Critical period, 25–26, 295–301, PS16–17
Crystal, D., 455, 456, 459, 466, PS22
Culicover, P., PS13.
Culture, 5–6, 13–15, 19, 421–423, 429–432
Cuneiform, 186
Curtiss, S., 451, 461
Czech, 139, 267
Daly, M., 468
Damasio, A. and H., 463
Darwin, C., 6, 7, 149, 242, 254, 341, 351–352, 365–369, 370, 377, 381, 425, 435, PS10
Dative, 14, 248, glossary
Dawkins, R., 371, 372, 452, 465, PS5
Deacon, T., 360, 465
Deafness, 24, 25, 57–59, 269, 282, 296, 297–298, 307–308, 346–347, PS17
Dean, D., 134
Deep structure, 113–118, 218–222, 453, glossary
Deixis, 71
Dennett, D., 452, 465, PS5.
Derivation, 121–123, 125–130, 393–394, 407–410, glossary
Di Sciullo, A., 142–143, 453
Diachronic linguistics. See Historical change
Dialects, 15, 16–19
Dictionaries, 119, 123, 143–145, 205, 396, 397, 416–417
Dictionary, mental, 74–75, 91, 105–108, 114–116, 125, 130–152, 197–199, 317–321
Didion, J., 61
Discourse, glossary. See also Pragmatics
Dronkers, N., 462
Druyan, A., 344
Dutch, 253
Dylan, B., 83, 409–410
Dyslexia, 186, 312, 329, glossary
Dyson, F., 241–242
Ebonics. See Black English Vernacular
Education, PS17
EEG, 219, 306, 319, 324
Eimas, P., 266
Einstein, A., 61–62
ELIZA, 193–194
Embedding, 86–87, 91–93, 201–206, 291–292
Emonds, J., 405, 413
English, history of, 32, 109, 130, 131, 163–164, 187, 241, 247–253, 278–279, 386–389, 392, 417–418
English-only movement, PS23
Ervin-Tripp, S., 460–461
Espy, W., 399, 452, 454, 456
Etcoff, N., 462
Evoked potentials. See EEG
Everett, D., PS10, P11, PS15
Evolution, 241–245, 298–301, 308–313, 351–359, 365–373, 425, PS19–20
Evolution of humans, 5, 260–262, 268, 352–365, 425, 447–448
Evolution of language, 341, 351–366, 373–381, PS5, P10, PS19–21
Evolutionary psychology, 425–427
Extinction of languages, 262–264, PS16
Faraday, M., 61–62
Faulkner, W., 78
Feral children, 281–282, 296–298
Fernald, A., 461
Finite-state devices, 80–90, 91–93, 123–124, 184, 203–204, 209, 213, 419–420, 452
Fitch, T, PS20
Fodor, J., 419–421, PS4
FOXP2 gene, 38, 331–332, PS12, PS20
Frayn, M., 81–83, 84
Frazier, L., 457
Freeman, D., 428
Freeman, J., PS21
French, 112, 165, 251–252, 254, 267, 385, 289
Function words, 35–36, 110–113
Galaburda, A., 360, 461
Gallistel, C.R., 425
Gamow, G., PS5.
Garden path sentences, 211–216
Gardner, B. and A., 364, 350
Gardner, H., 35–36, 449, 462
Gardner, M., PS5
Garnsey, S., 213
Gazzaniga, M., 305, 312, 313, 425, 461, 463
Geertz, C., 427
Gelman, S., 443, 467
Gender, 14–15, 111, 120–122, 277, glossary
General Semantics, 46
Genes, 62, 75–76, 259–261, 298–301, 311, 328–330, 333–336, 360–362, 370, 422–424, 426, 444–448, PS12, PS19–20, P22, glossary
Genes and language, 37–38, 41–43, 302–304, 330–333, 337, 360, PS12, PS17, PS20
Genie, 297
German, 50, 112, 113, 165, 173, 235, 253, 277
Geschwind, N., 461, 462
Gleitman, L., 453, 455, 460
Glossolalia, 168
Glottis, 160, 165
Golinkoff, R., 460, PS16
Goodall, J., 347
Goodglass, H., 462
Goodman, N., 432–433
Gopnik, M., 37–39, 302–303, 332–333
Gordon, P., 140–141, 237, PS11
Gould, S. J., 359, 370, 468, PS5
Grammar, generative, 9, 76–81, 89–118, 124–143, 159, 195–197, 237–241, 383, glossary
Grammar, prescriptive, 16, 19, 79–80, 383–418, PS21, glossary
Grammar, Universal. See Universal Grammar
Grammatical categories, 91–92, 97–99, 127, 138–139, 206–207, 289. See also Nouns, Verbs
Greek, 120, 235, 254, 258
Greenberg, J., 234–237, 256–259
Grice, P., 228–230
Grimm, J., 254
Grimshaw, J., 453
Hackers, 130–131, 133, 163
Hagoort, P., PS 19
Haig, A., 130
Haldane, J., 369
Hale, K., 264
Halle, M., 10, 454, 456, PS14
Harris, J. R., PS11, PS22
Hauser, M., PS20
Hawaiian, 257
Hawaiian Pidgin and Creole, 20–23
Hayakawa, S. I., 46
Hadza, PS16
Hearing, 153–154, 156–158
Heath, S. B., 29
Hebb, D. O., PS3.
Heinlein, R., 134
Hellman, L., 110
Hickok, G., PS5, PS19
Hieroglyphics, 186
Hinton, G., 459
Hirschberg, S. and T., PS23
Hirsh-Pasek, K., 460, PS16
Historical change, 242–248, 257–262, 416–418, PS15–16, PS23. See also English, history of
Hockett, C., 159, 238
Hofstadter, D., 452
Hopi, 53, 120
Humboldt, W. von, 75
Humor and wordplay, 48, 75, 80, 82, 94, 107–108, 112–113, 130–135, 155–157, 163, 166, 168–169, 170, 171, 175–177, 182, 185, 192, 230, 390, 399–402
Human nature, 419–448, PS10, PS21
Hungarian, 256
Hunter-gatherers, 5, 12, 259, 379–381, 425, 438–440, PS16
Hurfbrd, J., 300, 461
Hutchinson, J., 151
Huttenlocher, P., 461
Illiteracy, 186
Indian, American. See American languages
Indian languages, 234, 253–257, 259, 267
Individual differences, 333–339, 444–448
Indo-European, 132, 253–257, 259, 261, 278, PS15–l6, glossary
Induction, 148–152, 432–436, glossary
Infant cognition, 59, 151, 266–269, 441–442
Infinity of language, 77–78, 84, 93, 122–124, 127, 292, 424
Inflection, 25, 32–34, 38–39, 46, 120–122, 123–127, 131–141, 232–233, 236, 239–240, 277–279, 288, 320, 333, 388–389, 393–394, glossary
Innateness of language, 5–7, 9–10, 13–15, 18–20, 31, 104, 141, 186, 243–244, 245, 281, 287, 327, 424–425
Intonation, 160, glossary
Irish. See Celtic
Irregularity, 134–141, 187, 247, 255–256, 277–279, 288, 388, 393–394, PS4, PS6, glossary
Italian, 120, 168–169, 170, 234, 254, 320
Jackendoff, R., 425, 452, 453, 456, 468, PS10, PS13, PS14, PS21
James, W., 7, 243
Japanese, 103, 146, 168, 170, 186, 202, 233, 236, 245, 257, 259, 260
Jesperson, O., 459
Jeyifous, S., 468
Johnson, S., 119, 417–418
Joos, M., 232
Jordan, M., 456
Journalism, 223–226, 302–304
Jusczyk, P., 266, 267
Kaplan, S., 468
Kay, P., 451
Keenan, J., 25
Kegl, J., 25
Kenneally, C., PS19
Kennedy, R. F.,
Khan, Genghis, 256
Khoisan, 135, 256, PS16
Kilpatrick, J., 302–303, 332
Kim, J., 454–466
King, M. L., 339
Kinsbourne, M., 309–311
Kiparsky, P., 140, 454, 459
Kipling, R., 281
Kissinger, H., 296
Kivunjo, 14, 120–121, 232
Klima, E., 450
Kluender, R., 458, 462
Knight, A., PS16
Konner, M., 467, 468
Korean, 257, 259, 260, 287, 296
Korzybski, A., 46
Kosslyn, S. M., 449, 452, 462, PS4
Krauss, N., 262–264
Kuhl, P., 460
Kutas, M., 458, 462
Labov, W., 16–19
Ladegoged, P., 459
Lakoff, G., 458, 468
Language acquisition. See Children
Language death. See Extinction of Languages
Language delay, PS9, PS23
Language impairment, PS9, PS12. See also Specific Language Impairment
Larson, G., 270, 343
Larynx, 159–161, 165, 167, 269, 365, glossary
Lasnik, H., 449
Latin, 51, 97, 108–109, 112, 130, 251, 254, 262, 292, 386–387
Law, 194, 216–218, 223–224, 224–226, 229
Lawrence, E., 61
Lear, E., 80
Learning, 244, 287–293, 327, 342–343, 421–427, 431–436
Lederer, R., 75, 132–133, 176, 247, 388, 399–402, 457, PS21
Leibniz, G., 426
Lenat, D., 458
Lenneberg, E. H., 10, 50–51, 461
Letterman, D., 139
Lewontin, R., 359, 370, 459, 465, 466
Lexical acquisition. See Word learning
Lexicon, glossary. See also Dictionary, mental
Liberman, A. M., 10, 455, 461, 462
Liberman, M., PS21, PS22
Lieberman, P., 359, 365, 455, 461, 462
Limber, J., 460
Linguistic determinism, 44–73, PS13. See also Whorf
Linguistic relativity. See Linguistic determinism
Lipka, S., 39
Liu, L., 57
Locke, J., 460, 463
Loebner Prize, 191–193, 348, PS15
Lord’s Prayer, 183, 250
Lykken, D., 335–336
Macaulay, Lord, 376
MacDonald, M., 457
MacWhinney, B., 451, 460, 466
Makeba, M., 168
Malay, 234, 256
Malcolm, J., 224–225
Maori, 234, 257
Maratsos, M., 454, 458
Marcus, G., 454, 460, 465, PS19
Markman, E., 151–152, 443
Markov model, glossary. See also Finite-state devices
Marr, D., 425, 452
Marslen-Wilson, W., 457
Martin, L., 54–55
Masson, J., 225
Maxwell, J., 61
Mayberry, R., PS17
Maynard Smith, J., 370
Mayr, E., 370, 465
McCarthy, M., 110
McCawley, J., 413
McClelland, J., 454–463
McDcrmott, D., 70
McGuinness, D., PS14, PS22
McGurk effect, 154–155
McWhorter, J., PS11, PS21, PS22
Mead, M., 48, 421–422, 428
Medawar, P. B., 301, 376
Mehler, J., 269, 460
Memory, 75–76, 119, 132–133, 142–145, 187, 199–201, 205–206, 218–222
Mencken, H. L., 133, 388, 453
Mental representation, 65–73
Metaphor, 230
Miller, G., 10, 180, 453, 454, 455
Milner, B., PS4
Minimalist Program, PS 13
Minsky, M, 190
Modularity of mind, 33–43, 180–185, 213–216, 419, 435–436, 437–445
Monkeys, 60–61
Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 48
Morphology, 120–142, 187–189, 236–237, 246–248, glossary. See also Compounds; Derivation; Inflection
Motherese, 28–29, 30, 283–284, 295, PS11
Motor control, 178–179, 311–312, PS12
Mountain, J., PS16
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), 306, 313, 323, 324, 333, PS8, PS18–19
Muppets, 168
Murdock, G., 450
Nabokov, V., 296, 338
Nagy, W., 144
Native Americans. See American languages
Natural selection, 333–334, 341, 356–358, 365–381, 427, 435, 447, PS19–20
Neanderthals, 365
Neural development, 327–330, 333, PS19
Neural networks, 126, 324–328, 373–374, glossary
Neuroimaging. See MRI
Neurons, 325–328
Neville, H., 451
Nevins, A., PS15
New Guinea, 12–13, 257, 259
Newell, A., 452
Newmeyer, F., 464
Newport, E., 26–28, 296, 461
Nicaraguan Sign Language, 24–25, PS11
Nicol, J., 458
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 44–45, 73
Nixon, R., 221–224
Nostratic, 259–262, PS16
Nouns, glossary. See also Grammatical categories; Verbs
Nowak, M., PS20
Nunberg, G., 413, 466, PS21
Ojemann, G., 322
Onomatopoeia, 146
Orians, G., 468
Orwell, G., 44, 45, 47, 73, 134, 251,
Osherson, D., 449, 461
Ostler, N., PS23
Paley, W., 371
Parameters, 103–105, 239–241, PS15, glossary
Parker, D., 171
Parsing, 194–222, glossary
Parts of speech, glossary. See also Grammatical categories
Passive, 114–116, 220, 227–228, 406–410, glossary
Patterson, F. P., 344, 350
Penfield, W., 306–307, 322, PS4
PET (Positron Emission Tomography), 306, 315, 319–320, 322, 324
Peters, A., 461
Peterson, S., 463
Pesetsky, D., PS15
Pettito, L. A., 147, 346–350, 450
Philip, Prince, 21
Phonemes, 154–175, 179–180, 187, 246, glossary
Phonetic symbolism, 162–163, 165
Phonics, PS14
Phonology, 157–159, 168–176, 246, glossary
Phrase structure, 28–31, 89–95, 98–105, 289
Pidgins, 20–22, 24, 27
Pig Latin, 170–171
Pinker, S., 302, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 458, 462, 463, 464, 465, 468, PS22
Pirahã, PS10–11, PS15
Pisoni, D., 154
Plomin, R., 463
Poetry, 170–171
Poeppel, D., PS19
Poizner, H., 462
Polish, 165
Politeness, 230
Polynesian, 167
Portuguese, 165, 254
Posner, M., 449
Pragmatics, 69–72, 221–230, 349, 390, 414–416, PS8, PS14–15, glossary
Prasada, S., 454, 466, 468
Premack, D., 350, 378–379
Prescriptive grammar. See Grammar, prescriptive
Prince, A., 452, 454, 463, 466, 468
Prine, J., 183
Pronouns, 14–16, 163, 402–406, glossary
Prosody, 169–171, glossary. See also Intonation.
Proto-World, 261–262, PS16
Pullum, G., 54–55, 453, PS11, PS21, PS22
Putnam, H, 10, 19, 451
Quayle, D., 337–338, 412
Quebec, 242
Quine, W. V. O., 147–152, 177, 396, 433–436
Race, 260–261, 447–448
Radner, G., 182
Rakic, P., 483
Raymond, E., 453, 454
Reading, PS 14, PS22–23
Reagan, R., 46, 101, 116, 123
Recursion, 93, 122–124, 126, 201–206, 291–292, 377, 380, PS21, glossary
br /> Reddy, R., 184
Redundancy, 178
Remez, R., 154
Renfrew, C., 255
Representational theory of mind, 64–73
Rodrigues, C., PS15
Rogers, C., 193
Rolling Stones, 183, 388
Rosch, E., 454
Rozin, P., 425
Ruhlen, M., 260–262
Rumbaugh, D., 350
Rumelhart, D., 454, 463
Russell, B., 47
Safire, W., 385, 402–412, PS21
Safran, E., 462
Sagan, C., 344
Sahin, N., PS18
Salinger, J. D., 391
San. See Khoisan
Sapir, E., 14, 46, 48
Saussure, F. de, 75, 141, 145–147
Savage-Rumbaugh, S., 350, PS20
Savants, linguistic, 34, 39–43, 365
Scandinavian languages, 253
Schaller, S., 58–59
Schank, R., 457
Scholz, B., PS11
Schwartz, M., 462
Second language acquisition, PS9, PS16–17
Seidenberg, M, 210, 246
Selkirk, E., 454
Semantics, 93–95, 97–101, 105–107, 108, 110–111, 127–129, 130, 147–152, 197–200, 213–216, 282, 289–290, PS8, PS14
Semitic. See Afro-Asiatic
Semitic languages, PS16
Senghas, A., 25, 208, 216, PS5, PS11
Serbo-Croatian, 164
Seuss, Dr., 242, 338
Sex differences, PS23
Sexist language, 45, 111
Seyfarth, R., 60, 362
Shakespeare, W., 95, 143, 144, 146, 213, 246, 252, 338–339, 385, 454
Shaw, G. B., 4, 77, 95, 176, 185–187, 192, 213
Shepard, R., 62–63, 425
Shieber, S., 457
Sign languages, 24–28, 58, 120, 147–148, 188, 307, PS11, PS17
Simon, H., 452
Simon, J., 398, PS21
Sine-wave speech, 153
Skinner, B. F., 8, 345, 347, 433
Slang, 16, 382–390, 410–413, 415
Slavic languages, 254, 267
SLI. See Specific Language Impairment
Slobin, D., 462
Social sciences, 10, 421–432
Solan, L., 194, 216–218
Sowell, T., PS23
Spanish, 120, 245, 254, 267
Specific Language Impairment (SLI), 37–39, 312, 330–333, 375, PS12, PS20
Speech perception, 153–159, 165, 178–185, 266–268, PS14
Speech production, 159–166, 175–178, 179, 246–247, 268–269, 271–273
Speech recognition. See Speech perception
Spelke, E., 441, 452, 455, 468
Spelling, 185–189, PS14
Sperber, D., 228–230, 425, 429
Spina bifida, 39–12
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