Love's Journey

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Love's Journey Page 10

by Carrie Carr

  "Oh. Uh, sorry." Kevin sat next to Morris.

  "Lex," Amanda waved the knife she had been using, "it's not a good idea to scare someone who has a sharp object in her hand."

  Lex stepped back slowly, holding her hands in front of her in defense. "Umm, sweetheart? Why don't you just put the knife down?" She turned to the housekeeper for sympathy. "Mada?" Hoping against hope her childhood name for Martha would give her an edge.

  Martha leaned back against the counter and folded her arms across her chest. "Oh, no. Don't ask me for help. You're on your own, this time."

  Amanda set the knife on the counter and picked up a large bowl of ice water in which she had been soaking an onion. "You're right. Maybe you just need a little cooling off instead." She continued to stalk Lex, who unknowingly backed into a corner.

  "Heh--" Lex gave Amanda her most charming smile. "You don't want to do that, love." Her eyes widened when she felt the wall against her back. Aw, hell. Now what?

  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't dump this over your head, Slim."

  Lex's eyes darted around the room, searching for an answer. "Umm--" She saw her grandfather trying to keep from laughing. "Thanks for the help," she directed sarcastically at Travis and turned her full attention back to the imminent threat. "Because I love you?"

  Amanda raised the bowl menacingly. "Uh-huh. I love you, too. But I think you need to be taught a lesson." She slowly brought the container toward Lex's head. "This is going to hurt me more than it does you."

  "You got that right." Lex grinned wickedly and then tilted the bowl to dump the ice cold water over Amanda's head. "Oops!"

  "Aaaaah! You--you--" Amanda sputtered, as she wiped the wet hair out of her eyes. "That's cold!"

  Lex leaned over and dropped a kiss on her lover's damp cheek. "I'd better go check the horses. Love you. Bye!" She took off out of the kitchen without another word. The back door slammed a moment later.

  "I'm going to have to hurt her," Amanda muttered to the rest of the room.

  Martha handed her a clean dishtowel. "Honey, the best thing you could do is make Lexie think you're going to get her back. It'll drive her nuts, waiting for something to happen."

  "That's true. She isn't the most patient person in the world." Travis stood and held out a chair for Amanda. "If you play it just right, you could keep her guessing for quite a while."

  Morris placed his hand on Amanda's. "Don't be too rough on her, Mandy. You did corner her."

  "Don't worry. I won't make her suffer too much," Amanda assured everyone around the table. "Not for long, anyway."

  LEX STAYED OUT in the barn and brushed all twelve horses until they shone. "I can't believe I dumped water on her," she mumbled to herself as she walked back into the house. Then you went and hid in the barn like a little kid, an inner voice chastised. "Shut up." She opened the back door and peeked into the kitchen. All dark. Now I'm really going to be in trouble.

  She trudged slowly up the stairs and stood in front of the closed door to the master bedroom. "Oh, shit. She must be really pissed off," she muttered guiltily. Lex opened the door and stuck her head inside. "Amanda?" The room was dark, except for the low burning fireplace and the light coming from under the bathroom door.

  Lex crept over to the bathroom. Hearing the faint sound of the shower, she smiled and quickly removed all her clothes, and then slowly stepped through the door.

  She could hear her lover's voice over the sound of the shower. She was singing the chorus from a song by--"Alanis Morissette?" Lex shook her head. "She is pissed." She stood outside the shower door and began to sing along.

  Amanda spun around as the shower door opened and a very contrite Lex stepped inside.

  "Hi." Lex smiled bashfully. "Umm--I'm sorry about the water." She gently took the bath sponge from Amanda's hand. "Can I scrub your back for you?"

  "Sure." Amanda turned around until her back was to her lover.

  She watched as a tan hand moved around her and grabbed the bottle of body wash. Moments later, the sponge dropped to the floor of the shower and warm hands began gently to soap her back. "Mmm--feels great."

  Lex chuckled. "It sure does," she whispered into her partner's ear. She stepped closer until their bodies were touching and slowly ran her hands down the smooth skin and across the petite hips. She pulled Amanda even closer so that her hands could trace slow patterns across Amanda's stomach and over her chest. "How's this?" she murmured, nibbling a path along the soft neck.

  "N--n--nice," Amanda stammered, as her knees buckled. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and held her up.

  "Turn around."

  She felt Lex spin her around until she was facing her. The long body was also covered in soap, and the eyes above her twinkled with mischief.

  Lex stepped forward again and wrapped her arms around Amanda. She began slowly to rub their bodies together, making certain no skin was left without a soapy covering. "I thought this would be better than the sponge."

  "Uhhh--oh, yeah." Amanda could barely form a coherent thought due to the strong body sliding against hers. She felt herself being gently pushed toward the warm spray of water as Lex removed the soap the same way she had applied it. "God--"

  Lex began licking and kissing down Amanda's throat, stopping every so often to nip in strategic places. "Gotta make sure I didn't miss a spot," she mumbled, lowering herself slowly to her knees as she traced a path down Amanda's chest with her tongue. "Hmm--" She placed a soft kiss in the delicate belly button, and continued her assault on her lover's senses.

  Amanda wrapped her hands in Lex's hair and tried to slide down the shower wall. She was barely aware of Lex guiding her to the built-in bench before all thoughts were driven from her mind, and the sound of the water spraying them faded away.

  WAKING FROM A very sensual dream, Amanda rolled onto her side and almost bumped into Lex, who had her head propped on her hand. Lex had apparently been watching her sleep for quite some time. "Hi."

  "Hey there, beautiful." Lex used her free hand and brushed the hair away from her lover's face. She gazed into the sleepy eyes. "Did you have a nice nap? It was sure an interesting look you had on your face."

  "Mmm--yeah." Amanda stretched and yawned, causing the sheet to fall away from her body. I wonder how Lex feels about whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Whew. Talk about good dreams. "What time is it?"

  Lex ran her hand down Amanda's exposed side and across her hip. "About twelve-thirty in the morning. Why?"

  Amanda scooted closer to the long body. "Just curious." She rolled Lex onto her back and snuggled against her, pillowing her head on the muscular shoulder beneath her. "You must be worn out. Why don't you try to get some sleep? I promise I won't do anything to you." She was concerned Lex had only stayed awake in fear of retaliation for the earlier kitchen incident.

  "I trust you, love." Lex combed her fingers through the blond hair that spilled across her bare chest. "I was just enjoying watching you sleep."


  "But since you're awake, I want to give you one of your Christmas presents early." She tried to climb out of bed, but stopped when the arm across her waist tightened.

  "You don't have to--"

  She leaned down and kissed Amanda on top of the head. "Shh--humor me."

  Amanda nodded and reluctantly released her. "But can't it wait until morning?"

  "No. I want to give it to you when we're alone." Lex walked over to the dresser and grabbed a tee shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. "I'll be right back."

  "But--" Amanda gave up trying to stop her and watched the quiet figure disappear into the dark hallway.

  Lex returned a few minutes later, holding one hand behind her back. She dropped onto the bed next to Amanda, who had slipped a nightshirt on and was now sitting in bed. "Did you miss me?"

  "Horribly," Amanda returned. "What's behind you?"

  "What?" Lex spun around toward the door. "I don't see anything."

  Amanda rolled her eyes. "Smart aleck." She no
dded her head at the hidden hand. "Maybe something you're holding?"

  Lex and pulled a small, colorful package from its hiding place. "You mean this?" She handed the box to Amanda, who took it carefully.

  She studied the box from all sides. "It doesn't have anything in it that would jump out at me, does it?"

  "No," Lex scoffed. "It's perfectly harmless." She added as an afterthought, "Sort of." She laughed as Amanda continued to look at the box from different angles. "Go on--open it."

  Amanda looked past the package in her hand and into the sincere eyes of her partner. "Okay," she agreed quietly. She tore the paper away to reveal a black, velvet-covered jeweler's box. "Oooh--" She handed it back to Lex. "Open it for me? Please?"

  Lex opened the box toward Amanda. Inside, a necklace bearing a heart-shaped pendant was nestled in black satin. Sparkling diamonds outlined the design, which wasn't much bigger than Lex's thumbnail.

  "It's beautiful," Amanda whispered. She saw the emotions crossing her lover's face. "Oh, Lex."

  "You've had my heart from the moment we met, Amanda. I just wanted to give you something to show you how much I love you." Lex pulled the necklace out of the box and opened the clasp. When Amanda leaned forward, she carefully placed the heart around her neck. Lex dropped to one knee next to the bed and raised her lover's hand to her cheek. "I would be greatly honored if you would agree to marry me, Amanda Lorraine Cauble. Even though it won't be a legal marriage, I'd love to stand before God and our families and place my grandmother's ring on your finger again, pledging my heart and soul to you."

  Amanda opened her mouth to speak, but no words could express what was running through her mind and filling her heart. Unable to make an immediate verbal response, she turned her hand over and ran her fingertips down Lex's face, and found a clenched jaw. Oh, no. She thinks-- "Lex."

  Lex stood slowly. "Umm--well. I guess--" Her words halted when Amanda leapt from the bed and into her arms.

  "God, yes!" Amanda wrapped her legs around Lex's waist and clasped her hands behind Lex's neck. She began to kiss her all over her face. "I will only take this ring off once, the morning of our wedding, so you can put it back on my finger when we exchange our vows. I love you, Lexington Marie Walters. And nothing, and no one, will keep me from marrying you." She lowered her face until her mouth was a whisper away from Lex's. "Now why don't we go back to bed? We have an engagement to celebrate." A passionate kiss silenced Amanda, as the strong arms holding her lowered her to the bed.

  Chapter Eight

  "WHAT DO YOU mean I'll have to take a later flight? Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?" The elegantly dressed woman continued to berate the young girl working at the ticket counter. "I could buy this damn airline!" She drummed her expensive red nails on the desk. "Let me speak to the manager, at once."

  "Yes, madam." The girl fearfully rushed over to a stout man at another desk. She bent and whispered something in his ear, and he raised his head to assess the woman fuming at the counter. He stood up, patted the clerk on the shoulder, and made his way over to where Elizabeth Cauble had begun to complain to the customer behind her.

  "I finally take the first vacation I've had in almost fifteen years, and a family emergency flares up. When I get to the airport, the child they have working the counter tells me I can't be home for Christmas! What is this world coming to?"

  The man she was talking to nodded in agreement. He wasn't particularly interested in what she was saying, he just didn't want her going off on him next.

  The manager loosened his tie and addressed Elizabeth in slightly accented English. "Is there some sort of problem, madam? Consuela tells me you wished to speak to me?"

  Elizabeth turned her attention to the man behind the counter. He was perspiring heavily, and she noticed with distaste that his jacket had sweat stains under the armpits. "Of course there's a problem. She told me I would have to wait several days for another flight. Let me assure you, this is not acceptable. I have a family emergency back in the United States that must be handled immediately!"

  "I understand you want to return home for the holidays, madam, but all of our flights to the United States are completely booked up. You should have made arrangements sooner." He didn't notice the flush of anger as it crossed the imperious woman's face.

  "You don't understand a damned thing! People like me pay your salary, you buffoon. I will be on the next flight. There is no room for argument!" Elizabeth slapped the counter hard to make her point. "I don't care who you bump or how you do it. I have connections with this airline, and I will have your job."

  "Please, madam. I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement--"

  She waved her finger in front of his face. "The only arrangement acceptable to me is to get me on that flight!" She turned around to look at the people in line behind her. "I will be at that bar," Elizabeth pointed across the way, "and will pay five thousand dollars cash for anyone's ticket on the next flight out to the United States." She smiled sweetly at the man behind the counter. "Thank you."

  He watched as she calmly walked through the airport toward the bar.

  "GOOD MORNING, MANDY." Morris noticed an even brighter glow to his niece's normally cheerful countenance. From the look on the face behind her, whatever it was affected them both. Lex practically floated behind Amanda.

  Amanda kissed her uncle on the cheek and sat across from him at the table. "Good morning to you, too. Where's Kevin?" She grabbed two mugs from the tray on the center of the table and poured herself and Lex each a cup of coffee.

  "Morning, indeed. Some people laze around until almost lunchtime, and have the nerve to say it's morning," Martha grumbled from the stove. She almost squealed in surprise when long arms snaked around her waist and squeezed.

  "Aw, come on, Martha--it's only ten-thirty. And it's Christmas Eve day." Lex kissed the top of the graying head. "Have you seen Grandpa yet? He wasn't in his room when we checked."

  Martha turned around to look at the woman behind her. She looks okay, but-- "Honey? Only ten-thirty? Are you feeling all right?"

  Lex grinned broadly. "Never better. I've got to go tend to the stock, but I'll be back shortly."

  "No you don't, Lexie. That's where Kevin and Travis have gone. They should be back any time now." Martha patted Lex on the hip and turned back to her cooking.

  "Really?" Lex walked over and peered out the kitchen window.

  Morris nodded at his niece. "Yup. They thought it would be a nice surprise for you, and I think both of them were going a little stir crazy."

  "I understand. I'm a little antsy myself," Amanda kept playing with the necklace resting against her throat.

  "Well, well, well." Morris leaned across the table and studied his niece carefully. "That wasn't there yesterday."

  Amanda blushed, but leaned forward and held out the necklace for his inspection. "It sure wasn't. Lex gave it to me last night after everyone had gone to bed."

  Martha stopped what she was doing and wandered over to the table, peering at Amanda. "An early Christmas gift?" she asked, impressed.

  "Nope. An engagement present," Lex cheerfully interjected. "Well, she already had a ring."

  "You little stinker. I had no idea you were going to do that," Martha grumbled, but wrapped her arms happily around her charge. "Congratulations, honey."

  Morris glanced at Amanda. "Since you're wearing it, I take it you accepted her proposal?"

  "Of course." Amanda playfully slapped at his arm. This makes my present to her perfect. If I can just figure out the best time to give it to her.

  "That's wonderful, Mandy. I'm happy for you both. When's the big day?" he asked, looking back and forth between the two women. "Have you decided on a date?"

  Lex released her hold on Martha and exchanged looks with her fiancée. "Date?"

  Martha swatted Lex on the rear. "You usually have to pick a day for the actual ceremony. We've got a lot of plans to make."

  "Umm--I never thought about it." Lex walked over
to Amanda and knelt beside her. "What about you, sweetheart? Any ideas?"

  "No. What do you say we just enjoy our engagement for now? I don't think either one of us is going anywhere." Amanda knew her lover hated any kind of fuss, so she was more than content to just sit back and enjoy the moment. Leaning down to place a tender kiss on her partner's lips, she saw the grateful look on Lex's face and was pleased with her decision.

  Lex rose to whisper into her lover's ear. "Thanks, love." She kissed Amanda's ear and sat beside her. "Speaking of going somewhere, I need to do a quick check of the west fence. Do you want to ride in the jeep with me?"

  "Definitely! How long will we be gone?"

  "No more than a couple of hours. The guys usually do it, but most of them won't be back until the day after tomorrow." Lex looked at the plate Martha had set in front of her. "Thanks. But isn't this a little much?" Three pancakes, two eggs over easy, several slices of bacon, and two large biscuits filled the plate. "You don't honestly think I'll be able to eat all of this, do you?"

  Martha patted her gently on top of the head. "You most certainly will, Lexie. I let you get away with skipping dinner last night, so the least I can do is make sure you get a good breakfast. Knowing you, you'll probably be late for lunch, too."

  "She's got your number." Amanda was quickly silenced when a similarly laden plate was placed in front of her. "Mmm--thank you, Martha."

  "Good grief, but it's cold out there!" Kevin stomped into the kitchen, followed by Travis. "How do you do that every morning, Lex?"

  Morris quickly stood and refilled the coffee carafe. "You certainly made good time this morning."

  "We had help," Travis admitted, taking the chair on the other side of Lex. "It felt good to get out for a bit." He gratefully accepted the coffee. "Thank you, Morris."

  "Martha, I--oops!" Ronnie Sterling rushed in from the mudroom, but stopped when he saw the kitchen full of people. "I didn't realize everyone would be in here."


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