mate was happy, just like Zen said it was his job to make Pascal happy.

  Once his feet touched the floor, Pascal stepped back away from Zen, making sure he was at a safe distance. He didn’t want to harm his man. “I’m going to shift, and when I do, I want you to pluck a few hairs, at least six, from my fox. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt me. Then hold onto those hairs, okay?”

  Pascal could see the confusion deepen in Zen’s eyes, but his mate nodded as he agreed, “Okay.”

  Pascal pulled his shirt over his head as he toed off his shoes, then quickly opened his jeans and lowered them to the floor. He was a little nervous about Zen seeing his body for the first time. Even though he was perfectly proportioned for his size, and he thought he looked okay and well-toned, he was in no way even close to the godly image of strength and masculinity that his mate was.

  Tentatively, Pascal straightened, feeling completely exposed. Zen’s gaze roamed over his body from head to toe and Pascal could swear he felt Zen touching him everywhere his gaze went. A shiver of pleasure raced through his body and Pascal suddenly felt breathless. Zen’s gaze was intense and heated, full of passion and need. And when that gaze lingered on his shaft, Zen licked his l
ips. “So breathtaking,” Zen whispered.

  It thrilled Pas to know he had that effect on his man. That he was the one who was causing that look in the big shifter’s eyes.

  Before things went too far here on the floor where anyone passing on the street could look in and see them, Pascal let his animal take over. His fox was just as affected by Zen’s attention and need as he was and his little fox was begging to come out and touch their mate.

  The room filled with the tinkling sound that always came with a Santorini fox’s shift, and Pas saw Zen’s eyes widen in wonder, but he also saw Zen cringe back slightly from the sound. If Zen had been standing too close it was possible he could have shattered his mate into a million pieces with the high pitch and intensity of the sound.

  It only took a few seconds and Pas stood before his mate, looking up at Zen. In human form Zen was huge, but now as Pas looked at him in his animal form, Zen was a fucking giant. But Pascal was not afraid. He knew he was safe with Zen in any form and that his mate would rather gnaw off his own arms then hurt him.

  Pascal let his fox go and the animal immediately went to Zen and brushed up against his legs, rubbing his cheek on Zen’s calf. Zen chuckled lightly and sat on the floor beside him as he reached out and gently petted the top of Pascal’s head. “You are so adorable, mate,” Zen whispered.

  He had never been touched, or petted, in his animal form before and he found it exhilarating. Pas loved it and just wanted to purr his happiness, but Santorini foxes didn’t purr. So, instead, he let out a small, happy yip and then whined as he jumped into Zen’s lap and rubbed his face on his mate’s chest and abs, enjoying this new closeness. His animal was in love with their mate, too, and was more than excited and thankful that Pas was giving him this gift.

  They remained like that for more than fifteen minutes. His fox rubbing on Zen as Zen pet him from head to toe and cooed softly over how soft he was and how pretty he was. Now it was Pascal’s turn to peacock inside his animal with pride that his mate thought he was pretty.

  A noise out in the street broke through their happy bubble and Pascal remembered they had somewhere special to be. He pulled back his head and jumped up, placing his paws on Zen’s chest as he looked in his mate’s eyes. Once Zen’s gaze met his, Pascal yipped softly and wagged his long tail.

  “Is it time, my pretty little sweet pea?” Zen asked.

  Pascal yipped again and nodded his head. He lowered and jumped off Zen’s lap, then sat before him on the floor. Zen reached out and gripped a bit of fur between thumb and forefinger and quickly pulled. There was always a small tinge of pain, but nothing bad. It was like if someone pulled anyone’s hair. Just a small prick and done.

  Pascal looked at Zen’s fingers as he held them up for Pascal to see and he was happy his mate had taken enough. Pascal turned and ran back across the room, then immediately shifted back to his human form. Once done, he retrieved his clothes and quickly pulled his jeans on, but left them unzipped and tucked his shirt into his back pocket. He figured where they were going and what they were about to do, clothes would not be welcome anyway.

  Stepping in front of Zen, Pascal smiled at Zen and held out his hand. Zen placed the tiny hairs in his palm and smiled back. “You truly are so beautiful in both forms, my mate. Thank you for letting me get to know your animal, too. Someday soon when we have more room, I will let you meet my animal as well.”

  Pascal’s eyes filled with happiness and excitement and he knew they were open wide. “I would love to meet your elephant. I've never seen an elephant in real life before.”

  “Well then, we’ll have to let you take a ride on his back as well. He and I would both love that,” Zen said shyly.

  “I'd like that very much,” Pascal said and laid his other hand on Zen’s arm.

  “So, what are we doing with those?” Zen motioned toward the hairs.

  “With these I can do some pretty good tricks. Come with me,” Pascal said and grabbed Zen’s hand, then reached down and grabbed the lube Rhys had left them, as he walked past and directed Zen into the back-storage room. He had been back there a few times helping Mrs. Pearl lift a few boxes when he was there for tea, and he had seen a few portals still there shimmering. They were all pixie portals, which is what made him think of where they were going. One of those pixie portals he had noticed went right into the pixie realm.

  “What are we doing here, mate?” Zen asked as he looked around.

  “Just wait right here,” Pascal answered, then released Zen’s hand and turned toward the portal in front of him. He took three hairs and held them up as he chanted the spell, then blew on the hairs, sending them out into the portal. Suddenly the portal shimmered and became visible.

  “Wow, how did you…I know you told me you could do that, but to see it…you are just…so amazing, my mate,” Zen said as he studied the portal. “So where exactly are we going?”

  Pascal smiled and gave Zen a wink as he said, “That’s a surprise. Come on.”

  Pascal held out his hand and Zen took it, clasping their fingers together. Pascal led them through the portal and when they stepped out into the other side, Pascal heard Zen’s quick inhale of breath.

  He pulled Zen from the portal, then turned and used the remaining hairs to close the portal before turning back to the sight before them.

  “This is so beautiful, like it was plucked right out of my head. Where are we? How is this possible?” Zen asked in awe.

  “This is the pixie realm. When Ollie and I came here to find Manny we came out over there by the palace. When you were talking about your vision of the field of wildflowers, this is the picture that came to me. This is the gardens of Destrain’s palace, and there is no one here. The pixie realm is empty right now.”

  Zen turned to look at him with wide-eyed wonder. “So, there is not another soul here but you and me?” Pascal smiled as he nodded.

  “I don’t understand why the pixie would even leave this beautiful place,” Zen stated as he slowly turned in circles taking everything in.

  “It takes a lot of magic for Destrain and Dain to keep the realm like it is. It still sits like this and can be visited whenever they want. Any pixie can visit here once they get permission from Dain or Rhys. With all the pixie living here it helped keep this realm strong, but now with so many wanting to go to earth and join with the dragon and phoenix to fight Fallon, it has weakened.”

  “But you said they could still come here to visit. So, how do you know that no one is here now?”

  Pascal smiled again, his lips spreading wide across his face. “I am the ajutor to the Regent. Who do you think handles all the visit requests and gives them to Dain for approval? And I know for a fact that no one is here in the pixie realm right now. Dain, Twix, Rhys, and Destrain can come anytime they want, but I know they are all busy today seeing as I help handle all their schedules,” Pascal replied with a giggle.

  Zen grabbed him up around the waist, picking Pascal up and spinning them around. Pascal threw his arms around Zen’s neck and held on as his head dropped back and he laughed freely, enjoying the light moment between them. “You are the best mate ever,” Zen declared as he stopped spinning them and claimed Pascal’s lips in a passionate kiss.


  They walked hand in hand toward the center of the large field of wildflowers, as a light, warm breeze blew, making Pascal’s hair dance around his head. Zen could only stare at the beauty of his mate, looking so much like an angel with his silken hair dancing around his handsome face, the sun causing that face to glow and his eyes to shine. Those stunning brown eyes filled with joy and happiness. The full image of his mate in this moment taking Zen’s breath away and calling to his soul.

  Pascal smiled at him and Zen could swear he was in the presence of a true angel, gifted to him by fate herself, a true blessing that he didn’t feel worthy of but would not turn away. His heart filled as his soul soared high from just one look from his mate, and all the love he saw in those chocolate pools shin
ing only for him.

  “I think we need one more thing,” Pascal said mischievously, then turned to look out over the field. He raised his hand and began to swirl his wrist around in circles as he pointed to a spot, and whispered. Zen couldn’t make out the words.

  Suddenly, there was a shimmering in the place Pascal pointed to. Something dark, then light, unfocused, growing larger. Zen’s eyes widened when the object finally appeared whole and solid. A pure white, extra-large, king-sized, four post wooden bed, with towering posts embellished with carved details and covered with a sheer, graceful canopy of white curtains, that billowed gently in the breeze, sat in the middle of the field.

  His gaze roamed over the sculpted lines and ornamental details of the headboard and footboard. Soft looking sheets and plump pillows adorned the large bed. It was pure romance and sweet sophistication, and exactly how Zen had envisioned it.

  “I saw it in a magazine once and thought of it when you spoke it earlier. The mattress is what they call an Empereur size. It’s like twice as big as a normal California King. I figured with your size…I wanted you to be comfortable,” Pascal explained shyly with a small shrug.

  Without taking his eyes off the beautiful scene Pascal had created, Zen replied, “Thank you, mate. It is exactly what I had dreamed.”

  Zen turned toward Pascal and cupped his cheek, he and his animal thrilled when Pascal leaned into the gesture. “Even without all of this, you, Pascal Everly, have made my dreams come true. Since meeting you I have found the man of my dreams, the love of my life, have been filled with so much love and happiness, have a future with you by my side doing what we both love to do, and now the most beautiful place to claim my mate. Thank you for coming into my life, sweet pea. I promise, you will never regret being with me, or entrusting your heart to me.”

  “I know I won’t, silly man. You are the man of my dreams and the love of my life, as well. Now, make love to me, claim me, and make me yours,” Pascal said softly and placed the tube of lube in Zen’s hands as he wiggled his eyebrows. Zen laughed as he leaned down, capturing Pascal’s lips as his hand closed around the tube.


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