“How did you and Valeria get captured anyway?” Xlina asked as the laughter subsided.
“A brilliant tale,” Oxivius smiled proudly. “And one rightfully shared among friends over a warm meal. Why don’t we all freshen up before dinner, and I’ll share the story over a hot meal?”
“Fair enough,” Xlina agreed, finally having the courage to hop down from the table on her shaky legs. “I am going to just soak in a hot bath for a while.”
“Take your rest while you can,” Oxivius warned grimly. “Ertigan is still out there, moving his pawns.”
Ertigan knew the moment his warlock died, Valeria added again. For once there was no mocking or dripping sarcasm in her voice. He’s probably already heard of Puc’s passing as well and is putting more pieces into play. You have struck at his base of power and influence; don’t get sloppy now. We need to take more of his pieces from the table while he is weakened.
“We need rest,” Xlina countered quietly but firmly as she left Amber and Oxivius behind and wandered up the staircase to the loft. The pair seemed content at the moment as Amber retold the story of how Brick had leapt from the hearth to save her from Morticae’s attack. Despite wanting to stay and share in the moment, Xlina was exhausted and desperately needed some rest. Besides, she certainly didn’t want to share her friendship and camaraderie with Valeria, who deserved neither and would undoubtedly spoil the whole thing with her constant nagging and teasing.
The loft, like the foyer, had been restored precisely as it was before. Even the bay window had been reformed to its natural state, causing Xlina to marvel at the blessings of her newfound friends’ magic talents. When the Cu Sith had destroyed her apartment, she had paid for the damages and replaced the door, but for the Burglecuts it seemed just a minor inconvenience to clean up the mess, waving away the devastation with magic.
She dragged herself into her room, which remained as it had been the prior night, bed still unmade, blankets kicked about from her dreams. She couldn’t be bothered with it now, however, and instead made a line for the private bath attached. It was larger than her apartment’s bathroom, sporting an antique ivory-colored tub like those you would see in a Homes & Gardens magazine. The fixtures were all a coppery bronze, and a tiny window hung perfectly placed, affording a look out toward the harbor.
The bathroom was made up with dark green towels that seemed ideally matched with the dark hardwood floors and white ceilings. The Hearth offered so much more than she ever could have afforded on her own, and she felt a pang of guilt realizing she had brought nothing but trouble to the Burglecuts’ doorstep as she stripped down and discarded her dirty clothes in the old hamper from her apartment. It looked just as out of place in the lavish surroundings as the rest of her belongings among the well-designed accommodations of Heart’s Hearth. She reached forward, stretching her aching muscles and gently turning the water on hot, allowing it to run for a moment to fill the bottom of the cold tub before lowering herself down. She swooned as the water slowly caressed her fatigued muscles. As the tub filled, a sense of relaxation flooded through her body. Steam gathered and rolled in the bath, clouding over the mirror and dampening the air. Xlina inhaled the warm moisture, finding the whole moment soothing.
This is nice, Valeria said, her voice relaxed and tender.
“It was until you started talking,” Xlina replied, leaning back against the slope of the tub and closing her eyes. She reached up and pulled the tie from her hair, allowing her brown locks to fall loosely about her shoulders.
You should do something more with your hair, Valeria ventured, her candor and tone a surprising change of pace from before.
“I’m not taking beauty advice from a succubus,” Xlina responded.
Really? Valeria quipped with an astonished tone. Who better, honestly? Attraction is my forte, dear. Take some tips, and with your athletic build and bone structure, I promise you all the attention you could desire.
“That’s the trick,” Xlina countered. “I have all the attention I desire. I don’t crave any more.”
You can’t deny your feelings now, Valeria scolded in a playful tone. Not with me riding shotgun in here. I can feel the desire in you.
“You’re confused, demon,” Xlina quipped sourly. “That’s just the hunger you’re feeling.”
Oh, it’s hunger alright, Valeria teased sourly. You want to be wanted. You want it so bad it reeks of desperation. You look at Amber and see everything you wish you could be. Pretty, social, charming... but you’re too afraid. You don’t understand your abilities. What you see as dangerous is actually quite a thing of beauty. Do you know how few Baku there are? How special you are?
“No,” Xlina squirmed, not expecting to be having a heart to heart with a demon, but this side of Valeria was intriguing. Perhaps she had chosen the devil she didn’t truly know after all. Valeria had always been nice, up until the mark business, then her personality had changed into something more akin to a psychopathic, bipolar dominatrix who lacked a safe word. Still, it was nice to have the demon offering compliments rather than her typical scorn and contempt.
Not many at all, Valeria continued with a lecturing tone. Baku are rare to begin with; only a single family member will display signs of the gift, and only every handful of generations at best. Even then, the gift manifests differently in each family. Some only get small dream clairvoyance. Others, like you, who get the full Baku gift, generally can’t handle the dreams. They go mad, dear. Completely stark raving batshit crazy, but not you.
“That doesn’t really make me feel a whole lot better,” Xlina protested. “So I am just another piece in your patron’s collection? How long until I get put in a cage or stuffed and mounted on the wall?”
I love your quirky humor, Valeria replied with a chuckle. There will be no cage, at least not for now. I mean weren’t you happy, before the mark? Fighting monsters and going to college? Who made that possible anyway? When I found you that day in Boston General, you were desperate, so eager to find a way out of that ward. What would have happened without me, I wonder? Would you still be in a padded room? Would your father have come and claimed you once you learned your lesson? How long do you think that would have been?
“You manipulated and tricked me,” Xlina refuted firmly.
What difference does that make if in the end you were content? Valeria responded. Who introduced you to Oxivius? Who helped you get the apartment down the way from Amber? Your demon, that’s who. But go ahead and keep telling yourself that it was I who somehow ruined your life.
“What do you want from me, Valeria?” Xlina fumed, slapping the water in frustration.
Cooperation, Valeria replied matter-of-factly. Maybe some appreciation. A bite of soul every now and then. Honestly, Xlina, you’re too deep to escape. It’s like being waist deep in quicksand, my dear; the more you struggle, the quicker you’ll sink into the depths. You have two choices, darling. Continue to fight me at every step, and spend your entire life, however long or short it may be, trying to rid yourself of the mark. In death, you will have naught but failure to show for all your effort. Or you could play along. Kill monsters who happen to be in my patron’s way while living a fulfilling life, and on your deathbed, you’ll at least have had a life to leave behind.
“That’s it, huh?” Xlina asked dismissively. “Just that simple; it’s so easy. You won’t get jealous and sabotage or kill all my friends. You won’t show up to violate my soul and leave me a drained husk on the floor. I won’t have to spend all my remaining years being your plaything?”
I did say we’d have fun along the way, Valeria replied with a flirtatious tone.
“We have very different ideas of fun,” Xlina stated flatly.
Loosen up, Valeria replied. Do you know how many folks out there pay for this kind of adult entertainment? I’m offering it up as a signing bonus, and you’re turning your nose up to it.
“This isn’t going to work,” Xlina replied. “I don’t care where you go, but you can�
��t stay here. If I need to deal with the next demon who takes your place, then fine. I’ll keep killing you, one by one. Do you hear me?”
“Xlina?” Amber’s voice came from just beyond the bathroom door. “I know it’s not a good time, I mean with everything going on, but can we talk?”
“Can it wait, Amber?” Xlina called back through the door. “I’d rather not share whatever it is with my passenger.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Amber pleaded. “I need to do this. Can you come out?”
Tell her to come in, Valeria commanded with authority, and Xlina felt the mark heat up at the compelling command of its master.
“Come in, Amber,” Xlina said through gritted teeth, the mark returning to its dormant state as soon as she complied.
“Are you sure?” Amber said cautiously, slowly pushing the door open. She entered slowly, taking in the full scene before her and blushing. Xlina noted the red stripe of hair was gone, which meant that Brick had most likely curled up by the hearth in the foyer below.
“What is it, Amber?” Xlina asked, shifting in the tub uncomfortably, the feeling of the girl’s eyes on her naked body in the tub both exciting and embarrassing. She could only assume Valeria was feeding the exciting part, as she was normally too modest for such a display. She could have asked her to turn around or dump in enough bubble bath to cover herself, but she didn’t; instead, she lay in the clear, hot water, soaking in the attention.
Desire, Valeria cooed. You want to be wanted, but you’re too afraid.
“It’s about earlier,” Amber said bashfully as she fiddled with her hands, looking down and away, refusing to make eye contact. “I just... That’s never happened before, okay? I mean I have dated a lot of guys. I’m not—”
“Amber, you don’t—” Xlina started but stopped obediently as Amber raised her finger.
“I need to,” Amber said sternly. “Not because of Brick, and if I don’t now, I don’t know if I’ll have the courage again.”
“Okay, Amber,” Xlina nodded patiently, allowing the girl to search for the right words.
I wasn’t expecting a show, Valeria chimed in mockingly. Xlina fought the urge to berate the demon, not wanting to make it any harder for Amber.
“Okay,” Amber said, steadying herself with a deep breath. “It’s just that... I like you. I mean, you’re strong and brave. I don’t know what I’m feeling; I have never kissed a girl before. That wasn’t me, but at the same time it was me. I’m processing what I’m feeling, but I just wanted to say I don’t want what happened to change anything for us. I mean, I like where we are at... our friendship.”
“I do too, Amber,” Xlina added gently. “And I’m flattered, really. I’m just a bit confused as well. Now isn’t a great time, you know? I can’t tell which thoughts are mine and what’s hers. You know?”
That feeling you have right now welling up in your belly, Valeria stated. That’s all you, just to be clear.
“I know the timing is bad,” Amber said apologetically. “I just, I have never been attracted to... It’s just, you’re the first, I mean the only one. I see how you look at Oxivius. I know this isn’t what you want, and that’s okay. I just needed to tell you, Xlina. I can’t explain it.”
“I don’t know what I want,” Xlina replied. “I’m scared of getting close... to anyone. I’m dangerous, Amber; people around me... get hurt.”
Some honesty at last, Valeria chimed.
“I see,” Amber said with a half-grin. “Thanks for... well, everything.”
“I can’t guarantee anything, Amber,” Xlina said plainly, taking her turn to expel her feelings. “Not more than a month ago, I was on my own, alone and isolated. I wanted nothing more than some connection to the outside world. I wanted friends. I’m not sure I have had my fill of that yet. I never really thought I would find anything more than that. You see, I am just as confused as you are, so what do you say we just be a pair of confused friends and see what comes of things when we are done fighting monsters and demons?”
Awww, that was sweet, Valeria mocked viciously. I think I am going to compel you to kick a puppy down the stairs just to balance the scales.
“Thanks, Xlina.” Amber nearly beamed. “For understanding and accepting. For not letting this be weird.”
Oh enough already, Valeria groaned. Just invite her into the tub and have your way with her. Ask her to climb in. Now.
“Climb in, Amber,” Xlina asked, making a gesture for Amber to join her.
“That’s her talking,” Amber said with a scowl. “I’ll see you for dinner, Xlina.”
She turned abruptly and left the room, a slight sniffle escaping as she left. Xlina cursed under her breath while pulling the drain plug. It was going to be a rough ride with Valeria tagging along. She needed her out; Oxivius would just have to find another way.
Was it something I said? Valeria asked innocently.
“That was cruel,” Xlina responded coldly. “Just when I was starting to buy your whole nice demon routine. You almost had me there. I almost gave you credit for me not being alone anymore, but then you showed what a bitch you can be, and I realized you didn’t make anything happen. It was all me.”
I’m a demon, love, Valeria said, mocking Oxivius’ tone and candor. What do you expect?
Xlina grabbed a towel and dried off furiously. She was in no mood for further banter with Valeria and instead focused on slipping into something comfortable to join the others for dinner. The smell of roast beef and potatoes wafted up from the foyer into the loft, and despite everything, her stomach growled greedily at the smell. She ignored Valeria’s continued comments and snickers as she browsed her wardrobe for something comfortable, deciding on a pair of loose-fitting gray sweats with a matching gray tank top, much to the demon’s chagrin. She half expected Valeria to compel her into something more alluring, but it seemed Valeria was saving those moments for opportunities to hurt her friends.
Xlina marched down the stairs, still in a foul mood. She had just shared something special with Amber, a defining moment in their friendship of mutual acceptance. Valeria had been granted full access to the exchange and had ended it on a sour note. It certainly seemed the demon’s pattern, and Xlina had grown weary of it. Valeria seemed normal in one moment, until she let her guard down of course; then the demon would lash out with her claws, reminding her of the evil she was harboring inside.
Oxivius sat at the largest table in the open concept foyer, reading from a thick tome. His nose scrunched here and there as he scanned the passages. He was working so intently that he failed to notice her approach. She stood for a moment, just watching him in admiration. She didn’t know how old he really was or much about his past, other than what the Burglecuts had told her. Nonetheless, he had worked his way under her skin. As much as she was confused by Amber and her feelings for the very attractive girl, she couldn’t deny that Oxivius was alluring in his own way. He was powerful, yet kind. Quirky, certainly, but it was more than that. He just had an air about him. He had found some replacement clothing and appeared once again in his usual attire: a dark red button-up shirt with a black vest and matching pants. His lips moved slightly as he read, and he flipped the page in obvious frustration. The sight of him was endearing, and she slid into the chair next to him, trying not to disturb him.
“Feeling better?” Oxivius asked, sending a quick sidelong glance in her direction before flipping to the next page.
“Yes and no,” Xlina replied in frustration. “She is driving me crazy. Isn’t there something you can do? What about that coffin we used to save Amber?”
“First we would have to bring her to the Otherworld, to my home,” Oxivius explained solemnly, flipping another page in his tome. “Which I am not happy about, but I would do it. Second, I have never used it on a demon’s coil. The coil, if unmolested, can exist for a very long time. I am unsure how much of my life it would consume.”
“Oh,” Xlina pouted, slumping down at the table in defeat.
You don’t quite understand, love,” Oxivius continued. “The spell I used on her would age you to dust in seconds. Hundreds of years’ worth of aging pass in a moment. Think of how long I had to stare at her to age her to an old woman... I’m not sure I would survive the coffin’s exchange.”
All the better reason to try, Valeria chimed in. Face it, girl: You’re stuck with me for now.
“I’m scared, Ox,” Xlina confessed. “I know she won’t kill me, but she can take control whenever she wants, and she has made it clear she doesn’t like any of you.”
“Indeed,” Oxivius nodded, flipping another page and intently focusing on his book. He made a scowl that wrinkled his nose before stroking his goatee and continuing on. “If not for holy ground, I’d just leave her in your room.”
Holy ground, Valeria scoffed. See how much they think they know of us? Too many damn fool demonologists spreading lies. That’s why we get such a bad rap, you know. Holy ground doesn’t exist. It’s a farce. Made up by so-called holy men to endear the masses. The ley lines are the key. Where they cross is a vast pool of magical energy. A lower demon like me... well, it’s akin to touching the third rail. My coil couldn’t hold it all, but my patron... his coil is strong. He would walk in here and take a piss on your holy ground without flinching.
“She says holy ground isn’t real,” Xlina relayed cynically.
“Great; I’ll let her out,” Oxivius replied, slamming his tome shut and standing in one smooth motion.
“You can’t,” Xlina lamented. “She says the ley lines crossing is like some kind of supercharged magic station. That her coil couldn’t handle the power.”
“Interesting,” Oxivius replied, stroking his goatee in contemplation once more.
“Ox,” Xlina continued sternly. “She says more powerful demons can stroll right through. We are not safe from them here.”
The Infernal Games Page 28